Iran says Holocaust never happened!?
2008-05-10 02:51:43 UTC
The cowardly UK 'government' have banned the Holocaust from the school curriculum in case it 'offends' muslim 'sensibilities' what do we as British Citizens think of this?
21 answers:
2008-05-10 03:43:30 UTC
They haven't

Holocaust Education in the UK

• The Holocaust became part of the National Curriculum for History in 1991. It is statutory for all students in England and Wales to learn about the Holocaust at Key Stage 3 usually in Year 9 History (aged 13-14).

• Many students will study the Holocaust in Religious Studies, English and Citizenship lessons.

• The UK holds a national Holocaust Memorial Day on January 27th (marking the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau), and this is marked widely in primary and secondary schools across the country.

• The UK has a permanent Holocaust exhibition at the Imperial War Museum in London, visited by thousands of people each year.

• The British Government sponsors two students (16-18 year olds) per secondary school/further education college to visit Auschwitz-Birkenau through the Holocaust Educational Trusts Lessons from Auschwitz Project (This is due to a £1.5 million grant from the Government every year from 2006-2008)

• School groups and private individuals visit the permanent Holocaust exhibition at the Imperial War Museum, the Jewish Museum, London, and The Holocaust Centre, Beth Shalom in Newark, and educational establishments work with resources and educational programmes provided by other important organisations such as the Anne Frank Trust (UK), London Jewish Cultural Centre, and the Wiener Library.

• Teacher training ensures that hundreds of newly qualified teachers are provided with skills and materials to ensure effective Holocaust education for their students.

• Existing teachers participate in training around the UK, and specialist programmes run by Holocaust education organisations including the Holocaust Educational Trust, Imperial War Museum and Beth Shalom.

Within the TEACH report from the Historical Association, there is one particular line relating to Holocaust education which has been the focus of the press and various alarmed emails. It features in the section addressing why teachers avoid teaching certain subjects and states: ‘… a history department in a northern city recently avoided selecting the Holocaust as a topic for GCSE coursework for fear of confronting anti-Semitic (sic) sentiment and Holocaust denial among some Muslim pupils’. (p15)

The key points regarding this statement are:

• This does not refer to Holocaust education on the National Curriculum-it is a post-14 History GCSE course (publicly examined course)

• History at GCSE is not compulsory (only one third of pupils opt for history post-14)

• This is an anecdotal response from one teacher in one school out of four thousand five hundred secondary schools in the UK. While we cannot say what happens in every single school, our understanding is that this is highly unusual and not general practise of teachers around the country.

• All schools can choose which history topics they wish to study for coursework at GCSE level.

• There is no suggestion that this or any other school is failing to cover the National Curriculum in teaching about the Holocaust at Key Stage 3, Year 9 (age 13–14).
2008-05-10 03:21:52 UTC
What does Iran have to do with the holocaust? I just couldn't link Iran and the holocaust of 1940's with them? I cannot find the connection of the flight of the jews and the muslim community you are telling us. The holocaust is about the Jews prosecuted during the time of the Nazi's Germany. What does the holocaust have to do with the school curriculum in the UK?

Iran could say anything they like, they could even say Hitler was the good guy and the US and the UK and Russia is the bad guys. Everybody is open to their own opinion and belief but the holocaust did really happen, because they are already in our history books. I doubt whether they would write something out of fantasy yet there are pictures there to prove that the holocaust did really exist. They say a picture tells a thousand stories, would you despute the thousand stories in one picture?
2008-05-10 02:56:09 UTC
I'm just happy some of the UK citizens know about the banning of the teaching of history to appease people so bigoted and backwards that they can't even sit in a classroom when the Holocaust is being taught. I've mentioned this to Brits on the Internet before and they had no clue. It happened months ago. All of Europe has an appeasement problem and I just hope it's not 'catching'.

Yes, I read the source, "Teachers fear meeting anti-Semitic sentiment, particularly from Muslim pupils."

