Why did we lose our great values, 15 sailors selling stories!!!?
2007-04-09 01:39:49 UTC
* They were rounded up like rabbits without showing any intention of resistance.
* They looked waiting for somebody to round them up.
* Is this our understanding for braveness! & how to become a heroe, is it by giving up!!!
* It is very shameful on them to come eye to eye with the British people, as the showed nothing to get proud of except doing what the Iranians want! IS THAT THEIR BRAVENESS!!
144 answers:
2007-04-09 01:54:09 UTC
I have to say I agree - I fail to see how these 15 people did anything brave or outstanding or to protect our country - they did not fight to protect themselves. No wonder our forces are not helpinh out in Iraq, they are acting like lily livered pansies!!!!! And then the parents are on TV everyday moaning and whinging about how unfair it is that they are there - it was a CHOICE! National service was abolished a long time ago, no one forced them to go, and the parents may not like it but tough!!

As for selling their stories, I think it is disgusting. I for one am already sick of hearing about them, now itll be plastered all over next weeks News of the World!!!

You`ll get a lot of grief for this question, just as I did when I said I was sick of hearing about the war, but well done for expressing your views without fear.
2007-04-09 09:09:45 UTC
I agree with most of what 'Matt' states, except the fabrication of 911. However, I think that the 15 have been given permission by the Navy to sell their stories, so long as they agree to a version of events that allows the Blair Government and the Naval high command and themselves to come out smelling of roses. Their version will, of necessity, be sexed up, because it will be impossible to prove one way or the other whether they are telling the truth.

Being killed or captured is a occupational hazard for combatants. Their version of events regarding their time under capture is a matter for themselves and Naval High Command, and is given at the time of de-briefing. As they were serving marines, there was no story to tell, and they and the media, shouldn't have been allowed to invent one.

Some people keep saying that what they did was brave. HOW/WHY. That is a bit like saying, "being knocked down by a bus is brave". All they did was try to survive, which is what any of us would do. I think that the media are guilty of blurring the distinction between reality and entertainment.
I Tisi
2007-04-09 06:49:34 UTC
There appears to me that there are some undertones of untruths in the statements made on the news by the young men interviewed by the press. The account given was read from script and I wonder what the truth really is. I personally believe that the briefing or the briefs wrote down what they wanted said. Just as bad as the Iranians I would say. The young man reading the statement was to glib. However, I agree with you there was no bravery and there should be a law against those serving the Country, in any of the forces, giving their stories to the press for massive gains. It is all so very wrong.
2007-04-09 11:20:51 UTC
My opinion, for what its worth, is that on a daily basis we read "Kiss and Tell" stories where the story-teller has been paid huge amounts of money. and for what ?? Nothing other than being easy in most cases !! These people actually have a story to tell, and the mistakes made by all concerned may be highlighted properly with some action taken to prevent it happening again.

The sailors may have made mistakes which led to their capture, but haven't we all made mistakes.

They may be making some money when they can, we all know that the government dont look after them financially when there is a problem, so good for them!! I would do the same in their situation to be honest, make the money for my future whilst I have an opportunity.

They are not saying they were brave, in all reality they were saying they were scared, and wouldn't you be ?

Far too much criticism is being made without people actually thinking long and hard about whether they'd turn down £100k for a story. Too many hypocrits I think !
2007-04-10 00:40:29 UTC
I've watched the Tonight show last night and I'd rather hear their own accounts from their mouths than the "official" version given out by the government. This is not the first time the Iranians did this with British sailors , with their mock executions.

Those who keep moaning about they should have done this and that for the sake of bravery, yes it's very, very easy to say that in the comfort of your armchair, in front of the tv or pc and in a safe country. I blame the navy for leaving them vunerable when the helicopter got sent back for refuelling.

This is no different to a hostage and ransom situation. Did the Iranian do this to gain a bargaining tool when negotiating their nuclear programme; to free the 5 Iranian prisioners held by the Americans; or the lift the recently imposed sanctions by the UN?
2007-04-09 20:42:39 UTC
Yeah i have an issue with the word "braveness" too ... it's a term bestowed upon any western hostage by the media to plump up the upcoming news program, so that the advertisers will pay big bucks to the tv stations. They weren't "brave" ... that means they fought. But maybe they were "brave" in a sense to wait it out without fighting the Iranians in the midst of their own country. I mean, do you really think they would have been released if they had shown resistance??? No, they were too smart for that. And see, now they got released.

And Matt ... get real and get the big picture, not the little persons conspiracy theory about 911 ... how stupid do you think the Americans are to sabotage their own country like that to get an excuse to get a foothold on the middle eastern oil. They've got their own reserves. Buying from other countries is all about supporting economies. Conspiracy theories are for the small-minded who don't know history.
2007-04-09 13:17:47 UTC
Does anybody think the whole episode has been stage managed by the UK military and political people for some reason. I think the 15 capture was a put up job. I believe that propaganda is the main reason because UK & US governments need to invade Iran, then they will have the corridor from Iraq, Iran to Afghanistan. I don't think that the woman sailor looked right as part of a boarding party, she did not seem to fit the bill, not because she was a woman, but why only 1 woman (there is more than meets the eye with the whole episode don't believe all you read!) What do you all think. A bit fishy to me!
2007-04-09 14:33:12 UTC
It's because, I believe there was a woman in the crew. If there was no woman but all males the story would have run its course within a week.

What some people are interested in reading it seems is not what the crew of the ship suffered at the hands of the Iranians, but what the woman's ordeal was at the hands of the Iranians.

Just look at the headlines. "I was stripped to my knickers".

That's what sells papers and the editors know it, that's the reason they are paying her a six figure sum to tell her story. if they were all males on the ship do you think the papers would want their story? Most definitely not. This is not the first kidnapping to occur.

Shameful. Disrespecting the memory of men and women who have already died in the conflict.
2007-04-09 13:57:38 UTC
You ignorant fool, the Royal Navy have specific Rules of Engagement with regards to Iran which they have to adhere to in order to prevent dragging both themselves, along with the US and the Mid-East into an inter-regional conflict!

Whether or not they were in Iranian waters is not clear, I don't believe either side of the story, both governments are corrupts as each other, however, the sailors were outnumbered and lightly armed in comparison to the Iranians. Resisting would have resulted in British casualties and very likely would have sparked off a war between UK and Iran which would very, very serious consequences for the whole world!

Please explain to me what you would have done in this situation seeing you're such a hard nut? Have you ever had a gun pointed at you? Have you ever been taken hostage? Idiots say that they're trained to fight etc, but they're not trained to spark off a disasterous war for the UK. These people have been used as pawns in a ridiculous propaganda war between Blair and the Iranians! But they're not helping their credibility by selling their stories to the press! Conversely, you narrow-minded right-wing nutters should drop this gung-ho sh!t and be satisfied that their actions or inaction helped to avoid a catastrophic war with Iran that would not only mean more military spending (higher taxes) but also sending hundreds more (it really would be hundreds in this case) men and women in the armed forces to their deaths! And no doubt the same hypocritical conversatives would then be blaming the 15 sailors/marines for such a disaster!
2007-04-10 04:57:23 UTC
First and foremost I think the question that everybody should be asking themselves is.....what would I do in that situation? How would I feel? How terrified for my life would I have been? How badly what I have wanted to just survive it and get home to my family, my children? There go I but for the grace of God people.

If just one of the sailors involved had decided that they weren't going to be captured without a fight and, in wanting to be seen as a "real, brave hero" had decided to retaliate, he/she would have been putting at risk the lives of the entire crew - this is not something that military personnel are trained to do. In fact it goes against everything that they are taught to respect and believe in.

You also have to bear in mind the fact that, during the conflict in Iraq, we have been made to witness the horrific 'beheading' of innocent engineers, not even military personnel, by mindless fanatics that, despite dangling the carrot, NEVER had any intention of setting their hostages free. Would you take that risk my friend? Imagine if you were the last to be killed and you first had to witness the 'beheading' or murder by other means of your 14 crew members who were also your comrades, your friends.

