Is it wrong to support the BNP?
2012-02-13 08:25:34 UTC
I know the BNP is known to be a racist party but I want to know is it really?
I agree that the BNP where racist before they finally accepted the black and asians can be British.
As Nick Griffin said at the biased question time "We don't have a problem if you are black or Asian, if you are helping this country grow and respect the natives culture you can stay"! or something along the lines of that.
He also said at a meeting "It's not about the colour of your skin or the back ground you come from it's about if you are loyal to this country and if you are then great if you're not and if your just here to take our benefits then go back to your own country"!

I really don't see how that is racist!
I see it as a small party trying to stand up for it's own people!
I personally have nothing against black asians are muslims. I do have a problem against Islam by 2050, if immigration continues like it is Muslims will be the majority making it an Islamic nation, good bye gay rights, good bye women's rights, good bye Christain, athesit, agnostic, deist, Buddhist, Hindu, jewish rights etc.
I don't hate immigrants but I do hate it when they think they can use us and hate against us.
People think the BNP are Nazis and that they use propaganda but have the anti-BNP people even considered that they have been feed propoganda? No! They belive what ever there corrupt government says and what even their phone hacking rumour speeding newspapers and media says.

what do you think?

P.S sorry about the spelling mistakes, the spell check didn't work.
Twenty answers:
2012-02-14 10:34:23 UTC
Yes, the government/three major parties are not willing to stand up for the rights of the indigenous British. The BNP are willing, and trying.

For decades now we British have been told that we are mongrels, the descendants of invaders such as the Saxons, Romans, Vikings, Normans, and others, most of us are familiar with the idea that the English are descended from Anglo-Saxons, who invaded eastern England after the Romans left, while most of the people in the rest of the British Isles derive from indigenous Celtic ancestors with a sprinkling of Viking blood around the fringes. However there is both new and old evidence that has been challenging these unenlightened views, still favoured by the leftist media.

Some people go as far to say that the original inhabitants of these Isles were wiped out by the Celtic people, however this is part of a long term misunderstanding that the Celts arrived as invaders, when in fact there is no evidence that this was the case in terms of conflict, genealogy or otherwise; In fact the only influence of the Celts was the culture (Hallstatt, La Tene), most likely brought over for agricultural reasons. Caesar noted that some Gauls south of the Seinne called themselves Celts, and today in areas like Normandy there are more frequent Celtic place names than anywhere else, so it is easy to see how easily the culture could have spread to the British Isles. ''The genetic evidence shows that three quarters of our ancestors came to this corner of Europe as hunter-gatherers, between 15,000 and 7,500 years ago, after the melting of the ice caps but before the land broke away from the mainland and divided into islands. Our subsequent separation from Europe has preserved a genetic time capsule of south-western Europe during the ice age, which we share most closely with the former ice-age refuge in the Basque country. The first settlers were unlikely to have spoken a Celtic language but possibly a tongue related to the unique Basque language.... There were many later invasions, as well as less violent immigrations, and each left a genetic signal, but no individual event contributed much more than 5 per cent to our modern genetic mix.''…

The myth that Anglo-Saxons ethnically cleansed England still persists today, and is far from reality, fuelled by tales by Dark Age clerical historians such as Gildas, who sprinkles his tale with “rivers of blood” descriptions of Saxon massacres. Anglo-Saxons were usually hired as mercenaries by British warlords seeking protection, however as they realised they were stronger than their employers, they soon turned on them; figures that the Anglo-Saxon invasions began in the fourth century A.D. added about 250,000 people to the British population of one to two million (an estimate that is considerably larger than others), but is considerably less than the substantial replacement of the English population assumed by those who would support the myth. The Norman invasion of 1066 brought not many more than 10,000 people, who as any historian should be able to tell you replaced our rulers and nobility, not our general population.…

In The Tribes of Britain, archaeologist David Miles says around 80 percent of the genetic characteristics of most white Britons have been passed down from a few thousand Ice Age hunters. "There's been a lot of arguing over the last ten years, but it's now more or less agreed that about 80 percent of Britons' genes come from hunter-gatherers who came in immediately after the Ice Age," Miles said.…

So what does the future hold for the indigenous British? Considering that the alarming immigration rate is not slowing we may very well see our genetic makeup fundamentally changed by the tide of non-Europeans entering our lands. Our government cannot be trusted to hold the British people above others, they themselves not recognising the British people as indigenous. Dark times are ahead of Britain, and her people, unless the patriots of this land unite behind one banner it is set to continue.
Kit Fang
2012-02-13 18:39:45 UTC
There is nothing wrong with supporting any political party - there is a democracy and you have every right to support who you want. As to supporting the BNP in particular, well it is a little misguided as your ill-informed post shows.

