can he pull it off so closley linked to the bush administration,
but nations can make peace treatys advisors and the nationals have too decide if its better to have peace or decades of war,or preperation for war,
the middel east is under a upsurge of nationalism,islamic nationalism,which has see iraq reduced to a sectarian divide,shia versus sunny,the same nationalism is operating in Gaza, the same in lebanon,when you have a blind hatered for western democracy,western music western policy,western veiws on individuality,the chances of tony blair having any success are slim,
as for the conflicts he started? which one ? the gulf war was started by iraq invasion of kuwait,a serious threat to western oil supplies, currently the current fighting in iraq is irainan inspired,as irainan supplied weaponary,mines mortars sniper rifles,arm the shia and arab nations siding with the sunni's arm the other,they real core of the problem isnt us,uk involvement in iraq,is the Arab world indifference to it not one Arab nation has stated that the destruction of iraq is underming the whole peaceful coexsistance of the arab moslem world,not one arab state has castagated Iran for fueling the fighting,for turning up the the arab arms race as iran continues as iraq did in the 80's to build up its arm forces
and add nuclear weapons to its arsenal.
when western leaders sit back and refuse to get involved in iraq by sending bigger forces to put down a civil war,iran will continue to increase its influenece in the region,and extend the attacks on western coaliton forces,these will exstend into lebanon with the backing of syria on keeping the lebanon pot boiling,this isnt a al qaeda operation this is a iranian led one
to continue to stir up rival factions in west bank and gaza,this is political regional muscle if it was backing al qadea they would be welcomed to build bases their,but they dont want to be linked to a terrorst organisation,which is sunni supported when they have a shia one availble in the guise of HAMA's and Hizbollah, iran will like iraq did stall the UN on its nuclear programme,the un may use sanctions,but as with iraq it will boil down too force to stem iran the us is the only nation able to do this,israel though may not wait for Iran to state it has the bomb,before it takes action,iran may be hoping that if israel strikes the arab world will gather round to its defence politically ,America so far has the israeli's reins tightly held too prevent a diplomatic nightmare occuring within the already bloodied region,and unleash another mid east war,and have hard talks with putin to get him to climb down over the peace shield proposed to protect europe,
what ever happens the west must either watch iraq dissintergrate into a fall blown civil war,and a irainian coup de tat,with the shia taking control of the country,and mass refugees flowing to the borders of saudi and jordan,and a reckoning with the kurds in the north,who are distrusted by both the sunni and shia communitees,or the west must send a massive force to put down the civil war and support a elected goverment made up of shai suni and kurd politicians
and to enforce iraqi borders,the west must also show iran that
it is prepared to deal by force with iran if it refuses to stop its weapons programe.