The crew of the ship involved were acting on orders from above, for whatever reason, they found themselves in 'deep' water. They would have known that the Navy would have been informed of their capture and would have immediately been acting to have them released. Why risk their lives for what has resulted in a complete misunderstanding and a peaceful outcome? Just to look brave? A hero? There really isn't much point to a dead hero.

As for the money that the sailors are now being offered for their story...isn't that just the world we live in today? Everyday we hear ridiculous stories of people being paid huge sums of money in compensation for the most trivial things. Let's face it, if she was an anorexic ex-pop star marrying a footballer, the young girl sailor would be DEMANDING a sum of money ten times the amount she's going to get just to have her pictures published in a glossy magazine.

Quite honestly, I'd rather read the sailors' stories!!!
Web Foot
2007-04-09 09:14:32 UTC
Yes it is a shame that the MOD has allowed this group of service people to receive monetary reward whilst still serving members of the armed services for effectively carrying out their jobs.

They are all alive and appear to be well whereas we have service personnel returning home badly injured and worse but do not even make the newspapers.

A very big mistake, heaven knows what other nations around the world think of us as a country when listening to the radio etc the people of this country are disgusted.
2007-04-09 15:16:40 UTC
Well quite - it's all been a bit of a sycophantic media circus - and we have become a nation obsessed by the media because the government knew how important PR was - yet we still just pootle along going oh well its only a couple of years till the next election. Bollo x get them out now - some of the sailors should be permanently discharged for being total sell outs in every sense of the word
2007-04-10 04:26:50 UTC
We are not at war with Iran and therefore there was no reason to resist arrest. The sailors were in Iranian waters and so were legitimately captured. They have nothing to be ashamed of however I think they should be dishonourably discharged for selling their story. I am ashamed at their lack of integrity. If military personnel can sell their stories then police men, fire men, ambulance drivers, judges etc should also be allowed to.
2016-05-21 02:17:27 UTC
Definitely not. I can't see how they can allow serving members of the armed forces to become wealthy and stay in the service. It was always the rule that any non-commissioned rank that won the football pools, for instance, was shown the door or, offered a commission if worthy. Back in the sixties, before the "media" had the technology to snoop into everything, numerous missions were undertaken by the British forces that went completely unreported. You never hear anything about the British forces' involvement in the Belgium Congo and the Vietnam War, yet they were involved. The "media" do more damage to our security than foreign spies, and when they push their noses in too far and get captured, far more fuss is made about it than when a member of our forces goes missing.
2007-04-09 08:01:32 UTC
You should not speak of things that you have no understanding.

These people were in an impossible situation.

All they had were small arms to defend themselves. The were out numbered and out gunned.

Have you any idea how much damage an RPG can do (Rocket Propelled Grenade)

Would it have been better to fire arrows against the lightning.

I don't think so!

You obviously speak from a position of safety, perhaps you should put yourself in their position and then ask you self, "What would I have done?"

The Rambo's of this world don't win, they die.

I suggest if you don't like Britain you go back where you came from. If your own country was so great and full of Heroes. What the hell are you doing here

I suggest all the stupid ignorant British people who have previously answered this question, saying how badly these brave people behaved and believe they could have done better join the armed forces and put yourself in front of the bullets or join the exodus to Iran

Good bye and good riddance

John UK (ex-soldier)
Bum Gravy.
2007-04-09 11:15:22 UTC
Put aside the circumstances of their capture and the rights and wrongs of what happened.

Forget for a moment the debate around whether they should've fought back or not.

For a serving soldier to become tabloid fodder, which is what will happen, IS WRONG.

The Navy have said that their story will come out eventually anyway, so they might as well talk to the media.

What will the media do?

Put their own spin on it so that the truth will be buried somewhere in their own agenda.

Why don't we just go the whole hog and have celebrity war?

Dial 08982121XXXX and vote for your favourite captured sailor.

Dial 08982121XXXX and vote for the sexiest captured sailor.
2007-04-09 13:30:48 UTC
First of all, Iranians stray into Iraqi waters all the time.

Second of all the sailors/marines who have sold their stories are giving a percentage to charity.

Thirdly when you are only armed up with a SA80 a 9mm browning and a knife and you come up face to face with a 50cal. machine gun, several RPG's and soviet made AK47's you are not going to be argueing with them!

They did not give up, if they had opened fire they would almost certainly be coming home in piecies in a wooden box at Brize Norton.

You cannot fault them for the action that they took.
2007-04-09 12:18:27 UTC
Whatever is right or wrong about this situation, money is going to be a temptation to anyone on miltary pay. When offered the vast sums being suggested, I would be surprised if they refused. However, it would be nice to think they would donate some, or all, of their gains to the Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen's Families Association. That would go towards alleviating some of the hardships experienced by other servicemen and women and their families, who may not have such a "marketable" story to tell.
2007-04-09 08:29:30 UTC
As an ageing ex-matelot with some 11 years spent in the Far & Middle East when the average length of a ships Commission was 2years 3 months spent away from the U.K. before returning for home leave.

I believe the 15 R.N. & R.M. personal acted correctly by not offering any resistance {Which would have sparked an International Incident resulting in hundreds of more deaths in that tormented area}

Bravery is not putting the lives of others in danger just to prove the Royal Navy is a superior force to the 'Iranian' Coastguard Service.

By following their orders & accepting it was necessary to surrender. They averted considerable bloodshed!

If it had been American sailors & marines involved as opposed to the British; a major escalation of hostilities within the Middle-East would have ensued:

Having had the misfortune of having to work with U.S.A. Navy & Marines who compared to their British Counterparts are:- Poorly Trained, Sloppy & Ill Disciplined: Prone to excitable, reckless, un-planned actions, which to a proffessional but jaundiced eye seem to emulate 'John Wayne' in his most "Gung-Ho" nature.

However I strongly disagree with our sailors & marines being allowed to receive payment from the Media for their stories!!

Yes any interviews stories etc. should be payed for by the media:- These Fees should be paid directly into the service based charities that support, the bereaved families of our millitary dead & the many wounded personell who because of their wounds & injuries are no longer able to pursue their expected aims & ambitions: NO PAYMENT SHOULD BE MADE DIRECT TO SEVICE PERSONELL FOR THEIR STORIES!

Every Serviceman/woman serving in hostile situations has a story to tell: Especially those who can no longer speak to their loved ones let alone the press, having been returned home via 'Brize-Norton' in a 'Union Jack draped Coffin'!

Simply because 'Mr Blair' decided that it would bode well to cosy up to the "No-brained, Rambo-influenced"

'George Bush' forming an unholy alliance to wage an illegal war entered into under false pretences!
2007-04-10 03:58:34 UTC
I don't agree with them being allowed to sell their story's,thats not on.As others have said thats what they signed up for,ok not everyday your captured but they all understood the danger.My friends husband was injured 1 year ago today and has pulled through although,he'll never be the same again.He is in the Army and the bad treatment he was given has added to the terrible injuries he recieved.Thats where the money should go to helping treat the people fighting for their country who have been injured in action.
2007-04-09 06:38:37 UTC
What the Iranians did is not even in the league of what the USA has done in the past few years (guantanamo bay and all the rest of it).

I'm pretty sure the if it was Iranians captured by the British, the treatment given out to them would have been the same.

It even happens on reality TV to our own citizens - anyone remember 'SAS are you tough enough?' - when members of the public had to go through almost exactly the same kind of treatment?

For the 15 to sell their story is tacky, wrong and just proves to the islamic worlld that we are a society of whining money grabbers.
2007-04-09 23:35:00 UTC
I tend to agree with you but, and it is a big but, when scumbags like Blair can earn millions by selling the story of his own job (autobiography) then it is difficult to see why HM forces cannot have an equal right to earn money.

