why is donald trump so great? why isn't he?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
why is donald trump so great? why isn't he?
214 answers:
2016-03-13 21:04:27 UTC
Donald Trump, in my honest opinion, is a bigot and a fool. He has spent his whole life building up his name as a mark of wealth and success without gaining any real intelligence, not to mention any tact whatsoever. People vote for him because he acts confident and people know his name, when he has done nothing but started failing businesses to get his name known. People associate Trump's name with wealth because wealth is the one thing he has. The reason he has wealth is because he inherited it from his father, and proceeded to waste the HUGE fortune he had into a small one. His own daughter has gone on to say that there was a time at which he was in a great amount of debt, despite having had so much money to start with. Trump is not a good man, nor is he a good businessman. He is a failure at what he strives for, and is now about to bring America flaming down with him. I'll be moving to France by 2017. See you on the flipside.
2016-03-13 12:23:48 UTC
Donald the Great isn't so great. He's a con artist. Half the hotels with his name on them weren't built by him, or does he own them. He doesn't own Trump University. He doesn't own the winery that makes Trump wine.

He simply sells his brand - except the clothing line, which he does own, and which is manufactured in China and Mexico. He's more of a huckster than a businessman.

You better start paying attention to what's going on behind the curtain.
2016-03-14 04:22:24 UTC
Donald Trump is in no way great. He's a rich white male person that doesn't understand any of the struggles that people have gone through. That makes his sexist, racist and inconsiderate for the middle class and poor people. He wants to close off America. How is that anywhere near a good tactic? Does he want to turn the country into North Korea? Build a wall to block out immigrants and make the Mexicans pay for it? How on earth does he expect that to work. How can he say such things when his own grandparents were immigrants. He acts as if the US us a land for white people when they weren't even the original people on the land. Without immigrants the country will collapse. He wants to block all Muslims from entering the country. Make them wear special badges that say they are Muslim as if they aren't Americans. That is the same treatment Jews got from HITLER. He will probably instigate World War III. He has said things very disrespectful towards women and not taking them seriously. His Ex-wife has said that he used to sexually assault her. All in all he is just a big buffoon. I can't understand why anyone would support him.
2016-03-13 12:26:44 UTC
For me, my problem with him is that he has never been a normal person. He doesn't know what life is like for the other 95% of America. He only knows what it is like to be rich. That's not really his fault, he can't help what family he is born into. I'm afraid he might not sympathize with the middle class as much.

He also does not have political experience, which to me is scary. I don't want to elect a person who hasn't even been a mayor or council member to run for presidential office. His only experience is running a huge business, which is very different from running a country.

Also, have you seen him in the debates? Can you imagine him talking like that to the other leaders of countries, like Vladimir Putin (Russia) or David Cameron (United Kingdom)? They would just scoff at him and not take him seriously. To the rest of the world, America would be a joke, because we elected a reality T.V star as president. That's not how America should present itself to the rest of the world.

And he has NO military experience either. That's not a deal breaker, but it's something to think about. I actually don't think any of the candidates have much military experience actually.
2016-03-13 23:53:32 UTC
Donald Trump will do great things, TERRIBLE, but great.

Here's why he's NOT the GOOD kind of great:

He's racist (he can't even admit that Obama was born in the US)

He's sexist

He raped and abused his first wife

He said he'd date his daughter if she wasn't his daughter

He's gonna start World War 3 if he becomes President

If I were American, I'd vote for Daffy Duck sooner than I'd vote for that pathetic excuse for a human being
2016-03-15 04:08:21 UTC
I'm Mexican and I can understand and agree with some of trumps ideas, for example having a strong boarder. I believe every nation should have a strong boarder to protect itself. That said I think people like him so much because he's like fresh air. You know something different. i believe it's mostly do to the fact that he just speaks his mind and doesn't care what people say.

Now as for why people don't like him it's do to the fact that the president is someone that has to be mature and well informed about things. It comes with huge responsibilities and Donald just isn't that period. He does things according to how he feels at the moment. To him he's always right and never wrong. He does not take responsibility for his actions nor does he seem to care about what his actions and words could bring. Why don't you YouTube, Google dunald trump and truly listen to what he says. Read some of his speeches and tell me how much of it are actually real facts!
2016-03-13 23:42:39 UTC
One word, A S S H O L E

But I live in New Zeland luckily, so I guess I don't need to comment.. :)

All I've heard is he's a dick head that says the first thing that comes into his head and has no idea he's alive
2016-03-13 16:54:54 UTC
I'd hardly put the word great in front of his name. He is far, far, far from great.He is only thinking of his pocket book not the American people. He wants to change social security deducting 21% from recipients. That's great? Retired folks put their monies into the system for their older years & now he wants to reduce the payments which by the way is their money. He isn't great because he only insites riots & insults others. He dose'nt have an ounce of class. I perdict that "IF" he becomes president he will not live within one year. Some fool will get ot him for sure. I ain't gonna be me because I wouldn't waiste my time on cr-ap like him. imho
Real Patriot
2016-03-13 13:18:09 UTC
1-all political candidates lie to get your vote. 2-since when do we accept politicians words and promises. Only naive people do. Trump is a lying blowhard hot headed spoiled rich kid who's only true asset is talking people into giving him money. Which then spends lavishly or starts failing businesses and losses billions of other people's money. Or plain out robs them like with Trump University. The president of the United States is the highest political office in the world. It deserves better than Trump. Bernie 2016. The only SANE choice.
2016-03-13 12:16:40 UTC
What is he going to do about the Chemtrails!
2016-03-14 10:34:55 UTC
Last time Trump ran, he was a joke because people had still not given up on politicians. Obama was the straw that broke the camel's back with many and that is why Trump appeals across the board with conservatives and certainly has the ability to attract independence and some democrats. Those who hate Trump exaggerate and take out of context what Trump actually says. I don't know if Trump will be a good President or not, but if we need a leader who can negotiate, perhaps the person who wrote the "Art of the Deal" can be that negotiator and even if Trump produces "some" results for the middle class, that is better than what we have received for the political system in years that seems to be much better at breaking things than mending them. If Trump fails, it's not like we haven't had this failure of the political system for quite some time and we can all just throw up our hands. The one last thing that I will add is that the rich also fear what the government will do because the rich also have government hurdles to overcome and perhaps this is the real reason Trump wants to take action, but even if it is for selfish reasons, if he brings jobs back to the U.S. that certain benefits the rest of us. Those that love him and hate him are unable to see this as he has them in a trance. Those that hate him galvanize those that love him to love him that much more and they by their actions then prod those of no real opinion to his side. Mark my words he's only begun and if he make the general election he will use his talent for a virtuoso performance. This is his time as you see it's not yet time for Rubio, as time is now sliding away for Hillary and finally Jeb's time has come and gone long ago.
Gaurav Mitra
2016-03-14 10:59:45 UTC
Donald Trump
2016-03-19 05:35:49 UTC
If Trump is "great", then it's because he's a self made man. He borrowed money from his father 45 years ago and created an empire. This is not out of the norm. We see people like Oprah or JayZ creating billion $$$ empires within a very short period. It just so happens, Donald Trump has decided to use his wealth to finance his run for the presidency, rather than being owned by bankers, lobbyists, Arab Sheiks/Oil companies, etc. He is a threat to Establishment, because he is not owned by special interest groups, as other candidates are. The only other candidate currently running who is not financed by such groups as previously listed, is Bernie Sanders. This makes both men appealing to the younger voters who are educated on how the political system works. For example, Obama's prime financier is George Soros, who also financially backs Hilary (do research on Soros to get a better understanding what is at stake when candidates are controlled). The majority of Bernie Sander's voters have said, the if Clinton gets the nomination they will vote for Trump, because they are vehemently opposed to candidates being controlled by special interest groups.
Belle Eli
2016-03-14 18:13:04 UTC
I feel that he is dividing a country. He's influencing violence and racism. He speaks pure hatred and he is so full of himself. Yes it's great that he's confident but he already wants everybody to bow down for him imagine what he'll be like if he becomes potus. Other countries are already starting to not take us seriously and it's gonna be much worse if Donald the big joke is our president. Our allies will, IMO, will forget about us. It's possible that other countries like North Korea will find trump as weak so we'll be attacked. Oh and what's most important is FREEDOM our country was built upon freedom our ancestors came here to have FREEDOM. The first colonies came here to have religious freedom and what is Donald trying to do? Ban all Muslims. Honestly this guy does not deserve to be elected as POTUS this country needs more than a businessman who made his business from daddy's money and who's degree means he was only taught to read statistics
2016-03-15 19:35:15 UTC
I think Trump is the personification of the anger and frustration many Americans feel. He seems to be a man of action and not just words - not just trying to be "politically correct" - not just trying to say anything to get elected. It seems our current administration just talks and talks and talks and nothing ever happens even when they tell you everything is fine - you know it isn't - but they keep saying it hoping you will eventually believe it. With 55 million Americans on public assistance, an insurance system that is only affordable if don't get sick, and a foreign policy of lines that get drawn, stepped over, and then drawn again, many are just fed up. Trump is not a great person - he is a lousy person. He is divisive, cruel and insensitive. He would be a horrible President. But unfortunately, this is where we are now. This is what is left. Sad.
2016-03-14 23:28:08 UTC
Almost all which is like 99% suck! Politicians are worst then car salesman! LIARS! LIARS! LIARS! People are fed up with the political system! That is why the approval rating of Congress is in the mid teens! Trump makes a mockery of everything! He says the most outlandish things so the media covers him! They are his puppet! Out of the top 20 articles on every website half are about him! Hate him or love him: You are talking about him! He has spent very little on his campaign because the media does it for him for FREE! For those who don't know he made over $200 million from the TV show, Aprrentice! He loves the cameras! He knows about the media and especially RATINGS! Doesn't matter if he wins the Republican nomination, or even the Presidency! Donald Trump won because of his branding! The media exposure is astronomical! He will make billions just because of him running for presidency win or lose!
2016-03-15 06:21:34 UTC
There is nothing great about Trump. Idiots praise him as a successful business man, but nearly every business he has started has gone bust: Trump Vodka, Trump Steaks, Trump University, etc etc are all now defunct. Idiots also worship him because he's wealthy, but he inherited a $200 million dollar real estate business from his daddy. I would imagine it's not hard to turn $200M into a few billion, especially since the business was already set up and running. It's not like you need a lot of brains to buy and sell property when you already been handed hundreds of millions of dollars.

