First you have to find a way to divide the country into different classifications. It goes something like this....
1. Divide the classes.
2. Study the classes and learn what matters to them the most.
3. Find a way to incorporate the largest total sum of the masses, I mean classes.
4. Devise a scheme to get into power, legitimately at first.
5. Find a way to get the masses on board with you, to provide a "driving force" if you will.
6. Use a lot of political rhetoric that really means nothing, but provides a sense of warmth and happiness to your devoted sheep. Use phrases like Change, and Together We can Make a Difference.
7. Be sure you temporarily you disassociate yourself from others who may not share the views of your newly formed masses. You can't completely condemn have to appear compassionate yet "enlightened"
8. You have to prepare alot of speeches filled with mindless rhetoric, but keep your story straight. Someone may call you out if you slip up. Rush Limbaugh is well known for that.
9. Find a way to gather a huge financial backing because the legitimate election won't be cheap. Create a web-site and offer free t-shirts for those who "get on board".
10. And you better hurry! November is around the corner and Shephard Obama is leading his flock to the land of Promises while following the winds of Change.