should tony blair be allowed to be an envoy for peace?
2007-06-27 02:43:46 UTC
my girlfriend freaks out whenever tony blair is on tv but it has been unbearable since it was announced that he would be an envoy to the middle east and after all the conflicts He started how will he solve any problems without the british army?
45 answers:
Cristiano R
2007-06-27 04:57:55 UTC
No. Thats coz US doesnt want peace between itself and N.Korea, Iran, China, etc.
2007-06-27 23:46:50 UTC
No bloody wonder your girlfriend freaks out when she sees or hears Tony Blair!!! That guy is one serious piece of trouble and how the hell he hasn't got us into any more serious trouble is a shear miracle. When him and George Dubbya Bush were sniping at the Russians, all I could see in my mind was Vladimir Putin getting angry enough to instigate a pre-emptive thermonuclear tactical strike against the west. We are living in extremely dangerous times and I am convinced that things could be sorted out more diplomatically without trying to stamp out the opposition by military methods. The heavy handed tactics have not worked and Iraq is a disaster on an unprecedented scale and a gross embarrassment to both England and the USA. The Chinese Red Army are not Argentinians and North Korea is Itching for a fight with America so do not remonstrate with your girlfriend because she knows just as well as all of us great unwashed that the governmental gurus are thick enough to think they have the God given right to police the entire world. This planet belongs to all nations but Tony Blair sees it otherwise and, by way of a gentleman's wager, I bet you that tensions between the East and the West will intensify to an unjust level and that we come within a cat's whisker of entering into the nuclear theatre. Blair? A very dangerous man but does not Mr Brown fill you with the feeling that peace is a thing of the past? God help us all.
2007-06-27 10:55:07 UTC
Yes, I believe he would be a perfect candidate for a Middle Eastern envoy for peace. I get so sick to death of people criticising him just because of Iraq - wake up people, he has done alot more over the last 10 years than just Iraq. If it were not for Blair, then there would be no peace in Northern Ireland, no fox hunting ban, no strong economy with increased public spending, no better education, no equality for all the immigrants coming to this country, etc etc etc etc. Yes there are problems with the NHS and crime, but most of those problems are caused by useless police, judges and NHS managers. Yes he went to war with Iraq, not to get rid of any weapons of mass destruction, but to try and make the world a safer place. Get with it people - terrorists like Saddam Hussein want every non-muslim in the world DEAD, and that includes you and your entire family. You have a choice - you are either with Tony Blair and Bush, or you are with the terrorists. There is no middle ground. I don't care that weapons of mass destruction were never found, a terrorist can simply just as many people using conventional weapons. The war was to eliminate a rogue government that supported, funded and trained terrorists to kill every non-muslim in the world. I wish we could do that with Iran, Zimbabwe and North Korea! Sometimes only war can bring peace, and due to that, I fully support Blair being made an envoy for peace. Phew!
Allan M
2007-06-27 15:36:55 UTC
Tony Blair could of resigned and taken a back seat after ten years of prime minister, but the Middle East and the opportunity of fixing the mistakes he has made with Mr Bush, are spearing him on. Whilst he is still big on the international stage and without the label of British Prime Minister, I think he can do a good job, especially with the backing of Russia, China and Europe. Good Luck to him! I also beleive your comment of Tony starting a war is totally weightless in that if it was not for the likes of Good versus Evil dictatorships like Chemical Ali, Saddham, his henchman, and the Taliban would still be killing innocent people.

Rather than criticise his previous decisions you should be proud that Britain exercises its humanitarian influence around the world and does it in the interest that secures your very comfortable existence.
2007-06-27 10:57:53 UTC
It is difficult to separate personal feelings while trying to be objective about a topic and this question evokes a lot of feelings for a lot of people. Let me say firstly, I'm not Blair hater or lover - he did some great things while PM and some very poor things. I think he is flawed like all men (and women :) ).

I would say this though - he is a greatly skilled politician and diplomat and commands respect on a world stage in a large number of countries. The Palestinian leader and the Israel PM have both said they welcome this move. And that for me says enough. If they both think they can work with him then this is a good place to start. Let us remember that "Only Nixon could go to China" and hope that this turns out to be Blair's finest hour, for anyone that desires peace would see no pleasure in him failing here.
Amanda K
2007-06-27 15:20:59 UTC
I think this could be a really bad move for any realistic chance for peace in the middle east. An envoy for peace should be someone both sides have at least a little trust and empathy with.

Most of the muslim world look upon him as Bush's right hand man and his major involvement in the Iraq War and Afghanistan have made him their public enemy no 2 so i do not see them opening up to him and putting their trust in him to fight for their rights as well as Israeli's.

