Okay Bush supporters tell me what Bush has done right?
2006-09-12 08:08:15 UTC
We are fighting wars we cannot afford and borrow so much money from China that they could destroy the United States just by selling off their US holdings. The Economy is doing great if your apart of the ruling class but the rest of us peasants suffer. Establishing democracy in the middle east has only bred terrorists and supporters of terrorism to power. We are in a new nuclear arms race. The United States has no political capital to spend to fight those we should have fought from the beginning and Mr. Homland Security has yet to shut down the border to Mexico. Spain fired their president and got out of Iraq and have not been attacked since March 11th 2004. England has not and they have become a hub for terrorists. France, Germany, the Netherlands still terror free. I have heard you defend his moral character (despite he cheated to get into office) but his policies have failed and the world is going to hell in a hand basket. So what exactly makes him so great.
29 answers:
2006-09-12 08:55:57 UTC
The American families with less than 100k income are have nots despite if they are able to recognize it & the ones making above 100k annually can start to live! He has been good for the very few & bad for the majority. Why are the majority not willing to act against the entire ruling class? It is a class warfare worldwide not muslim terrorist fleecing your financial security!
2006-09-12 08:19:21 UTC
We are fighting wars we cannot afford and borrow so much money from China that they could destroy the United States just by selling off their US holdings.:

--- The US is the largest importer of goods from China. It is not likely they will call in the markers.

The Economy is doing great if your apart of the ruling class but the rest of us peasants suffer.

--- Improve your own situation. If you are witing for the government to hook you up, you'll see Paris Hilton win an Oscar first.

Establishing democracy in the middle east has only bred terrorists and supporters of terrorism to power.

--- They would have become terrorists anyway.

We are in a new nuclear arms race.

--- With who?

The United States has no political capital to spend to fight those we should have fought from the beginning and Mr. Homland Security has yet to shut down the border to Mexico.

--- Got that right.

Spain fired their president and got out of Iraq and have not been attacked since March 11th 2004. England has not and they have become a hub for terrorists.

--- Spain showed that they can be cowed by terrorists. Their problems have just started.

France, Germany, the Netherlands still terror free.

--- The Netherlands, if I remeber correctly, because it happened some time ago, had a film director executed in broad day light because he made a film that put islam in a bad light. Germany has repressive policies toward the middle eastern immigrants. Are you suggesting we tfollow their example? France has alway capitulated to any threat. No surprise their.

I have heard you defend his moral character (despite he cheated to get into office) but his policies have failed and the world is going to hell in a hand basket. So what exactly makes him so great.

--- You ranting about him having cheated to get in office is as good of an argument as "Clinton got a bj in office." It misses the piont of his other failures; Both Bush's and Clinton's.

What makes him great, he pisses people like you off, and the world moves on while people like you go off on rambling diatribes.

Clinton in '08
2006-09-12 08:20:39 UTC
Thats some question. First of all, Spain didnt fire their PM, he wasnt running for reelection. Secondly, terrorist plots have been broken up in The Netherlands Denmark and in Germany, and France has had rioting from Muslims. You seem to believe that somehow Western governments will be spared if they appease Extremists. That is not the case. Extremists hate all non-believers (thats you and me), and most recently, al Qaeda has called for the return of spain to Islam rule. (Seems electing the new government hasnt given the spanish a reprieve after all).

I question the overall effectiveness of any government in truly making a difference. The best role of government is to enable their citizens to achieve. The US government has done a fairly good job of that for 25 years. (Another inaccuracy is that China controls US currency. China ownership of US debt ranks below that of England, Germany, Canada, and Japan. The US GDP is 300 times larger than that of China, meaning that the US produces more goods and services in one day, than china does in a year. Furthermore, the US controls over 26% of the worlds wealth. That is assets minus debits, of which the currency debt is included. This is actually higher today than it has been anytime in world history).

To answer your question, Bush has done a reasonably good job, with a great help from the Federal Reserve, of growing the US economy over the past 6 years, a growth rate higher than any other world industrialized country. He has, in hindsight, done a good job of protecting US citizens since 9/11. He has picked two excellent Supreme Court justices. all in all, I'd give him a B minus.
2006-09-12 08:18:04 UTC
France Germany and Netherlands Still terror free??/ Get your facts rights.

Saw the riots in France?, Saw the Van gogh Guy killed in broad daylight for making a movie in Netherlands?, and didn't the guys come from Germany before they attacked on Sept 11?.

bush Or clinton they would still attack us, they will keep trying regardless of our party affiliations.

They don't care about democrats or republicans.they have been after free world since forever.

Why did India get attacked, from 50 years India is fighting terrorism? why?aren't Indians a peaceful lot?.

we'll be in a denial if we ignore the perils.

