Should new countries join the EU? If so, which ones and why?
Tomorrow's Europe
2007-09-07 03:05:19 UTC
The Maastricht Treaty, which came into force in 1993, says that any European state which respects the principles of liberty, democracy, human rights and fundamental freedoms and the rule of law may apply to join the Union.

The European Union has gone from six members in the 1950s to 27 in 2007. Today, Croatia, Turkey and Macedonia are candidates. There is talk of some day including the Western Balkans, Ukraine, Georgia. Which of these, if any, should be next to join and why?

For more information read the Answers blog:
75 answers:
2007-09-10 06:50:36 UTC
Sunny Day
2007-09-10 13:37:39 UTC
I think countries need time to absorb the workers that come from other countries. The original plan was that people could move around for work purposes to send money home,

I don't think it was intended for so many to actually settle in another country. I think there should be a limited time in each EU country of say 3 years (unless they were in a key job) and then move on either home or to another EU country not become a permanents resident unless married. (which can result in a lot of marriage of convenience)

Polish workers have arrived and work very hard in the UK but it has created a shortage of workers in Poland where their skilled workers can earn more here as a labourer than as a professional at home. It will take at least 10 years for the economy to level out so Poland is now advertising for workers in India and China for builders.

I would not like to see Turkey join at the moment until they sort out their own internal problems between Muslims and Kurds, and they are not in Europe.

I believe London now has less than 20% British people living there, is there any other Nation that can boast about their capital not having an indigenous population, We have such a large selection of different foods and cultures to learn about.
2007-09-09 16:42:04 UTC
The European Union is already an anachronism, it's raison d etre was liberty, democracy and the rule of Law.

Now its entire purpose is to compete with other trading blocks.

The people, should be at the heart of all Government, but inevitable political machinations, have led to the EU designing ways to circumvent the will of the people.

When any organisation that purports to represent an electorate, refuses to seek the will of its charges, then that organisation is following its own agenda and by definition has become despotic.

And the real test of a despotic regime is just how difficult would it be to get rid of it.

Referenda, transparency and accountability are the cure for the mistrust that the EU engenders, and in the simplest terms "if there's nothing to hide"?
2007-09-07 12:09:27 UTC
If candidate countries meet all the criteria,i.e. Human rights, democracy, viable economics and all the other EU standards, then why not.

At worst it'd be cheaper than doing an Iraq and at least the majority would have an economic stranglehold over the aberrant members.

If Turkey had been fit to join the EU 10 years ago, then maybe the war in Iraq may never have happened.

In the "Cold war" era everyone was spouting about the domino effect. So, if we let the Turks in and they behave themselves, then maybe the neighbouring lands will catch on too.

Religion, Race etc. are so much crapola. (I have travelled for 30 years and I can tell you, The whole world's full of foreigners!!!!!)

Just because it began in Europe doesn't mean to say it ends at the Bosporus.

Wouldn't it be great if if all of Europe, Asia and Africa functioned with all the same values?

It'd really put the s**t up America!
2007-09-08 16:41:45 UTC
That's bullshit!

Dissenters and whistle blowers within Brussels are frogmarched from their desks by men in white coats and taken before a panel of bent psychiatrists. They are told to either accept that they are mentally ill, for criticising the EU, or lose their jobs and pensions.

So much for respecting the principles of liberty, democracy within the EU community.

Legally, Great Britain is not, and never has been, a member of the EU. The referendum on joining the Common Market was won by deception, a pledge that membership would not affect our national sovereignty. Under British Law consent obtained by deception is not true consent and un-enforcable.

I therefore remove Great Britain from all European Commitments with imediate and total effect.