I think its a bad move but i hope im proved wrong.
2007-06-27 07:38:02 UTC
Blair is not a good candidate for a peace envoy because:

1. He does not base his decisions on credible, hard evidence - only hearsay

2. He bows to superpowers even if it compromises the group/nation he should be putting first.

3. He is still in the pocket of Bush - that is frightening.

4. They deny there is civil war in Iraq - how can you have a peace envoy who is in denial?

He won't solve any of the problems - he couldn't sort those out on his own doorstep so he certainly won't be able to in those countries which have different cultures, religions and histories.
A True Gentleman
2007-06-27 03:09:04 UTC
Tony Blair will use the same tactics that he used here to break the will of the British people to break the will of the Palestinians. He'll demand new legislation and lots of it, All protests will be illegal unless they have been pre-approved. Any member of the public carrying a firearm will be imprisoned. Anybody stopped by the police for any reason will have their DNA taken. etc... etc.. Of course none of this will work, but it will give him some great headlines!
2007-06-27 02:57:47 UTC
Hey pal

I have a total empathy with your partner, in that Tony Blair advocated a war that he knew our citzens had no legal or humanitarian right to be involved in. In my opinion it is an affront to the general public, and i again and again ask the question: Do we really live within a democratic state. I think it will not be too long before we see the inception of 'Executive Orders' in the UK to. On a note of personal preference i'm glad to see the back of him, and in the mix it's also a fact that he is also a resolute liar, what a legacy, and to consider 'we' the general public made him the longest serving labour PM in British political history is indicative of aspects of our society. However i think it does not really matter who helms our country i think the outcomes are pretty much pre-determined.

I just look at the NHS, and i find for all those unfortunate folk who have problems with their teeth, in two words 'Your Buggered'. It's refreshing that ordinary people are able to see through the facade of plastic smiles and promises.
2007-06-27 04:00:45 UTC
Tony Blair Peace Keeper in the Middle East? God help them, that's like poring petrol on a raging fire or making John Prescott United Nations Secretary. Must think positive tho we are rid of him at last and what he does from here I personally could not care less. He's the worst Premier this country has ever had and his legacy will show this. Don't get me started on politics, back to your question, Definitely NO NO NO
2007-06-27 22:47:35 UTC
I think it is a Bloody disaster in waiting.. who the hell would want that job.. how powerful does he think he is.. There will never be peace in the middle east .which is a damn shame. The hatred is just too great to counter. The Arab's will never accept the Jewish state of Israel.. and the Jews will never give up the land "Promised them by God".. it is a no win situation.. He must think he is some kind of Messiah to even consider taking on the role...Still he is out of our hair now.. let's see what trouble Gordon can get us into with Europe.
davey a
2007-06-28 02:33:12 UTC
it sounds strange in a way but i think he would do a good job, he has had some massive decisions to make while being pm and any other british pm would have gone in to iraq,gordon brown has had a nice time at the treasury, no way could he have handled what tony blair has had to he would have resigned long ago, still brown is a man of principle and will probably scrape through at the next general election.
2007-06-27 23:28:02 UTC
A bit of U.S. history here if I may: After he was defeated for re-election as President by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932, Herbert Hoover did not just go riding off into the sunset. He ran for the U.S. House of Representatives from Iowa and made himself available for whatever errands a President might want him to carry out. In fact, one time, Harry Truman asked him to undertake a diplomatic mission. (Truman was a Democrat; Hoover was a Republican.)

My point in mentioning this? It's simply that a future Prime Minister may ask Blair to undertake some sort of mission. But he should wait to be asked.
2007-06-27 07:41:32 UTC
Politics are subdued by Business / Global Companies / Oligarquies.

Right people that understand priorities and hierarchy (not militar) are necessary to hold hard positions and carry on decisions made behind the scenes.

One man does absolutely nothing. It is necessary Lobby, teamwork, money and circunstances to bring achievements. There is no alone hero, but PR in front a complex team working in the background (Like Cardinal Richelieu)