You Trump supporters need to realize that Trump only cares about Trump.
2016-03-16 04:05:33 UTC
The only thing he is great in is being a big idiot. He is racist and sexist, he once made fun of a man's disability, and he wants to BUILD A WAR which is not unlike the Berlin Wall of 1961 which was a disaster! The list could honestly go on about how this man has zero morals and is the opposite of a good person. It sounds harsh but I will not stand for such primitive behaviour, it's 2016 for god sake! Do you really want Donald Trump to represent to the rest of the world as America being a joke, who supports sexism and racism?? Please, I beg of you to reconsider who you support. It is clear that he will be the representative but when the time comes PLEASE vote for Sanders or Clinton or whoever, just anybody but Trump.
2016-03-14 17:18:19 UTC
Because he has the momentum, as much momentum as all the other republican candidates put together. Trump is something like a superhero crusading against the shadow politicians who make up the republican establishment and to see who these people are all you have to do is follow the doner money. Trump seems pretty genuine and his plans are not well layed out yet but the basics are well stated and well promised to be fulfilled. So far Donald Trump is something like a Ross Perot running against establishment politicians as a republican and that's good because you have to be a republican in order to have a decent chance of winning. Trump is breaking every known rule of politics and every bit of it has worked out to his advantage, Trump is like a singularity that can break the system and he has a movement surrounding him that no other republican candidate has and once he's the nominee the republicans and conservatives will have no choice but to vote for him as he tries to win over moderates.
2016-03-17 05:10:08 UTC
What breeds destruction also breathes life. After a great evil takes over people come together as one and nurture, protect, and help one another to take down that evil. Others say our constitution is somewhat corrupt and that our founding fathers left it to be revised although it s been here for along time and no ones tried to revise it and many say it probably never will. If trump wins what will happen to America may be dark or better. But what really made America great in the first place? Is the question. Was it the toils, hard work, companionship, and trust built on immigrants and liberals alike? Or was it just what made the constitution in the first place. I believe whether a liberal wins or if trump wins, somehow, someway America will be great again. The answer is simple and its teamwork.
2016-03-15 07:04:40 UTC
Donald Trump is saying things that conservatives have been waiting for the longest time to hear a candidate say. And yet if Trump really is a conservative, he's a recent convert at best. Although Trump might frighten a certain segment of the American electorate, if Teddy Roosevelt were around today, he would frighten them just as equally!
2016-05-06 17:06:41 UTC
Donald Trump is a joke. I'd never see myself voting for a president that ridicules and mocks an entire race and makes assumptions and accusations towards an entire race based solely on stupid statistics. The crimes committed have nothing to do with the race of a person. And as of making our borders stronger & getting rid of illegal immigrants that are working hard to earn their living? That's ridiculous. Why can't he word his statement in a different manner. Why not simply get rid of the criminals, whatever race they may be? There's hard working immigrants here that live a humble life and even help the community. And all these trump supporters once were and even are immigrants themselves. They're just a bunch of stuck up pricks that blindly follow the words of a "politician" that "speaks his mind" for one reason only: TO GET PEOPLE TO SEE HIM AS THE ONLY DIFFERENT candidate AND POTENTIALLY A NEW CHANCE FOR AMERICA. No Mexican is taking ur job; hardworking people ARE. H8 ME chumpporters
2016-03-16 12:38:22 UTC
I am also a trump supporter! I think that the reason why he's great is because he doesn't just ignore and push terrorists and people crossing the border to the side. He is actually going to do something about it! As he always says, he'll make America great again. The reason why SOMETIMES he's not so great is because he gets a bit carried away with some things. I think it's an okay to build a wall around Mexico and make them pay, but then I kind of don't. I just think it's not necessary to make them pay. If he wants it up so much, then he can pay.
2016-03-14 06:35:47 UTC
DT isn't relevant he's a puppet a distraction to mislead the masses from what's really going on. The world is dying it's got 40 years left it can't be saved. The racial tension is a sign of the end of time. There is hope in genetic and space research. There is no plan b. Military forces will be the power to create order when total chaos begins as the world is overpopulated. There wil be martial law imposed on all. Some won't accept as they do now