Use whatever semantics you want about 'ban,' but that's appeasement. If little children under 11 are already spewing racist hatred at others at age 10, then the last thing that needs to happen is to appease them. I don't understand what your quarrel is about.
2008-05-10 04:08:27 UTC
Yes, Iran said that the numbers of killed in the holocaust were greatly exaggerated, essentially saying it didn't happen, and if the UK is restricting or eliminating the teaching of what actually happened, the appeasement mind set is rearing it's ugly head again, and that and other European countries doing the same thing will only lead to exactly what it lead to in the 30's,

except this time, with the help of their media, they may never

figure out that it's time to stop it and will simply fade away.
2008-05-10 03:05:58 UTC
Ahmedinejad is planning the Nuclear Holocaust against Israel and mankind. He publicly denied that the Holocaust took place and threatened that he will wipe off Israel from the map. We have to take his threats seriously and take him out before he gets powerful arms like Hitler at the time.

The Labor government tries to be politically correct. They do not want to upset the potential Muslim and coloured voters by telling them the truth about history. That could cost votes and votes are important. Instead they do not teach the Holocaust which happened just two generations ago and many survivors and British soldiers who liberated the camps are still alive. The pro Muslim mayor of London, Livingstone was voted out. That should give us a glimpse of hope the Labor can be voted out at the next general elections and replaced with a decent government which will teach history as it happened. We can not look at history trough Labor's red glasses.
2016-05-22 11:43:51 UTC
Actually, theres quite a lot of evidence Muhammad existed, and he is not doubted to exist. Contemporary historians mention him, and there are treaties between the nation he founded and others mentioning he has sanctioned this treaty, &c. Muhammad was very real. Many Arabs do not believe in the holocaust, and its their right to, even if the event was very real. If you step into their shoes and see what they're thinking it does start to look like an event that benefited a people into taking land away from them; even if thats not what happened. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a crazy man, but this is not something you can diss him about.
2008-05-10 03:11:18 UTC
Iran has it's head so far up it's mullah rear end, they would think a devastating earthquake hitting Tehran was an Israeli attack.! Instead of taking care of their people and trying to mellow things out in the region Iran and Syria are the two thorns in the side of peace. ! They have the auspices and opportunity to join the rest of the World and become modern prosperous societies elevating their Countries and populaces to high standards of living,etc instead of expediting a nuclear programmes whose only real agenda is to produce weapons of destruction aimed at Israel's doom. I predict that their fate is sealed if they continue upon their dillussionary, futile path of deranged grandiosity in this perspective that they will eventually incur the provoked wrath of Israel and the US which they endlessly seek and receive their just rewards with sudden impact shock and awe, !!!probably reverting them back to the stone age. regarding the british banning of holocaust history in schools. I am only surprised that it took this long to instigate this. britain has a looooong history of anti-semitism,

especially within, royalty, nobility, the ruling and business establishment's hierachy and last but not least, academia. I will not, today enlarge on what I have repeatedly done so in the past, but there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the latter analysis of British society still exists in this perspective.! The British government and the crown historically bends over backwards to patronize and appease the muslim world, if, for no other reason, to continue to encourage the billions in investments from the arabs. British society, at least the wealthy class, is driven solely by profiteering. They would red carpet, wine and dine the devil with a smile and accomodating politeness if it meant financial gain in the end game. Of course they always profess the opposite with a stiff upper lip when uttering their carefully worded denials in parliament or the un.etc. Finally, we must remember that Britain has a history of invading, acquiring by military force and abusing the peoples in many lands in all corners of the earth. When it comes to barbarism and ruthlessness, it outshines all other countries in that respect Just three hundred years ago a british king expelled all the jews and when they were permitted to return, the crown triple taxed them.! so we shouldn't be surprised at all, that this latest holocaust denial thing is being instigated in british schools, prehaps when the country is eventually overun and oversaturated with muslims and they control everything from the economy to the nukes,etc. the british ruling classes and their heirs can reflect what they started and enjoy the fruits of their folly.!
ll_jenny_ll here AND I'M BAC
2008-05-10 03:39:14 UTC
I would have thought it might have been more offensive to German sensibilities....

