2013-12-12 17:51:44 UTC
Also, under what circumstances would they request it? People have told me that they only check pedophiles' laptops. Then I usually follow with the question "How did they know they were pedophiles?"
I recently did an article on pedophilia for an online magazine. From what my research showed, they have layers upon layers of security protocols that they've followed since before the Internet. Anyone who doesn't follow the protocols gets caught almost instantly b/c the government has certain links setup for sting operations on the Internet. Anyone who follows the protocols is almost impossible to trace.
With this in mind, how do they know who's a pedo and who's a normal person? I only ask this question because of a recent article I read. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11171475
BTW, there was nothing on this guy's computer.