Why are many Conservatives and Republicans complaining about Obama's healthcare reforms ?
2009-08-27 06:53:04 UTC
Healthcare reforms are not about political ideologies. They are about saving lives. If Republicans and other Conservatives followed their religion, they would be concerned about saving lives, especially when 45 million Americans don't have access to healthcare. Look at countries like : France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Canada, Finland, Iceland, Great Britain and other advanced countries. Everyone is covered and life expectancy in these countries is higher than in United States. This has nothing to do with Socialism, lives need to get saved.
Eighteen answers:
2009-08-27 07:13:31 UTC
Several reasons:

1. NOBODY believes President Obama's cost predictions. And even though he claims we'll pay for it with taxes on the rich and with cost reductions, nobody believes that, either. Even if we do drastically increase taxes on the rich and reduce costs immensely, that won't even begin to pay the real bill. always whenever the "rich" are taxed...they'll find ways around it. (When Bill Clinton increased taxes, even Ted Kennedy went and transferred a lot of his family's wealth into non-taxable trust funds.) What will actually happen is always...the middle class will end up paying the majority of the burden.

2. Nobody believes that we won't end up paying for illegal aliens. The liberals insist that there's nothing in the bill that allows for illegal immigrants to get free health care. But every time someone inserts language in the bill to require some sort of ID or proof of citizenship or even to simply state that "illegal immigrants cannot be covered", the liberals always take it out.

3. If you believe that France has the best health care in the world, you deserve to be that dense. When Michael Moore was in France filming part of "Sicko" and had kidney trouble, the very first thing he did was hop on a plane and fly back to Michigan. And three of the countries you cited...Germany, Canada, and Great Britian...are going broke, and severely limit medical care...even to the point of rationing it based on age and one's "value" to society.
2009-08-27 08:07:53 UTC
First of all, the 45 million Americans "not having access" is not an accurate number - that includes those who HAVE access but have chosen NOT to purchase it. This also includes illegal immigrants. the actual number is around 13-15 million.

Secondly, NOTHING is "free". Look at other countries' tax rates. Do you think the estimated cost of implementing this bill is worth that? If so, how do you put a value on a single life?

Thirdly, your quotations about other countries having "better" plans is a misnomer. My relatives live in Canada (and my brother's wife is English). They've got NOTHING good to say about either the Canadian or British systems - that's why they go down to Washington for health care...... too much bureaucracy. If you're not needing emergency care, then get on the waiting list.

Fourth - I don't want some low-leve bureaucrat dictating to me what health care options I have. It's about freedom of choice. I'll take it IF it's identical to the plan currently GIVEN to Congress at the same cost they pay. If not, then it underscores my last point.

Lastly, the healthcare reform in this country IS about political ideology - contrary to your opinion. The politicians here are NOT interested in true reform, as evidenced by their efforts in trying to cram through a 1000+ page bill with little opportunity for review and discussion. I've asked the questions of multiple politicians - and nobody can tell me what's contained in the entire bill. That's scary. I've read the entire bill (HR 3200) - and it's worded in such a way that it can support ANYTHING (or do ANYTHING) over time. Promises of truth, transparency and bipartisanship all went out the window as soon as the new administration took over. Congress goes on and on about improving efficiency - I have NEVER seen ANY government-run program that is efficient.... it's all about more government power.

You have to understand the politicians here - they're not REALLY into SERVING the people. If they can't answer my questions and just brush me off as a right-wing wacko that's being paid off by the insurance companies - then I have the right and duty to raise my complaints. I've written to them, talked to them, e-mailed them.... and their response is all the same - they're voting for it as a party. That tells me they're NOT representing the people, as they're NOT listening to the facts.

BTW - that's not just limited to bills pushed by liberals... that includes ANY bill pushed by ANY person. If they can't tell me what they wrote in it and can't justify it based on the FACTS, then it does not get my support. Period. The only ones who are supporting it are the political ideologues or the uninsured - ~6% of the population.

Get your facts straight before tooting the standard liberal talking points.

CA Deputy
2009-08-27 07:28:50 UTC
Let us be truthful for a change, Liberals. Obama wants abortion to be covered and a fetus is a baby, no matter what stage of development. His daughter needs a real father that recognizes that a daughter of 13 is not mature enough to decide on having an abortion. But our President said she is and all are? Don't you think he needs help or is it that Obama is still thinking about those contributions from the so-called pro-choice advocates and that still has his brain? I would wonder about any health care reform if anyone thinks a 13 year old girl is mature enough to make life and death choices of the most innocent, shouldn't we all? He wants all teens to have choice when we say they are now not even mature till reaching 32 for women and 35 for men. Maturity is when we are willing to take responsibility for our own actions and stop blaming the system, things, or others! Then there is the fact that we have 1/3rd the Doctors we would need if we got a National Health Care Bill passed. Did you hear anything on that from him until others pointed this out? Obviously, Obama has a problem with his thought processes. Earl
2009-08-30 06:42:05 UTC
Don't know where you got those ideas, go ask people from those countries and find out the truth!

