Ever think that the Governor is acting like a petty tyrant issues fiats about what people can and cannot do?
That this same governor, so concerned about the states budget, passed two more tax breaks for businesses, and wants the state senate to pass another tax break for farmers, in addition to the ones they already have? Apparently the budget is going to be passed on the backs of teachers who have already agreed to the financial cuts and payouts, but want the right to remain in their unions, without compromising the effectiveness of their representation.
There are rights that the people have to protest the actions of their government, and they are exercising them. I don't, by the way see any praise for them by the networks, they simply report the fact that they are protesting, not showing up for work, and why. No "good for them'' or anything of that sort.
Of course with up to seventy thousand people protesting this weekend, and no violence for a week now, its hard to see where anyone could consider this a semi-riot mob. There was more violence at the Town Hall meetings where the Tea Party wouldn't allow people to ask questions.
This seems to be a hallmark of the TP, you can't talk, you can't hold a meeting, its their way and shut up.