I think you are a bit MIXED UP and better READ/LOOK further into past History!!
Not only did America WIN the War with Mexico BUT, they eventually PAID Mexico for the LAND!!
You Idea is a common 'misconception'!
The Mexicans are NOT trying to get the Land that 'once was theirs back' BECAUSE if they did, they would WORK harder towards it...FIRST, by FIXING their OWN Country and MAYBE then give it a go.
ALL they are doing is SUCKING THE 'Lifeblood' of America, crossing our Borders ILLEGALLY, BREEDING "ANCHOR BABIES" like cockroaches and DRAINING it's Social Services which were set up for Americans!!
IF 'anyone' has a right to Gripe, it is the American Indians, NOT Hawaiians or Mexicans! The Hawaiians are 'fine' ...as a State now and as for the Mexicans....hahaha.....they wouldn't want to TAKE over America....they couldn't govern or run it, they want it ALL HANDED TO THEM.....Social Services, Welfare etc, etc,..look at the CORRUPT Govt of Mexico!
LISTEN to me and LISTEN well.........BEFORE they 'even try' there will be another American Revolution, such as America has never seen!!
Why do you think the White Supremacists and Skinheads are GAINING in Numbers & Support and the "Gun Control" Laws WILL NOT be changed "The RIGHT to bear Arms" for self protection ...... think about that, my Friend!