He's a part of a puppet democracy. Independent? Hmm he still leans. You know it doesn't matter if he's right or left those are just ideologies to persuade your thinking, like communists are bad vote for democracy. Well a dictatorship can be brutal way to live I see it as no different to the forced politics of liberal or democrat laws. Independent would be no man is my master. I don't live on a payroll I live off the land I don't have a house I have a planet. My people are not mine they are theirs and I am me. Free will. But you have to be willing. Are you willing to give up your sofa and tv or excercise gym, your Instagram Facebook and Twitter? Do you think using a program made by Adobe will liberate your ideas or theirs? You want to be free throw it all away leave the Google and Apple devices at home. Enjoy relationships with people without devices or ideological differences. We are all equal we all have the same rights some choose to not accept this others choose to abuse it. P&L ✌️❤️
2016-03-17 01:16:42 UTC
I was taught by a very smart person that when someone says, "Trust me," it really means the opposite, do not trust what Trump says. He feeds on his own ego. He is taking advantage of how much the Republicans messed up these past seven years, not cooperating with the administration and blaming everything on President Obama. The Administration has some of the blame for not getting very much done, but it was Mitch McConnell who said that his goal was to make sure that Obama fails as our president. Therefore, whatever Obama tried to pass, he d work against him. But Trump knows that we are not happy with politics in Washington for several years now and he figured out how to use that to his own advantage. Trump is not great as he professes; he actually is not a very good person, he lies frequently, and he certainly is not able to perform these miracles that he promises. Trump is having a good time running for president, he himself never thought he would get this far. G_d help us all if he is voted into office. When Trump speaks about maybe taking care of legal fees if one of his supporters should accidently punch someone (sarcastic) and get arrested, he is inciting violence at his rallies. His objection is to turn Americans against Americans thereby bringing the media back into his circus and get some more free advertising. Trump is dishonest, only cares about Trump, does not have the temperament to be our president. Running a company does not equate to running a country. We are American Citizens, to be respected. If his bottom line is to have whatever He wants, believe me, as Donald would say, nothing will get in his way. Do all you Trump supporters really think it is a good idea that Trump should have his finger that close to he the nuclear bomb button?
2016-03-14 06:39:32 UTC
If i am honest - i have no idea why he is so 'great' I absolutely hate him and so do 100% of the people hate him as well! But what i found interesting is that Hitler and him have kind of the same views on life etc. There is a video on it where a man asks strangers that support Trump if they agreed with some statements: but in the end of the video he revealed that the views were from the mouth of Hitler! Some hated it and some were shocked (Maybe acting).
2016-03-14 22:57:49 UTC
It seems from your question as though you're wondering why---aside from his unserious and oft-offensive presidential campaign--Trump is so widely scorned. The short answer is that history justifies it. Donald Trump is a gifted businessman who has used his talents to amass an incredible fortune (although he is far from self-made and his record doesn't always line up with his boasts). The issue I think most people have with Trump is that he's used his success as a platform for self-aggrandizement and attention-seeking, and almost never in a particularly classy manner.
King Solomon
2016-03-15 07:07:56 UTC
Your question attracts the haters ( Democrats ) and the supporters ( Republicans ) . In any election , running for office is a dog fight . Bernie and Hillary are saying bad things about each other and the things they bring up actually works to destroy other's hopes. One need only witness what happened to all the other candidates on both sides . Carson, Rubio, Cruz, Huckabee, Fiorini, Perry, Christie, They all have plenty of money . Its a simple decision really . If you keep on doing what you have been doing for the past 8 years you are going to keep on getting the same results. If you were unemployed and enjoyed food stamps, welfare, unemployment checks, a free phone then we can all guess who you are voting for. Simply look at who the folks are who are disturbing Trump Rallys and America has their answer . It has nothing to do with the Wall, or the Muslims. No President has ever been the Virgin Mary so no matter who is in control someone, somewhere will hate them
2016-03-13 18:09:57 UTC
Donald Trump is just another person with unique skill sets and refinements that make him a master marketer. Those that love him and hate him are unable to see this as he has them in a trance. Those that hate him galvanize those that love him to love him that much more and they by their actions then prod those of no real opinion to his side. Mark my words he's only begun and if he make the general election he will use his talent for a virtuoso performance. This is his time as you see it's not yet time for Rubio, as time is now sliding away for Hillary and finally Jeb's time has come and gone long ago. As for the others they are just part of the process and that's why I have not included them (ie Bernie and Cruz, not for substance but it will never be their time)
2016-11-08 16:58:45 UTC
dt isn't relevant he's a puppet a distraction to mislead the masses from what's really going on... the world is dying it's got 40 years left it for the life of me cannot be saved... the racial tension is a sign of the end of time... there's hope in genetic and space research... there's no plan b... military forces shall be the power to create order when total chaos begins as the world is overpopulated... there wil be martial law imposed on all... some will definitely not accept as they do now

he's a part of a puppet democracy... independent? hmm he still leans... you know it doesn't matter if he's right or left those are just ideologies to persuade your thinking, like communists are bad vote for democracy... well a dictatorship can be brutal way to live i see it as no different to the forced politics of liberal or democrat laws... independent would be no man is my master... i don't live on a payroll i live off the land i don't have a house i have a planet... my people are not mine they are theirs and i am me... free shall... but you have to be shalling... are you shalling to give up your sofa and tv or excercise gym, your instagram facebook and twitter? do you think using a program made by adobe shall liberate your ideas or theirs? you want to be free throw it all away leave the google and apple devices at home... enjoy relationships with people without devices or ideological differences... we are all equal we all have the same rights some choose to not accept this others choose to abuse it... p&l ✌️❤️
Jas B
2016-03-15 03:27:15 UTC
He condemns Mexico, China and other nations for taking away American jobs, yet has his own designer clothes made in Mexico and China.

He tries at every opportunity to condemn Hillary for her husband's philandering, he tweeted "If Hillary cannot satisfy her husband, how can she satisfy the the American people" This from a man who is a self confessed adulterer who has abandoned two wives and four children.

He openly makes diabolical racist comments about non white Americans, there are what is becoming countless examples of this. All of which make him a sexist, racist and a hypocrite.

He has no real policies, he says he will make America great, but does not give a single example of how he is going to do this, which will stand up to independent scrutiny. He has laid out no comprehensive ideas of how he will deal with the "real" problems of the world, the Middle East, the current refugee crisis, the poor state of the education system, what are his plans for the health care system, global warming etc. etc. etc.

He boasts about how great he is making wild claims of how he will bully the rest of the world into doing things the "Trump way" pandering to peoples fear. He comes up ill conceived ideas, which would be impossible legally, against the Constitution, destroy Americas position around the world and greatly destabilize America and the rest of the world.

A world which now desperately needs the next president to be a person who knows and understands politics and how they actually work, not just in the US, but around the world.
2016-03-15 14:54:41 UTC
Well yes I also Beleive everyone has the right to protect their country, but in this case trump is just a man who has money and doesn't have any knowledge of what a random American civilians life is like, weather they are poor or wealthy and so on. Eg I guess because Obama wasn't white he had hard times in his life, and therefore he knows what it feels like and tries to change that in his presidential role, whereas trump has had the luxury life all the time.
2016-03-16 06:35:58 UTC
Donald Trump is not great and I have a video to prove it. He's actually racist and wanted Muslims and Africqns including immigrants to move out of USA and back in their country. Credit goes to the user who made this video.
2016-03-15 16:51:54 UTC
Donald Trump speaks for the American working and lower middle class.

Department of Education Statistics shows that the mothers in 50 per cent of white families lack a college degree. In black families the percentage is 56 per cent. These families have been denied the education that is necessary to have a decent life in America. As a result they must struggle every day just to make ends meet. Our trade agreements have shipped many of their jobs overseas. They must compete with illegal aliens for fewer and fewer jobs. No one in government cares about them; they are the disinherited in our society. No education, no money, can’t afford to own a home, there is nothing for them.