Muslims will not be the majority by 2050 if immigration continues as it. The majority of immigrants to this country are from Christian countries in Europe, and the fastest growing religious group are non-believers. It would take a drastic re-writing of immigration rules and some pretty impossible demographic changes for Islam to be the majority religion by 2050. If you acknowledge that atheism is the fastest growing, then how can you also argue that this will become a Muslim state? Obviously, it is far more likely to become a secular state. Also, what Mr. Griffin says and what the BNP's policies say are quite different. If he appreciates that immigrants can contribute a lot, why ban all immigration? If he accepts that immigrants can be British, why offer money for them to leave?
2012-02-13 17:47:11 UTC
No there is nothing wrong with people supporting the BNP if that party represents their views. That is true of any political party and as we live in a fairly democratic country there is nothing to stop you holding your views so long as you do not breach the laws.

One key concern about the BNP is that their appeal is primarily to those who are ignorant and fearful or who have come to believe wholeheartedly in the headlines of the Daily Mail and Daily Express as well as those other papers who print simplified views of complex issues and thus misrepresent the real facts.

For example I note your comment that by 2050 Muslims will be the majority population. Of course I assume you actually did some research into that statement by looking at how many muslims there are in the UK (1.6million in 2001/2.7% of population) and extrapolating that to show that on current immigration trends the UK will absorb around another 34 million muslims taking the population of the UK up towards 90 million. Interesting really as all the figures I have seen as suggested that even on current trends the UK population will not rise much about 70-75 million by then.

Of course the BNP's target voting group are those who are uneducated and incapable of undertaking critical analysis of their policies or those who fail to question headlines in the media (designed to get you to buy their papers). Of course you may be different and I look forward to hearing how you calculated that by 2050 muslims will be majority population including your assumptions that will drive the required massive increase in UK population.

@Jake - so what you are saying is that by 2050 the majority of the population are likely to be atheist and therefore will prevent the implementation of any law that provides rights or protects the religious.

Even if muslims have two children to every one that a white couple (and you are assuming that the white people are not converts to muslims which is also a reason why the religion is the fastest growing) then one has to assume that they will only double or at worst triple in number between 2001 and 2050 (max of three generations). That gives us a total muslim population of circa 5 million by 2050 which is equivalent to, at most, 9% of the UK population.

I don't think your stated numbers are sustainable in terms of the UK. However, you are probably correct that by 2050 Islam will be the dominant global religion, but you never know atheism may also be dominant position by then or even Jedi (since that will probably show a reasonable level of growth when the census figures are released.
2012-02-14 09:07:05 UTC
I wish more people had your point of view and stop listening to lies from the BBC

@Tom - You can be "against racism", clearly it gives your ego a boost, but we dont hate other races, we support our own as do the majority of other ethnicities, is there something so wrong about that?, there will come a point where you better make a choice young man

@kit fang - yeah why dont we just carry on with immigration, its not like there's too many people here already is there? and if you look at what the BNP are saying about voluntary repatriation you will find that labour had this policy in place in the 70's because they didnt support the settlement of immigrants after WW2, but the MSM wont tell you that
2012-02-13 16:45:46 UTC
Its not "wrong" to support any political party, but the thing with the BNP is possibly their history. I think the main issue here is that people are blinkered into thinking that the BNP are a racist party, when in fact all they want is for everyone to integrate and be British. By that I mean that if you come into this country you should contribute to society by finding a job and paying your fair share of tax etc, and not just come over here for free National Health, housing, school meals for your fifty kids and generally sponge off the state. Lets face it, if I went to a foreign country I would be expected to abide by their rules and find myself somewhere to live and either get a job or prove to the local authorities that I have sufficient money to live on and support myself and family, whereas over here everything is given out hand over fist to all and sundry.

Oh, and by the way, deport that Abu Chatada geeza back to Jordan. He won't be able to spout his bile back in his own country --- they'll probably execute him, which is nothing less than he deserves, along with his mates Anjam Chaudry and that other geeza Abu Hamza.
2012-02-13 18:44:17 UTC
The BnP is a legal and just political party no differant to that or labour ?, it just has some extreme view's, mostly unpopular but thats does not mean to say you are wrong to agree/support the Party and their agenda, as long as the party is legal and just, as anyother.