I am setting Britain free.
2007-09-10 07:54:21 UTC
I have just spent three weeks in London, where I was aghast at the way in which the capital had been taken over by immigrants, many of them from the Eastern European countries which have become EU members. I felt myself a stranger in my own land and found myself playing the game "spot the Brit" as I walked down the street or used public transport. The idea of EU membership, as sold to the British public several decades ago, was that it would help Britain, not that it would assist other nations to help themselves to what they found good about our country without, as far as one can see, offering anything in return. It seemed incongruous, too, that a country which had a notorious human rights record as far as its children were concerned (there was a charity shop for Roumanian orphans a few yards away from our house) should nevertheless have been admitted as a member. The whole thing has swelled to ludicrous proportions and I find myself wishing that we could simply leave and be ourselves again. 27 is far too big. The idea of further expansion is grotesque.
2007-09-09 05:26:20 UTC
Enlarging the European Union is a double edged sward. In many respects it is a good idea, bringing people together of different backgrounds and ethnic groups. But the current policies of allowing such freedom of movement and settlement, of those States from the east the moment they join is not good, fair or sustainable. The imposing of the way they live and are prepared to work for less, on the host nations population will eventually undermine what the E.U. is trying to do. The nationals of the host states will eventually rise up against the new incomers, and the governments that will not listen to it's citizens and their desires, for a more controlled movement of the Eastern European population.
2007-09-07 17:47:02 UTC
Definitely yes!

The EU is a formidable counterweight to insular nationalism, with a historical mission to prevent national conflicts. The more countries that joins, the more unthinkable that it could be some kind of super-nationalism or unitary super-state. If some countries are deliberately kept outside by princip, because they have the "wrong culture" or something like that, and are made to feel excluded and inferior, the project will prove counterproductive (and the risk of new conflicts breaking out in Europe will increase again).

Especially important would be letting Turkey become a member, because it would mean building a bridge of friendship and co-operation between the whole of Europe and the Muslim countries of the Middle East (and beyond). Hardly anything could change the strained relations between Christian and Muslim countries so much in positive direction as much as that in a short time.

But of course the new candidates need time to adjust to the European principles of human rights and freedoms before they are accepted as members. Probably most of them will make these adjustments before long if we give them the clear signal that it would lead to membership in our community of co-operation.
2007-09-07 03:19:01 UTC
Out of Croatia, Turkey and Macedonia are candidates except Turkey all other countries should be allowed to join The European Union. Because others will join the EU with their own identity and religious back grounds but Turkey will always feel their identity crises and shall always be doubted for what ever action they take good or bad even the wife of the President or Prime Minister is not free to perform her religious duty and the media will always after Turkey they will try to dig out what the under ware garments the people of Turkey are using whether it is approved by Islam then Turkey has lost it secular status and should be excluded from EU. Then it is better to exclude it at the very beginning.
neil p
2007-09-09 02:29:26 UTC
I think we should pull out of this sham called the e.u its draining the country of all the sources (nhs/schooling e.t.c) and its just deviding the country.

The new influx of eastern europeans are working for a pittance when you compare to what us brits earn............this in turn leads to many ppl being layed off only to find that there job has been taken by someone from the e.u. I myself cannot afford a drop in wages,i struggle to get by on what i`m earning now!!!! i know you cannot blame them for coming here but its needs to be sorted out before we have riots on our hands.

I think australia has the right idea (you come to our country you take on our cultures and if you don`t like it don`t bother to come) they also have to have some kind of trade.

The difference between us and australia is that the australian goverment are not sighned up to the human rights act,i think get rid of the human rights acts and then maybe the uk would be a better place to live but untll then we dont need anymore countries joining the e.u unless terms are imposed
2007-09-08 17:24:10 UTC
Great! Expand the EU. The losers are the rich countries like Britian, France, Germany. The winners the poorer countries.

The UK is becoming a work state where its harder for British people to live a decent life. Because of Europe our standard of living has decreased. Can't buy a house because of immigration, can't deport criminals because of EU law. Jobs are going east like you won't believe.

Once the next batch of laws go through we stand to lose our financial wealth. Grabbed by greedy Euro Bureacrats.

Its all been a fatal error for every day Brits. Only winners fat cats, poorer Europeans, EU Bureacrates!

2007-09-08 16:57:24 UTC
Absolutely no. The EU is nothing more than a USA-Marshall-endorsed rehash of Hitler's pan-Europe plan. The EU is non-democratic, enormously wasteful of both financial and material resources and supremely non-representative of any democratic ideals it supposedly epitomizes. It should be totally abolished as it is behemoth bureaucratic monstrosity without peer.

The fact that we shall be governed by our greatest historical enemies, principally the au fais and deceptive French shall set the once formerly great Britain into a terminal revolution of dead war heroes spinning where the rest.