But Donald Trump has heard them. He promises them a decent life. And he is the only candidate who promise that. He can save the lower economic half of America.

The elite and well off part of the country do noting. But Donald Trump will. He needs to be given a chance.
2016-03-14 21:42:30 UTC
Whatever he is or isn't he understands the party's voter's enough too run the table. He's also driven from being a former outcast of the GOP even though he supported then when they made fun of him behind his back. Don Gets The Last Laugh. Here's the hint, it's all about PC.
2016-03-14 18:16:06 UTC
Trump says he'll stop foeigners taking American jobs, but he's been hiring foreigners to replace his American employees.

Trump demands loyalty, but he breaches contracts at will.

Trump boasts about how he'll negotiate to America's advantage, but he was gipped in negotiations with Asian business partners repeatedly, and lost his appeals in court.

The best thing about Trump is that he didn't duck or hide but faced the danger when the protester approached the podium even though his guards tried to make him take cover. But we know how that worked out for Reinhard Heydrich.
2016-03-14 11:01:42 UTC
I`m British but Donald Trump seems to be on the news here all the time and is causing a lot of controversy. I have very mixed views on this guy. I feel that he is quite an attention seeker who loves the publicity, but I agree with some of his more controversial points. I agree with him on a temporary ban in letting more Muslims in and on illegal immigrants; we have those same problems over here. On the other hand he seems to be a strong supporter of the right to bear arms which I am totally against. Another disturbing thing is I heard him say he wants to bring back water boarding and other forms of torture. Not good.
2016-03-14 21:31:53 UTC
He is honestly such a ignorant person. He's a buffoon. Rather then bringing everyone together, bringing EQUALITY. He talks crap about religion and races, and makes people go against them. If we want a president who lashes out at the slightest criticism, he's our man. If you think presidential temperament is important, behold his twitter feed, where he's attacked everyone he doesn't like, routinely gets into public spats, responds to every insult, no matter who they're from, and often with incorrect facts. If he's so busy and important, how does he have time for all those internet flame wars? Its people like him that will ruin America.
2016-03-15 07:02:19 UTC
Why are you supporting him is the question?

I cant lie hes funny and entertaining, but when I hear him speak I just shake my head. He says some of the most divisive slurs ive ever heard. Then he dismiss it and acts like he never said anything offensive.


I can never trust a person who says he doesn't pray because he doesn't make mistakes. So he's supernatural.

wow just thought about it. TRUMP is the white mans OBAMA.. ( meaning most whites will support him cause I guess he speaks to them)however he not as POLISHED hahaha
2016-03-14 09:24:10 UTC
Donald trump isn't great
å wörld
2016-03-14 15:49:50 UTC
Donald Trump is evil/bad.

He wants to kick Hispanics and Muslims out and build a wall. He is anti-homosexual. He hates blacks. He hates anyone with a different religion or sexuality. He talks bad about women. Honestly, I believe that you're brainwashed by media to be liking him.
2016-03-15 16:28:44 UTC
I heard Trump tell Howard Stern that avoiding std's has been his own personal Vietnam . That was likely ten years ago . What you see is what you get . I believe that is the attraction . I am not a republican nor would I vote for one . You have to credit the People for Trump and Sanders . Everyone is fed up with the usual bull$hit .
2016-03-14 16:00:06 UTC
So what really makes him great. I really don't know.

I see him as a very rich man. Who will never have to work as hard as others have.

Why isn't he great. No military experience....

He said something about someone in the military that was mean.

He can not talk about our Vets that way. And get my vote!
2016-03-16 06:12:19 UTC
Entrepreneur for 14 years, growing my IT Corporation to 142 full time IT Professionals, I know how difficult it is to succeed in the business world... thus, when you find out that Donald borrowed one million dollars from his father and turned it into Ten Billion Dollars... well, ya have to give the man some credit, least if you're fair minded... hard to judge anyone if you haven't walked in his shoes for a mile or so... or have any idea what you're emotionally talking about...... so how many jobs have you created?...
2016-03-14 06:35:52 UTC
Trump is not great. One simply knows he is such an idiot (and that nowadays is a good thing) that he is direct, speaks the truth and says whatever it comes to his mind. I'm a latino. And I'm tired of all the other candidates that say always the same thing, and lie, and are too politically correct. With trump you know what you got.
2016-03-14 03:57:48 UTC
Trump is a response to Obama's stupidity.

If Obama did his job there'd be no need for people like Trump.
2016-03-14 14:32:35 UTC
If you can not answer the first of your two questions, then you should not vote for him!

It reminds me of a conversation I had with a niece about 20 years ago.

She said, "I hope ____ will run for president." (She named the person, but I have left it blank here.)

I asked why she wanted this person for President.

She said, "I like what this person stands for."

So I asked, "What does this person stand for?"

My niece replied, "You know... I just like what this person stands for!"

I replied again, "I don't know; What does this person stand for?!"

I never really got an answer!

So what does Trump stand for? If you can't tell, then you should not vote for him!

I don't know what Trump stands for! It is hard to tell!

In the past he has supported Democrats. Now he says he's a Republican? He has changed positions on multiple issues, or at least what he says would seem to indicate that.

He is generally rude, and divisive. He has a "My way or the highway" attitude. He has already angered foreign dignitaries, which seems to indicate he will have difficulty in foreign affairs.

He has no military experience. He does not promote cooperation. Again, it is hard to figure out what he actually stands for. He rarely discusses the issues.

What does he stand for?
2016-03-13 16:13:11 UTC
He doesn't use a script like other politicians do. He says everything right then and there, and he says it well. He has the balls to say something about illegal immigration and actually do something about it. He pisses people off who can't get past the way he speaks and can't get to the truth in his words.. which is sad.

Many people can't stand the other Republicans running for POTUS, nor can they stand Hilary so if it's Trump VS Hilary, they will vote Trump.
2016-03-14 23:11:46 UTC
He's a racist scumbag who doesn't understand what he's talking about. He says that when he becomes an American President, he will not allow immigrants to enter his land, though he's parents are both from Germany or Scotland. Plus, about the Muslim thing he said, let him take them out. Less teachers, less doctors, nurses', engineers and etc, for the benefit of America (Note my sarcasm). Let him ruin America on his own.
2016-03-14 01:29:10 UTC
Donald is the only one who can save us all from the NWO. I've been researching about the NWO, did you know that they actually created chem trails as an excuse to invade those snigger i.e. arabs. Well actually I've come to the conclusion that the war in the middle east was in reality only a decoy to draw people away from the fact that the NWO has infused our vaccines with antifertility drugs. And therefore Donald should be able to throw out some darn fence-hoppers if it means saving the world from the NWO.
2016-03-15 07:28:39 UTC
To be honest. I don't know why people hate Trump. I personally think he is really cool. As long as I can live my life somewhat decent then I am fine. And we don't have this wreck of a country over flowing with Illegal Aliens like it is getting to.
2016-03-14 16:55:31 UTC
Seriously mark my words; Donald trump is unhinged with a big ego and is very stubborn. He will lead America to defeat. Don't be foolish to vote for him.
2016-03-15 14:32:00 UTC
I'd love him to win just because he has fun up there and is himself. Though he is probably lying just like everyone else but less likely do to his approach on all of political debates. Unfortunately some of the state's electoral votes that would vote for him wouldn't be enough to have him win. So any state with 1 electoral vote has no reason in voting. It won't make a difference. Its just my opinion.
2016-03-16 09:49:42 UTC
Trump is running for the U. S. Presidency not the Vatican as Pope.