Hope you don't mind me as an aussie giving an answer... I wouldn't want the holocaust NOT to be taught...Those that do not learn from history are doomed to make the same mistakes again
Ambra Lynn
2008-05-10 03:00:02 UTC
No offense, but I find that very hard to believe as the UK helped liberate Nazi camps, so there's no room for doubt. Not to mention the fact that there are plenty of Muslims out there who not only accept that the Holocaust happened, but think it abhorrent. Iran doesn't represent all Muslims. Also, the UK isn't one country, but several, with seperate legislative bodies. I don't see them making joint resolutions on educational matters.

I'd be very interested in seeing your source. Just because I find it hard to believe doesn't mean it's not true. I'd be more than happy to retract this if you'll post a credible link with more information.


Okay, I just read Sophie's article.

Sophie - Did you not read your own source?!?!?

One, it's not the UK, it's Britian.

Two, it's not banned, but they said it certian subjects (the Holocaust, slavery, and the Crusades) are at the discretion of the teacher because of not wanting to alienate/blame students of certian ethnic/religious groups.

Three, direct quote from a Department of Education and Skills spokesman interviewed in the artical "But he added: "Teaching of the Holocaust is already compulsory in schools at Key Stage 3 [age 11-14]. "

Four, the goverment is actually trying to give teachers more training and resources so those who feel unequiped to deal with such sensative issues will be able to present them to their students in a manner that educates without causing tension amongnst students.
2008-05-10 03:11:04 UTC
Holocaust studies have not been banned Only a month or so ago the Government announced a scheme to sponsor UK schoolkids to visit the concentration camp sites.So your question is invalid Your 'facts' are wrong.
2008-05-10 02:57:07 UTC
it didnt "ban" the holocaust from being taught, your just trying to spread hatred

and iran never said the holocaust never happened - it just said that the figures are all inflated and exaggerated which is just as stupid

muslims in britain are citizens and you cant pin it on them personally, if is the policy of the british government, then you need to ask them why, and not blame a minority- i mean thats what Hitler did
2008-05-10 02:58:22 UTC
Just because a goverment of a certain country denies something obviously doesnt mean that it doesnt exist.

Multiple denials and indifference cannot subdue the truth.

Many goverments play the 'safe' card, which deliberately ignores genocides the world over. (jewish, cambodian, rwandan, armenian, hindu)

Todays world is more about hypocrisy and cowardice in the form of diplomacy.
srinule e
2008-05-10 03:14:59 UTC
It is very sensitive issue. One angle to look at it is: If Holocaust occurred, then we should learn from it that it should never happen in the history of mankind(to others as well), but to repeat it is the sensitive issue.
2008-05-10 03:08:36 UTC
You think you Brits have it bad.

We still have an active "Flat Earth Society".

Seriously, we had a issue like that about History books and the Japanese during WWII. And in Japan they have revised their own history too.

This "appeasement" is reaching points where citizens rights are being ignored.
Capt. Lee
2008-05-10 04:09:07 UTC
The British are succumbing to the Muslims and their country is crumbling; big brother etc. We need to see this and prevent it from happening to the us here in the U.S.
2008-05-10 04:42:07 UTC
as an american, all i can say is, what the hell happened to you guys? you USED to be a great people! what the **** are you DOING? you are allowing muslims to dictate british policy? are all's was nice knowing you. salaam melekem...
2008-05-10 02:55:07 UTC
they havent

have they?

i mean my daughter was studying the holocaust just last term at school.

but if they have then thats absolute bulls*** as far as i am concerned. what is the world coming to...... ?!?
Tiger Man
2008-05-10 03:12:58 UTC
a push of a button and a stroke of a pen and one could argue that iran never existed
2008-05-10 02:58:38 UTC
I think they were taught to believe it never happened. But you cant deny the facts ,it did happen.
2008-05-14 01:57:49 UTC
Is that so ?
2008-05-10 02:53:33 UTC
it did i think

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