For Shame Euro-philes.

Lest we Forget. God Save the Queen and please save us too Liz!
2007-09-10 17:10:27 UTC
I dont think the EU should be accepting new members for a very long time look at all the polish in UK. Turkey should never be allowed to join its not a European country.
2007-09-07 05:06:14 UTC
Definitely no!

But the long-term plan for us is the creation of a European superstate - ultimately centrally-controlled with one currency, one government, one army etc, paving the way for 4 world-wide superstates, and eventually just ONE - so it looks as if we don't have much 'choice' anyway - not that we've ever been given any real choice in these matters.

It will become a case of the few controlling the many of a much greater scale than ever seen before - with countries becoming just 'regions' within the whole.

We will ALL be able to be controlled and manipulated much more easily in such a world.

Forget the 'principles of liberty, democracy, human rights and fundamental freedoms' - that's just a smokescreen - the opposite will be true!
2007-09-10 06:35:47 UTC
the reason we are Europe is because we are on the Eurasian tectonic plate therefore it would follow that if any country wanted to join the European union they would have to be on the Eurasian plate. but as normal it not about that people are more interested in what they have or have not got as a nation and rightly or wrongly what god they belive in when what it really should come down to is that it's one step closer to us being a whole planet and not them and us.

We all walk upright have two arms, two legs etc etc and are all descended from the same ancestors.
The Patriot
2007-09-09 22:11:21 UTC
Not to sure if the EU should be made larger.

First, the problem with more nations being in it, is that there are more voices, the need more more agreement, and therefore less being done. An example of there consensus is harmful is the EU common agricultural policy. It can not be changed as too many people are against such change. Get more people on board, and it will be even harder to agree on issues.

Second, is immigration. Like it or not, many Polish people and others from Eastern Europe have come to the UK to work. And they do work, and work damm hard. The problem is that it has bred resentment. A shame as there are too many people in the UK who could work, but are psychologically dependent upon such benefits, wanting a free ride. (Please, note, I do not think that everyone on benefits is after a free ride.) Locally trained builders for example are being undercut by Pole's who have less overheads and living costs, therefore putting them out of business, through no fault of their own. While the influx of such labour has benfitted the UK, it is also causing resentment.

Third is jobs. If other such countries are admitted to the EU, my fear is for UK jobs. Labour costs are less in Eastern Europe, which means that it will be financially advantageous for such companies to relocate, especially as they will not need to pay trade tariffs.

Lastly, I work in health care. I have concerns about some doctors from abroad. I have worked with excellent doctors from Germany and Spain (and have yet to meet a bad one) as well as a brilliant doctor from Italy. But I have met someone from Romania, who thanks to EU enlargment, would be able to work here. And sorry, but that doctor is crap and dangerous. Thanks to EU enlargment, we are getting loads of doctors from Eastern Europe, who have poor English skills, and now are having to turn away skilled doctors from India and Africa who have excellent English (well, compare them to those from Eastern Europe and say that) and due to the exams they have to sit to work in the UK, have to meet a standard of medicine that those from Eastern Europe do not have to meet. I am aware however, that there will be excellent doctors from Eastern Europe, I just have yet to meet one.

Saying that, I am in favour of the EU. But at the moment, it needs reform. It wastes too much money and makes too many bad decisions. It can do so much more for the people of Europe, and we, the population of the EU, deserve that.
2007-09-07 08:53:08 UTC
No, definitely not. The Common market was formed to promote trade amongst equals. What we are seeing now is the inclusion of poorer countries such as the semi-third world countries of southern Europe e.g. Spain, Portugal and Greece as well as the shattered economies of the former Soviet block e.g. Poland, Czech Republic. This results in British jobs being sent east to the poorer countries where labour is cheaper and at the same time British jobs in this country are being taken by people from those poorer countries.

Furthermore, the principle reason that these countries want membership is that they have cottoned-on to the fact that in order to create the uniformity espoused by the EU, the existing member countries will have to pump billions of pounds of taxpayers money into their economies. That means that you and I will have to pay more tax.

Then there is the immigration issue. We can expect large numbers of people from the east and south migrating towards the richer countries. This puts pressure on housing, social services etc. We have to wake up to the fact that Britain is not a bottomless pit where Europe's down and outs can deposit themselves with their hands open for handouts.