You don't think he's qualified..Consider this. He got 2 billion dollars of Free advertising

from the media for his campaign so far. You must be looking for another

Jimmy Carter.
2016-03-13 19:18:04 UTC
To Emily:

He isn't racist in any way. He is not against Mexicans. He is against illegal immigrants. Also, he doesn't change his opinion nearly as much as Clinton does. Besides, it's ok for a person to change their opinion. Since Trump has only been running for president for less than a year, he didn't change his opinion for votes. However, Clinton has always been running for some governmental position, so she changes her opinion for votes. When gay rights were not favored, she was against gay rights. Now that gay rights are favored, Clinton also favors them.
2016-03-13 13:06:33 UTC
Why is donald trump so great? why isn't he?

Trump's just another politician , out for himself , doesn't matter who any one picks or who wins... corrupt politics and politicians are not going to change for the better because most voters are as bad as the politicians - Democrat and Republican ! His campaign slogan is just that another stupid slogan for stupid people / voters !
2016-03-15 11:37:44 UTC
I'm sorry but I personally do not like trump as he wishes to prevent people on dire need from coming here. Sure some people may be bad but not all. He is racist. I don't see how you guys like him.
2016-03-16 13:35:10 UTC
Why support man simply because he will run Republican? He say's what many think but that does not make him a leader that will pull the country together, be able to accomplish his promises or make life safer. Voting should be for the best "choice" although this year is offering choosing between a rock and a hard place.
2016-03-14 21:40:06 UTC
Dump trump!!!!!!... U r white aren't you?... If you were a Muslim or any of the religions trump is throwing in prison or banning from the USA because he thinks he can because his pockets are full of Green how would you like that? Those PEOPLE have FAMILY and unlike trump they have hearts and feelings! Anyone who supports him is just like him! Full of hate not of heart. Full of it not of feelings like regular people. Plus he has NO presidential knowledge WHATSOEVER. He goes on the platform and says his personality in a speech basically saying I am A HUGE ****-DICK. So basically saying: don't ruin this world for all these INOCENT PEOPLE...PLEASE! I apologize for my bad speech I am just upset about how much more he would jack up this world.
2016-03-16 16:13:21 UTC
Donald Trump? I don't mean to be rude, but what do you see in him that's so good?
2016-03-13 20:55:24 UTC
Cause he's not in it 4 the money he's in it 2 make a difference
Nick Danger
2016-03-16 18:55:03 UTC
He's managed to woo the religious wing nuts, rednecks and rubes away from the control of their party's owners, the billionaires. In doing that, he's created a movement that the richest 1% cannot reverse. That alone makes him great, If you're a democrat.
2016-03-13 15:50:38 UTC
While Trump has appeal in some ways as a well to do person; he has allowed his arrogance to get the best of him. He is pushing the buttons of angry frustrated people and telling them what they want to hear. That our country should somehow cater to them ...perhaps because they are

white. And that somehow white people should be upset when others also benefit in our country. The simple fact remains that OUR country is at our best when EVERYONE benefits equally in regards to health care decent salaries and a clean and safe place to live. This is why OUR country continues to improve under President Obama. And why OUR country should move FORWARD with BERNIE OR HILLARY instead of backwards with GOP TEA PARTY and TRUMP. Oh and I for one don't feel obligated to vote for TRUMP / GOP TEA PARTY and pay their high salary and benefits with my TAX MONEY while they ***** about salaries of more honorable people like MYSELF somehow being too high...
2016-03-16 09:17:59 UTC
He's trying to bring America back but doing it the wrong way, he's a great businessman but not a great politician, I'm fairly certain he won't become president
2016-03-14 14:00:50 UTC
After he deports and gets rid of everything/(everyone) that is supposedly wrong with America let's see how effectively he runs this country let's see who he will have to blame after they're gone. America is a country not a business and if we run it like a business lets see how white American at the bottom and middle class do
2016-03-14 22:41:27 UTC
Donald Trump supporter ha! you're an idiot
Little Ms Sunshine
2016-03-15 14:23:56 UTC
Donald Trump is doing what he does best - convincing desperate people that he holds the solution to their problems - when all he's really offering is empty promises.
2016-03-14 15:16:02 UTC
He's a joke. He believes that men should get paid more then women. Me and my husband could be working the same job and he would get paid more then me just because he's a male. He is also very racist. It has taken us this long to get were we are to today with racism. Yes we still have a lot of racist people but we are a lot farther then we were.
2016-03-14 16:52:13 UTC
Trump is telling everyone that it's ok to eat doughnuts for breakfast. Every night you eat doughnuts for breakfast because trump said its ok. After a couple weeks of eaiting doughnuts for breakfeast, you know what happens? You get sick! Everything trump is saying is the doughnuts and everyone is eating them up. Don't get sick!
2016-03-15 21:31:35 UTC
Donald Trump gets it. He has from the begining. Yes he is not the groovey political correct type cause he is into glam, has a trash mouth, is spoiled, but even though he is an old fart with a red quacking mouth, he knows his ****. He gets it, and he may be the last chance to correct ****. And no ones hands are in his pockets.
2016-03-15 04:10:37 UTC
Donald Trump can sell himself the best possible way . His confidence makes people belive that he is someone great and make America great again . He has the power of making people believe his big talks. He seeds the idea inside others mind that he is so great.
2016-03-13 13:56:36 UTC
Trump isn't a great man by any means. He has said himself that his children agree with his behavior because they want to remain in good favor for the inheritance and I don't know any father who would say that.

He is one of the highest paid speakers in the country because he knows how to get people to see things his way and he knows the right things to say.

Anyone who wants to become president of the united states cannot just throw "liberty and justice for all" out of the window and no real American would ever allow that to happen.

The courts proved he's dishonest because he lost a lawsuit surrounding his fake Trump University.

I think his major motive here is to crush the Republican party because as you can see it's become a chaotic mess and an embarrassment by international standards.

His daughter and Hillary's daughter remain bff's so they must know he's not sincere.

I think this entire presidential run is more about splitting the GOP and letting his ego take it as far as he can.

He hasn't stated any real plan for any of the objectives he has mentioned in his.

His political adviser is a democrat.

I could go on but if this doesn't convince you nothing will.
2016-03-13 18:48:02 UTC
He is racist. Even his own uncle hates him. He just rambles on and always changed his opinion. Look up Trump vs Trump, it's so funny 😂
2016-03-14 11:30:55 UTC
Donald Trump is a great businessman, real estate tycoon and reality television star. As a politician, he is terrible.
2016-03-13 19:20:49 UTC
Donald Trump is just another person with unique skill sets and refinements that make him a master marketer.
2016-03-13 20:36:06 UTC
I'm not one for politics, but from what I understand Trump tells it how it is.
2016-03-14 13:05:33 UTC
The majority of Americans are just completely stupid. Donald Trump is no where nere qualified to be president. The rest of the world can see it and that is why many countries are considering banning him if he becomes president. America right now is the laughing stock of the world.
2016-03-13 15:09:00 UTC
Trump has been moderately successful. Did he pull off the

Billions others have. No. But certainly has pulled off a

great number of medium lucrative deals. Adding up to

his present record. Personally I think he will make a lousy

president. Donald doesn't work or play well with others.

And he will need to do that in order to make anything work

for America.
2016-03-13 20:15:21 UTC
Ask yourself a few questions about your candidate.

Who is he taking "America back" from, exactly? How exactly has the country changed? Why has it changed and what are the cons/pros that created the change.

When he gets in office, what are his SPECIFIC plans to "Make America great again"?