Blair gains notoriety for all his lies and blindly doing what the US says and he is allowed to benefit from it so perhaps we should not be surprised that his government have allowed the sailors to behave likewise.
2007-04-09 08:12:50 UTC
If politicians, men of the church, so called celebs, ex military and retired policemen can sell their stories to the press, write books or go on TV as talking heads and lecture tours, why can't military people who have had the eye of the public upon them do the same. There are so many hypocrites like Col. Bob Stewart, and ex cabinet ministers who have published diaries criticising the marines and sailors, they should just shut up. If people want to buy and read this stuff, that's up to the public not our so called 'leaders' who got us into this war in the first place.
2014-10-01 12:11:02 UTC
now being offered for their story...isn't that just the world we live in today? Everyday we hear ridiculous stories of people being paid huge sums of money in compensation for the most trivial things. Let's face it, if she was an anorexic ex-pop star marrying a footballer, the young girl sailor would be DEMANDING a sum of money ten times the amount she's going to get just to have her pictures published in a glossy magazine.
2014-10-01 11:59:12 UTC
ody should be asking themselves is.....what would I do in that situation? How would I feel? How terrified for my life would I have been? How badly what I have wanted to just survive it and get home to my family, my children? There go I but for the grace of God people.

If just one of the sailors involved had decided that they weren't going to be captured without a fight and, in wanting to be seen as a "real, brave hero" had decided to retaliate, he/she would have been putting at risk the lives of the entire crew - this is not something that military personnel are trained to do. In fact it goes against everything that they are taught to respect and believe in.

You also have to bear in mind the fact that, during the conflict in Iraq, we have been made to witness the horrific 'beheading' of innocent engineers, not even military personnel, by mindless fanatics that, despite dangling the carrot, NEVER had any intention of setting their hostages free. Would you take that risk my friend? Imagine if you were the last to be killed and you first had to witness the 'beheading' or murder by other means of your 14 crew members who were also your comrades, your friends.
2007-04-09 08:49:18 UTC
What would our heroes of the last wars think about this sham.

They were tortured by the Nazi's and Japs weeks on end and never disclosed anything. This lot were kept well fed and watered and probably pampered. Now they are labelled heroes and stand to make a fortune selling their so called story to the tabloids. What a load of rubbish. Should'nt be allowed by the MOD.
2007-04-09 12:37:01 UTC
Their lives were threatened. They have families they want to go home to. They lived through the ordeal and that is brave of them to have coped with all that.

The Ministry of Defence has given them permission to sell their stories as the British public want to know what happened to them.

Finally I read a report that the lady was paid about £100 000 for her story, which was said to be 4 times her annual salary. This doesn't seem to be very much pay for what she has been put through in the name of fighting for our county. She has also said she is donating some of that to a worthy cause.

What if next time she doesn't make it home? She has to provide for her daughter the best way she can.

Leave them alone!
2007-04-09 09:38:07 UTC
For a start not all 15 sold the story and secondly if Faye wants to leave maybe, and I dont blame her, She is setting her girl up for life. They tried to avoid a war, would you prefer that? What is wrong with us reading the story? Why is earning something so bad? I think all of them deserve a medal and the money well, good on em! The Iraniens look the worse in all this. Faye never gave any secrets away. Leave them alone. Are you in the job or just an arm chair critic sh*tb*g?
Dr Paul D
2007-04-09 07:14:23 UTC
Sailor's cannot sell their stories unless they have been given permission to do so. One must question the authority that has allowed that to happen. I think we are in some way doing exactly what the Iranians did, exploitation. I think there is so much we don't know and never will, the media are very clued up when it comes to what sells stories, they are the experts. You know that they want you to know.
Convince Pete
2007-04-10 04:09:27 UTC
As i understand it some returning soldiers don't get good treatment from the British government when they have done their duty,and the Army is under financed, not to mention the families of the victims. So why not give the proceeds to them. Also, if these people had any values at all why are they fighting for unjust causes?!!
2007-04-09 06:20:00 UTC
Now that the true facts about the matter are emerging, what's really behind all this, possibly, arguably, is the fact that the current Iranian political bigwigs seem to be cleverly paving the way to Iran joining the nuclear club. Watch out West when that happens, powerful men with ability to kill off all the civilised world might be in charge. And it could be quite soon.

Wake up Bush! Or resign - and be quick about it, some of us are saying, and praying.
2007-04-09 12:52:00 UTC
Have you been asleep for the last couple of decades? Values? What values? We have loads of values in the UK. Hypocrisy? Doublespeak? Callousness? Machievelianism? Capitalism? Libertarianism? Sodomy? Secularism? Atheism? Xenophobia? Islamophobia? Zionism? Fear-mongering? Eurocentricity? Bellicosity? etc. etc etc. All present and correct in the UK, the 51st state of the US.

This is not a Horrywood film, or Game boy video game. In the real world there are rules of engagement that save lives and avoid escalation of incidents. There is diplomacy, invennted to stop needless death and suffering of hundreds of thousands. Aren't you tired of all these wars? Watching too many action films and playing too many soul deadening video games. Try reading a broadsheet newspaper or even a book. Love your fellow human regardless of colour and creed and cherish life the way God intended. Its the only sense that makes sense.
nevard d
2007-04-09 04:23:16 UTC
I don't think that shame can be paid well by a certain amount of money. It's like they were told to go, speak out and do some fund raising. How many else out there is brave enough to do the same? I just hope their story to tell is no more or no less, otherwise this issue will stay longer than we think.
2007-04-09 11:54:43 UTC
As someone who was brought up in a Naval family and has since settled in a naval port I can honestly say that it makes me want to hang my head in shame. There is no honour and integrity in selling your story to a paper. Other service personal must be laughing their socks off at the shameful way the navy has conducted itself in this matter. To think that we are commemorating the 25 years since the Falklands conflict during this year - shame on the Navy and shame on it's sailors. Thankfully I am sure their shipmates will disown them after this - it is no good giving money to HMS Cornwall - this is blood money and how fitting that these people should act like Judas on this Easter weekend.
deep in thought
2007-04-09 08:51:53 UTC
The only answer is not to basically buy the print - more people within this war are have traumatic times even though I myself was worried for these 15people in the course of there hostage experience - but to come out and sell their stories - well that is not what my fear was given to them in the first place for - as simple as that.
2007-04-09 05:02:40 UTC
I think it is a matter of changing times in terms of how people want to share the emotional impact of a traumatic story. Once upon a time that was not part of our culture, now it is and I think that's a move forward and not a slip in standards.

Also, one can only speculate as to how one would behave in the same situation. It is not wise to behave in a war mongering fashion with a Country we are not at war with, Neville Chamberlain did the same thing with Hitler for many, many months before a state of war was declared, it's called diplomacy and we as a nation are actually famous for our adept skill at it, I for one, am grateful for that.

Finally there is no such word as BRAVENESS, the word you needed was BRAVERY or COURAGE and I think the people you so openly criticise showed a good deal of it!
2007-04-09 04:23:39 UTC
I am baffled by what all the fuss is about. These people chose to join the armed forces, therefore they accepted ALL the risks that come with that (kidnap, injury, death, whatever). No doubt we will never know the truth of whether they were actually in Iranian waters, or what actually happened to them while there.

Personally, I couldn't care less what happened to them. The whole thing is just part of a disgraceful war which we should never have had any part of. If they choose to stay in the Armed Forces and take part in it, then they have made their own bed and should lie in it.

However, I don't understand why them selling their stories is any different to an ordinary member of the public who is kidnapped then held hostage (by anyone, psychopathic loony or whatever) selling their story on release. They all have minds of their own. If they wanted to turn down the money, they would. If they just want the public to hear their "side of the story" then they would tell it for free. But I don't begrudge them one penny of it. Probably most people here would sell a story to a paper if there was a six figure sum being offered!

There will always people who want to read this rubbish - probably the same people who watch Big Brother etc.