Shaggy here says India is not a democracy, if India is not which is? Pakistan?,North korea?Syria?Russia?venezuela?cuba?China?
2006-09-12 08:15:58 UTC
the bad this is, all those people who voted to put him in office, got their thumb up their a$$ses cause now their children are over there fighting and dying, and for what? I did not vote for bush. I voted for the other guy. I knew he was bad news from jump. And now more than half this nation is full of regret. now..the question is being pushed around saying he could remain in office until some of this mess is cleared up. What the hell. great job bush supporters, great job.
2006-09-12 08:34:06 UTC
I'm not a supporter of his, and didn't vote for him.

Rumsfeld's Iraq policy is a dismal failure, and...since Bush is President...he has to take the lion's share of the blame for that. He's also been a complete failure when it comes to border security and illegal immigration. He doesn't seem real comfortable in front of the cameras, and that makes him appear rather bumbling and incompetent. He can give a good speech when he's memorized it and is just delivering it...but whenever he's asked a question, and goes "off the cuff", he always looks about like I did in junior high when I was trying to give a book report on a book I hadn't read.

The two things he has done that I think have been positive are:

1. He cut taxes, which were too high. (Clinton...despite promises to cut taxes on the middle class...initiated the largest peace time tax increase in history.) Bush cut taxes across the board...exactly like JFK had done, with the only difference being that the Democrats didn't throw the "tax cut for the rich" line out when their guy did it. He's also supported the elimination of the death tax, which I think is morally and ethically wrong. (Most people who are affected by this did NOT inherit their wealth. They worked their asses off....took some chances, often with potentially devastating consequences if they failed. I think it is wrong for the government to just come in and say, "Well...we can use the money, and you're instead of letting you pass it on to your family...we're going to just TAKE it!" I think one of the main reasons that the economy has recovered from 9/11 so quickly has been Bush's tax policies.

2. He has appointed two justices to the supreme court who have promised to interpret our nation's laws based on what the laws clearly STATE....not on what an "enlightened" few (whether liberal or conservative) would LIKE for the laws to say, or think that the law SHOULD be.

Hopefully we won't have anymore situations in which right wing judges can rule that....Yes, the law TECHNICALLY says that the state can't confiscate property without due process...but we're talking about drug dealers here (though they haven't been convicted of anything yet)...and we just KNOW they've been up to something. So go ahead and confiscate everything the've got.

And hopefully we won't have anymore left wing judges ruling that....yes, TECHICALLY the law prohibits discrimination based on race, gender, ethnicity, etc....but if we do that "the numbers won't work" (wink-wink, nudge-nudge) we're going to allow you to take race into account, because...well, let's face it...they're just BLACK folks, and can't really compete with Whites.

Would be nice to eliminate judges overruling the legislative process, whether for right wing or left wing causes.

Also, Bush is not a lying perjurer, but just because Clinton was dishonest doesn't make Bush a good President, so I don't give Bush any special points for that. Most Presidents...Republican or Democrat...have not been as crooked as Nixon or Clinton.
Princess of the Realm
2006-09-12 08:56:01 UTC
I am a peasant and I am doing fine. My husband and I both work hard to support our kids and make our bills, neither of us have a college education but do have some college under our belts. During the previous administration taxes were so high we could not afford to buy a house. Finally, when tax releif came under President Bush, we bought our first home in 2002, after being married for 8 years. We don't have a lot, but we don't need a lot, and we are doing much better than our parents ever did.

Terrorism has always been there, but it gets more volitile every day. Suicide bombings have been a part of their agenda since the 70's and these groups have been allowed to grow and establish themselves under previous administrations, not just since President Bush has been in office.

The US has no political capital to spend because the previous administration all but depleted our military by cutting it and closing bases. A country's military is needed just like your local police are needed. A country cannot be left ungaurded.

Spain gave into the bullying terrorists and now they are left alone by the terrorists. So, you are suggesting that the US gives into the terrorist demands, whatever they may be and they will leave us alone too? Don't think for a minute that that is the case. They hate the US and all that we stand for, true freedom. Even though you may want the US out of Afganastan, Iraq, etc. you are still hated by them and they would not hesitate to kill you given the chance, all because of your nationality. That is racism at it's darkest and truest form.

France, Germany and the Netherlands are the side line allies who are always there when they need us. The national media has been spewing it's one-sided bile about most of the world not liking the US anymore. These other countries were allies with the US during the cold war, but now that the cold war is over, what do they need us for anymore. So, instead of remaining friends, they forget the way that the US has stepped in and rescued their butts from their enemies, not once, but several times. They start to pull away and point fingers because the other side (the terrorists) are looking too scary. However, once they are invaded by one of these countries, who are they going to look to to help them out? It will happen. Hisotry always repeats itself when no one bothers to remember it.

President Bush, unlike his predecessor, governs according to his heart and mind, instead of according to the poll of the day. Instead of being a "Good Time Charlie", he has kept his head and has govened the way a president should, instead of someone who cares more for himself and his "conquests". He has good moral character, he has flaws and makes mistakes and owns up to them instead of embarrassing himself and our country by trying to outwit everyone with things like, "it depends on what the meaning of 'is', is."

