Do You think that Martin Luther King would be happy to this day that 0bama won?
2008-11-05 09:10:07 UTC
tell me your thoughts and answers u think martin luther king would be happy
Three answers:
2008-11-05 09:21:10 UTC
I think that he would be very happy, this is exactly what he wanted, us to come together as one no matter what race!!! His daughter spoke on CNN last night and she said she knew her father would be very happy with the outcome!
2008-11-05 09:19:13 UTC
Of course he would be happy. He wouldn't just be happy, he would be an emotional wreck! It's an historical moment. My God, look back and look at what people like Martin Luther King did for African Americans. He paved the way for so many. Obama IS his "dream" come true. Martin Luther King was a peaceful man who fought for equality. He didn't want African Americans to get a free ride or special treatment. He wanted them to be equal and have the same opportunities that white people had. Here is Obama who worked his way up from a poor little boy to Harvard Law School, to Senator and now to President of the United States. Obama really did live not only Martin Luther King's dream but the American dream.
2008-11-05 09:14:44 UTC
yes very

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