I wouldn't believe anything I read anyway about the whole thing. You have the Iranians insisting that the sailors were in Iranian waters, were taken, treated well, fed etc, then released. You have the Brits saying they weren't in Iranian waters, were effectively kidnapped and then treated badly. How are you going to decide to believe? It's all propaganda. You can hardly expect these sailors to come back to the UK and tell everyone that they had a great time, were given loads of food and allowed to play chess and table tennis the whole time, even if it were true. The government aren't going to allow them to give the British public the idea that the Iranians might just actually be a decent bunch of people who found the sailors illegally in their waters and took them effectively as prisoners of war.

This war is being fought as much in the media as it is on the ground.

Until the British public have the sense to stop demanding to be told these kind of stories, they will continue to be printed. If everyone who disagrees with this war and the propaganda that goes with it, also stopped buying all newspapers and stopped watching the news, they'd probably be leading happier lives and getting on with worthwhile stuff, like worrying about what is going on on their own doorstep (homelessness, animal cruelty, child abuse, regular shootings and stabbings).
2007-04-09 12:47:40 UTC
In former days white feathers were presented to perceived cowards in time of war - now the media give them pieces of silver. Judas is alive and well and living in the Blair's Britain.

The BBC will not broadcast the story of our latest VC winner - because it is too positive a story about a British hero.

What a sad country we have become.
2007-04-09 11:00:41 UTC
i have to say.(as an armchair general),i am uncomfortable with the whole episode.15 of them,with side-arms,and a fuc*ing great warship sat 1 mile away, and they caved in like a chocolate teapot ! nelson would be turning in his grave !and if she's so concerned about her kids,she should get out of the service and become a librarian or something equally dangerous as being in the navy obviously is no place for lily livered career people.BRING BACK THE PRESS GANG! they were popular in bristol in the 1600's,and we kicked *** back then! all for a shilling and a tot of rum.,not £100,000.
2007-04-09 06:11:14 UTC
We as a Nation may have lost a lot of things since the Labour government came to rule this country of ours but, what really happens in our forces would not be broad-casted without good reason,don`t believe everything you read in the newspapers while seeing them on a news interview adds weight to your augment most of the time what you hear & what they want you to hear are two different stories.Until we know all the facts lets just be glad they are home safe,as for selling their stories there again like most of us we don`t have enough to live on so the extra cash should help with their bills.

If the likes of celebrities can & do sell their secrets to mags like Hello etc,then why not the bits that they are allowed to talk about ? they are covered by the Official Secrets Act so I don`t think they will be spilling to many beans!
2007-04-09 04:59:02 UTC
now begins the Media game with Iran.

they know full well they were on the Axis of Evil list & they're next!

the MOD are sanctioning the Press 2 attack Iran so GW won't have 2!

i'm as equally out-raged that the MOD have made such a meal out of screwing some soldiers 4 their crap accommodation 2 save a few measly pounds here & there.

while we're all concentrating on this we'll forget all about the bigger picture.

the iranians knew the navy were there, they only had 2 sail/march over & seized them 4 a Political Game & nothing else!

& anyway while we're all moaning about this we're letting Nu-Labour right off the Hook, aren't we?
2007-04-09 10:25:00 UTC
They are military personnel & should not be allowed to make money on a blunder by the navy.

The UN did not support us, we should not have been there.

The Iranians made a lot of mileage embarrasing Tony Blair, what a fool.
frank S
2007-04-09 08:31:07 UTC
Are these people the best that the British forces can recruit. They come across as the product of a pampered and "it's some body's elses fault" society.

Thank goodness previous generations of servicemen had more spine than this shoddy bunch.
2007-04-09 04:51:36 UTC
If somebody called you a coward for giving in to Iranian demands, in newspaper articles, after you had been captured,

Wouldn't you want a right of reply?

And if they offered you good money for giving that reply, would you refuse it?

From the question, and the details, it appears you read newspapers, buying newspapers encourages them to pay for such stories.

It is wiser to be alive, and able to tell your story, than it would have been fighting against over whelming odds, and arriving home in a body bag.

I wanted to hear their views, I am satisfied with what I have heard on TV and radio news, that they acted honourably.

The money does dirty things a bit, but I am not aware of 15 all selling their stories, and if the newspaper puts a price on the story of the experience, it is better they pay, than give out speculation and probably lies to fill its new-sheets.

These people didn't join the forces for the money, they have been slated in the newspapers because they survived, and giving their version of events is a way of balancing out the media output.
Stephen P
2007-04-09 11:52:40 UTC
It did not take that **** long to cash in on her so called fame, £100,000 for being a member of one of the most inept British operations ever undertaken, she will now no doubt appear on numerous televisions programmes and even probably her show on Sky or some other right wing propaganda channel who wants to bet she will not be in navy for much longer when she can get so much money for telling a load of lies written for her by Tory Liar.
Amy's Faded
2007-04-09 07:51:07 UTC
Escape and evasion. Those in the military are well trained at these things. And when E&E isn't becomes a matter of maintain what you can, as best you stay alive, to work at escaping - if not rescued, and while you're at do as best you can to keep your eyes and ears open for any information you can gather to the benefit of your troops, without giving up anything that you might know.

...forgive the disgusting harsh brassiness to this comment...but a dead soldier does NO ONE any good.

If they were to have tried to 'duke it out' with the Iranians who captured them, it would've taken the task at hand...the boats they were checking... and would've blown it up into and out and out knock-down drag-out with not only Iraq, but IRAN as well...the Iranians would've popped all on that boat, there would've been 15 less...and all over Iran's constant school-yard bully hissy fit about who's in who's waters, which they seem to like to use to push the envelope to see just how far they can get before they provoke us to step up and smack them...

I think those soldiers made the wiser of choices, given the situation. should try backing/supporting your military sometime...they've got YOUR back.

Any that could question any soldiers bravery or lack thereof, should try tossing themselves into the same situation...and see how clean their shorts stay...see how well they fare.

So easily, we sit on high, over where it's comfortable and gossip, bad-mouth, and chastise those that are in the thick of the sh!te...and, should do well to remember to keep our mouths in check, unless and until we've stood exactly in those same shoes we choose to badmouth.

The media will always show what they can chalk up to some sort of entertainment value, and there is ALWAYS more to any given story than the public is 'fed' especially in matters of military...if we all just went on and told it all, then EVERYONE knows, and what could that possibly serve, except for the guys that are trying to hurt the servicemen and women that we so dearly hope to see home

I may be mistaken in making such sharp-tongued comments...yet, I will stand firmly on my soap-box...unless you have walked in their shoes. Unless you've served in the military. Served in the military during wartime/conflict. Been taken hostage/held hostage. Then I say, you haven't an iota of a clue of what you are saying about these people, and their honour, valour, bravery...or how they make YOU look... yet... thanks to those in the, you still have the right to b!tch about it.
Amanda L
2007-04-09 06:14:32 UTC
The 15 sailors joined the forces knowing what was entailed and what they would face should they tread on foreign toes as it were. Heroes are the ones who chose to go to war fought and lost their lives. All of this is propoganda by the government. As for getting paid for it PAH! What about the unsung heroes did they get paid, did their families? This subject is no longer newsworthy and should be put on the backburner!!!!!!!!!11
2007-04-09 18:34:47 UTC
Seems like our armed forces are turning out young Touchey-feeley girly whimps.

One admitted sobbing in his cell. Another was terrified when an Iranian touched his neck with a single finger. The last one was traumatised by the sound of someone sawing wood.

This is torture?

Now they are to be forced to read a MOD prepared script for the benefit of the media in return for £100,000! (as compensation for their public humiliation presumably, and to keep quiet about the truth).

Should be new Navy advert on the TV :

Join the Navy/Marines

Lots of hugs

Lots of kisses

Specialist crybabies and neurotics trained to sob in public.

Good Iranian food

Good Iranian Suits

Scarves for the girlies

Fly business class courtesy British Airways

Good salary (£100,000K +)

No bravery, tenacity or intelligence required

The older genaration of marines must feel totaly disgusted, as my father told me : Name, Rank & Number. No comment.