How, praytell, did he steal the election? Quit trying to relive the miserable defeat of Gore in 2000. President Bush won fair and square. The counties in Florida that had the problems were Democratic held counties with Democratic Supervisors of Election. President Bush won, even without the Supreme Court's help. IF the Supreme Court had ordered a recount, according to several indpendant studies (University of Chicago being one), Bush would have won anyway by over 1000 votes, instead of the over 500 he had already won by. Even by using the "dimpled chads" that Gore insisted by counted towards him. Our Constitution states one person, one vote. Not, one person, one vote, but messes up at the polls so they get to do it over and over until his/her candidate is voted in.
2006-09-12 08:20:27 UTC
Lets start with winning a fair election. Now we can move on to tax breaks. Maybe add a little pinch of "no money for embryonic stem cell morons. We can then step up to He has the balls to do what is right in Iraq. Stopping a raise in minim wage to keep the inflation down was a good one. I will admit he has made mistakes but most of them were small and do not affect you or anyone else.
2006-09-12 08:17:23 UTC
He is an American, and a prophet sent from the good lord on high to eradicate terrorists from the world, and promote democracy on the international stage. Besides Saddam Hussien tried to kill his daddy and thousands of people most die for this disgusting offense. USA USA USA USA USA

The f**k if I know, I was to young to vote than and will do all I can to make sure a low-life elitist like him never becomes president again.
2006-09-12 08:18:16 UTC
You know what..the only thing he has done right so far is to say ignorant phrases on national tv. He's a genius at being the dumbest president ever.
Stand 4 somthing Please!
2006-09-12 08:21:17 UTC
so you feel better getting all these people you will never meet to agree with you? Get yourself prepared cuz I can see it now. Soon you will be asked to do something to help fight this war. No I'm not talking about the president asking. I heard Hillary last night say they need to go to the american people to get more support for the war. Ask them to help out. Good luck with that, I did my time.
Leo R
2006-09-12 08:17:39 UTC

Since you asked, I will make a list of everything Bush has done right since entering office.

1. ....

2. ....

3. ....

4. ....

5. ....

6. ....

In closing, that sums up everything Bush has done right.

Just my two cents,

2006-09-12 08:14:59 UTC
According to Bush aids. He hasn't beat his wife. He hasn't done any cocaine snortin' (sure). He hasn't personally choked anyone. He's done everything his daddy's business associates have told him to do.

For a president, he's a good puppet.

I say don't impeach him..... prosecute the little weasel. His lies have killed more Americans than Osama.
2006-09-12 08:13:31 UTC
not to mention the nuclear pact he signed with India, which only an idiot would believe is a democracy

i don't know what else to say, you pretty much covered it all
2006-09-12 08:09:25 UTC
well son..

-he's been gettin better at pernouncing words 2 syllables ore less.

-he's perty dern good at forging WMD reports

-an absolute pro at lyin to congress

-good at dupin americans to go to war with any country for whatever reason, or no reason at all.

-eavesdroppin on american citizens, torture camps, you name it.

-propaganda.. if you ain't with us.. yer a islamic fascist

-has proven that an ignorant and illiterate president can still serve 2 terms.
2006-09-12 08:12:17 UTC
because he has all the money and backers he wants he can and will do whatever he likes.its a bit like chain of command.if you have the power you rule its life get over it.
2006-09-12 08:12:45 UTC
He hasn't done anything right since the very moment he was born
2006-09-12 08:16:41 UTC
We have had NO attacks on American soil for 5 years. The economy is doing great. Everyone wants to come here to work, no one is leaving because our economy is as bad as you say. I don't care about "political capital", I care about us not having planes fly into our buildings. Spain is a punk country. You're like the guy that keeps feeding an alligator, hoping it will eat you last. What makes President Bush so great is he is not a stupid punk like you.
2006-09-12 08:12:49 UTC
I like the way he talks, I think he's a true Shakespearean, right on!
2006-09-12 08:11:17 UTC
I'm not a supporter of bush, I didn't vote for bush and he has done NOTHING right....had to put my 2 cents in lol....
Cara Arlene
2006-09-12 08:15:49 UTC
At least he didn't pay Al Quiada, like Clinton did.nothing like condoning terrorists actions....
aBranch@60-WA ,<><
2006-09-12 08:11:39 UTC
2006-09-12 08:11:41 UTC
Nothing at all...but this link explains it all...

2006-09-12 08:21:42 UTC
2006-09-12 08:12:01 UTC
Well I din¸t know that Bush had any supporters left :))) ...
2006-09-12 08:13:36 UTC
You said it, buddy!
2006-09-12 08:11:10 UTC
HaHaHaHa!Let the neo-cons figure that one out-You go,Boy!!!!
Hugh Jass
2006-09-12 08:10:55 UTC
get a life
2006-09-12 08:09:44 UTC
He can't run for office again!!

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