While a few stocks are up, we are far from getting out of the hole here. He has done a pretty good job and i will not knock him for hs performance...yet. His two biggest mistakes were the Corporate bailout and the "Stimulus Plan".
As far as responsibility, I do not hold him at fault for any of the situation as of around April. That was the fault of the combined efforts of the Democratic and Republican parties. Both of them screwed us three ways from sunday.
This is Obama's chance to bring back true Democratic politics, but he is already showing signs of increased tax, socialized health care, increase subsidization on homes, government control, an increase on welfare and much more. I hope he doesn't take this route, but we shall see.
I hope he proves me wrong, but I definately see hard times ahead if any of the above comes to light.
Tom R - Seroiusly...do some research...on a non-liberal / Democrat site. Your facts are wrong as hell. You political bias seriously clouds your understanding.