A question for British and American contributors.?
2010-07-21 00:49:30 UTC
Yesterday I had to witness an innocent man having to explain away events that he had no control over.
Putting politics away on one side;I along with millions of people had to see this man explain why a mass murderer allowed to walk away as a free man.
What I am talking about is the Libyan Bomber who was responsible for bringing down an airliner which killed 200 plus innocent American,British,Irish and other nationalities plus those that were killed on the ground in the village of Lockerbie.
That innocent man who had to explain events relating to this catastrophic event was David Cameron who had to face the wrath of American Senators and American bereaved families.
But should he have been placed into that position?After all he had no control over events and petitioned whilst in Opposition to keep this mass murderer behind bars for the rest of his life.

The politicians responsible for all of this is Alex Salmond who as leader of the Scottish Parliament along with his Justice minister Kenny MacAliss(Sorry if I have mispelt this name).

Now to my question.When are Salmond and MacAliss? Going to to name a day to go to America and explain thir reasons and or motives in releasing this mass killer.
This killer was convicted and released accordording to Scottish law.So would it be too much to ask for Salmond and MacAliss to offer some sort of verbal reasoning for the release.

As it stands at the moment prominent Scottish National Party members are hiding and skulking behind innocent people.

So when are they going to name a date as they keep promising?
Seventeen answers:
2010-07-21 06:11:37 UTC
I think Americans should rest easy. I feel the Scottish people will punish Salmond and Macaskill come the next election here. They will have to answer to the Scottish people for their ineptitude - many Scots were very upset that they released that mass murderer too (me included). Their snivelling little excuse for a political party, the SNP, did pretty badly at the UK general election, and I don't think they will fare well in the upcoming Scottish elections. Hopefully we'll get another administration that will be brave enough to tell the truth and send these rats packing to the USA to explain themselves.

As far as I'm concerned, I see them as traitors to Scotland.

I am no supporter of David Cameron, the Tory party is the ultimate party of the British establishment - and the British establishment has absolutely no idea what the word "truth" means. Successive British governments have covered up the sins of their forebears, and they will continue to do so.

People are forgetting that Kenny Macaskill did have a choice, he could have allowed the bomber compassionate leave right here in Scotland. He could have allowed his relatives to visit while he remained under house arrest. I cannot explain to you enough how upset I was to see Libyans waving Scottish flags when that murdering b*stard got off the plane in Libya - it was utterly shameful.

Americans are completely right to question their motives, as many Scots do. BTW I didn't vote for these clowns.
Kit Fang
2010-07-21 08:34:38 UTC
The Americans wanted answers over the new allegation that BP was somehow involved, and so they were going to ask. That Cameron had no control over the events doesn't really matter to them, as long as they have someone to whine at. It is evident they have little understanding of British politics. Brown was PM at the time, but even he could not really have gone against the Scottish premier, as it would have caused a lot of problems in the relations between the regional and national governments. Politically, whilst releasing him was in my view wrong, there was little that could be done once those in charge in Scotland had made up their minds.

I can, to a point, understand why they are asking Cameron these questions - they want someone to ask/blame, and he's conveniently there. What I think is more disgusting, however, is that those senators levelling all these accusations against the UK, saying it had some corrupt dealings with BP, between them have millions of dollars invested in BP. If anyone's doing something corrupt, or at least hypocritical, here when it comes to BP, it's the Senate and Congress.
Boring Everyone Already ...
2010-07-21 12:40:20 UTC
Can you provide a link to the invitiation for that the Scottish First Minister and Justice Sec received asking them to come to the USA and explain?

At the risk of going off an a tangent, as I see you don't like those, maybe you can explain why the last two Tory Governments refused to hold a public inquiry into Lockerbie? The UK held judicial inquiries into the Zeebrugge ferry disaster and the Kings Cross fire disaster - why were people travelling on airplanes not afforded the same comfort that lessons would be learned, especially as they wanted us to believe that bombs were able to travel undected through 3 airport. Care to comment?

EDIT - Robert, since you cannot connect it I will help you - Thatcher's Tory Government order judicial inqueries for two other transport related disaster, but not for Lockerbie -its not that difficult to see the relevance really is it. The biggest disaster of the lot, and the government want to keep as much from the public as possible. Nothing to do wth the Titanic, shame you didnt realise Thatcher was not in power back then. I now understand why you don't like tangents, you find it a little hard to follow things.

EDIT - Why keep Thatcher out of this, she was Prime Minister when the disaster happened, she was the one with the ability to let the public know the truth through a judicial public inquiry, therefore meaning Scotland would never have this miscarriage of justice to deal with.

EDIT - You tell me to stick to the point and now you're off an a George Galloway tangent - I was deliberately keeping him out of this, as Iraq is not the discussion, and erm, Galloway is not "the Government".

And you'll find I don't keep "harping on" about the invite, I asked once and thanked you for your clarification on the matter. I am harping on about 2-faced Governments who demand openness from others but don't offer it themselves. Push the cap up a bit, it shouldn't cover your eyes, and you'll see it fit very nicely indeed.

And thanks for clearing up that there has been no invite.
2010-07-21 08:18:36 UTC
Politicians are not experts in everything, some say they are experts in nothing, so they base there decisions on "expert" advice. In this case an eminent Doctor examined the bomber and in his opinion the man had three months to live. That advice was passed on to the Scottish First Minister who then made a humanitarian decision to release him. Medical predictions of imminent death are notoriously difficult and had the man remained in jail in Scotland that outcome was probable. However the man's circumstances changed, he was no longer held in a foreign jail, he was back in his own country and with his family. I must be the only one who is not surprised at his recovery. The point is the deed is done, what good will come from recriminations and finding a scapegoat? Finally, why should any politician go cap in hand to the Americans to justify their decisions? The USA does not yet rule the world.
2010-07-21 08:16:18 UTC
Cameron should grow some balls and tell them straight.... it was Alex Salmond and his crooked lot that let the big C case go! I'm a bit fed up of sending these poodle PM's to the US that bow and cowtow to these circus charactors in Washington. Cameron HAS given in hasn't he? The spineless 'innocent' PM has ordered an inquirey into the release of the bomber. That in itself will cost the UK tax-payer a fair few million.

