Do you think the movie "Zeitgeist " is factual? If not, why?
j l
2008-07-25 14:38:11 UTC
Do you think the movie "Zeitgeist " is factual? If not, why?
Nine answers:
Rob W
2008-07-26 21:49:10 UTC
Zeitgeist The Movie is an urgent warning to Americans.

Are there real events corroborating Zeitgeist? Let's see.

Involvement of people in positions of power in the 9-11 attacks is not theory. It could correctly be called "theory" only in the absence of evidence. An abundance of evidence exists suggesting that people in power had foreknowledge, were complicit, had motive, had opportunity, and gained from 9-11. In law enforcement that is called a "case", not a theory.

In the 9-11 case the evidence is sufficient to convene a grand jury. Evidence becomes "proof" only when the jury at trial decides it proves the case. The problem with the 9-11 case is the court (the 9-11 Commission) was rigged in favor of the criminals and it chose to exclude all evidence of guilt.

Learn more about the evidence. Start with the web site for Scholars for 9-11 Truth and Justice (don't confuse it with Scholars for 9-11 Truth -- the names and URLs are similar).

and their publication site, Journal of 9-11 studies

When reading about 9-11, beware of COINTEL web sites. COINTEL sites are propaganda sites staged by government but pretending to be otherwise. Either they parrot the official propaganda or they spread false theories aimed at throwing you off trail and setting you up for ridicule. I observed a couple of strange sites appearing frequently in answers here. One was, the other was I asked questions about them and received some interesting answers.

If you conclude the government's official fairy tale is a lie, do not feel compelled to justify that view by subscribing to theories about how the 9-11 attacks were done. The official explanations for the collapse of the towers, what exactly struck the Pentagon, etc, are not credible based on the evidence. Alternate hypotheses arise to fill the abyss. While the alternate hypotheses are interesting and often more logical than the official hypotheses, is not necessary to "believe" any of them to hold the view that the official explanation is a web of lies. That stands on its own and it is enough to warrant a new and impartial investigation.

The onus is not on the truth seekers to prove the case. The onus is on the government to provide its case, which it has not done.

My view is that if Arab terrorists were involved in the attacks then they did not act alone. Criminals inside and above the government were involved. The government itself would not murder 3,000 of its own citizens but criminals in positions of power would, and did.

Could something so large be covered up? Easy. Remember on September 10, 2001 Donald Rumsfeld announced $2.3 trillion missing from Pentagon money. Divide $2.3 trillion to find out how many people could be involved.

Another real world event corroborating Zeitgeist is North American union.

The treasonous unification of North America is steaming right along while the nation watches reality TV.

The unofficial name for NAU is Security and Prosperity Partnership. The governments are now consulting with elite corporate interests to harmonize administrative law and regulations of the three countries. The people are not even told about it, much less offered a say. The changes to laws and regulations are made to benefit elite corporate interests and not the interests of people or small business. If the SPP is permitted to continue that way, the result will be annihilation of the middle class in America and Canada.

In 2007, honest politicians (yes, we have some) introduced a bill in Congress (HCR40) to stop North American union. So far, there are 48 cosponsors. View the bill at denies North American union. If they are correct then why does HCR40 exist and why are all these states formally opposing it?

Arizona -- HCM 2003 --

Idaho -- SJM 113 --

Kansas -- HCR 5033 --

Missouri -- HCR 17 --

New Hampshire -- HCR12 --

Ohio -- HCR31 --

South Dakota -- SCR13 --

Montana -- HJR 25 --

Utah -- HR1 --

Virginia -- HJ86 --

Georgia -- SR124 --

Hawaii -- SCR96 --

Illinois -- HJR29 --

Oklahoma -- SCR10 --

Oregon -- SJM5 --

Florida -- S670 --

Pennsylvania --HR278 --

South Carolina -- SCR416 -

Tennessee -- SJR088 --

Texas -- HB 3647 --

Washington -- SJM8004

Alabama -- SJR68 --

Look around the world at the other unions, European Union, Asian Union, African Union. Are we naive enough to think North America will be spared? Zeitgeist's warning about one-world government is absolutely correct at its core.

