Why does the world hate Amercians...?
2008-04-25 12:21:38 UTC
I wanted the chance to get more opinions and give my own.

After doing some reasearch I noticed it's quite obvious. Americans think that they are free to steal resources from any country such as Oil from the middle east, Trees from the rainforests and CANADA, Rice from China, Wheat and Corn from Mexico, Oil from CANADA, Fresh Water from Canada.

Imagine what America will do to your country if you deny them these sources. I hope that the politicians will open their eyes some day and see that there will no longer be a planet to live on if we keep giving everything to the Americans.
I hope The world will shut their gates to America and let them deal with their own problems.

I'd like to hear other people's views on this subject!
32 answers:
2008-04-25 12:56:07 UTC
Well, if you closely examine American history, you'll see that most of the major conflicts America has been involved in, this country has pillaged, plundered, and seized resources and people from opposing governments and forced them to establish new ones.

Few examples: native americans, african slave trade, the seizing of tremendous amounts of land from spanish and mexican indians, etc...

If I grew up in another country outside the US and read this history, I'd hate Americans too!
2008-04-25 12:35:53 UTC
Is it the Americans that you hate or the American government? I am an American and I know that all I want is to live my life free. Free to make choices about my religion, owning a firearm, freedom of speech, freedom from tyranny, etc.. I would say most Americans want the same thing. I don't agree with stealing resources from other countries. In fact, I don't agree with quite a few things the government does. However, there is not much that can be done about that. I know I have written to the politicians in the state I live in, but unless all Americans stand up and protest, things are not going to change. Just don't put us all in the same category.
2008-04-25 12:35:52 UTC
Speaking as a non-American, I don't think the world hates Americans in general just the current US administration that has done more to damage it's international standing than any before it. There are exceptions of course, as anyone who runs into a self-righteous,obnoxious blowhard of the type that only the US can produce will testify to. But fortunately these are few and far between and usually don't leave their own state, let alone their country.

On the whole i've found most Americans a pleasant group to spend time with and, like anyone, are able to see the faults that are within their own nation.
2008-04-25 12:32:32 UTC
I think that most people, like you, judge all Americans by things that large corporations or government officials do.

You say "Americans think that they are free to steal resources from any country.." First of all, many of the things you claim America is "stealing" are not being stolen at all. They are sold. The countries selling these things can choose not to sell to America, despite what you think.

I think Americans are an easy target. And everyone is just firing away at us. Yes, we have made some bad mistakes, but no country is perfect. Think of all the awful things in England's past.

Funnily enough, you forget to mention the vast amounts of money that America gives to all sorts of causes around the world. Aid to foreign countries, trade business to countries that need it...

It's easy to say that Americans are all about oil and don't care about who dies for it. Do you know how angry many Americans are about the Iraq war? There are different types of people in this country.

It's just so frustrating. I feel like, as an American, I'm not "worthy." Americans? Ew. Such trash. Like I'm not allowed to belong to the "Great Country Club." People bash Americans as ignorant, arrogant, stupid, etc. but that is just ridiculous. Generalizations. Yes, we have a lot of stupid people. But we're a very large country! I doubt we have a much higher percentage than anyone else. I'm quite sure you've got a lot of idiots in your country. Ours are just more famous.

I do not agree with everything my government does. Hate our current administration, their foreign policies, etc. but don't think for a second that every American is just a fool who wants a bigger car and a nice new iPhone.
Freedom of speech
2008-04-25 13:36:50 UTC
Because many Americans are ignorant about the world issues and events, arrogant and alienate with the rest of the world culturally, sport, and attitude, and one of the country pioneer in full pursuing force of capitalism, and economic freedom. Because of this America is the leader of the world in all fields. But "He" also think that he can act as the police- officer of the world by volunteer and diplomatic dominating using military power to the rest of the world as the only way to "save the world" in a sense of achieving peace by dominating other countries in economic, military power, and technology. Americans have very good intention, just to let you know, as the willingness of the absolute super power national identity, the most advanced civilization economically, culturally, scientifically, by pursuing full force capitalism, willing to fight for freedom, democracy and of course sometimes exchange for oil, and other benefits which this government desire: energy:oil, and other benefits.

Think of this country power like the richest most powerful family in the neighborhood willing to help your family economically and conciliate the dispute in the neighbor hood by bringing many body guards with guns to where there is dispute and tell them what is a good family, what is a bad family, and tell your family things like:"your relationship with your wife is abusive, etc..". The family acts as the government, police of the neighborhood even though not all families in the neighborhood agree, many other rich families are getting angry. However, the family play different kind of sport than the rest of the neighborhood, sing differently and have the biggest nicest TV set, radio station, music collection, movies in the whole neighborhood. Everybody know how the house of that family look like or where it is but the family are ignorant about the culture, the custom of other families.

