Would you rather have Ronald Reagan or Hillary Clinton as President if Iran declared war against the U.S.?
Col. Forbin
2007-02-08 17:27:06 UTC
Consider Reagan in his prime and Clinton in hers? Who would you feel safer protecting the country and dismantling the threat?
32 answers:
2007-02-08 17:29:33 UTC
Regan. Liberals are weak when it comes to war.
2007-02-08 21:44:09 UTC
This question is quite funny. Anyone with any sense would say Reagan because he wouldn't take any crap off of the radicals who Jimmy Carter created by deposing the shah of Iran. Despite what the uneducated buffoon Reva P has stated in his/her answer, it was Carter who gave birth to modern terrorism and almost ruined the United States' economy, thus making us appear weaker in the world's eyes. Reagan would simply state that military action would happen if Iran pushed the U.S.! He would remain true to his word without question. In this scenario, Iran would be leveled. Reagan was the last U.S. President to have the clarity and the guts required to make America a force for good which was also feared by those who would threaten our great nation.

Hillary is simply an anti-American communist (perhaps socialist at best) who wants to destroy America's great history. She is a fan of fascism, as evidenced by her and her husband's pursuing big government and while not as serious, disowning their lackeys if they are caught while doing their bidding. How many Clinton officials died as a result of mysterious circumstances? This hag would try to distort facts about her underhanded methods and would continue to rule with a rapacious iron fist.

Reagan would be immeasurably better for America under any situation, but especially during wartime.

Hopefully, this will garner me a best answer, because I could use one!
2007-02-08 17:38:48 UTC
They both have their good points and bad points. Since Reagan worked indirectly with the Iranians before to make sure the hostages weren't freed until after he had won the election (see Iran-Contra affair), he would likely have some contacts to help him work diplomatically with the people in Tehran. But knowing Reagan, he'd try a military approach first. He might try taking out the nuclear facilities, but I believe he would be concerned enough about the effect on our troops in the region to use this option as a last resort.

Hillary Clinton would, more than likely, try finding out who all the players in this particular game are, and who she could depend on to help. She may ask Israel's help in destroying Iran's nuclear capabilities, as Israel has nukes and is closer to the target than the US is-thus more of an incentive to "do it right the first time". The danger here would be to make sure that Arab states could be kept in line and not immediately go to war with Israel in retaliation. This might prove easier than it first looks, as the other Muslim countries in the region are primarily Arab; Iran is mostly Persian, and animosity between the two ethnic groups goes back millenia, long before Islam. But as I said, this would be tricky to pull off, and I just don't know that Hillary has the expertise to do it.

So, all in all, I'd rather have neither. I also doubt that Iran will declare war against the US before the US declares war against Iran.
2007-02-08 17:54:57 UTC
2007-02-08 17:34:21 UTC
It doesn't matter. That's why the Joint Chiefs exist.

And for those of you who are saying Reagan, no brainer - you're forgetting that Reagen didn't really have one, even while in office.

Besides, what history will show, and show with absolutely no hesitation and no doubt, is that Ronald Reagan is responsible for the current upturn in terrorism. After all, it was Reagen who made sure that the mujahedeen were armed and trained, and Reagan who didn't do anything after the Anbar Towers bombing, etc. In fact, he was advised about a plot that would have had a plane fly into the Eiffel Tower as part of a terrorist attack on France AND about a similar attack planned against the US embassy in Lebanon, and LAUGHED THEM OFF!

I'd suggest that instead of visceral reations, you try reading a bit of history.
2007-02-08 17:36:09 UTC
I should slam you for even mentioning her in the same sentence as the greatest Presdient ever Ronald Reagan. I wouldn't want Hillary as President if the biggest threat to national security was a rabid sewer rat. But since I think you were well intentioned in your question lets share this with everyone else.

Three Florida surgeons were playing golf together and discussing surgeries they had performed.

One of them said, "I'm the best surgeon in Florida. In my favorite case, a concert pianist lost seven fingers in an accident, I reattached them, and 8 months later he performed a private concert for the Queen of England.

