The problems is, as most seem to agree, that a high proportion of MPs have had their "snouts in the trough" for very many years and so they will never agree to any change in the rules themselves unless it puts even more money into their tacky pocket.
That was why Gordon Brown made a foolish proposal that would have put much more money into their tacky pockets and cost the taxpayer even more, but it still got rejected by the majority of MPs apparently because whether Conservative, :Labour, Liberal or Sinn Fein, they mostly HAVE milked the sytem and want TO GO ON milking the system for their own squalid personal gain.
What is needed when MPs have provedthemselvers to be IRRESPONSIBLE is for new Rules to be imposed by some RESPONSIBLE body that is exclusively concerned with the interests of the UK taxpayer which MPs clearly are NOT.
The most important change should surely be to end the second homes allowance totally and completely! The only claims for maintenance expenses that should be allowed in future should be on their Constituency Home. Yes all MPs are entitled to have somewhere to stay near Westminster, particularly if their Constitency is many hundreds of miles outside London. But regretably MPs themselves can not be trusted to devise a fair system for themselves, so surely it needs to be imposed on them!
I see no good reason why a Travelodge can not be built somewhere near Westminster (they are putting them upin other areas of London within a few months) with about 700 rooms and one family room reserved for every MP available for 365 days per year whether used or not. Family rooms in Travelodges I have frequently stayed in cost £19 per night B & B if booked in advance. Family rooms Travelodges are more than adequate for any respectable gentleman or lady to have their spouse sleeping with them if they so desire with extra bedspaces for children too.They have very good facilities for computer connections and ample space for a secretary to come in to assist with their office work while they are in London. If any millionaire MP like Eric Pickles or David Cameron wants something more luxurious he or she is perfectly free to obtain it and live there BUT NOT AT THE TAXPAYERS EXPENSE!
But this is the point none of the Party Leaders seem able to understand. Most MPs just refuse to accept that during the present epoch everybody else still lucky enough to have a job is suffering lowering of standards like wage freezes or wage reductions to keep their jobs and everybody has got to cut back. That is basically why everybody is so outraged and calling all MPs, in some cases unfairly, "crooks and fiddlers"