The thing is the family is keeping peace using dominating power, so it doens't allow other families to have gun, and encourage them to have butter instead.

As the story i've told, you understand if the family is nicer and a better negotiator, and more involved with the neighboorhood culturally the neighborhood will be much more admiring the family.

As you see, if America are more understanding about world problem, act accordingly and respectful to other countries diplomatically, they will earn much more respects, and ofcourse they need to be more culturally involved with the rest of the world..This country, which is a full capitalism swinger, individualistic at its extreme, is absolutely not perfect and contradicting a lot with human individual psychology in pursuing individual happiness. That's why the rest of the world call us stupid, and yes I think we are ignorant assholes, redhead agenda who think the rest of the world are fuking retard-**** head, jealousy...
2008-04-25 12:35:44 UTC
The whole world doesn't hate America. Take the time to visit some other countries and get to know the people and you will find that a lot of people actually like us. When did we start to steal other countries resources? We pay for every thing that we import and I don't think any one would believe that countries like Canada, China and Mexico would just stand by and let us come in and take what ever we wanted.
2008-04-25 12:30:35 UTC
hey really i am not trying to be funny but you gotta stop watching fox news and travel. i travel all over the world my job requires it and it just not so people DO NOT HATE americans even arabs.. people do not agree with some of our governments policies especially george bush who has damaged us alot the past eight years. people have a great respect for americans and hold us to a very high standard if you look at history we have bailed alot of people out in several conflicts and have always been greated with a smile until now (IRAQ) during the tsunami we donated a record amount of money and continue to do so with differant and various charities . so dont believe the hype travel and see for your self dont take my word for it
2008-04-25 12:30:21 UTC
interesting. although i don`t quite understand what you're getting at, you may be correct that the world does revolve around america (we're just that cool). usually other countries cooperate with us because we supply them with arms, planes, like in the middle east (i forgot where), they HATE us, i mean HATEE, but they cooperate (the leaders in middle east) because of $$$$ its all about $.$$$$$ i dont know what youre saying about canada ( i dont personally like canada at all) but umm watever. i really think, in a bigger picture, we need to realize what's important in the world. i mean everywhere , not just america. all this stuff about focusing on celebs and buying luxurious items..etc.... wise words from a song: you're a slave to money then you die :9

anywho, america can usually get what it wants cuz we have the strongest economy and a great military, and people around the world know that, so america's got credibility... =] hope that helps

& right know we're aiding israel (they'd all be slaughtered if we weren't there) and give the most foreign aid than any other country, we're generous in a way
2008-04-25 14:32:35 UTC
I'd have to say jealousy too.

I lived in the UK for the first 22 years of my life and the British are jealous of the fact that foreigners who speak English learn use American English dialect, because America's media exports are more popular and widespread. Plus the British have a habit of criticizing and never creating.
2008-04-25 12:49:57 UTC
You do realize that we have saved the world before, right?

We give more foreign aid than any country in the world by far.

We BUY many things from other countries (that is a good thing for those countries).

Intelligent adults in other countries do not "hate the US". Only a child would even make a statement like that.
2008-04-25 12:29:32 UTC
You need to do some more research, the instances of theft that you refer to are trade, America has not procured any of these items without trade. These poor oppresed countries would not magically be better off if denied the opportunity to trade with the United States. Historically the United States has been more generous to other countries, peoples, emergencies than any other country. Also Americans give the highest % of GDP to charities in the world and the abolition of slavery came out of America, although slavery is still practiced in many other countries.
2008-04-25 12:37:04 UTC
"Americans think that they are free to steal resources from any country"

What an absolutely ridiculous statement! Steal hell. We PAY for any resources supplied by any foreign countries.

So you want to boycott America, huh? That's a two-sided sword, my uninformed America basher. See what happens to *your* economy if we stop "stealing" whatever resources you may have.

Also, hotshot, show me a nation that isn't in debt up to their ears to the United States of America but never pay a penny of that debt.

But to answer your lead in question -- other nations hate America for one simple reason that they won't admit J-E-A-L-O-U-S-Y.

And if you want America to be wiped out so badly, you better hope it doesn't happen soon. Without us and our military just how secure do you think the free nations of the world would be?
2008-04-25 12:31:42 UTC
Not all of them are bad. There are lots of descent American people that want peace and harmony for all of humanity.

