keep digging girl, the light is beginning to shine.
fast version....Illuminati stand at the top of the pyramid. skull and bones, freemasons, red cross, shriners, bohemian grove and many many many other "cults" all over the globe are under them. they control all the big banks, corporations, trade, arms dealers, etc.
george washington, thomas jefferson, martin luther king jr, abraham lincoln, JFK all warned us of these groups, these men and what would happen if they took power. today you see what happens when they take power and it has yet to get are seeing but 5% of the hell that is about to get unleashed on this world by them.
I could sit here for hours on end filling you in on it all but know the king pins are like Rockefeller, Bilderburg group, etc. Its all money, control, wanting the world like the old days.....king and rich up top as a few, all the rest as slave labor, and that is where they are heading us all.
best advice (not sure of your age) get out of debt, have no debt, for they will put you in a concentration camp soon when you cannot make a payment or are but a day late, and it will get worse from there.
many are fighting back, speaking out, some are moving out of usa and this entire continent cause even canada isn't safe. for they are also doing the north american union which is the merger of canada, usa and mexico, removing the constitution and bill of rights and making it one big police state. some 600 concentration camps are already built, some have massive gas bottles and furnaces as well. sure reminds you of flash backs of nazi's and wwII.
some are waking up, some are blind, some refuse to believe it cause they don't want their life to change. but what they don't realize is, if they don't change their life now, its gonna get changed for them and they won't like that change I can guarantee it.
past picketing, marches, making web sites, videos on youtube, spreading the word, blogs, chatrooms, friends, emails, snail mail, etc. is to remove the items that give them power. money, debit, gas, major commerce.
get back to old ways, old days. Its gonna be hard but its either do that or die. some are already starting, even people in washington state have started to make their own money to break away from the "system", the NWO (new world order). cause our money is worthless now, its not backed by anything and they just print it to print it yet charge you interest if you want any yet they have nothing to back it up, its 100% illegal. federal reserve isn't federal, its a private company with no guards, can do whatever it wants. its a total mess from head to toe.
we have 2 choices......
1. stand, fight, and take back this country like our forefathers originally did when they left england. they left cause of a KING....we are in that situation again, under a KING.
2. stand around, ignore it all, worry about who is hip, what is cool, how is on tv and die very soon a very painful death as a race, as a country and many will actually die a horible death by gas, over work in slave camps or by beheading. a congressmen has been pushing to bring back the giotenne.
everything on tv is fake, democrats, republicans, all you see, congress, senate, elections, etc, all fake, just there for show to keep up in the dark. bush is but a puppet to the real masters of the show. clinton was a puppet, reagan was a puppet, ford was a puppet, carter was a puppet. it goes back to JFK. he was the last TRUE american president by the people. he was the threat in exposing this group that is in power today, that is why that group took him out by bullet.
and if you follow the bible, I can show you how all this links into it as well. for the illuminati are the bloodline of the ancient pharo's of egypt. and they are the kids from the Nephilim, the fallen ones, the 1/3 angels that were cast down from heaven with Lucifer. 9/11 was the key to the abyss to release the demon. the locus in revelation are those (and now you) who are tearing down this wall of fakeness, this matrx that has been put before us for a life of lies. read revelation and realize 2 steps w/ the locus, we are on step one, the tearing down is gonna get worse, world governments soon are gonna step up to help town down this wall of fakeness. but that is gonna make the "beast" angry and cause more things to happen.