Better yet, go to a VA hospital and interview vets there and see how great government run medical care is.

My uncle now has a catheter from a botched surgery at the VA. How about the screw ups lately, people taking home lap tops with every body's heath records, then loosing it, sending out noticed you have some disease when it was all a mistake,

government is not a medical practice and should stay out.

Also medicare is not free, you pay monthly fees just to wind up having only 60% of the bill paid and you are stuck with a co-pay,

2009-08-27 07:11:54 UTC
Actually, health care reforms are about whether or not the federal government is even allowed to do anything about health care under the Constitution. That's the threshhold question, one the Administration is not being required to address by the party that claims to care more about the Constitution than the other party (okay, that's BOTH of them, get the point?)

If you think the Constitution is about political ideology, you don't understand the document. Politics is the acquisition and use of Power. The Constitution is the limitation on Power.

If you want to say "saving lives" trumps that, then just be aware that you're saying there's something more important than the Constitution, and I do not agree. The Constitution is all that stands between the People of the US and Tyranny.

Place ANYTHING above the Constitution, and you are a supporter of tyranny.

I would include in that the people that oppose health care reform on the basis of "it won't work" or "it costs too much."

It's about the Constitution, and nothing else.
2009-08-27 07:07:54 UTC
Republicans and Independent voters both oppose the healthplan as proposed by large margins. Only Democrats support the plan in a majority.

that is why more Americans now oppose the plan than approve of it.

and that is also why the plan will be radically changed before it is passed. Democrats know that if they dont, many of them will fail in reelection.

And your facts are patently wrong.

Access to healthcare in the countries you mention is in fact better than the USA's 15% that have no insurance. However the 85% that do, enjoy the highest level of medical care in the world. Check the list of nobel prozes for medicine the last 50 years. How many are French? When was the last time you heard of someone flyingto France for an operation?

socialist medical plans are like Walmart. Good, basic and cheap. Need a kidney transplant and your 80 years old? Hope you dont live in the UK.
2009-08-27 07:04:41 UTC
People on the right, are concerned about the constitution being trampled on by this administration. Those figures your quoting, are disingenuous, because a lot of people "choose" not to have healthcare, a lot of those figures "include" illegal immigrants, and in this country right now, millions of Americans have access to free health care, it's called medicare. We have state run health clinics where individuals can be treated, and walk into any health care facility and there are signs EVERYWHERE, "we cannot deny you treatment" it's against the law. Millions of people choose to purchase material items such as large houses, expensive cars, cell phones, hdtv's, clothing, jewelry, expensive vacations, but when it's time to put out 2-300 a month for health insurance, why then it's too damn expensive. Give me a break! It's a car payment! A monthly car payment, except, it's design is to save your life! The governments social programs over the years have been a joke. Every election, we hear from the left, social security is broke, and I am going to fix it.
2009-08-28 11:02:45 UTC
it's not for free i the Netherlands

it used to be that only people with a low income had to take healthcare from the government

A few years ago the law was changed now everybody has to take a basic healtcare package from the government and not surprising the cost for us the citizens have gone up dramatically by over 20% per year while more and more exceptions are made about what is insured
2009-08-27 06:59:08 UTC
Saving lives to the detriment and expense of others?

And those other countries have higher life expectancies because they dont eat McDonalds and Burger King on a daily basis, its not a black and white statistic.

Plus our population probably out numbers every country you listed combined meaning the same system would be less than optimal.

And btw - not all Reps are religous or the same religion and its the moderate democrats holding it up (thank God some dems have read the bill LOL)
2016-10-06 13:36:03 UTC
Republicans not wanting healthcare reform is a canard. they p.c. wellbeing care expenses contained. not something approximately this bill includes expenses. It transfers expenses from one type of folk to a diverse. in addition they don't choose a central authority run application. all of us comprehend the history of government run, super entitlement courses. they're like narcotics to the folk. human beings like narcotics, yet its not good for them. the expenses have by no potential been contained in those courses and are rife with waste, fraud, and abuse. it is what they oppose additionally. what's incorrect with attacking the authentic drivers of healthcare expenses without bobbing up a clean forms of companies and bureaucrats and undermining the interior maximum sector??
2009-08-27 07:02:01 UTC
1) The US health care system is the best in the world at saving lives. Nobody else is even close. ( for more information look up survival rates for cancer, disease, accidents, etc ).

2)The Obama system will reduce the quality of care in the US. It will cause deaths, it won't save anybody. If your concern is about saving lives, you have to oppose Obamacare.

3) You, like many other Obama supporters, believe the system is "free." NO health care system is free. Not France's, not Canada's.. nobodies. Giving the IRS $1 or giving an insurance company $1.. both leave you $1 less in your pocket.
2009-08-27 06:59:31 UTC
First, it isn't just conservatives or Republicans. You're right that it isn't about political idealogy, so that must be why forty percent of dems and sixty-two percent of independents also oppose this bill.