We need a new distinguished crybaby medal to be worn in humiliation, perhaps a yellow stripe for the marines until they can be seen to distinguish themselves in service.

The rest of the world are now laughing at our marines who have become the subject of derision.

Shame on Tony Blair for denying the incursion and shame on the Navy commander for sacrificing the reputation of the Navy.

Lord Nelson would I believe, be turning at St. Paul's.
2007-04-09 11:42:28 UTC
What a delinquant, these people are british ( yes heroes) if you could spell right?? also they should be allowed to sell there stories ? unless the navy as something to hide, as for the stress and and being threatened with being killed, do they get payed enough to die, and that means all our armed forces.

(I dont think so) And dont say they get payed enough money or they would not have joined as these people are keeping such as you safe, what if nobody joined the armed forces in england, we would be in a right situation then.

Yes thet should have been allowed as most of them in higher ranks and polititions are as well bent , a lot of polititions have sold stories for money. these pc bregade are as jealous as hell what i would do is send them on the front line and see how they like it.
2007-04-09 10:59:26 UTC
Your knowledge of the language needs improving.

I think the Iranians treated them well. The questioning used by the Iranians is nothing less than what our own police and armed forces use. It a standard tactic.

They didn't fight. Sometimes learning rather than dying is the better option.
2007-04-09 09:38:33 UTC
They want the world to know just what kind of people are running Iran. And give credit to the two marines that didn't crack, I'm not going to condemn the others, we all want to live, but only the two who refused to comply are BRAVE men.
2007-04-09 10:34:50 UTC
u sound silly, im only doin this to get the points, and i don't even think you know what your talking about, what do you mean by doing what the iranians want ? do you mean iran's naval force, or did the whole of iran have a vote on what they should do ? i do agree however they shouldn't have sold their stories, that is disgraceful, but then they're only looking out for themselves
2007-04-10 00:53:05 UTC
their names weren't "leading seaman john Rambo" if you have ever experienced a gun stuck in your face with 8 trigger happy novice troops surrounding you on all sides you do not flinch! i can handle myself, 8 squaddies is nothing. but 8 squaddies with rifles is a different matter. nobody can out run a bullet not even british sailors mustering up all the glory of trafalgar. they done the right thing thats why they are alive!
Mark J
2007-04-10 02:25:56 UTC
They all get paid a pittance for the job they do and the risks they can experience. So why not make some money from it. I don't see the problem.

Everyone else is just jealous they cannot get this windfall. It must be like winning the lottery to them and why not.
2007-04-09 07:42:38 UTC
All service personnel are instructed how to behave in just such a situation.Alienateing the captors could quickly be the

last thing they do.

The fact that they are home safe and sound is far more

important than fulfilling some outdated ideas of "bravery".

As for selling their stories,permission given by M.O.D.,is a quick way of securing their families finances.Don't forget the said Sailors and Marines could be dead on their return to duty.
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2007-04-10 00:57:44 UTC
I think it's pathetic how they have sold there stories. Its there jobs and what they are paid to do! People seem to join the navy/army and the secound they are expected to acctully do somthing they run a mile. Its pathetic shallow and yes people need to re-evaluate our values!
2007-04-09 11:32:47 UTC
i am upset that they have sold their stroies or even talkied,our men n women are still out there,do they not see how much trouble this can cause,its selfish, u see the sas,sbs,or commands in the past talking out no,do we see others talking , happy the are safe and not assaultied.far worse has happen in wars but they dont sell stroies.on the spelling and grammer im all bristish and disyliax spell check dopesnt help as i dont regonise the words people sholud think b4 speaking
Charles D
2007-04-09 09:16:39 UTC
It was not their fault they were captured; complacency by the ship's captain in not sending a helicopter overhead perhaps.It is better for them to tell the story directly to the media than to have a lot of rumour and exaggeration from third parties. If they make some money to compensate them for their ordeal good luck to them.
2007-04-09 06:21:23 UTC
AM you are the one who is a traitor to this country.Would you have done any better if you had been in the position of the 15 who were outnumbered and had no option but to comply with an enemy who could have resorted to decapition.Their captors are evil demonic people and I'm proud of all 15 of them.Remember what happened to Nick Berg,I saw that video and will never forget or forgive the people who did it.
2007-04-09 09:37:15 UTC
Considering the abysmal pay our armed forces receive - i think fair enough.

The two that have been paid (so far) will give them a much more secure future - paying off mortgages etc.

They have broken no laws, they havnt sold anybody out, they havnt hurt anyones feelings, so give them a break.

And as for showing no resistance...blah blah.... would you rather they had showed resistance and added to the death toll!

Wise up and grow up.

2007-04-09 06:30:11 UTC
are you just ignorant?, what would you have done in their position,they had no choice but to act the way they did otherwise they might not be here today!!!!!! They did'nt give up, they used whatever ploy to stay alive and if that meant smiling for the cameras so be it.I suppose you are sitting in some little office all day safe and sound that is if you work at all!!!! And all the hype about selling their stories I personally dont believe they should but hey if the MOD give them the go ahead fair enough for after all it would have come out some way.
2007-04-09 04:24:54 UTC
Have to agree with early answerer, you don't sound [or should that be, read?] as if you're British so why is this bothering you? Anyway, as for selling their stories, I think thats awful! Didn't they sign the Official Secrets Act when they joined the Armed Forces? I would have thought that talking about their ordeal to the public press would have meant a court martial then jail so therefore they couldn't do it. Unless the money offered by the newspapers was worth a court martial? Am I wrong?
2007-04-09 10:26:32 UTC
if you were from a military (or intelligent) background you would understand that under the rules of engagement it would of been stupid to attack or fire because you cannot fire unless fired upon, we are not at war with Iran, if they had of fired there would be no safety for British people in Iran at the moment and it would of created a **** storm, they were doing their jobs and following orders. if you had been in such a situation what would you have done? better still join up and take on the world yourself, no, bet you haven't got the guts!!! look at the bigger picture.
2007-04-09 07:58:42 UTC
Absolutely spot on!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now this person states being frightened of rape, having a coffin made, sitting in underwear, frightened of the taunts yet is ever so nice when in Iranian custody, of course it must have been traumatic. Is this not what we pay the armed forces for!!!!! and is this not why they take their salaries willingly. How much is this VERY large sum this person is receiving based on actual fact or freedom and now out of harms way imagination and how much is this person, as stated donating to their ship. When you consider the millions of fighting personnel who gave their lives in the name of freedom for no monetary reward - these people sicken the bravery of armed forces WORLDWIDE and should not be allowed to serve their country.
2007-04-09 07:32:20 UTC
Our 15, were not guilty, of being suicide bombers

We are proud of our sailors and delighted ,

to see them safe home .

Do not think for one moment YOU fool us .

Prayers to Allah five times a day, will not save you from being judged, for your blatant lies and propaganda .

As British people, we are proud of the faultless way our sailors acted ,

in spite of the terrifying, pre - arranged ordeal

This publicity stunt by Iran,

leaves IRAN with shame on their faces.

They already have blood on their hands !

They kidnapped the 15 sailors,as hostages , were prepared to kill them , then presumably, to their advantage, they set them free .----- Without apologies .

Good story... for history to absorb.

The shame is on you , Iran

do not bleat for pity . For pity for your sins, you will not get .

Iran will rue the day, when they thought,

they could make free, with their threats to us .

You are nothing ,but a bunch of barbarians .

Never underestimate the British resolve !

jack y
2007-04-09 02:54:42 UTC
I initially applauded the MOD's openess about letting the sailors sell their story and then last night I heard the counter argument put on a radio phone in.

The caller said that whilst the families of the 15 were seen celebrating , quite rightly about the release of their beloved ones at the same time 4 other families were being told that their offspring had died that day in Iraq .