People with high profile titles, like being a president, often require them to be hyper aware of themselves. No outbursts. No body language shifts. No facial expressions that can cause another diplomat to be offended. Just watching him shows us several times that he struggles to have a political and tactful filter. I know being PC and double talk is really frustrating but it is critical when speaking to specific people in positions of power.

Also, this man said he will sue anyone who uses his name in an negative or mocking manner. This is an extreme form of censorship that people in the states will have a difficult time adjusting to when he is in office. On that note, one of his goals when entering the office is to change the amendments. I don't know where you stand on this idea but both parties want to preserve that document.

Vote for who you wish but think about what they actually plan on accomplishing, what they specifically want to accomplish, how long it will take to do this in the four to eight years in office and what will be the outcome, realistically.
2016-03-13 12:06:11 UTC
He is a member of the Illuminati and here is the evidence.

The Zionist (one of the occult groups that make up what is called the "New World Order") selected Trump to run for election to prevent liberal support of ideas that would hurt Wall-street (which is controlled by the Rothschild Zionist and other groups) by shouting at messages that would hurt Wall-Street, so Liberals can reject those ideas subconsciously supporting Wall-Street.

Republicans already support Israel so they don't see the ideas as hurting Wall-Street and wouldn't want to hurt wall street or Israel anyway.

Closing the border would hurt Wall-Street because of Retail, Real Estate/ Renting. People come here to live in houses and that is good for Retail cause they have to buy stuff to put into those houses.

Temporarily banning Muslims until we figure out what the hell is going on would temporarily hurt Wall-street because than we wouldn't be able to accept most refugees which come from Muslim nations which are constantly at war.

Temporarily not being able to accept Muslims(which make up 2.4 billion people worldwide) until we figure out what the hell is going on would hurt because it leaves us with one less way to fix the poor demographic issue.

Poor Demographic = Old people dying faster than new births.

Younger millennial voters which have a bias against Wall-street, don't recognize how much Trump's ideas would hurt Wall-Street because Bernie Sanders serves as a distraction.

China - The Real Estate kingpin is slowing down rapidly. The Chinese buy houses in China but don't rent them out. The Problem is that there are already so many people in China who are either old or buying houses in the West for there kids who are foreign exchange students

No one is renting all these spaces in China. There are entire towns in China that are just empty.

Japan - 60% crash in real estate.

France, Denmark, Southern Europe, Central Europe, Japan, Asia, China, India have demographic Issues. China maybe have a large population but there are serious problems within the demographic itself. Old people are dying faster than new births can happen.

BUY Indian Stocks. Super Fast Urbanization.

China Empty Cities. 27% Condos not being rented.

Poor Demographic = Not enough Working/Spending Money/Buying Houses= Economic instability.

GET OUT of commodities. Commodities have hit 1970s lows.

BUY when others are selling.

SELL when others are buying.
2016-03-13 20:33:06 UTC
Umm because he is a racist, egocentric pig. There are actually legitimate reasons why most people hate the man. They don't just hate him for the sake of it. He says that the thing which he feels which certainly is not a good thing in his case.

I'm just gonna say that I'm glad that I don't live in the states.
Big Lance!
2016-03-14 05:43:44 UTC
I see lots of ugly comments that keep referring to trump as rich n white? Would u rather have someone non white not educated poor to be president? U folks need to wake up even louis farrakhan says blacks are getting on with trump as he is the only candidate in AGES thats taken on the establishment puppets so if the muslim leader 2nd most prominent black fella in country who hates whites n jews says blacks should vote for trump well folks id have to agree with the old man. What farrakhan is saying trump has the money to force change do not believe the political hype fr dems any vote not for trump is for hillary so enjoy TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT HE HAS HIS OWN MONEY UNLIKE OBAMA PUPPET BOUGHT PAID PUPPET
2016-03-14 22:06:46 UTC
He isn't great, except in BS. I've been watching him for decades and he's obviously crazy.
2016-03-14 13:36:22 UTC
i guess trump can finance any promise he utters to his people because hes from the 1% and he is also self funding his campaign unlike others taking from lobbyists for only interest also he shouldn't attack ethnicity as a whole nor religion because of few, one time you said we need to ban muslims coming into united states until we figure out whats going on, make a fair policy amongst all, no immigrant issue, no illegal drugs, no toppling regimes
2016-03-14 16:39:20 UTC
You want my opinion? Donald Trump is a complete tw*t who is a racist, homophobe and everything else bad who is about to annihilate the USA if he gets voted for president. He is basically an upgrade of Adolf Hitler.
2016-03-14 18:40:48 UTC
He isn't great because he's racist, sexist, and worst of all : uneducated. Not only that, but he thinks BEING uneducated makes him SMART somehow... not sure how he put that together, even the average three year old knows that the more you learn, the more you know (duh). Either way, I won't elaborate, but he's a horrible person. Definitely that one crazy family member who makes you contemplate suicide when they show up at Thanksgiving dinner.
2016-03-13 19:24:16 UTC
He is great because he is rich and who doesn't want a rich president and business man he has experience in business and can possibly help us out of debt he isn't because he is a butt cheek
parochial school graduate
2016-03-13 12:07:57 UTC
He got twenty million from his dad as seed money. If he had put that money in the stock market he would now have 4.3 billion. Right now Donald trump is worth 4.3 billion by using his brain and savvy real estate skills to build his fortune. You can be the judge for yourself if you think he is exceptional or not.
2016-03-13 22:42:17 UTC
Donald Trump and Hitler have a lot in common. Trump is a facist and it scares me that he has support despite how he acts.
2016-03-13 19:48:42 UTC
No he isn't great. He's already causing segregation and promoting violence. A civil war could erupt again.
Doug Freyburger
2016-03-17 10:49:39 UTC
Why he's popular - People are burnt out on politicians and he's not a politician. Mix with party affiliation childishness.

Why he's not popular - Not everyone is burned out on politicians and he's not a politician. Mix with party affiliation childishness.
2016-03-13 12:19:23 UTC
In other words... you support a TV personality for President, but you have no idea WHY you do it.

Is it possibly because he has a name you recognise, and that's good enough.

Kids are staying kids too long to be allowed to vote.
2016-03-13 15:58:52 UTC
I don't know if great is the word that I would use to describe him but I am certainly voting for him over Hillary. he would make a great president because he knows money. he knows what makes the world go round and I think he can get this economy going. Hillary on the other hand is a sleazy politician
2016-03-15 10:34:37 UTC
People! THat's why!
2016-03-15 00:37:02 UTC
Democrats cause a lot of the problems.

Republicans are gutless.

Both parties don't have America in their hearts.

If everyone wants him out then I want him in.
2016-03-15 10:28:46 UTC
I want a president who supports our Freedom of Speech-not threatens to sue for it. I want a president who doesn't brag about all of the money he has-enough to make all the necessary changes this country needs-then asks "someone else" to pay for his project- after all. I want a President who doesn't tax businesses in his present state-instead of taking more money from them. --Presently--. I want a President who has tact and whom I know won't tick off a world leader into anger with something immature he says into a WW nuclear blast.. I want a President who helps his citizens self -defend themselves from terrorists, RFID implantation, --presently. (Watch you tube video "When isis trys crossing into Texas". I want a president whom-if I were to be Honest I could say I could sleep soundly --while he is vigilant. He wouldn't have to promise-just keep doing what he's doing--
2016-03-15 21:37:42 UTC
Vote trump #Makeamericaunemployedagain
2016-03-14 12:38:10 UTC
He is great because he has gained so much attention and is able to sway the opinions of the paranoid.

