Why are americans hated so much all over the world?
2005-12-12 20:52:02 UTC
I know the answer,but would like to hear some views.
Five answers:
2005-12-12 21:01:19 UTC
America was a shining beacon to the world of freedom and democracy. Then we threw it all away for the illusion of security.

R.I.P American Values

1776 - 2001
2005-12-13 05:08:33 UTC
Americans were pretty much loved in the west after 1945 and feared everywhere else. I agree its your government and their policies but then they are just maintaining the american way so maybe thats the problem. BTW everyone hated the ~British when they had an empire so its probably just an empire thing. You know...Safe to hate but wouldn't want to be without the benefits. eg. I am sitting here using my american designed computer to post messages on the Internet that was implemented by america. Bit like that Monty Python sketch in Life of Brian- John Cleese asks "What have the romans/americans every done for us?"

I think America was better when it was a British colony and should revert to that status asap so that everyone would love you all again. Whatdya think?
2005-12-13 04:53:21 UTC
I am an Indian. I dont hate Americans.
2005-12-13 04:59:52 UTC
We personaly are not hated Our governments Policies are hated, and you should hate them too.. Read any Book by Prof Noam Chomsky.. and think
2005-12-13 04:53:21 UTC
becaues americans are sooo powerful(and have people from almost every culture)

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