Those comments encapsulated for me the rights and wrongs of this unfortunate scenario .By all means celebrate some joy at these developements beacause there is precious little else to applaud in this war but that should be done privately lest we forget the suffering of those who have no cause to be happy .
2007-04-09 08:35:24 UTC
i too think it is shocking being able to sell these stories. faye is on the front page of the sun but i have not read it . i have no interest in the story as i think she is very silly girl there is no way i would leave my small children to go and play soliders with the men. what would have happened had she been killed ? it was all political and i dont give a sh*t
2007-04-09 10:47:22 UTC
You arrogant rude person!!! how dare you! you have absolutley NO idea what those poor people went through, how dare you be soo insensitive and stuck up.

you clearly arent British!, what would you have done if someone was keeping you captive, threatening to kill you, making you remove your clothes and wear nothing but your knickers!! id like to know.

i think they were incredibley brave and if anything our great values have been strengthened, not lost.

would you show resistance if people were interogating you, while you were naked, and whilst they were making threats, saying they'd kill you!???

do you think they could escape??? i wouldnt rebel against such vicious people.

i think you need to really read into things and justify your opinions, before you make such hideous accusations again, and judging by your terrible spelling and use of the english language you arent actually british.
Colin H
2007-04-09 06:41:45 UTC
Do you seriously think that they should have fired back at the Iranians? What they did was prevent a catastrophic flash point which would have triggered another war in the region, a war which the UK and the US do not want to enter into (at this time).
2007-04-09 05:25:47 UTC
An admiral or a general can write a memoir without anyone objecting. If anybody would want to read it might be another matter.

We shouldn't have one set of rules for the officers and another for the enlisted men and women. If the press want to pay for a story that's their business.
2007-04-09 14:30:21 UTC
what would you do if you had the chance to make some cash? especially when you'd been through what they have? i would like to think if it was me i wouldn't sell my story to the press but you can never say never!
2007-04-09 10:08:52 UTC
Whilst there are British soldiers coming home in coffins - these stories should have been told but should not have been sold
2007-04-10 01:18:55 UTC
These guys signed the Official Secrets Act when they joined the military, didn't that mean anything to them at all!!
2007-04-09 12:55:53 UTC
Whatever the reasons for their capture, they should not be allowed to sell their stories. I believe that they have now been stopped from doing so.
2007-04-09 09:49:40 UTC
Right on! Something smells, and I am more than a little ashamed! We lost and our sailors di not do themselves very proud!
2007-04-09 08:25:31 UTC
Sorry, with all that troops that had been send around without good reason ext. lots of people just lost what they need to do in different situations.
2007-04-09 03:59:44 UTC
I do not agree at all with what you say, as you could not even start to understand as you were not there and never will be, but I do think the Government is wrong to allow the stories to be published.
2007-04-09 14:53:25 UTC
You must understand that the English are one of the most hated races on the planet. Our history is not taught in school correctly to us. But, the rest of the world is aware of the atrocities we have been involved in over the past few hundred years. We respect no one and are not respected.
2007-04-09 06:47:29 UTC
it makes a mockery of every soldiers death in Iraq and Afghanistan!

the MOD should be ashamed of its self, but then it does have a reputation for letting the armed forces down!
2007-04-09 05:14:07 UTC
have you even been in the army or Navy? Ever been in a life or death situation?

If not I don't see how you or I can judge the sailors, is it worth being shot just because British pride says you shouldn't co-operate?

Though I do agree that they shouldn't sell their stories
viki S
2007-04-09 07:59:19 UTC
well!!! i am asumeing that you are not english or come from this country. well what would you have done in that situation. i suggest that you do not start having a go at the people whose country have let you live in. You should be gratefull that u are living here and not in your own country!!

wow they sold their stroy to tell other peolple about how another country had treated them and to warm people that that is a terrible place to live in.
2007-04-09 03:54:43 UTC
The game was over when the 15 were paraded on Iranian TV.

Remember the Facts: it was Allah's representatives on Earth who captured the 15 soldiers in Iraqi waters, and the Lies of Iran have been endorsed by their leader and accepted by their people...

Allah must be proud...

(Note: Muslims - If what I have said offends you: Publicly Renounce the Lies of the Iranians, and get your religious leaders to do the same - as lets be honest - associating with lies is the main problem with Christianity)
2007-04-09 11:11:29 UTC
These service personnel who are selling their story have no self respect, and no respect for their fellow men and women who have died for their country in Iraq and Afghanistan. Shame on them!
2007-04-09 09:09:38 UTC
why should they fight ? why get killed in a war setup by America to extend their corruption into the middle east ?

they are lucky as alot of military personnel have their existence denied by the countries they are supposed to die for when captured.

all these fools calling them cowards , what you do if you got captured ?
2007-04-09 05:56:40 UTC
This is not about bad English and Grammar, it is not about Blair and whatever Government is in power and what they did or not did to get them out of Iran.

This was about Iran holding 15 hostages for no reasons and they could not guarantee their information. remember it was 24 hours later that they came up with the same information using GPS, etc.

In regard to selling their stories. I don't know how any of you can complain, this is our fault, we have stopped the newspapers or magazines from getting stories like these and again we have become a suing country anyhow.

was this a way for those who later suffer with depression and Post related stress to stop them bleating on about it in the press after they have finished their tour of duties.

Let them get their money and get thrown out of the force and claim their dole money when it is all spent...good luck serving queen and coiuntry, my ****, they don't know what it means
2007-04-09 04:37:34 UTC
Expose the blunders and slip-ups with human errors in the creation of living human kind into mankind of intelligent design with living words being created with artificial intelligence of artiificial design with deadly words that could no longer differentiates bewteen fantasy and reality in planet of apes.

With living human kind living in misery on the mess created out there on the loss of glory and honour for the country, people and events in the creation of peace on earth goodwill to men for the good of mankind in planet of apes.
2007-04-09 11:34:42 UTC
these people had no idea of what was going to happen to them, and when you consider the fate other poor soles have met after being held hostage i would say they held it together very well and from the way you are slating these poor people i would suggest you have no idea what you're talking about!
2007-04-09 04:52:23 UTC
What great values would they be

- slave running?

- Cromwellian slaughter of innocent women and children?

- Aiding and abetting murderers in Northern Ireland?

or maybe hanging with the schoolyard bully in America
marie m
2007-04-09 03:23:50 UTC
They went along with their training; part of which is to always remember you are part of a support each other and defend each other. there are many definitions of heroism, and going gung-ho into a situation does not make you a hero; it might just mean you are brainless.

I have mixed feelings about this; I have no doubt they were initially roughed around a bit, but that's a risk you take when you enlist in the armed forces and the navy. I have no doubt they were coached by their captors in their responses as shown on T.V. and the whole "release" story carefuly orchestrated by their captors.

I also feel, however, that their de-briefing consisted in part of being told to change their stories; and you are right about one thing - I feel quite uncomfortable with the idea of them selling their stories; I think that this, too is being orchestrated in a jingoistic way to suit the propoganda needs of H.M.'s government as an election approaches.
2007-04-09 15:44:37 UTC
Utterly shameful.
2007-04-09 02:12:28 UTC
look they were told go over there check that ship , then while there on the boat they were checking , the iranians pull up say they were in there waters (GPS does lie when the waters are undetermined) and capture them im really really glad that the soldiers didnt get sucked in and took the situation for how it went down . If they fire on the Iranians its WW3 , what you have to ask is who gave them the order to venture in those waters???? maybe a false flag that went wrong .
2007-04-10 02:15:48 UTC
I take it English is not your first language? So you could be just a little bias?
2007-04-09 04:37:50 UTC
Faye Turney, the only woman out of them, decided to “sell their story”, for around £100,00 over TV & probably further share from £250,000 that all would be making by selling their story, in the national tabloid.

How degrading is it for people who actually ends-up fighting for their country, beaten, tortured and finally followed by sacrificing their life in the process & then not even getting any recognition whatsoever, while some bimbo like Faye Turney decides to make money out of her misery!