Then there is the culture issue. The common market was formed as an organisation or European countries of similar cultures. We are facing the possibility of admitting Turkey to membership. Turkey cannot be regarded as a European country. There culture is totally alien to anything Europen. Also they are a Muslim country whereas Europe is predominantly Christian. Experience to date has shown that immigrants of very different culture are unable or unwilling to integrate with the European cultures. This leads to an 'us and them' situation as Brits see their culture subducted by an alien culture and politicians can't or won't take heed of what people say on the matter. This can only lead to the gradual rise of the far right political parties which is in no-ones interest.
2007-09-07 08:11:32 UTC
I personnaly think that we should make a break in the EU expand because it is very dangerous to always accept new countries. We should wait 5 or 10 years, the time that newly coming countries improve their life conditions and their economic level. Otherwise, the EU will be divided into rich and poor countries if it is not already the case today. So to my mind we should start a discussion with each country which wants to join the EU and build strong economic and social basis with them before they really join the european union.

I suggest the EU starts this process step by step : discussion, guarantee, agreement and joining
2007-09-09 16:45:43 UTC
2007-09-09 05:59:56 UTC
The last expansion was a step to far leading to an uncoordinated fractured and totally impersonal undemocratic Europe that does not allow the different citizens from too diverse cultural and economic backgrounds to have a common mutually beneficial goal .
2007-09-08 05:28:57 UTC
I don't mind any country joining the EU as long as they are actually European countries. Turkey is not a European country. Is does not share European culture and we don't want them.
2007-09-08 09:01:21 UTC
Yes , these countries should eventually join the EU , to strenghten the ties across Europe and to make this a real confederation . In the end , there will hopefully stand a United States of Europe and we shall give up our squabbles and not be foreigners to each other anymore .
2007-09-07 09:37:10 UTC
The EU is simply a repackaged version of communism where the wealth of more economically developed countries is channeled east. Georgia? are you joking. How long until sights are set on North Africa. In the uk we seem to have given up a lot of rights and control of the country. And why do they talk of a constitution, is there an ultimate aim to turn Europe into a country. And how long until we lose the ability to withdraw altogether. And then what if a country wants to pull out..

"war is a continutation of politics by other means" - Carl Von Clausewitz

Our government seems to be redundant - they are just the middle man that repackaged EU law so that it is more palatable to the tastes of each country.

For hundreds, no thousands of years different countries have set about taking over europe - invasion, war, violence. They have all failed. The romans, Napolean, Hitler. Imagine a few years ago some dictator wants to try it again. Until some beauracrat says "hold on sir, ive got this great idea how to take over Europe, dont worry about tanks and bombs. Lets just be patient, unfortunately we'll have a lot of paperwork to do but eventually we will succeed where all others have failed.

I really am not sure where the EU is heading and if it will remembered in the same shambolic way that the soviet union was. And as for the human rights, recently our government was told we cant deport a italian kid who knifed his headmaster in the uk (after serving a tiny amount of his actual sentence). It is our country, we do what the hell we want!!!! I dont want the laws of our country to be dictated to us by Brussels - otherwise, why the hell do i bother voting.

We have all had disagreements throughout europe for centuries. We have different cultures and different values - please respect that, why do you think no one could agree on the 'failed' constitution. Trade and coperation in europe is a great thing. But im sure the eastern europeans are all pro EU!
2007-09-10 04:33:18 UTC
NO! things just disappear here in Central Europe and guess where they go. you can't even leave a bike out in Vienna , you see it on the back of a trailer with another countries plate heading to the boarder, buses come here daily with people to steal from shops and beg in the streets. Trucks disappear coaches and buses yet alone good cars, never to be seen again, may be used for parts. you are lucky in the UK. you have a barrier which stops some of this the channel. just the cheap worker and social parasites to contend with.
2007-09-07 08:11:59 UTC
The EU is already to big, cumbersome and overly problematic. I'm English and whilst I like Europe as a whole and enjoy the freedoms and prosperity that being friends/allies and trading partners with Europe brings, I do not want to be part of a superstate. Each country should have it's own sovereignty and identity, which the EU is eroding.

