student loans? in 2005 he voted against protection of bankruptcy for students, he won't eliminate student loans altogether. Here's his current stance on that.
He might eliminate 10k but that's all we'll see at best, if he doesn't flip on it.
Paris Accord, he'll get back in it. That means he'll have to raise taxes to pay for poor countries climate programs.
Covid strains, possibly more lockdowns.
DOW slide. It's doubled since Trump has been in office. There's no problem there.
Unemployment, Trump brought it to an all time low before the virus. Biden won't be able to do that. Biden will probably eliminate fracking which will cost jobs. He'll also probably remove China tarrifs which will cost more jobs again because corporations may outsource to China.
Environment disasters, he'll ignore it. Nobody wants the New Green Deal. It's already been rejected.
Trump started the middle east peace treaties, Biden will not follow through with it.
It's all bad news. Biden taking over is not good timing.