The second surgeon said. "That's nothing. A young man lost an arm and both legs in an accident, I reattached them, and 2 years later he won a gold medal in track and field events in the Olympics."

The third surgeon said, "You guys are amateurs.

Several years ago a woman was high on cocaine and marijuana and she rode a horse head-on into a train traveling 80 miles an hour. All I had left to work with was the woman's bleached blond hair and the horse's ***. I was able to put them together and now she's a senator from New York
2016-11-03 02:43:03 UTC
in the previous you're saying it rather is definitely a case of RACE, you additionally must seem on the earnings and academic stages. once you start up looking black adult adult males with a school training filling up the prisons, the race could be the case. What you're surely seeing is detrimental, UNEDUCATED adult males and females individuals who have been given caught in criminal acts they executed for the reason that they had no training and no jobs. the clarification extra women individuals are ending up in detention center is marriage is extra no longer likely these days so the girls individuals could make ends meet after being abandoned without recourse. for this reason it rather is needed bypass after lifeless beat dads and the device is getting lots extra effective at that.
2007-02-08 17:44:43 UTC
Reagan of course. This is not even a question. For one I saw the success of the Reagan administration and I would feel confident with The Gipper leading our nation through this war.
Yo it's Me
2007-02-08 17:32:13 UTC
Well as much as I don't trust or like Hillary, since Reagan is not longer with us, it doesn't matter. Bottom line though, is we don't have anyone out there with Reagan's ability. So if it wre to happen, we are in trouble regardless of who is in office (besides if it isn't a Democrat, the press would undermine everything the President would try to do).
2007-02-08 17:38:03 UTC
Reagan, that's an EZ one. Hillary already said she wouldn't have gone to war with Iraq even though she voted for it. EZ 4 her to say in hindsight, when things aren't all rosy over there. She has no credibility or integrity. She's a political phony and a very unpleasant person, to boot.
2007-02-08 17:35:32 UTC
yes Reagan... But almost anyone not a Democrat would do... at least sense Kennedy was president... The only possible exceptions would be Liberman or Miller
2007-02-08 17:39:16 UTC
Reagan. If Hillary would have been President in 41 we would all be arguing (if able) over who has been the best Emperor.
Ford Prefect
2007-02-08 17:34:11 UTC
Reagan himself was no real tactician and had limited understanding when he went into office, but he surrounded himself with many good people....he was a leader and spoke to the people and they believed him....I'm not a Hillary hater, but she is unproved. I am a Democrat and I voted for him once and I am glad I did
2007-02-08 17:39:55 UTC
Reagan, any day of the week. Considering how Hilary has waffled on Iraq, there is little reason for confidence in her.
2007-02-08 18:48:46 UTC
I can't stand Reagan. Never did like him.
2007-02-08 17:49:33 UTC
Clinton, Reagan would have to consult his pschic and would forget where he put the army.
2007-02-08 23:00:18 UTC
Neither. I would like to see Harry Truman as president.
2007-02-08 17:41:24 UTC
Reagan no brainer. Reagan would not dismantle the threat, he would obliterate it.
2007-02-08 17:35:35 UTC
2007-02-08 17:33:22 UTC
fortunately Iran doesn't have ICBM technology so the only thing that would be lost would be a lot oil coming to the US.

we would blast them into the stone age (wouldn't take much for that), their military and technology is a joke.
Richardson '08
2007-02-08 17:33:21 UTC
Reagan, if those were my two options.

Colin Powell would be my first choice in that situation.
2007-02-08 17:42:09 UTC
Even Hitler would be better than Hillary. At least he never changed his mind to cater to the world.
The_Cricket: Thinking Pink!
2007-02-08 17:33:44 UTC
Reagan. I'd take just about ANYONE over Hillary.
2007-02-08 17:31:02 UTC
Reagan was the man. I wish we had another.

BTW if you liked Reagan check out Duncan Hunter. He is running for president and I think he would be great!!!!!!
2007-02-08 17:32:07 UTC
Did Hillary have a prime?