Furthermore the recent additions to the EU are already causing many problems in England without adding any more.

There have been a vast influx of immigrants into this small island and we simply cannot sustain this many people, not to mention the problems of intergration. (My local library and shopping centre now has sections/shops/services just for Polish people, in their language, because they cannot speak English for example.) This is only one example amongst many, I am not singling out one group, but this is creating vast integration problems.
2007-09-10 22:33:19 UTC
it depends how far you want europe to 'stretch', to include nearly half the world? I think the eu is already too big and unwieldy, a bit like the ussr before it split up into independent states.
2007-09-09 14:14:08 UTC
yes, but we should wait at least a couple of years before admitting more countries into the EU otherwise this would benefit no one; neither the current Union nor those looking become new members.
2007-09-10 07:42:34 UTC
Daft Turkey need to join to lift embargo with Cyprus

Think about trade, jobs,and tourism.
2007-09-07 10:35:41 UTC
The EU is a positive thing. It transfers money from the rich to the poor in a way which is constructive and not destructive. It is not AID for famine which we are talking about here. It is powerful and wealthy countries helping their neighbours because that is how goodwill is reciprocated and developed.

I have been to many EU countries, and many countries like Switzerland and Andorra who decide to stay out of the EU. On the whole I would say that the EU countries make Andorra and Switzerland look stupid. Their border controls are pointless and ineffectual! (easily circumvented)

However, their right to opt out is also important. I would defend their right to remain outside of the EU, as well as in the centre of Europe.

The Euro is the central part of the EU. The UK remains outside of this. We are not full participants in this experiment, but we are still included. Co-operation with the right to remain difficult and obstinate is a very positive thing.

We cannot say only allow rich countries into the EU. Europe is a physical location, not an exclusive club. Expansion must be on the basis of rules and geographical location.

We could not allow the US to join the EU as this would make a nonsense of the the definition of the club!
2007-09-07 04:07:56 UTC
Small, weak countries need to join the EU for protection. The EU has some issues that need to be addressed. A lot of people worry that it has a negative impact on their culture and variety and culture are two things that need to be protected, for the most part. An organisation like the EU should take on this responsibility. We don't want to be one big super-state with member conforming, we want to be a rich patchwork society with something to offer every taste. This will promote tourism and trade.
2007-09-07 11:20:57 UTC
Where does Europe officially stop in the east? for a start 90% of Turkey is in Asia and should be therefore not allowed in to Europe, their capitol is in Asia, As far as the rest are concerned if we lewave the EU, as we should, then how they care to destroy themselves is up to the Continental Europeans. If we are still in then none of these countries should be allowed to join and several that have joined should be told to leave.

I see that amanda c has sussed that Israel, the biggest terrorist state could be able to join if Turkey does. So no thank you.
Mental Mickey
2007-09-07 10:45:25 UTC
Speaking for myself I want Britain to get out of Europe, ditch the human rights act and be free to make our own laws without interference from the continent. The European Union has moved a long long way away from the Common Market that we joined in 1973.

Free trade is fine, but I draw the line at one great big European "superstate". Most of the new candidate countries in East Europe only want to join because of the millions of pounds worth of Euros they will get in aid from the richer nations to help reconstruction and bolster their fragile economies. There's no other sane reason for any nation to want to join. I'd just love to see the UK pull out. What do we have in common with most of Europe anyway? What do any of the members of the EU have in common with each other? At most points over the last 1000years they have all been at war with each other for one reason or another. I can't see why the EU wants to drive us all closer together as nations when history suggests otherwise as deep down we all hate everyone elses guts!
2007-09-10 12:07:24 UTC
We should take on Countries with the lowest pay, and lowest standard of living, so they can flood this country with cheap labour.

As usual.
2007-09-10 04:30:19 UTC
Why don't think about a WorldUnion instead of European Union. ?
2007-09-07 14:57:07 UTC
NO! And Turkey should never be allowed to join.

The UK puts a lot into the EU and gets very little out of it.

Smaller country`s join put very little into the EU but take everything they can out of it!!!
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2007-09-07 12:10:26 UTC
Now that Scotland has its own Parliament, surely it is time to consider a full Membership of the EU and thus give we Scots the chance to have a more direct say in matters like, for example Nuclear weapons stored on Scottish territory and the position of Scotland's dwindling fishing fleet.

