This isn't commentary on the question, but more so a response to "i see dead squirrels".
You truly have been drowned in kool aid. Your entire post in so many words is implicating Israel as the evil bad guy and Palestine as the helpless victim being slaughtered like fish in a barrel.
If you truly believe that, then you my friend, are severely ignorant to the facts of this case. Palestine is ruled not by Israel, but by terrorist factions, more recently the hamas division who has openly (and continually) fired hundreds of rockets into Israel.
Israel in response, sends rockets back. How many times have we seen hama and palestine as the initial aggressor? Vs. how many times Israel has initiated the violence? Palestine has been the one to strike 1st about 90% of the time. And eve that 10% in which Israel hits first, is because hama and palestine are attempting to procure nuclear arms and expanded weaponry and Israel can't let that happen because they KNOW those weapons are specifically intended to kill Israelis.
Palestine does not care about human life, they've made it very clear that the reason they despise Israel is based on their islamic religion that Israel should be wiped out. In other words? They're violence filled bigoted supremacists who hate Israel because israel is not islamic.
Palestinians can go f*** themselves because all they've been doing is setting a double standard.
Palestine attacks Israel, Israel attacks back, and then Palestine starts screaming righteous indignation. Are you kidding me? IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE ATTACKED, THEN DON'T ATTACK. It's this simple concept that they can't get through their thick rags.
And unfortunately they are further ebbed on by idiots like you who think they know what they're talking about when realistically all they know are the 30 second talking point sound bites they get from the liberal media.
Israel has nukes and if they're pushed too hard by terrorist-hamas, guess what, it wouldn't take much to send them to whatever 72 virgin heaven they so choose.