At first, regardless of knowing her demanding career asking her to remain away from home, she decides to get knocked up & falls pregnant and have a baby. This baby then deprives herself from the presence of her mother around. Now, she’s making thousands of pounds merely by harping on about the way she’s been treated by Iranians. How charming! Simply seeing her mug boils my blood. What an infra-dig character she’s! For such a money, I wouldn’t be surprised if she’d jazz her story up a bit further for readers to find it rather “spicy”.

I don’t see her any different to those characterless bimbos deciding to have a one-night stand under the influence of alcohol & then crying wolf next morning about being “raped” and then claiming hefty compensation out of it. Such a woman is an insult to the entire species of women.

Other than immoral Faye Turney, I feel as if the media that offered her such a “jackpot” winnings and those who buy such tabloid have all equal share of being pathetic.

PS to "polo": Are you one of those, who struggle to secure a single GCSE themselves & then points finger towards the hard-working immigrants, who sponsors your granddad's pension & your dad's jobseeker's allowance & also take care of your bills in lunatic asylum centre :)
2007-04-09 11:26:47 UTC
I agree

whatever happened to name, rank and serial number?
2007-04-09 03:22:46 UTC
First of all, congratulations on the invention of a new word, braveness! Agree with lots that has been said and I am particularly disappointed in the Royal Marines, aren't they supposed to be an elite unit?However, once the furore has died down, the decent ones amongst them will start to have regrets. Let's be quite clear, for all their faults/differences, Iranians are a civilised people (they were civilised when we were wearing blue woad) and our people must have known they were in no real danger, otherwise WW3 would have happened. They signed up, took the money, knew the risks, so should have acted accordingly, as to the female-no comment, but I would like to know what percentage she is handing on from her fees-5%, 10% ? wouldn't hold my breath. In total, it's an insult to the ones who have lost their life out there. Of course we should never have been there in the first place, Tony Blair is a liar and a manipulator.
2007-04-09 04:27:06 UTC
er... learn how to spell and if you are soooo cross with losing british values, get off the computer and enrole yourself into the defences, work hard to get to the top, make the changes then when you realise that sometimes things just dont go to plan, re-read your question...they are damn brave for going out there in the first place, who are you to go whinging about what they get for what they do? i would love to see what you would do after being put in that situation...take it in your stride would ya!! i think not!
2007-04-09 04:11:46 UTC
It does seem as though they`ve let themelves down by selling their stories to the gutter-press.

And that Trevor McDonald will milk every minute of this pathetic interview.

But, I suppose money talks, no matter who you are.

At this Easter Time we should be remembering the servicemen/servicewomen who have paid the ultimate price.

Not reading about non-entities.

It is a funny old world :-(
2007-04-09 07:42:33 UTC
If You listen carefully You can hear Nelson spinning in his grave.
2007-04-09 03:54:28 UTC
sounds like the iranians got exactly what they wanted, they wanted to make us british look like idiots and it worked, like puppets on a string........... i think the iranians are planning something big though, this may have been a plot to fool the government, like a test or a distraction preparing for something bigger, they were just testing us to see how far they can go
2007-04-09 06:10:51 UTC
live +let live they chose 2 be there if they got story 2 tell good luck i wont be listening ,my life 2 short 4 numb skulls
Angel Eyes
2007-04-09 07:41:18 UTC
well, it's easy for you to judge other people when you haven't even been in that situation. how do you know what you would do until you go through the same stuff.

get off your high moral horse.
2007-04-09 06:02:37 UTC
I didn't for one moment think that they would be killed! Iranians are quite a reasonable and proud nation, but...... look at their naighbours on each side. No wonder they're paranoid! As for that woman, she got all she deserved. She should be at home looking after her child.....
2007-04-09 02:51:56 UTC
Yes, we are very glad to see them returned unharmed as usually hostages have been executed of late. However, I agree they are definitely NOT Heroes. I feel for the families of those that have not returned from these frightening places.

We seem to be going over the top with all this like the Americans? As for selling their stories....I am amazed that the powers that be seem to have encouraged this. I think there is only one of them refusing to do so. He should be proud of himself.

When they sign up and go to war what do they expect to happen? They can't ask for money for their stories and expect counselling etc. How on earth did the soldiers etc manage in the 2 world wars?
2007-04-09 06:19:02 UTC
It was a survivial lesson,and there was a big need to do everything ,but to stay alive!
2007-04-09 05:41:32 UTC
I don't agree with your version of how they got caught, but I think it's a disgrace that they can now sell their stories to the papers!
2007-04-09 04:16:54 UTC
Our ( The Royal Navy ) crew were big liars. Watch the last video released today 09 April 2007 by the Iranians.

They should tell the real story not the debriefed one.
Archangel Gabriel
2007-04-09 03:45:09 UTC
It gives them a great opportunity to peddle the official government line in the popular press and get payed gazillions for doing it too. Don't read the tabloids if you don't support this kind of thing.
2007-04-09 09:10:24 UTC
I would like to see you do what they did and not go completely mad!!!!!!!

What they did was more than brave
2007-04-09 06:03:51 UTC
what is wrong with you lot,if you were tortured and had a gun held to you how the hell would you feel?any money they do get for their stories the majority of it is going to charity.they have been psychologicly tortured and thats all people like you can do is moan about their stories.
2007-04-09 04:33:23 UTC
So you're saying they should have died in a pathetic attempt to resist overwhelming odds are you?

Think carefully about what you have posted here my friend!
James L
2007-04-09 06:30:34 UTC
i think they are a joke and it shows how hypocritical our country has become.

we slate iran for using them for propoganda in their country and then what do we do??

the only way they can salvage any dignity from this mess is to donate all the money they get from the papers to the families of those who died whilst serving in iraq and afganistan.
2007-04-09 08:39:56 UTC
as an ex uk soldier

im ashamed

when i signed up

i agreed to fight for my country
2007-04-09 11:16:25 UTC
good luck to em. the government are Robbin us let them get something back.
2007-04-09 06:56:03 UTC
Something wrong here, this bloke seemes to have a fetish for pubic hair, how on earth can you take him seriously. Check out his previous questions.
2007-04-09 04:31:06 UTC
They are lying. I have seen prisoners of War. They do not look like being totured or humiliated in any way. No scars or bruises.

As an English I am ashamed of the lies these lot are peddling

These lot are try to create a story to bump up their bank balances. TOTAL DISGRACE!!!
2007-04-09 04:27:35 UTC
If they were that traumatized that they may indeed end there career perhaps they might need to sell a story in order to secure there future. I probable would sell
2007-04-09 09:16:57 UTC

propaganda & politics & vice versa
2007-04-09 03:38:54 UTC
I would love to see what you would have done Popeye. Most of them were sailors not SAS trained killers and they were face to face with a Gun Boat - they were in an inflatable pacific. They way they acted was entirely consistent with their rules of engagement and if they had acted in an escalatory manner the repercussions could have been devastating to British foreign policy for decades. They’re not heroes but then they are not cowards either - they are real people.
2007-04-09 03:32:08 UTC
I don't agree with everything you've stated. If they did show any resistance they would have been overwhelmed and probably killed. Would you want another 15 British sailors dead? They did not give up, but what could they do? I don't understand the statement' They looked waiting for somebody to round them up'. Sure you're British yourself? All 15 aren't selling their stories, a couple have said that they're not prepared to.

I think what they went through must have been terrible, OK they are in the Navy, but they are human too. I think they can all hold their heads up high.
2007-04-09 03:11:12 UTC
Faye Turney apparently received a 6 figure sum for her story. so now she can give up her career and stay home to look after the child everyone accused her of abandoning by joining the Navy, so all the bleeding-heart liberals should be happy now, you got what you wanted, another mother chained to the kitchen sink...