He isn't because he promotes racism, violence, scapegoating, and ignorance of science and logic in general. He is tactless, vulgar, and unprecedented.
2016-03-15 06:39:56 UTC
I don't know but I would use his money for the better of humanity. Here is a good way to start

Try the Cash app using my code and we’ll each get $5! KTFLLMT
2016-03-13 20:06:07 UTC

Tax Reform

End to Obama Care.
2016-03-13 23:14:37 UTC
He states the obvious, and no other candidate since Obama has stated what needs to be done. Unfortunately, Obama was a lying whore and now its Trumps turn to please the people. Trump better not be a lying whore like Obama was. If he is, this world is done for.
2016-03-13 15:05:31 UTC
I don't like him because I think a lot of the things he wants can't happen, and some of the things he wants scare me. I feel like he could end up destroying the reputation of the United States if he acts as crazy as president as he seems.
2016-03-15 06:12:19 UTC
he is great im like you I don't know why he isn't in some crazy peoples minds
2016-03-14 11:23:35 UTC
Donald trump for president no way who want a jerk like him in office no way would I vote for that jerk
2016-03-15 12:28:35 UTC
Public Relations is going to go in the **** hole if Trump wins. As a matter of fact they already are just from him running! Go Bernie!
2016-03-15 03:18:35 UTC
He is only getting so much votes becouse people don't know anyone else besides him.

And he was so famous and had TV shows.

Thats all.
Slick Willey
2016-03-17 05:44:26 UTC
Trump is english slang for breaking wind
2016-03-14 00:26:24 UTC
Hes going to make America great again
2016-03-17 15:25:25 UTC
Does he need to be great, or does he just need to be honest. He will give conservatives at least 50% of what they want, that is 50% more than Hillary, and he will give Sanders supporters 30% of what they want, compares well with Hillary who is only going to give them 5% of what they want.
2016-03-13 14:39:07 UTC
Trump is only great in his own eyes but Hillary is much much worse.
2016-03-14 20:51:51 UTC
He's a douche
2016-03-15 05:47:35 UTC
President Trump i like that sound of that
2016-03-14 17:14:59 UTC
Well he isn't great, just full of ****. It's the people who he brainwashes thinks he's god.
2016-03-15 12:16:05 UTC
what I am matters not,race,education gender,trump,his record of accomplishments, an empire built with private money & effort,he inheirited a pile,,lost a pile,recouped a bigger pile,learned architecture,attention to detail,from caissons & bldg cement piers,,to the crown & roof antennas,and all the physical stuff in between,,personnel mgmt,recruiting talent,are those abilities transferable to running the most powerful nation on the planet? yes,,,yes we can
2016-03-15 05:40:52 UTC
You are under a delusion. Trump is a dangerous psycho.
2016-03-15 03:38:06 UTC
Why the hell would you ever support a racist who is billions of dolalrs in debt, that's what I want to know.
2016-03-15 04:53:09 UTC
trump as no clue what he's doing
2016-03-13 16:31:17 UTC
Trump is king
Henry W
2016-03-13 21:45:05 UTC
his name sounds like donald duck, and i'm falsely beleive that he has connection to disney for a while
Flying Spaghetti Monster
2016-03-14 06:05:30 UTC
You're trolling I like you
2016-03-13 19:20:14 UTC
Trump says what people are afraid to say
2016-03-13 19:35:50 UTC
He isn't
2016-03-13 14:41:30 UTC
donald trump is a piece of trash and he is not invited 2 my trash can thx
2016-03-14 15:52:34 UTC
Trump is the kinda guy that no matter how bad he is instead of losing people he gains more to ling him
Atsa me Atsa you?
2016-03-13 15:22:36 UTC
I figure, what can be worse than Obama...yes, Hillary I know. I cannot stand him, he has my medical insurance so screwed up, I need a new car, but cannot afford it, because my insurance premiums are so high...I need to get to work so taxes can be taken out to pay for the leaches of this county....HE SUCKS!!!
2016-03-15 12:42:46 UTC
He's a fascist.
2016-12-09 13:38:58 UTC
Democratic Congressman ADMITS Hillary's 33,000 emails are REAL.
2016-03-13 12:06:33 UTC
He wins at life. It's hard goddamn work winning like he does
2016-03-14 10:32:31 UTC
donald trump, good joke. very funny would rather vote snoop dogg
2016-03-13 22:35:05 UTC
Anyone who can't see past this ******* ignorant jack *** deserves to suffer the consequences that WILL take effect when you idiots make him your president.
2016-03-13 16:22:15 UTC
trump needs a new hairdresser, or he needs to glue on that toupee better... America needs a good looking president, not one with a bed-head.
2016-03-15 17:08:25 UTC
I don't believe he is great ..but just how he is very different. Whether or not you believe his ways are presidential ..just very new
2016-03-14 16:23:25 UTC
He's a racist and an asshat
2016-03-14 10:32:55 UTC
2016-03-13 19:41:40 UTC
Anybody who thinks he'll make this world better are sadly mistaken! He won't do any better than Bush!
2016-03-13 16:52:05 UTC
Most americans are quite dumb. They don't even know what Europe is.
2016-03-13 13:10:45 UTC
He isn't great at all

He doesn't know what is "politics"...

He just knows how to hate specfic groups and criticize his opponents
2016-03-15 09:14:27 UTC
I don't like him
2016-03-15 10:40:08 UTC
I live in Utah. Mickey Mouse could be running as a Republican and he would still get the vote.
2016-03-15 20:19:13 UTC
He probably can't spell great, let alone be great. I guess Hilter was great!
2016-03-14 21:02:06 UTC
He's selfish and racist, thinks about himself.
2016-03-15 19:31:07 UTC
He marries great looking women.
2016-03-13 14:01:31 UTC
Trump is not so great. Donald Trump is quiet stupid actually.
2016-03-14 06:25:29 UTC
he is so "great" because a lot of white americans are racist just like him. it also doesnt take the fact away that a lot of black americans are also racist... he is also not so "great" because we from outside america have seen how dumb a rich man can be. money cannot buy you common sense.
2016-03-13 19:43:40 UTC
Good morning
Maria S
2016-03-13 14:35:16 UTC
He is honest, and he actually cares about America, and Americans, not about every one in the world EXCEPT Americans. I am very tired of presidents that put the welfare of Syrians, Mexicans, and others ahead of the welfare of Americans. We need someone that looks after us first, and not them.
2016-03-14 23:53:52 UTC
Chump was great in the minds of suckers at chump university
2016-03-14 03:10:20 UTC
He will be a great leader
2016-03-13 18:18:22 UTC
He isn't, he incites violence, flip flops, lies and is wildly offensive.
2016-03-15 13:41:04 UTC
I voted for Trump. My husband has been in the Army for 18 years. He is in a combat unit and stationed at the most deployed Army base in the USA that is situated in 2 states and 4 counties.The military here supports Trump because we know what he says about ISIS is correct. My husband was one of those deployed to send weapons and equipment to troops with boots on the ground fighting ISIS and AlQaeda in Iraq even though Obama lied and said there are no boots on the ground there. After they came back a recruiting station was attacked by a terrorist from the same country our troops just came from. When my hubby was deployed there helping troops in Iraq Part of his brigade deployed to Liberia because ISIS and AlQaeda are using ebola as a chemical weapon there. Obama lied about why they was there too. He also lied about what is going on in Syria. My hubbys combat unit was training to go there before the August chemical weapons attack because ISIS had already done an attack and Assad had sent in an investigator one week before ISIS attacked again. ISIS blamed the attack on Assad because they think he is a infidel and want him out of power. Russia stopped our men and women from having to deploy there. The terrorist hate him for working with the us military to help bomb them. What Trump says about ISIS and the border is true. We have soldiers at the border due to them entering as fake refugees. People call Trump racist for trying to stop muslims from entering the border. Islam is not a race. It is a religion. Just this week we had a white muslim arrested for using weapons of mass destruction. He had red hair like many of the ISIS members. Several muslim military in our town voted for Trump because they know what he says is true about the border. People assume Trump hates immigrants but they do not realize his grandparents are immigrants from Germany and his current wife was born in Slovenia and immigrated to the USA. She legally became a citizen in 2006. His daughter married a Jew and she converted to Judaism so that makes the ISIS supporters hate him even more. He is a German with Jew family. The black lives matter group that has been protesting against trump is a muslim group. They are lead by the nation of islam , who the FBI consider a terrorist group. One of their members was the DC sniper. His wife is still a member of black lives matter and the nation of islam. She came to my husbands base and the FBI was watching her. They could do nothing against her because she made no threats. A few days after she came one of our soldiers who is friends with a Black lives matter man was killed at a gun range. Then not long after that a war plane used to bomb ISIS crashed near my house. Black lives matter has been constantly threatening people here. At Christmas, which the nation of islam banned, we went to the mall. This was right after my hubby got back from helping troops in Iraq. My hubby had on a military shirt the USO gave him showing he had been there. A black lives matter man followed him around taunting him rambling on about muslim Mike Brown and anger towards the military for killing muslims. (The nation of islam think osama was a hero). The black lives matter man threatened to bomb the mall. I was in an asian owned nail salon and my hubby was out in the hall so I was not bothered since I am native American. The black lives matter people only bothered my husband and all the white people around us. We got out and went home then heard on the news that ISIS may be planning to bomb the bridge in the same city.
2016-03-14 05:11:38 UTC
Not so great because he beats his own trumpet !!

