2010-07-21 00:49:30 UTC
Putting politics away on one side;I along with millions of people had to see this man explain why a mass murderer allowed to walk away as a free man.
What I am talking about is the Libyan Bomber who was responsible for bringing down an airliner which killed 200 plus innocent American,British,Irish and other nationalities plus those that were killed on the ground in the village of Lockerbie.
That innocent man who had to explain events relating to this catastrophic event was David Cameron who had to face the wrath of American Senators and American bereaved families.
But should he have been placed into that position?After all he had no control over events and petitioned whilst in Opposition to keep this mass murderer behind bars for the rest of his life.
The politicians responsible for all of this is Alex Salmond who as leader of the Scottish Parliament along with his Justice minister Kenny MacAliss(Sorry if I have mispelt this name).
Now to my question.When are Salmond and MacAliss? Going to to name a day to go to America and explain thir reasons and or motives in releasing this mass killer.
This killer was convicted and released accordording to Scottish law.So would it be too much to ask for Salmond and MacAliss to offer some sort of verbal reasoning for the release.
As it stands at the moment prominent Scottish National Party members are hiding and skulking behind innocent people.
So when are they going to name a date as they keep promising?