Answers and opinions please!
2007-09-07 06:35:59 UTC
I don't see any problem with Croatia joining, but I still think Turkey need to do more to sort out their human rights record.

I don't know enough about Macedonia to comment.
2007-09-09 01:43:28 UTC
No, I do not think so otherwise it would not be the European Union any longer.
2007-09-09 13:26:43 UTC
They can all join for all I care. After all, my opinion doesn't matter in this undemocratic assembly so why should I care!! The question that should be asked is "Do you think we should leave the unelected EEC before it suffocates us?"
mr bones
2007-09-09 07:04:01 UTC
the european union is doomed to failure and will never turn into the lumbering totalitarian megastate that its architects want it to be.

the day that this dangerous experiment is abandoned will be victory for common sense.
2007-09-08 10:11:00 UTC
Turkey - as soon as they have sorted out their internal difficulties to the satisfaction of the EU Inspector of Democracy, or whoever.
2007-09-07 11:03:06 UTC
To allow the Asian nation of Turkey to join the European Union is the key to Israel's membership.
2007-09-07 03:34:48 UTC
No, The EU is already too big, Cyprus and Malta are not really European countries, and Turkey is mostly in Asia !!

We joined a 'Common Market' of core european countries, we should not join and support a federation of European and

near-european countries, most of whom are joining for economic benefits and have nothing to offer.
2007-09-10 00:28:22 UTC
All i want is us out of that dishonest underhand waste of time and space.

Stuff the eu!!.

Tomorrows europe???minus the UK i hope.
2007-09-08 06:20:47 UTC
Time to pull out of as no benefit to us, just rules and mare rules.. we have alway put in more then we have got out of it,, countrys have become rich off our backs ie EIRA
2007-09-07 03:20:06 UTC
EU chance for surviving economically lies in its "strength in diversity". Assuming that candidate countries meet the criteria for joining the more countries the better. Vast resources of all of the members would provide a platform for competing not only with US but also with Asia.
Ted Bundy
2007-09-09 11:01:30 UTC
No, the EU has too many countries already. Any bigger and it will be unmanageable.
Kevan M
2007-09-07 03:17:45 UTC
The EU is now becoming too big, it is also oppening the doors to some real complications with border controls, immigration and money, most of the countries in the Eastern parts of Europe need so much cash injection to bring the industries, health care, infrastructure up to EU standards that the subsidies the richer western countries are paying could double within 5 years. This will be reflected in your council tax, goverment spending and genral hidden taxes.

Jobs are under threat as new workers come into the country on lower paid jobs, the protection and civil rights of these people are not upheld as they are a hidden workforce. Then there is the problems with language barriers, ethical differances, background and financial checks, etc.
2007-09-07 10:36:57 UTC
The entire country should have a fence round it with a blooming great padlock on it! NO WAY should any more countries join, and how do we acrtually get rid of all the low life we have already let in, who have changed OUR country that our ancestors fought to keep british, to THEIR country!(yes, the one they left that wasn't good enough to live in - but the minute they get to Britain, they create their own countries here!)
2007-09-07 04:37:34 UTC
I think that Britain should leave to make space for one of these countries, but they would put in less and get more whereas Britain puts in toooooo much and gets out very little!

following on from the guy below me, it is just what the germans have caused 2 world wars to get and now we are signing up to it, whats wrong in our governments heads! Germany and France rule it, not equality. It's gone too far.
Riya Layne
2007-09-07 03:13:47 UTC
Yes- but the criteria for joining should be very stringent and the new countries should join on the condition that they must follow EU regulations. The EU can become stronger with the addition of more nations and one day be a force to rival the US.
2007-09-10 05:07:44 UTC
In unity lies power,the first part of your question answered the rest of it.
Rick J
2007-09-07 14:21:43 UTC
There are too many countries in the EU.

Most of the residents come to the UK for out benefits system which is draining our economy.

