Abbie Hoffman
Abraham Lincoln. On a Hohner box cover but disputed.
Al Gore.
Aldous Huxley
Aleister Crowley
Alexander Dumas
Alice B. Toklas
Allen Ginsberg. Poet.
Alexis Korner. Musician.
Andy Warhol. Artist.
Annita Roddock. Founder 'The Body Shop'.
Anjelica Huston. Hollywood actress. Jack Nicholson's girlfriend for 17 years. Pro-drug statements by her in Peter McWilliams book, 'Ain't Nobody's Business if You Do: The Absurdity of Consensual Crimes in Our Free Country'.
Arthur Conan Doyle. Author, creator 'Sherlock Holmes'.
Aswad. Musicians.
Bill Clinton.
Bill Gates. Not confirmed, just very strongly hinted at in the Playboy interview
Bill Murray Arrested for possession
Bob Denver.
Bob Dylan. Poet, singer, song writer.
Bob Marley. Poet, singer, song writer.
The Bishop of Monmouth.
Brian Eno. Singer, song writer. Signed 'Independent' list.
Boy George.
British Lords & MP's - too many to list .
Buddy Rich.
Cab Calloway. Jazz musician.
Carl Sagan. Author.
Caroline Coon. Artist, founder 'Release', manager of the Clash.
Carl Segan . Author.
Carlos Santana. Musician, guitarist.
Carrie Fischer.
Cary Grant.
Cary Mullis. Nobel Laurate, Biology
Charles Beaudelaire
Charles Dickens. Claims but no evdience.
Cheech Marin.
Chris Armstrong. Footballer, tested positive.
Chris Conrad.
Chris Farley. 60's singer.
Chris Rock.
Conan O'Brian.
Count Basie. Jazz legend.
Dame Ruth Runsiman. Author; Police Federation Report (March 2000) advising liberlization.
Dave Gilmour . Musician ; Pink Floyd.
Dave 'Tinki Winky' Thompson - TV personality (UK); the Tellie Tubbie that was sacked.
Diego Rivera.
Dion Fortune.
Dizzy Gillespie.
Douglas Adams. Author.
Dr Francis Crick. Nobel Prize winner.
Dr Lester Grinspoon.
Dr Mark Porter. TV doctor who says cannabis is not more harmful than alcohol.
Dr Anne Biezanek (authoress)
Dr R.D.Laing.
Dr John Marks
Dr W.B. O'Shaugnessy.
Drew Barrymore.
Duke Ellington.
Eddie Ellison. Ex head of Scotland Yard Drug Squad.
Edgar Allen Poe. Author, multi-drug user.
Elvis Presley. Singer, FBI informer.
Emperor Liu Chi-nu.
Emperor Shen-Nung.
Ernest Hemmingway. Author.
Errol Flynn.
Fela Kuti. Musician. Afro/jazz king.
Felix Dennis. Publisher.
Fitz Hugh Ludlow.
Fran Healey. Musician; Travis.
Francis Ford Coppella.
Francis Rabelais.
Francis Wilkinson. Ex Chief Constable of Gwent Police.
Fredreich Nietzshe.
Ganesh - Hindu God.
Gary Johnson.
Gene Krupa.
George Clinton. Ex President's brother.
George W Bush. Possibly the greatest living hypocrite.
George Gurdjieff.
George Melly. Jazz musician (early sponsor of Legalise Cannabis Campaign, Uk).
George Michael. Singer.
George Washington.
George Soros.
Gerard de Nerval.
Gilberto Gil. Brazilian musical icon.
The Greatful Dead.
Hasan I-Sabah.
Heinrich Khunrath.
Helen Petrova Blavatsky.
Henri Michaux.
Herman Hesse.
Hiero the Second.
Howard Marks. Author, cannabis smuggller.
Howard Stern, Admitted it on the radio.
Hua T'o.
Hunter S. Thompson. Smoked weed and snorted coke with George Bush.
Ian Botham. Convicted Cricket legend.
Irvine Welsh.
Kurt Cobain.
Jabir Ibn el-Hayyan.
Jack Herer. Author 'The Emporor Wears No Cloths'
Jack Kerouac. Author ' On the Road'.
Jack Nicholson. Film actor.
Jackie Gleason.
Jackson Pollock.
Jane Fonda. Actress.
James Brown. Singer, song writer.
Janis Joplin. Singer, song writer.
Jesse 0Ventura.
Jerry Lee Lewis. Musician, song writer.
Jimmy Dorsey.
Jimmy Hendrix. Rock guitarist, singe, song writer
Jim Morrison. Musician, songwriter; The Doors.
Joan of Arc. Accused of using 'witch herbs' (another name for cannabis).
Joan Rivers.
Joe Strummer. Musician, singer, songer writer; The Clash.
John Belushi.
John Denver.
John F Kennedy. Popular US president (assassinated).
John Keats. Poet.
John Lennon. Musician, song writer; The Beatles.
John Le Mesurier. Tried it but said it's not for him.
Johnny Cash.
John Peel. DJ, BBC broadcaster.
John Sinclair.
Judge John L. Kane. Chief Judge from the US District Court
Julie Christie. Actress.
Jules Verne.
John Wayne. 'I tried it once but it didn't do anything to me.'
Kelsey Grammar.
Ken Livingston. Mayor of London - supports decriminalisation but does not smoke or support the use of recreational drugs.
Kirk Douglas. Actor.
Kurt Cobain.
Larry Adler. Harmonica player and
friend of George Gershwin. May have written a song about it.
Lenny Bruce. Comedian.
Lewis Carroll. Author 'Alice in Wonderland'.
Linda St Clair
Little Richard. Musician.
Lord Avebury.
Lord Byron. Poet.
Lord Deedes.
Lord Tony Gifford. QC, civil rights lawyer.
Louis Armstrong. 'Oh what a wonderful world'.
Louis Hebert.
Mark Thomas . Comedian.
Marlon Brando. Actor.
Martin Sheen.
Mary Shelly. Author 'Frankinstein'.
Mary Tyler Moore.
Mick Jagger. Singer