Go through Machiavel, Kant and Nietzche.
2007-06-28 01:34:58 UTC
Unfortunately, this is not really a role as envoy for peace despite it's title, but pushes against real peoples wish for genuine peace. This is because the whole question of Israel's creation in Palestine, and the continuing harrowing of the Palestinian people and deceitful western scheming against the honourable resistance of the Palestinian people is serving only one end - right wing (you could call it fascist, it is certainly racist) goals for the western elite. If he really wants to help he should assist Hamas - who are a charitable organisation dedicated to helping the Palestinian people, who have expanded into militarism only to protect the Palestinians against the ruthless attacks against them, as part of the western plan. This would be much closer to the goals of Labour that Tony Blair has done so much to change into an alternative Conservative party. Labour was ever a party for real people on the ground, as opposed to helping corporations grow over the people. Make no mistake, this position is for only one thing, to assist the Israelis in stealing the Palestinian land from the Palestinians. That it is titled 'Peace Envoy' is about as hollow and deceitful as the whole of the Israeli occupation and the way it is portrayed in the media. We people should make it clear that this is not acceptable, that we need democracy here, instead of policy makers tricking the public into supporting them by smoke and mirrors tactics such as misrepresenting the facts. For instance, Israel kills over 100 Palestinians for every Israeli killed, although Palestinians are struggling to free their country and Israel is struggling to stay in Palestine. It is sad that the true losses of the Palestinians are not reported so that the Israelis can continue their campaign against them. So this is really a position for the continuing brutalisation of the Palestinian people and denial of their basic rights to live in peace in their own country, let alone keep breathing. Nice one Tony, you really do care about the people of the world. As shown by your support for the Iraq war.
Mr Sarcastic
2007-06-27 11:13:49 UTC
He never made a right move the whole time he was in office, so what makes anyone think that he'll make a good move now that he's no longer in power? I think the further away he is placed from any kind of influential power, the better! The man was a complete twerp, and I for one is glad to see the back of him. Now to see if Gordon Brown is any better, surely to god he must be, lightning never strikes twice. Does it?
2016-10-03 09:29:32 UTC
Oh come on, this is Tony Blair, cleverest guy interior the worldwide, glaring President of Europe, Batman, Superman and Spiderman incarnate, you're able to be optimistic that any misery you spotted grow to be from a splash culinary over-indulgence, easily it would not be from guilt, he by no potential makes a mistake or does the incorrect ingredient. easily i think of he grew to grow to be a Catholic because of the fact he theory it may advance his credentials as President of Europe, Catholicism being the important faith in Europe.
2007-06-28 02:24:55 UTC
Regardless of whether or not you believe Tony was right to invade Iraq with the US, the fact that he is currently a VERY unpopular man with anything Arab or Muslim should be reason enough not to appoint him to the job of Middle Eastern Peace Envoy.

Its literaturely throwing sand in the Arabs faces.

They will not be very unhappy.
2007-06-27 12:54:15 UTC
i think some people are two faced and when things go wrong as they do they stab him in the back,and then hes the worst prime minister be honest i think he turned this country around the nhs was a mess 10 yrs ago,ok its not brilliant today but its moving in the right direction.and iraq right or wrong he did what he thought was best for the country.i think hes a strong man and he would do well in his next job.and i also think british people should find something else to moan about gorden brown perhaps
2007-06-27 08:28:55 UTC
Look on the bright side,If Blair is out in the middle east he wont be here,also with a bit of luck someone might kidnap him.In reality he should face war crimes and certainly should not be allowed to show his face to the world as a peacemaker.
mariolla oneill
2007-06-27 08:32:22 UTC
* * One star is for you and one is for your girlfriend who freaks out when blare's on tele.

she is my mate in a way cause i'm just the same my poor husband has to tell me calm down he's only on the tele he's not here in the home of our's.

Peace I don't think he can spell it let alone practise it.Ask him about Peace's he will sure know how to do that.divide and rule is what's he is good in doing.

He was a cold blooded Tore in Labour out fit.

H e will be making more money ffrom now on trying to pick a fight with his own fingure nail's.

I hope they won't be screaming there is a drout on in the near future when england is flooded.

They think we are brain dead.they come out with a load of crap in there speache's.

He will need an invisable army to solve the middle east problem don't worry the body bag's still wil be coming home down to tony blare,why is his son not on the front line i wonder.

he is a total looser and is hated down to following in bush's steps.

he will not solve any middle east conflicts.
2007-06-27 08:41:10 UTC
He is just a politician. Try to become EU president is one thing, but has he already got Alzheimer to go to middle east helping peace process in middle east ?
2007-06-27 04:14:26 UTC
Envoy for piece, not peace, for his services in Iraq as an obedient servant to Mr. President.
2007-06-27 02:47:40 UTC
Why not? The Nazi war criminal Kurt Waldheim got made secretary general of the United Nations.
Angus ogg
2007-06-28 01:00:02 UTC
What a nerve he wants to be a catholic so he can recieve an opt out.I wander what these poor people in the middle east think, they probably think its a sick joke. All our own peoples blood on his hands to.
Gregory L
2007-06-27 17:26:55 UTC
2007-06-27 08:21:28 UTC
If Mr Blair cared anything for peace then he should apologise to the world and then kill himself on live tv

of course he would be to much of a chicken to kill him self, but he wouldnt have difficulty finding someone to do it for him!
2007-06-27 11:07:23 UTC
No, he is only trying to wash the blood of thousands of innocent civilians from his guilt stained hands. It's like Ian Paisley asking to work in the Vatican?
Northern Spriggan
2007-06-27 08:27:10 UTC
Give your evening a boost!