But, your government is greedy, arrogant and has absolutely no regard for human life.

Just look at Iraq for example. The war Bush created on a false pretext has led to around ONE MILLION civillian deaths. In addition, more American soldiers have been killed than in 9/11. And he keeps going on about not losing in Iraq. What a disaster (like the companies he managed before becoming president).

As a superpower, you should be doing more to help poorer countries and those in need. Alas, your hunger for an even higher standard of living causes misery and suffering for innocent human beings that have done nothing wrong.

Just think, how would you Americans react if, say, Russia came and invaded Texas for oil and killed 5% of the population, most of them innocents? Really, think about it...
frank S
2008-04-25 12:47:13 UTC
Where have you done your research?

The research I have done informs me that America has bought the resources that you have mentioned, in trade agreements.

The countries that you have mentioned would be far worse off but for those trading arrangements that USA and other countries have in place with them.
2008-04-25 12:33:21 UTC
I laugh when I read that people think others don't like Americans because of jealousy. No I guarantee it isn't jealousy. It's boils down to arrogance towards others and ignorance about others.

American foreign policy has overtly and subvertly interfered with the sovereignty of so many other nations that the self-serving nature of the US in the name of 'we know what's best for you' attitude

that is so transparently false as the US continues to fool it's own people as to why it does what it does, but fools no one else.

The American politicians are corrupt and continually lie to it's own people and the American people believe them.
2008-04-25 12:26:32 UTC
Really i would say that a thinking American could care less about what the rest of the world that we basically support in some way thinks about us. If we pull foreign aid the largest % of the world would starve. Also you might want check your sources from the REAL information world
2008-04-25 12:36:12 UTC
You are uninformed. We pay for everything. We are the most generous country on the planet. I don't know what third world country you call home, but the chances are they have their hand in our pocket.
2008-04-25 12:24:50 UTC
I have never stolen any resources from any other countries.

You are certainly free to leave this country. I notice you don't give sources for your 'facts' and 'information'.
2008-04-25 12:32:56 UTC
Simple. America is the biggest and most powerful country in the world. it is human nature to 'side' with the 'little' guy. therefore there is a general hate for the biggest country that is america. america may use its power unwisely. but do they realise it .. no.

im not american.

i can see where your coming from.
2008-04-25 13:15:04 UTC
they have always hated our prosperity;and high standard of living, they hated our military might as well, and now they hate us because we are sticking our nose in every one's buisness.
2008-04-25 12:27:31 UTC
Excuse me...we pay for these things. Probably more than anybody else in the world. The countries we buy things from also receive billions in aid from the USA. You sir do not have a clue as to what your spouting off about. We should shut our gates to outsiders and then we would be fine. Idiot
2008-04-25 12:33:54 UTC
Despite reports to the contrary, I don't believe they do hate Americans.

p.s. i think you're confusing stealing with free trade which is mutually beneficial.
2008-04-25 12:35:06 UTC
You would be shutting the doors to foreign aid. Actually, that would give us more money------ to BUY the resources you say we steal. Also, we are doing research into alternative fuel sources and many have started using them.
2008-04-25 12:25:17 UTC
They fear us cause we know how to push buttons without thinking of consequences.

Aren't we all going to die someday?
2008-04-25 12:26:38 UTC
Don't hate success.

Semper Fi and God Bless.
2008-04-25 12:34:33 UTC
that's why we don't want anyone else to have wmd weapons. during the cold war with Russian we coundn't bully them because they had the weapons we have.

ban all weapons of mass destruction.
Cornell is Hot!
2008-04-25 12:29:09 UTC
HEY, china and India are using up more resources then we are!

read a news paper!
Jay L
2008-04-25 12:28:26 UTC
sounds like a good deal to me, while were ate it, we will close our doors to the rest of the world.

No more exports of food. No more buying from China, Now more buying from Euro trash, No more forign aid, let the Africans kill and rape each other, Let China rule asia, let N. Korea invade S Korea.

Yea, I can see the rest of the world not reling on the US. Sure, the day after hell freezes over
M v
2008-04-25 12:24:14 UTC
2008-04-25 12:28:26 UTC
steal ??

Wrong, we pay good money for other counties goods and services.

No country "gives" us their resources for free !!
2008-04-25 12:25:36 UTC
yea this country is so stuck-up with it's pride and patriotism.. it just disgusts me
2008-04-25 12:24:34 UTC
I think its cuz we're spoiled....

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