Great because he dares to fight true politicians with money !!
2016-03-15 16:30:16 UTC
People like him because he is a strong leader.
2016-03-14 11:37:26 UTC
he spreads a lot of hate, because e plays on peoples fears, and points the blame on easy targets. he isnt great
2016-03-14 05:31:20 UTC
Brave to speak his mind
2016-03-15 19:54:18 UTC
All media attention
2016-03-14 00:16:40 UTC
there are too many reasons to count for why he is hated, he just has no business being president imo
2016-03-13 16:53:11 UTC
He is the lesser of two evils Hillary being the worst
2016-03-16 16:23:18 UTC
I feel he is a racist who is in no way qualified to be President. he also does not have

emotional temperament to be President.
2016-03-14 17:55:10 UTC
Although some of his policies are ok, i believe those of sanders are better
2016-03-13 18:37:49 UTC
Urm what?? He's great??
2016-03-13 12:58:31 UTC
He is smart, clever and innovative. And, he has the recognized ability to achieve what he says he can.
2016-03-13 16:59:44 UTC
Trump can suck my a$$
2016-03-15 08:35:08 UTC
because he's NOT a globalist.
2016-03-18 07:02:38 UTC
hes not
2016-03-15 06:52:51 UTC
Because he sucks at life
2016-03-15 05:01:22 UTC
Outpoke. Apepaling to the dissatisfied.
2016-03-13 16:27:38 UTC
Mr. Trump is going to be one of the great presidents of the United States. The Democratic Party and most of its politicians have drifted away from our traditional American values and have sold out this country to the lobbyists, corporations and even other countries. Trump is the only one that is breathing life into the American Spirit that we have lost. It just makes me sick to sit back and watch how the Liberals of this country have Stripped Away our rights and are trying to strip away more everyday and you're brainwashed Democrats are being fooled into voting against your own interests and you don't even realize it. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!! Trump is not a racist he is a patriot. The bottom line is folks, this country doesn't have another four years to go through the same old same old. Our enemies are at our door. And a dishonest Hillary Clinton Administration would be the final nail in America's coffin. America do the right thing vote Trump 2016!! BTW 2 all you thumbs down folks,UR a POS
2016-03-16 13:11:17 UTC
He is scum, he is a racist, sexist, Fascist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, transphobic bigot.
2016-03-14 16:07:38 UTC
"let's make america 10x worse than it already is" - shithead
2016-03-13 21:09:19 UTC
donaldo trumpy boi is a stoner
2016-03-14 18:07:51 UTC
Build that wall.
2016-03-15 19:47:59 UTC
No more political correctness
2016-03-14 20:35:19 UTC
2016-03-13 17:15:18 UTC
He is offensive and does not think before he speaks.
2016-03-16 06:32:20 UTC
2016-08-22 12:46:10 UTC
And the same question shows up again
2016-03-13 13:03:19 UTC
He is honest and not dishonest like the rest of the bunch.
2016-03-15 04:57:50 UTC
imo he speaks truth on taboo topics... thats precious advantage in one politician these days
2016-03-14 04:34:55 UTC
He is great
2016-03-14 14:41:32 UTC
He isnt. Simple
2016-03-16 07:24:18 UTC
his only greatness is fooling idiots dumber than he is
2016-03-14 16:10:26 UTC
he is corporate hitler, he insults veterans and is a evil con artist
2016-03-15 06:28:18 UTC
Not greae
2016-03-13 13:47:45 UTC
sounds like a trolling questions
2016-03-16 02:24:27 UTC
2016-03-13 18:24:40 UTC
He is a phony.I looked at & he backs him.
2016-03-13 15:25:55 UTC
v bbchbvgnb xdfghvcfghfdfgh
2016-03-13 13:24:40 UTC
Apparently he is good for Trade.
Moe Lester
2016-03-13 14:16:43 UTC
He has lots of money so he can rape people and get away with it and buy wives and kick a$$ and take names.
2016-03-15 07:08:53 UTC
he will do what this country needs
2016-03-14 17:42:25 UTC
2016-03-14 05:42:41 UTC
I dont like him
2016-03-13 13:35:18 UTC
he's great at B.S. and filing for bankruptcy.
2016-03-16 08:16:48 UTC
He is crystal clear.....thats damn great folk
2016-03-14 20:33:42 UTC
you respond to dog whistles?
2016-03-13 15:56:26 UTC
lots of people like him.
2016-03-14 11:44:45 UTC
I know
2016-03-16 00:42:02 UTC
No idea
2016-03-13 21:54:59 UTC
Because he is.
2016-03-13 14:24:17 UTC
If I could surgically remove his mouth, I would
2016-03-15 05:43:41 UTC
those who shout loud are the dumbest
2016-03-14 00:44:47 UTC
never talk to me. bye 😇👋
2016-03-15 08:41:07 UTC
he ii
2016-03-15 07:06:40 UTC
He is an arrogant asshole.
2016-03-14 17:14:52 UTC
cause he lives in poo
2016-03-15 21:47:41 UTC
because he is unstumpable
2016-03-13 13:37:03 UTC
Because he is not
2016-03-13 18:49:07 UTC
Wow.... these answers gave my cancer cancer.
2016-03-16 08:19:06 UTC
**** trump.
2016-03-15 07:25:41 UTC
2016-03-14 00:40:16 UTC
heil hitler
2016-03-14 23:07:29 UTC
Idk. I think he's full of ****.
2016-03-15 10:11:47 UTC
2016-03-14 03:21:11 UTC
……. wtf

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.