You are entitled to your own opinion and value's as the next party supporter.

To be honest in my opinion i think labour have got it all wrong, they put the British people of this country LAST, they were undermined, abused, ignored, and spat on, the '' White working man '' had no place in the UK during labour's 13 years in power.


if anyone is going to speak of race ? what have the BnP done thats soooooooo racist ?
2012-02-14 04:09:56 UTC
I used to be in the National Front in the 70s and 80s and let me tell you right now, we need MORE people like you who are waking up and seeing reality and still have pride in your country, identity and most importantly - your race. I'm a member of the BNP, I still go to local NF meetings and marches always attend memorials, I keep active with the BNP and have voted for them over the last couple of decades, do not listen to the panzies who listen to the media circulated propaganda about them.

Do you see Catholic churches being built in Saudi Arabia?

Do you see huge immigration of Africans into China for example?

Do you see genocide to the White race? Yes! All these sluts and fu*king idiots who have no pride in their race and promote genocide by mix racing, it is a BIG problem and it needs to STOP.
2012-02-13 18:28:24 UTC
I agree completely with you. I considered voting for them but didnt as they seemed to have alot of issues from the past, which I didnt know if once they got into government, they would bring back these ideas.

I went on to research UKIP and voted for them they have very similar views but without all the past history.

You votes for whos ideas and policies you like the best. Until the voters of the UK sees there are more than 3 parties to vote for then I dont see any of the other parties have a chance. But I dont have any trust hope or belief in the 3 main parties so I will never vote for them!
2012-02-13 16:32:11 UTC
Yes the BNP is racist but so is the Govt in support for Muslims and Gypsys.

The police now even turn out to HELP Gypsys break the law.The threat of people voting for the BNP

serves as a reminder that they cannot keep pissing all over mainstream opinion so you vote BNP

if there is a purpose to it
2012-02-14 01:20:36 UTC
I am a Hindu and support the BNP, even if it is racist.

Because it is the only voice against islamic takeover
2012-02-13 20:55:06 UTC
On the contrary to so many answers - hatred is a powerful political force. You see, if someone hates something with such passion, you can never corrupt them with money to support it. I WANT a politician who actually HATES the European Union, Islamification of Europe and asylum seekers. The more they hate them, the harder they'll try to solve the problem.
2012-02-13 16:45:13 UTC
No it is not wrong. Assuming you know what they stand for. I vote more so for UKIP / am starting to next chance I get. As they aren't so much full of hatred and they still want independence from the EU. I have read their mandate and agree with 90% of what they say.

The only reason I don't vote for BNP is they seem to much hate motivated and they are unorganised in my eye. I prefer UKIP as they stand for similar things.

But vote for who you wish.
2012-02-13 16:32:27 UTC
I joined after those summer riots.I felt I had no-where to turn and I liked what nick griffin was saying on Twitter. I am enclosing you a link.You will find your-self nodding in agreement.They don't just stand for race things. They campaign for higher winter fuel allowance for elderly people. Have a look.Edit. If the member under me would bring himself to look at the "policies"in my link he would see its very different to what he has been told.
2012-02-13 16:33:02 UTC
They accept that black or Asians can be British,that's awfully good of them, some of the people that the BNP would like " to go back to their own country" are alraedy in fact in their own country.I only wish Nick Griffin would crawl back under the rock he emerged from
2012-02-13 23:17:59 UTC
you can't help what back ground you come from and what race or religion you are, and the BNP are literally saying 'so-and-so are not worthy to be part of the community because of their colour' so i conclude that it is RACISM
2012-02-13 17:51:35 UTC
Whether something is right or wrong depends very much upon your viewpoint.

Me? I find the party utterly repulsive. Are they racist? Well, yes. They're a party that advocates treating people differently according to their race - ergo, they're racist.

Is it wrong to be racist? I think so & that's one reason why I don't vote BNP.
2012-02-13 16:51:51 UTC
No ,the muslims are out to take over Britain and make us suffer,listen to them,they are so confident they don't deny it.
2012-02-14 03:25:36 UTC
It's not wrong.

If you are an absolute racist then it makes perfect sense to support the BNP!
2012-02-13 18:10:14 UTC
I wanted to contribute to your question but having read JIMMYS answer all I can say is that JIMMY has said what I would have said.
2012-02-13 16:32:23 UTC
No its not wrong :) everyone is entitled to their own opinions! I for one support them.

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