Learn about the Council on Foreign Relations. It wants one-world government. Read its publications. It is uncanny how often CFR policy transforms into exact US foreign policy. That is not by coincidence. Money buys power. The elites behind one-world government have purchased enough politicians to succeed.

How often does the media even mention the CFR? Not often and that is telling. The media suppresses the NAU news because it (the media) is owned by CFR members and NAU supporters. If you search Canadian web sites, you will learn that at least one media mogul has been lobbying the Canadian government to move ahead more quickly with the Amero currency. Bet that is happening here too but behind closed doors.

Beware of propaganda from web sites owned by mainstream media where that is not obvious. One such site is Look up who owns it, and who owns its parent company, and who owns the parent-parent company. Keep going all the way up to the top and you will find CFR members and people supporting globalization.

Likely unwilling participants in one-world government are [1] the American people, and [2] the regimes of the Middle East. That is where 9-11 fits in. 9-11 produced significant gains for the one-world government fans,

[1] convince Americans to willingly accept a reduction in the very civil liberties that were designed to protect us from oppression

[2] an excuse to invade the Middle East to install submissive governments and control the oil

[3] breaking our economy to increase the likelihood of our peaceful acceptance of North American union and a new currency

We must press for a new investigation into 9-11. Failure to re-investigate will allow the non-Arab criminals to remain free to pursue their treasonous agenda which will cause the end of our democratic society.

People under 25 years of age may have the most difficulty accepting this reality. Their perception of reality has been unduly influenced by a false fear of terrorism. Many have been indoctrinated by their teachers and television to accept the government's account of 9-11 without question. During their formative years, the media has constantly reinforced the fear of terrorism, and the myth that anyone questioning the matters warned of in Zeitgeist are unpatriotic, kooks, conspiracy theorists, terrorist sympathizers, etc.

The generation maturing now has not been properly educated about the Constitution or the active role citizens must play to keep democracy healthy. They have been subjected to constant subtle media brainwashing aimed at stigmatizing legitimate questioning of government. Lacking life experience in the pre-9-11 world, many will never truly understand what was lost as a result of the crimes of 9-11. The liberal education system has indoctrinated many of them to believe that one-world government is either inevitable or is beneficial to people. They do not fully appreciate that one-word government is only workable as oppressive communist government.

The generation maturing now stands to lose much more than the older folk. We must reach them, however painful it is for them to accept these harsh realities. I believe that reaching out to those young people is what Zeitgeist The Movie is all about.
2008-07-25 15:22:02 UTC
I have been studying exactly that kind of material for literally decades. It's hard to find but the correct bookshops do dare to extend their material content to cover more than society dictates, usually at the expense of frequent, very expensive and completely unjustified, legal actions. It is very hard to tell the masses that perhaps things are not as we are told. What the "allies" are doing in Iraq and Afghanistan is beyond disgraceful. There is still no solid evidence indicating that either country has done anything wrong! The religious stuff at the beginning is certainly compelling, and also very hard to disprove. I do consider the correlations between that and all the religious texts to be just too coincidental, and I would be inclined to agree with the Zeitgeist film first. My two decades of research have made me aware that this society is truly evil, that religion exists to keep the masses "in line" that war exists solely to increase profit margins and that most wars are based entirely upon false flag operations anyway. I am absolutely disgusted that people still cannot say no when they are told to go and kill people who've done them no harm without any good reason at all.
2016-12-10 11:45:13 UTC
numerous the Zeitgeist movie is questionable however the belief-approximately custom/faith/civilization/politics development on the previous is undeniable. The Bible replaced into motivated via the time and place it replaced into written and the oral traditions that predated it and tailored to what replaced into occurring around the audio gadget. The OT would have been different if written in China. The NT would have amassed different chapters if it replaced into compiled in Persia or Japan. The Egyptians conceived monotheism (or have been given it from a now misplaced custom) and each and each new team of human beings in later situations custom to in positive condition their desires. not something stands on my own yet is outfitted on what has long gone until eventually now.
2008-07-25 14:54:27 UTC
No, Only a small bit of it can be confirmed but the virgin births', Dec 25th, death and resurrection are not part of these stories. And these were mythical figures, not actual. Jesus Christ, on the other hand was a real person written about by even secular (non-religious) historians of his time. His birth was for told as early as Genesis 3:15 and throughout the old testament. The Bible is the most accurate historical, geneological, geological and prophetic writings ever concieved. And... We celebrate Christs birth on Dec 25 due to the Roman Catholic Church, celestially and the first census would have put His birth somewher in July-Aug
gray shadow
2008-07-25 14:45:51 UTC
No, not really.

