I am a peasant and I am doing fine. My husband and I both work hard to support our kids and make our bills, neither of us have a college education but do have some college under our belts. During the previous administration taxes were so high we could not afford to buy a house. Finally, when tax releif came under President Bush, we bought our first home in 2002, after being married for 8 years. We don't have a lot, but we don't need a lot, and we are doing much better than our parents ever did.
Terrorism has always been there, but it gets more volitile every day. Suicide bombings have been a part of their agenda since the 70's and these groups have been allowed to grow and establish themselves under previous administrations, not just since President Bush has been in office.
The US has no political capital to spend because the previous administration all but depleted our military by cutting it and closing bases. A country's military is needed just like your local police are needed. A country cannot be left ungaurded.
Spain gave into the bullying terrorists and now they are left alone by the terrorists. So, you are suggesting that the US gives into the terrorist demands, whatever they may be and they will leave us alone too? Don't think for a minute that that is the case. They hate the US and all that we stand for, true freedom. Even though you may want the US out of Afganastan, Iraq, etc. you are still hated by them and they would not hesitate to kill you given the chance, all because of your nationality. That is racism at it's darkest and truest form.
France, Germany and the Netherlands are the side line allies who are always there when they need us. The national media has been spewing it's one-sided bile about most of the world not liking the US anymore. These other countries were allies with the US during the cold war, but now that the cold war is over, what do they need us for anymore. So, instead of remaining friends, they forget the way that the US has stepped in and rescued their butts from their enemies, not once, but several times. They start to pull away and point fingers because the other side (the terrorists) are looking too scary. However, once they are invaded by one of these countries, who are they going to look to to help them out? It will happen. Hisotry always repeats itself when no one bothers to remember it.
President Bush, unlike his predecessor, governs according to his heart and mind, instead of according to the poll of the day. Instead of being a "Good Time Charlie", he has kept his head and has govened the way a president should, instead of someone who cares more for himself and his "conquests". He has good moral character, he has flaws and makes mistakes and owns up to them instead of embarrassing himself and our country by trying to outwit everyone with things like, "it depends on what the meaning of 'is', is."
How, praytell, did he steal the election? Quit trying to relive the miserable defeat of Gore in 2000. President Bush won fair and square. The counties in Florida that had the problems were Democratic held counties with Democratic Supervisors of Election. President Bush won, even without the Supreme Court's help. IF the Supreme Court had ordered a recount, according to several indpendant studies (University of Chicago being one), Bush would have won anyway by over 1000 votes, instead of the over 500 he had already won by. Even by using the "dimpled chads" that Gore insisted by counted towards him. Our Constitution states one person, one vote. Not, one person, one vote, but messes up at the polls so they get to do it over and over until his/her candidate is voted in.