It'll be far worse than Social Security, but you're on the right track.
First UHC doesn't work anywhere it's tried. Read this Canadian doc, who now lives in the US, and studies world health care:
Then look at the fact that California, dominated by liberals, couldn't pull it off:
Last modified: January 29. 2008 5:03AM
Note in there that Hillarycare for the states--aka Mitt Romney's fix--didn't work: "Massachusetts announced that spending on its health care plan would increase by $400 million in 2008, a cost expected to be borne largely by taxpayers."
Last modified: January 29. 2008 5:03AM
There are 6.5 million people in Taxachusetts--there are 300 million in the US.
BTW, CA is having to shut down its "free" clinics:,1,5252458,fu
So now everyone who deals with reality can see that UHC can not work--it's been in place for more than 60 YEARS (Britains NHS started in the 1940s. Oh, BTW, for them specifically:
"Staff are being laid off, and deficits are at an all time high (£1.07bn for 2005-2006)” (Hazel Blears, Labour Party Chair and Minister Without Portfolio,
In the National Review Online article, Coburn & Herzlinger state “more than 20,000 Brits would not have died from cancer in the U.S.” Just recently Alex Smallwood of the BMA (British Medical Association) was quoted in the Scotsman as saying: “’Rationing is reduction in choice. Rationing has become a necessary evil. We need to formalise rationing to prevent an unregulated, widening, postcode-lottery of care. Government no longer has a choice.’” (Moss, “NHS rationing is ‘necessary evil,’ says doctors,” 26 June 2007).
How about Social Security? We all know it's a Ponzi scheme--illegal for all but the government to try--violates the laws of math, logic, and economics.
Let's look at Medicare--and it's getting harder and harder to find docs who are willing to put up with THAT program:
In the US, Medicare is going bankrupt. In 1998, Medicare premiums were $43.80 and in 2008 will be $96.40--up 120%. "Medigap" insurance is common because of the 20% co-pay required for service. Medicare HMOs are common because they reduce that burden without an extra charge in many cases. HOWEVER, many procedures which used to have no or a low co-pay NOW cost the full 20% for the HMO Medicare patient. ALSO the prescription coverage they tended to offer has been REDUCED in many cases to conform to the insane "donut hole" coverage of the feds. Doctors are leaving Medicare because of the low and slow pay AND because the crazy government wants to "balance" their Ponzi scheme on the backs of doctors.
"That dark cloud lurking over the shoulder of every Massachusetts physician is Medicare. If Congress does not act, doctors' payments from Medicare will be cut by about 5 percent annually, beginning next year through 2012, creating a financial hailstorm that would wreak havoc with already strained practices.
Cumulatively, the proposed cuts represent a 31 percent reduction in Medicare reimbursement. If the cuts are adjusted for practice-cost inflation, the American Medical Association says Medicare payment rates to physicians in 2013 would be less than half of what they were in 1991."
So what DOES work?
A doctor owned and run hospital that sees everyone gets care, no matter what happens to the bottom line. a doctor-driven group where reasonable rates are charged.
Note you can go to a walk-in clinic at Wal-Mart or CVS or the like in many cities and get many of the most typical reasons for seeing a doc addressed for under $100.
The price of LASIK has DROPPED dramatically over a decade. Plastic surgery is CHEAP. Compare a major procedure like a tummy tuck with the bill an uninsured patient will get for a medically necessary appendectomy WITHOUT complications.
Any large scale plan to fix the problems? Yes, you can see PART of it (the book offers much more--including how to increase the number of doctors and nurses):
That means preventative care (physical with follow up). Real medication (no Medicare "donut holes" the really ill are ripped off again.) No bogus ridiculously low "caps" on needed medical procedures. No abuse of the ER. No paying for the silly with the sniffles to go to the doc for free. No more bankruptcies over medical bills. I want THIS plan that ends abuse of the taxpayer, takes the burden off employers, provides price transparency, and ends the rip-off of the US taxpayer at the hands of greedy insurance CEOs (which has been repeatedly documented).
Read the PDF, not the blurb, for the bulk of the plan. Book is searchable on
Cassandra Nathan's Save America, Save the World
Reality MUST be dealt with. People are going to have to take some responsibility for themselves and their choices. Health care should not be any more "free" than food or shelter should. However, people should NOT be driven into bankruptcy by medical bills--THAT is what INSURANCE is for. The current system fails miserably to deliver:
"Aldrich’s situation is "asinine" but increasingly common, said Dr. Deborah Thorne of Ohio University. Thorne, co-author of a widely quoted 2005 study that found medical bills contributed to nearly half of the 1.5 million personal bankruptcies filed in the U.S. each year, said that ratio has likely worsened since the data was gathered. ... Like Aldrich, Thorne said, three-quarters of the individuals in the study who declared bankruptcy because of health problems were insured. "
It's time for people to stop being diverted by the nonsense the pols have dangled in front of them--UHC--which CAN NOT WORK--and look for REAL solutions to the REAL problems.