Is the current Congress and the Bush administration the most corrupt government in U.S. history?
2005-12-09 09:49:36 UTC
Is the current Congress and the Bush administration the most corrupt government in U.S. history?
Five answers:
2005-12-09 14:06:42 UTC
It is difficult to measure levels of corruption. There is no scale that I know of such as the Richter Scale for earth quakes. However, I can't recall a more corrupt administration and I have been around for a long time. But, whether there was or wasn't, there is certainly no excuse for what is going on right now. We should send them all home (or to jail) today.
2005-12-09 20:26:05 UTC
Absolutely it is!

Historically, congressional budgets used to have dozens of 'earmarks', commonly known as pork. The current budget has almost three thousand!

The military used to give out small, sub-million dollar contracts on no-bid basis. Currently, these are in billions of dollars!

The FDA has been a mere rubber-stamp over last decade, ever since drug dollar supported repoublican majority in the congress. The only times it raised concern over public safety is a. when some states tried to reimport the drugs already approved by the FDA and b. when morning-after pill did not fit their ideaology.

The EPA has been busy diluting environmental standards to suite anyone who can fork out a bribe. It even uses its authority to prevent states from making helpful laws like California's car mileage standards.

The list can be hundreds of pages long.

Clearly, this is the most corrupt and meaniest government ever.
2005-12-09 18:37:57 UTC
I would have to say no, the current Congress and the Bush Administration is the most currupt government in WORLD history!
2005-12-09 18:59:37 UTC
Thanks for the attack Chad T. Anyway to your question I would say when the facts come out and we look back at this administration and the secrecy it employs, ABSOLUTELY it is the worst. Unfortunatly Bush supporters believe everything they watch on FOX news. When politics is no longer fashionable, then we will have true politicians once more.
Chad T
2005-12-09 17:50:35 UTC
Negatory... for you Bush-bashers, you can say Nixon is... but there have been MANY far more corrupt in the past... take a history class, and stop learning from, you stinking hippy.

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