There is a BET because, as your question rightly implies, our country's zeal to provide "racial equality" is nothing more than a political strong-arm tactic exercised by the like of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to enhance their personal political power.
They care NOTHING about blacks in this country unless it can advance their own cushy positions. They have whipped up a political correctness that the media, the politicians, the employers and the LAWYERS are too afraid to cross.
You are not exactly right when you say "black people would flip out." if there were a White Ent. Television. If it weren't for the black political machine, most black people probably wouldn't even care. But the Jacksons and Sharptons of the nation would whip the media into a frenzy, demanding apologies and demanding that the "racist white station be taken off the air."
Yes, like Martin Luther King Jr said, I do indeed long for the day when all men are judged by the content of their character, and not by the color of their skin. But that day will never come if we keep kow-towing to minority races with exceptions, special assistance and allowances (Why? They're inferior? They can't compete with whites? Talk about RACISM).
Oh, and it's not just blacks. We do it BIG time with the Mexicans. There is a huge contingent of our political leadership who are just scared to death to call these border jumping, infiltrating criminals exactly what they are and throw them the (*_)*(@ out. Oh no. We can't do that. They're MINORITIES. Oh, okay. C'mon in.
Look at what happens when blacks are hugely successful. People like Condoleeza Rice, Colin Powell, and even Bill Cosby (because he's speaking up) get vilified. They get accused of "turning white." Who launches these accusations? The machine that makes a living keeping blacks oppressed, poor, and needing their services. That's who. After all, what would Jesse Jackson do for a living if he couldn't make speeches about how unfair everything is for blacks. Nice career you've made for yourself, bub.