Hire Tony now!

Guest speaker for rich arabs

Prices from as low as £500,000 for two hours!
noreen m
2007-06-27 14:24:04 UTC
tony blair is not fit for any office only the dole,this appointment reeks of old boys school politics.
2007-06-27 09:01:02 UTC
This is a joke - it is like appointing Myra Hindley to look after your children, or getting Frank Spencer in to fix your bloody plumbing...

Proof once again that the World really has gone mad !
2007-06-27 02:55:24 UTC
He diddn't bring peace to N Ireland.Mo Mowlam was the architect for that,He is only respected in the Middle East for being as corrupt as they are.So he'll achieve making money for

himself and horse faced horse hipped equally corrupt mare.With any luck they will both be killed out there.
2007-06-27 02:46:44 UTC
he brought peace to northern ireland

butt is wrong

irish politicians have said that if it wasnt for blair there'd be no northern ireland resolution
2007-06-27 04:02:52 UTC
can he pull it off so closley linked to the bush administration,

but nations can make peace treatys advisors and the nationals have too decide if its better to have peace or decades of war,or preperation for war,

the middel east is under a upsurge of nationalism,islamic nationalism,which has see iraq reduced to a sectarian divide,shia versus sunny,the same nationalism is operating in Gaza, the same in lebanon,when you have a blind hatered for western democracy,western music western policy,western veiws on individuality,the chances of tony blair having any success are slim,

as for the conflicts he started? which one ? the gulf war was started by iraq invasion of kuwait,a serious threat to western oil supplies, currently the current fighting in iraq is irainan inspired,as irainan supplied weaponary,mines mortars sniper rifles,arm the shia and arab nations siding with the sunni's arm the other,they real core of the problem isnt us,uk involvement in iraq,is the Arab world indifference to it not one Arab nation has stated that the destruction of iraq is underming the whole peaceful coexsistance of the arab moslem world,not one arab state has castagated Iran for fueling the fighting,for turning up the the arab arms race as iran continues as iraq did in the 80's to build up its arm forces

and add nuclear weapons to its arsenal.

when western leaders sit back and refuse to get involved in iraq by sending bigger forces to put down a civil war,iran will continue to increase its influenece in the region,and extend the attacks on western coaliton forces,these will exstend into lebanon with the backing of syria on keeping the lebanon pot boiling,this isnt a al qaeda operation this is a iranian led one

to continue to stir up rival factions in west bank and gaza,this is political regional muscle if it was backing al qadea they would be welcomed to build bases their,but they dont want to be linked to a terrorst organisation,which is sunni supported when they have a shia one availble in the guise of HAMA's and Hizbollah, iran will like iraq did stall the UN on its nuclear programme,the un may use sanctions,but as with iraq it will boil down too force to stem iran the us is the only nation able to do this,israel though may not wait for Iran to state it has the bomb,before it takes action,iran may be hoping that if israel strikes the arab world will gather round to its defence politically ,America so far has the israeli's reins tightly held too prevent a diplomatic nightmare occuring within the already bloodied region,and unleash another mid east war,and have hard talks with putin to get him to climb down over the peace shield proposed to protect europe,

what ever happens the west must either watch iraq dissintergrate into a fall blown civil war,and a irainian coup de tat,with the shia taking control of the country,and mass refugees flowing to the borders of saudi and jordan,and a reckoning with the kurds in the north,who are distrusted by both the sunni and shia communitees,or the west must send a massive force to put down the civil war and support a elected goverment made up of shai suni and kurd politicians

and to enforce iraqi borders,the west must also show iran that

it is prepared to deal by force with iran if it refuses to stop its weapons programe.
2007-06-27 02:52:06 UTC
I think he has done a pretty poor job with Iraq,

Best he just packs his boxes and leaves No 10.

I hear theire vacancy at B&Q in Sedgefield for him
2007-06-27 11:51:45 UTC
He follows the americans so will dicate their poilicies
2007-06-27 02:51:42 UTC
Thsi is called an oxymoron. Really, it should be in the joke section!
2007-06-28 03:28:11 UTC
i think he is the best man for the job
2007-06-27 02:57:44 UTC
No ,Ambassador of war would be a better job.
2007-06-28 03:21:02 UTC
let's pray that he gets killed by a Hamas bomb very soon

it's the only way we can get rid of this w.a.n.k.e.r.
2007-06-27 09:38:25 UTC
prob use the yank one lol
agany t
2007-06-27 02:53:58 UTC
yes of course, he is very enthusiastic man
Jan B
2007-06-27 08:47:59 UTC
why not cant do worse than anyone else
2007-06-27 04:54:26 UTC
2007-06-27 02:53:52 UTC
it's a farce...

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