Because many Americans are ignorant about the world issues and events, arrogant and alienate with the rest of the world culturally, sport, and attitude, and one of the country pioneer in full pursuing force of capitalism, and economic freedom. Because of this America is the leader of the world in all fields. But "He" also think that he can act as the police- officer of the world by volunteer and diplomatic dominating using military power to the rest of the world as the only way to "save the world" in a sense of achieving peace by dominating other countries in economic, military power, and technology. Americans have very good intention, just to let you know, as the willingness of the absolute super power national identity, the most advanced civilization economically, culturally, scientifically, by pursuing full force capitalism, willing to fight for freedom, democracy and of course sometimes exchange for oil, and other benefits which this government desire: energy:oil, and other benefits.
Think of this country power like the richest most powerful family in the neighborhood willing to help your family economically and conciliate the dispute in the neighbor hood by bringing many body guards with guns to where there is dispute and tell them what is a good family, what is a bad family, and tell your family things like:"your relationship with your wife is abusive, etc..". The family acts as the government, police of the neighborhood even though not all families in the neighborhood agree, many other rich families are getting angry. However, the family play different kind of sport than the rest of the neighborhood, sing differently and have the biggest nicest TV set, radio station, music collection, movies in the whole neighborhood. Everybody know how the house of that family look like or where it is but the family are ignorant about the culture, the custom of other families.
The thing is the family is keeping peace using dominating power, so it doens't allow other families to have gun, and encourage them to have butter instead.
As the story i've told, you understand if the family is nicer and a better negotiator, and more involved with the neighboorhood culturally the neighborhood will be much more admiring the family.
As you see, if America are more understanding about world problem, act accordingly and respectful to other countries diplomatically, they will earn much more respects, and ofcourse they need to be more culturally involved with the rest of the world..This country, which is a full capitalism swinger, individualistic at its extreme, is absolutely not perfect and contradicting a lot with human individual psychology in pursuing individual happiness. That's why the rest of the world call us stupid, and yes I think we are ignorant assholes, redhead agenda who think the rest of the world are fuking retard-**** head, jealousy...