Second, the very fact that we need Health Care reform in the first place is proof that the Federal Government cannot, nor was it ever meant to manage such things in the first place. Social Security, Medicare, Medicade... All those systems are BROKEN. They are all but bankrupt, and the problem comes when politicians, having inserted themselves into health care for the past forty years, decide they wish to insert themselves into it even more, and what you're going to find is that the system proposed by HR3200 will fail just as spectacularly as these other systems, for a number of reasons. If you've actually read the bill yourself, you'll see that there are at least seven separate problems on pages 16-52 alone!

Here are just some samples of the things I've found-

Pg 22 of the HC Bill MANDATES the Govt will audit books of ALL EMPLOYERS that self insure. In addition, the same subsection states that Health Commisioner appointed under this act will see to it that there are no incentives on the books for small or mid-sized businesses to self ensure. Shouldn't we be making it easier for them to do so if they can afford it?

Pg 29 lines 4-16 in the HC bill - YOUR HEALTHCARE IS RATIONED!!! You can only get so much "care" per year, this being about 5,000-10,000$ per year.

Pg 30 Sec 123 of HC bill - THERE WILL BE A GOVT COMMITTEE that decides what treatments/benefits you get! It's not up to you, or your doctor to decide what you need, but up to Uncle Sam!

Page 35 of the HC bill - Even AFTER the govt committee decides what kind of care you get, the so-called "Health Choices Commissioner" gets to decide whether it's appropriate! Not you, the patient who is affected, but yet another bureaucrat!

So what does this bill do? Precisely contrary to what the Founding Fathers intended, it grows government and weakens the individual. That's not ideological. It's simple historical understanding, combined with the facts of what happens when too much power goes to too few.

You want to who want to compare us to nations like Sweden, Japan, Germany, etc...

Per capita assessment DOES NOT effectively address the COMBINATION of circumstances, and thus, is NOT an accurate measure of effectiveness. It doesn't address the simple fact that geographic distance to care centers will effect the cost of care per person. The more distance to cover, the more expensive it is......its an incredibly simple economic concept that a pure "per capita" assessment simply tosses by the wayside because it is an inconvenient detail to worry about, and thus, there is NO leveling of the playing field going on.

I fully support the CONCEPT of health care reforms, and seeing to it the people are properly cared for. But I absolutely MUST reject a pressured mad dash for it, rooted in "if Sweden can do it, why cant' we?" thought. this is something that will drastically effect the welfare of every last citizen in the country, be it though health care, or increased tax burden, or the long term financial stability of the country.....and it ABSOLUTELY MUST be done with a "long view" outlook, and NOT by comparing us to other countries, that for various reasons, aren't' truly comparable to what we are dealing with.

I'm going to re-iterate that NO OTHER COUNTRY in the world faces covering a population of our size, over the same geographic spread. Sweden has a geographic spread of around 175k sq miles, and less than 10 million in population. Germany covers about 138k sq miles, an 80 million-ish. Japan has 128 million people, but in only 145k sq miles....the US, on the other hand, has 308 million people.

2009-08-27 07:35:48 UTC
You are naive. This is not about saving lives. This is about govt control. If the Dems wanted reform only, they would have reasonable plans. They would work on tort reform, insurance pools, portable insurance, allow insurance to be sold across state lines. They would allow high deductibles for those who want them. Allow us to choose what we want covered. I do not need maternity coverage. I do not need drug treatment coverage. They would not be in charge.

Everyone has access to health care in this country. Yes, you just might have to fork over a fifty dollar bill to see a doctor, but I bet you are willing to spend fifty dollars clubbing this weekend.
2009-08-27 07:25:59 UTC
Your statements about France et al are false. But they do show your intent in "asking" this "question" which is simply to harrangue us with your opinions.

For those who browse these answers, not you, the objection to obama's hc is bipartisan, and is based on a desire to live in a nation that stresses indepence and individual responsibility, not a socialist nation that thinks all solutions for all problems is to set a government department to take care of it.

2009-08-27 07:16:18 UTC
Your figures are incorrect on the no.1 health care in the world. The US is rated 36 on the scale of health care. We have excellent critical care so if your almost dead then you will receive treatment. Otherwise,it anyone's guess. Watch michael moores movie "sicko". Health costs are rising at a tremendous rate. Deductibles rising,premiums rising, procedures reduced. Is your doctor running your health or is your insurance agent. Medical care for all is the only christian way.
2009-08-27 06:59:04 UTC
That's why we are fighting it, we are saving lives. And for your information not all democrats support the government take over or involvement either.
2009-08-27 07:00:58 UTC
Maby you should read the bill yourself?

Must be a reason why your Conservative and moderate Democrats don't tend to be in favor as well.
Patriot gal
2009-08-27 07:11:37 UTC
FREE??!1 You really think it's free? Who do you think pays for it the Health Care Fairy? Why don't you answer my question??

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