This is the end of the UK
bob m
2007-09-07 12:16:11 UTC
Yes, if they comply with the EU standards on human rights.
2007-09-07 19:29:45 UTC
Britain should leave this corrupt bureaucratic ripoff.
2007-09-09 14:35:18 UTC
no it's getting too big to for all the law to be uniform now. leave it as it is!!
henry m
2007-09-08 07:33:01 UTC
we have enough for now They would need to share the same goals or it would take too long to make any decisions.
2007-09-07 12:25:05 UTC
What Napoleon failed to do is now being foisted on us by the elite.
Lynda Lou
2007-09-07 05:24:55 UTC
No more countries should join - it makes a farce of what Europe is supposed to denote. No way is Turkey a european country - they are basically muslim and I always thought Europe denoted basically Christian, God fearing, mainly white people who were very much like us but just spoke a different language. The EM was supposed to be a coalition of countries that could form trading partners that could trade with the rest of the world. Now the rest of the world is joining in! If countries like Turkey, etc. are going to be allowed to join, then I want Britain out because before we know it, we will be awash with Muslim immigrants from those countries and Britain will no longer be British. I for one will not stay here.
2007-09-07 05:48:31 UTC
No absolutely not,and the UK should withdraw as soon as possible!! The EU is so backward looking that it seeks to rob countries of their independence. It ignores history which shows that forcing together different people and cultures under one law ends in disaster. The EU will ultimately fail just like the USSR did and for the same reasons.Other countries should stay well clear if they have any sense...The EU is all about amassing power for a superstate. It is antidemocratic...
2007-09-07 04:55:19 UTC
No, if anything all countries should withdraw from the EU, The UK in particular. The EU is turning into the "super-state" that the Germans or should I say the Nazi's tried to impose on us in1939. There is too much bureaucracy, corruption, back handers and tit-for-tat, jobs-fo-the-boys politics within the EU, that is why the UK should withdraw altogether while maintaining trade relations with our "European" neighbours.

And why do we need a European superstate to rival the US? oh that little thing called money, which is what the EU basically boils down too. And has there been any benefit in being part of the EU? no, i'm still being over-charged for services and ripped off out of my money.

If we are now letting in Asian countries in where does the expansion or "occupation" end?

The EU only benefits the fat cat politicians, not the ordinary hard working folk.

The bureaucrats in Brussels are systematically achieving what Hitler failed to do, a united states of Europe. Adolf will be laughing at us from beyond the grave now.

Here are 50 resons to leave the EU:
Alan F
2007-09-07 06:09:16 UTC
No. Everyone joining seems to want all the handouts but to contribute nothing
2007-09-07 09:48:27 UTC
The U.K. should get out of the whole rotten setup. Our biggest trading partner is still the U.S it dose not matter what the politicians try to get us to swallow. They have got to be thick. If things go on the way they are three quarters of the politicians in this country will be out of a job because Brussels will be the Kingpin.
2007-09-07 03:34:52 UTC
I would welcome Turkey with open arms. It is a secular state even though the majority of its citizens are Muslim. Turkey allowed divorce long before we did and gave women equal suffrage only two years after us, and before many other western democracies.

By not allowing Turkey to join just because it is a bit different, the EU would be contradicting its own motto: In varietate concordia.
bruce m
2007-09-09 12:11:40 UTC
i know what one should get out, and the quicker the better.
Angry man
2007-09-07 04:35:11 UTC
No, it is already too big , the original idea was good to help with TRADE which brings wealth and jobs to the different countries but now it is just a free ticket for criminals and big business to cash in. and Turkey is in Africa not Europe
2007-09-07 10:17:20 UTC
All of them should join and England should leave. Then their currency would collapse as it is heading to do already, there would eventually be a Europeian state, and the UK would laugh and say what a stupid idea you silly muffins.
2007-09-07 08:32:27 UTC
l feel that the more countries that join the EU, the better. Also I think that we in the UK should become much less involved with the US and more involved with the EU, instead of being half involved with both.
2007-09-07 05:35:45 UTC
Of cause!

Is there any reason for keeping Utah out of US of A?
2007-09-07 09:54:00 UTC
let them all in & let GB get out
2007-09-07 08:12:59 UTC
why not the universal union, then we won`t offend anyone.
2007-09-07 13:53:36 UTC
Yes, CHINA !!!
steven e
2007-09-07 03:11:01 UTC

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