what is the deal with this new stimulus plan the great obama has proposed? ?
2009-01-09 12:39:44 UTC
what is the deal with this new stimulus plan the great obama has proposed? i dont understand...and from what i do comprehend the middle class is going to get a lousy $500 ? anyone know further information?and what about the lower class? i dunno what they expect us to do with 5 bills though that wont even cover my rent lol
Eight answers:
2009-01-10 12:57:44 UTC
I think it is a crock. The extra 10 bucks a paycheck won't even cover 1/25 of what I pay for health care coverage out of my check. I lose more money every pay check to health insurance and other benefit coverage than I do every three months on taxes. So a tax cut will do nothing to stimulate the economy.

Unfortunately, some conservatives want you to believe that the trillion dollar bailout will fix the issue too. There is this belief that, by giving billions of dollars to already failing businesses they will be able to survive and keep hiring people. Unfortunately this is not the fact. Even WITH all this extra credit flowing into the system, the jobless rate has hit a 16 year high and, by the end of this year, may easily push above 10%. People are losing their homes, cars, and everything else they have which will exacerbate the problem beyond it's current scope. The current mortgage crisis is now starting to affect businesses and multi-unit dwellings as well which will start to severely impact the rates of joblessness and homelessness in this nation.

I joke earlier that, instead of bailing out the big businesses that have proved they did not know how to remain viable, the government should spend (waste) that money by paying off home mortgages for everyone (and I do mean everyone). Even if you limit the amount to a 100,000 dollar limit per house mortgage and 500,000 per business/apartment complex mortgage with a max available of the total cost of the dwelling, things could change.

I can imagine how many millions of families would suddenly have 500, 600, 1000, 1500, 2000 dollars more per month to spend on the things they want and need thereby purchasing goods and providing the market for new goods. If this market was created, jobs would be created and perhaps things would reverse some. Unfortunately, my idea is seen as socialistic and liberal while corporate welfare (translation: padding the fat cat's pockets) is perfectly acceptable to conservative republicans.

any way you look at it, little amounts of money will do nothing and just handing over 1000 bucks to people won't help either as too many people will pay off credit cards, bad debt, and/or save the money instead of spending it at the store. Perhaps, if the government wants to stimulate the economy they should give us a few grand and put it on an American Express Credit Card which most companies do not accept for paying bills.

Any better ideas?
Football season should be banned
2009-01-10 10:45:49 UTC
Obama just wants to put a bandaid on something that is just going to lead to much worse problems in the future. If they do pass a new stimulus package they will either have to borrow the money from another country (ie, China) or print more of our own money, which will lead to the crash of the American dollar and hyperinflation because there would be so much of it (look at what Germany's currency was worth after World War 1-NADA).
Brain Spew
2009-01-09 20:45:37 UTC
In theory, it isn't about helping you pay your rent. It's a little bit of extra money that you will hopefully spend, to "stimulate" the economy, hence "stimulus".

I'm not saying it will or won't work, but that's the point. Try to siphon billions of dollars back into the economy to get things moving.
Kelly G
2009-01-09 20:43:10 UTC
I'm hearing that it's not going to be a lump sum, that it will come back to us in our pay checks through less taxes which is super lame
2009-01-09 20:43:32 UTC
The deal is he has no clue how capitalism works and, like all liberals, believes a few hundred $ here and there will get him re-elected.
2009-01-10 00:00:33 UTC
In typical government fashion they are just throwing money at the problem.......
2009-01-09 21:18:17 UTC
the deal is stop sending money to Israel, to keep it in America
2009-01-09 20:43:49 UTC
so how much are you asking the gov't to hand you?

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