I consider Zeitgiest to be an intellectually dishonest film, not because of the filmmakers personal bias, but because of its disregard for the truth. There is so much questionable statements that can easily be refuted, or controversial points that have legitimate opposing views that should have been presented.

- Regarding part 1: Jesus

The "Mythology of Jesus" theory was an obscure and generally dismissed theory.

It has gained exposure due to author "Acharya S" and her collaboration with the Zeitgeist filmmaker. (She is also author of the films companion guide)

Some other views:

" The idea of Jesus as a myth is rejected by the majority of biblical scholars and historians. In 2004, Richard Burridge and Graham Gould stated that they did not know of any "respectable" scholars that held the view today. Robert E. Van Voorst has stated that biblical scholars and historians regard the thesis as "effectively refuted"."

For a point-by-point analysis, see

For more rebuttals, see

- Regarding Part II: 9/11

It should be noted upfront that being skeptical of the 'official version' of anything presented by the government or media, is a good thing for society. And it should also be noted that questioners of 9/11 'offical versions' range from genuine intellectual pursuits of greater truths, to bizarre interpretations specifically intended to support a unwavering point of view.

The Zeitgeist filmmaker is part of that spectrum that has bought into the theory that the government orchestrated the whole thing. Unfortunately the evidence they selected and presented was sloppy and much of it easily disproved, even by members of the Truth movement. (I've heard some speculate this may have been a red-herring to discredit the 'truth' movement).

For a point by point analysis, see

- Regarding Part III: Men behind the curtain

As a liberatarian, I found this part to have had the most potential in exposing abuses of government and men in power. Instead, it trots out tired long disproven conspiracy theories.

"Income Tax law Doesn't exist" theory - Very stale. Consistently disproven over-and-over again. No new information, just new victims going to jail that fall for these arguments. Very sad.

"Federal Reserve System is owned by international bankers" - Still a common conspiracy theory. Still wrong. The Federal Reserve System, headed by the Board of Governors. the Board of Governors a Government Agency (look it up - ). The Federal Reserve branches can definitely be considered tightly regulated corporations owned by their member banks, all of which must be American-owned by law. It is receives regular audits, and is overseen by congress.

For a point-by-point analysis, check out:

Other views:

"There is no shortage of information which refutes this viewpoint. But this type of conspiracy relies on two elements common to web surfers: First, they're only willing to check facts at the most superficial level, which usually means they'll read a message or watch a clip just once before forming an opinion and moving on. " Ref:

"...(a) common problem in the film: presenting something in such a shallow manner without further corroboration or scholarly evidence." - Ref:
2008-07-25 14:47:20 UTC
ignore part 1

parts 2 and 3 are probably not 100% true, but I for one believe the main ideas are factual...

another good one to watch:

Iraq: The War Profiteers
2008-07-25 15:36:30 UTC
its based on recorded history.

the Jesus story is ripped off by the x-tians.

the same story is used in so many previous religions that have already failed.

hopefully, more people will understand this and realize that religion is a death trip, ANY RELIGION!
2008-07-25 14:40:36 UTC
Isn't that the stuff you put on your Gyro to make it taste good.
2008-07-25 18:12:17 UTC
No its not, its propaganda from beginning to end.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.