Salmond the Scottish puppet git should be the one that goes to Washington to explain himself.

And as for the BP / Libya CONSPIRACY, it's a joke. You know, when we mention any Yank conspiracy, we are laughed out of the forums and get labelled 'NUTTERS'. Mention the lack of WMD in Iraq, and the Saudi / WTC attacks / 911 links, and we become part of Amewrica's problem, even when the facts are simply glaring at them. America is a JOKE. Far as I'm concerned, they can stuff their special relationship, and Cameron should tell them the same. Alas to say, he'll probably be appologising for 1776 before he gets back on the plane LOL.
2010-07-21 09:35:56 UTC
as for apportioning blame there a multitude of sins commit ed by Americans that have not been brought to boot among them vietnam mass murder of innocent civilians ,bhopal murder of hundreds and no American action against those responsible,oh yes (friendly what? fire) no one brought to boot,and of course the Vincenns incident shooting down an innocent airliner oh no American two bit senators jump up and down on the platform trying to make a name for themselves WHY did America NOT release information at the time of the trial as also the westminster lackeys and to say there was only one individual involved is utter rubbish ,where also were the super duper security services ? ans just like the hacker case now being banded around an blatant cover up to hide their INCOMPETENCE, the release of Magrahi decision was made in London over the heads of Scottish ministers anyway who does Cameron think he is making statements even before the so called letters can be investigated. there is always a tsngent ,the fact of the matter is America always picks on the smaller countries and governments to have a squable with and as I can see where you are aiming at ,american politicians (most likely bible belt thumpers) should read their bible before starting throwing stones ,quote he that is without sin cast the first stone . I rest my case
2010-07-21 09:11:16 UTC
The obvious thing is Salmond was trying to look big on the worlds stage. All he proved is that he could not organise the skin off a rice pudding and any attempt to big his way out of this does not bode well for Scottish independence. Anyone looking at this should wonder at his (Salmonds) ability to make any rationale decisions on this that are good for the Scotts.

So, this is obvious. The problem is the US (or sections of the politico baggage) are trying to pin everything on BP and the UK government should, and rightly so, say sod off! It was not us. Pester Salmond, and by the way what about the US giving succor to terrorists and fire that broadside back at them.
2010-07-21 07:59:28 UTC
A famous American said the buck stops here . And to Cameron the buck stops with him , How many times have you seen an irate customer castigating an employee on something he or she had nothing to do with , The target is Britain and Cameron is in the firing line . And as an astute politician im sure he will cope.
2010-07-21 10:28:50 UTC
Cameron took the job on as Prime minister, he is the leader of the British government he isn't a scapegoat. Its his job to answer questions relating to an international incident that took place in the country he now governs. If Obama wanted to grill him over the latest choice of actor to play Doctor Who then Cameron ultimately is accountable.
2010-07-21 08:30:54 UTC
A fair question Robert,but if the laws of our country's fitted the crime, this and many more heathen murders would be long cold in the ground, but alas we have as per usual been shafted by yet another liberally minded coven of Scottish wizards, that include maybe Blair, Brown and big Mac,

and how is our poor in health murder enjoying his freedom ? he certainly hasn't died yet has he,

conned and let down and pass the buck to Cameron, he sounds Scottish.
2010-07-21 07:55:59 UTC
You make some good points, but it is a lot more murky than you state. Some of the families of those who died don't believe that the man convicted was the actual bomber, but was sacrificed by Gaddaffi to appease the West. The REAL BOMBER should of course have been jailed and never released, or even executed as a mass murderer.
2010-07-21 07:57:54 UTC
I agree with you 100% David Cameron should not have to face this he is not to blame and had nothing to do with the release the people who decided to release this mass murderer should go and face the American Senators and families to explain their actions and not hide behind David Cameron and let him have to face the American Senators and families to explain their actions
2010-07-21 17:22:56 UTC
what a surprose, you ranting about snp, again

i wonder if you actually even know you do it

or is it so natural to you, you just cant help it and dont notice it anymore

i can sadly say, everyone else, does

its odd that you just cant seem to say your piece, ask a question without ranting about snp

its very strange, but no doubt you have your reasons, its just not helping you come acorss as rational or having any real valid point

snp ar enot to blame for the worlds woes robert, i know that may be hard for you to understand or accept, but, its just how it is

why not try to focus on what the causes of our countrys problems are?

that way we can actually work towards sorting it

id be up for that
2010-07-21 07:56:22 UTC
UK - I am appalled that Cameron allowed himself to be put in this position - to be interrogated by media hungry oil paid senators (a la Haywood), Cameron is our PM for heavens sake! Maybe Obama needs some of this medicine - as the Bhopal inquiry is ongoing and he is deflecting it with the BP fiasco - I am sick to the back teeth of the US acting as a bully.

It amazes me that Scotland screams - we want total Independence, then, when the poo hits - er, where are are they?
2010-07-21 07:52:48 UTC
I can't answear this nobody can but them who you named..

but i woild like to say GREAT QUESTION ! David cameron should not be there he is an innacent man fending for the usless
Powdered Toast Man
2010-07-21 10:57:37 UTC
British politicians are `NOT accountable to Americans, Cameron should not have done this stupid undignified thing.
2010-07-21 08:40:02 UTC
it may not have been David Cameron's fault, but he might just have enough power to do something about it.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.