mom to June <3
2009-02-12 21:51:27 UTC
if he does good- you do good, your family does good, your kids do good- and our country as a whole does good.
He is just now in charge of a country, who was already stuggling and we all knew was in a recession- yet we act as if he should fix everything in 2 days.
I come from both a republican and democratic family. But honestly for all you people, 'counting down' his failure- your idiots. Even if you do not always agree in his actions, at least have a little faith. The more bad comments towards him the more negative our country is going to be which is just the more we are going to fail.
It's depressing that you can complain so much. If you want stuff to change so rapidly get off your lazy butt and do something.
But as for our new president, I wish him all the luck. To be in the public's eye with a family is hard enough, but to also make decisions that not everyone is going to agree with, and remind you of it everytime. I hope people learn to give others chances.
I don't care if he is blue black white or pink- He has faith in our country...which a lot of us seem to be lacking.