Come on people, wake up, as someone already pointed out, people in the forces these days join up of their own accord. These naval personel might not have actually been doing any fighting when they were captured, but one day they may very well be. They will put their lives on the line for those of us left behind, too selfish or afraid to risk our necks. So if they can get a little something back for that, a reward as such, then so be it. I'll be very interested to see how many of the people replying to this are actual armed forces personel and what their thoughts might be.

Oh. I see. People don't like being accused of being selfish or afraid. Sorry folks, but that's the way it is.

Got to say, AM, I don't agree with you, but after seeing the number of thumbs up/down everyone is getting, you certainly ask the right sort of questions, I've never seen another one with 30 something for just 1 reply!
2007-04-09 09:40:56 UTC
Proves that everyone has a price that they will sell their soul for.
2007-04-09 12:29:08 UTC
were they offered money for their stories or did they offer their stories for money???
2007-04-09 06:35:38 UTC
wouldnt you sell your story if you had been offered six figure sums for it anyone who did not would be not all there
2007-04-09 03:18:57 UTC
Tonight's TV at 8pm is being changed so that the female sailor, Faye Turney can "give her side of the story". Will that be more money in her bank?
2007-04-09 03:12:51 UTC
I think it is disgusting them getting money for their stories. How must the survivors of the two world wars be feeling today?

The 15 got paid to do a job, a dangerous job agreed, but getting captive or killed is part of it. They should thank their lucky stars that they are home safe and think of it as a bonus.
2007-04-09 03:55:49 UTC
So 15 sailors should have taken on the military might of Iran should they? DOH!
2007-04-09 03:21:23 UTC
All 15 are a disgrace. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw them on television admitting they were in Iranian waters. They should of told the Iranians to **** off, rather than give in to their every whim. They should of bluntly refused to participate in staged gatherings, sitting down and playing chess? Are you kidding me!! Laughing and joking staged or not is a disgrace. The navy and the whole British military has been made a mockery of. As far as I'm concerned there should be some serious questions asked about the integrity of the 15 and they should definitely not be applauded for their cowardice.

The Iranians were never going to execute them, or else they would risk starting WW3. And they were never going to torture them physically because they want to show to the world that they're more civilised than the Americans.

The outcome of the whole thing is totally on favour of the Iranians. They got the sailors to admit to everything with very little coercion. They treat the sailors far better than the Americans have been well documented to treat their prisoners. And now Britain is left in a position of guilt to Iran because Iran let our sailors go when they could of tried them and sent them to prison for years.
Social Science Lady
2007-04-09 03:05:29 UTC
The sailors looked like frightened rabbits every time we saw them, they could have made some pretence of braveness, they certainly let the side down. What is more on TV this morning is the shocking news that they have sold their stories ( except for two officers) to the newspapers. How is this allowed? During the time the sailors were held by the Iranians, I was, as were the rest of you, paying their salaries, what happens to them on "our time" is not theirs to sell.( in industry, it would be called industrial espionage). I thought what happened on military `jobs` was `secret` so why hasn`t the navy stopped them from talking? Obviously, the navy wants the rest of the world to know about it, and has given their permission for the enlisted men to do this. ( The officers not taking part in this is evidence enough ) Shame on the navy, telling tales to the rest of the world. What a disgraceful bunch of wimps.!

Incidently, these sailors signed the `Official Secrets Act` when they joined the navy, have they considered that, whilst telling their `tales` to the newspapers?
2007-04-09 01:52:48 UTC
it hasn't shown us in a good light but you know it would seem a lot different to you if you had been one of those captured//and might i say here i admire the naval Lieutenant for his showing through the whole sorry episode he has held himself very resolute and may he go far in the service
Enid B
2007-04-09 03:22:11 UTC
The fifteen sailors did what they needed to do to ensure they came home. They were outnumbered and outgunned, if they had resisted they would have been killed.

Why shouldn't they sell their stories? How many people out there have been held hostage for 2 weeks in fear for their lives? I understand they were doing their jobs, however the services aren't well paid, there aren't jobs for when they come out, why not gain something to help when they do leave?

I think the decision to sell the stories is a great ploy from the government, to ensure the information they have gets out into the public domain quickly and is accuratly portrayed, and not urban mythed (well as accuratly as the media will report it!) The information will come out anyway, so why not get it out there and the enlisted men, gain something from it.

They went out there to do a job and protect British interests etc abroad. I certainly wouldn't want to do it, but someone has to. Surely they deserve some respect, for keeping their dignity and ensuring they came home in one piece to tell their side of the story
2007-04-09 05:43:40 UTC
we all make money one way or another .
2007-04-09 03:42:49 UTC
Will they tell the truth or work from a pre-determined script?.
2007-04-09 03:25:20 UTC
Stephen C
2007-04-09 12:15:50 UTC
**** them!
2007-04-09 03:07:18 UTC
this woman i dont care a damn about she is a money grabbing parasite who does not deserve to wear a uniform but please i hope the boot necks dont join in this money making fiasco they are men of real courage and they will understand the meaning of the words honour and courage had it bean up to them they would have fought to the death unlike the matlows but because they have to follow orders and i believe the navy guy had overall charge so they had to go along with this charade
2007-04-09 03:04:39 UTC
These are the Blair generation.Schools that teach competition is wrong,Britishness is wrong,strength is wrong and muslims are a super race who have come to save us from ourselves.

We have been humiliated in the eyes of the world by a backward enemy.

This should be a wake up call to put the bulldog back in britain.Get these clowns out of office before they make another generation a bunch of PC panzies.

As one final act of deceny that could go someway to repairing the damage,the newspaper fees could be donated to the British Legion.
taxed till i die,and then some.
2007-04-09 03:25:41 UTC
What good is a dead hero,They did what they did to survive,I am for one glad that they got home in one piece,He who fights and runs away lives to fight another day good luck to them.
2007-04-09 03:16:52 UTC
They were in Irans waters, if an iranian boat was in british water then Britan would be all up in arms, if they werent in the waters they wouldnt of got what they did! All their parents are whinning on, but those soilders decided to join the navy ect, no one made them! And that women soilder moaning on about not ever being able to see her kid again, she's in the navy! she musent care that much about her if she's off in iranan waters! It's awful that their selling their stories, its a bad reflection of an already corrupting contry.
2007-04-09 03:12:38 UTC
its all part of the show ...
2007-04-09 03:21:42 UTC
You make me puke, self-opinionated pompous windbag. Learn the language or go home.
2007-04-09 02:50:25 UTC
i think this sums up britain today, they will be on big brother next. is this what the royal marines have stooped to allowing themselves to be captured by arabs and expecting us to feel sorry for them our country is a joke, thank god i left it.
2007-04-09 02:28:18 UTC
The Royal Navy is a disgrace. The fifteen should be keelhauled not rewarded.
2007-04-09 02:05:16 UTC
I think what happened is that they were wrongfully in Iranian waters and they knew damn well that they were.

If the Iranian vessels had in fact entered the Iraqi waters the U.S. would have most certainly done something right away and then reported it in the media ASAP as "another act of aggression" by Iran specially at the time of these crisis when the U.S. is trying to rally support against Iran.

This explains perfectly why the soldiers behaved as they did, while in Iranian custody, but after their release and Britain had already falsified GPS information and claimed they were picked-up outside Iranian waters, the story had to be kept going.

That's why we didn't hear a peep from the sailors until after they had arrived home and been through a thorough debriefing, to get the story straight.

Then, they are given unprecedented freedom to sell the "official story" to the press...

It's all about controlling the opinion of the masses.

When are people going to start looking through the media propaganda and see the real motives involved. Global oil production is reaching peak and the coming gradual unrelenting decline will bring economic decline to all industrialised countries. Any economist will tell you that if the economy of a country is not expanding every year it contracts and becomes in grave danger of collapse, especially economies as hyper-inflated as America's and most western countries'.

This whole war against terror is a war to control the last major remaining oil reserve in the world... and 911 was fabricated as the pretext.

P.S. to Polo. Not all English people speak like the Queen you know.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.