I wouldn't take that biatch to a dogfight if she had a chance of winning
2007-02-08 17:29:55 UTC
No question - Reagan. He was tough. She will never be in her prime - she's a socialist wimp. I wouldn't feel safe with her during peace time.
2007-02-08 17:32:20 UTC
I'd rather have Clinton. Reagan died, after all, so that would just be... spooky.
2007-02-08 17:32:13 UTC
The Gipper for sure.
2007-02-08 17:31:04 UTC
Well was Reagan ever in his prime He never was able to recall anything, remember the IRAN CONTRA HEARINGS................. now we know it really wasn't his fault he had Alzheimer's.
Dr. Richards
2007-02-08 17:30:56 UTC
Certainly Regan. No offense to liberals, but a conservative president is needed to win a war.
2007-02-08 17:30:21 UTC
This is a no-brainer: Reagan
2007-02-09 08:54:52 UTC
check this out

If Hillary takes it in 08, any bets on what that body count will be?

Food for ThoughtAca'!A

Just a quick refresher course lest we forget what has happened to many "friends"of the Clintons.

1-James McDougal - Clinton's convicted Whitewater partner died of an

apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement. He was a key witness

in Ken Starr's investigation.

2 -Mary Mahoney - A former White House intern was murdered July 1997 at a Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown. The murder happened just after she was to go public with her story of sexual harassment in the White House.

3- Vince Foster - Former White House councilor, and colleague of Hillary

Clinton at Little Rock's Rose Law firm. Died of a gunshot wound to the head,

ruled a suicide.

4- Ron Brown - Secretary of Commerce and former DNC Chairman. Reported to have died by impact in a plane crash. A pathologist close to the

investigation reported that there was a hole in the top of Brown's skull

resembling a gunshot wound. At the time of his death Brown was being

investigated, and spoke publicly of his willingness to cut a deal with

prosecutors. The rest of the people on the plane also died. A few days later

the Air Traffic Controller commited suicide.

5- C. Victor Raiser II. Raiser, a major player in the Clinton fund raising

organization died in a private plane crash in July 1992.

6-Paul Tulley - Democratic National Committee Political Director found dead

in a hotel room in Little Rock, September 1992. Described by Clinton as a

"Dear friend and trusted advisor".

7-Ed Willey - Clinton fund raiser, found dead November 1993 deep in the

woods in VA of a gunshot wound to the head. Ruled a suicide. Ed Willey died

on the same day his wife Kathleen Willey claimed Bill Clinton groped her in

the oval office in the White House. Ed Willey was involved in several

Clinton fund raising events.

8-Jerry Parks -Head of Clinton's gubernatorial security team in Little

Rock. Gunned down in his car at a deserted intersection outside Little

Rock. Park's son said his father was building a dossier on Clinton. He

allegedly threatened to reveal this information. After he died the files

were mysteriously removed from his house.

9-James Bunch - Died from a gunshot suicide. It was reported that he had a

"Black Book" of people which contained names of influential people who

visited prostitutes in Texas and Arkansas.

10-James Wilson - Was found dead in May 1993 from an apparent hanging

suicide. He was reported to have ties to Whitewater.

11-Kathy Ferguson- Ex-wife of Arkansas Trooper Danny Ferguson, was found dead in May 1994, in her living room with a gunshot to her head.

It was ruled a suicide even though there were several packed suitcases, as

if she were going somewhere. Danny Ferguson was a co-defendant along with

Bill Clinton in the Paula Jones lawsuit. Kathy Ferguson was a possible

corroborating witness for Paula Jones.

12-Bill Shelton - Arkansas State Trooper and fiancee of Kathy Ferguson.

Critical of the suicide ruling of his fiancee, he was found dead in June,

1994 of a gunshot wound also ruled a suicide at the grave site of his


13-Gandy Baugh - Attorney for Clinton's friend Dan Lassater, died by jumping out a window of a tall building January, 1994. His client was a convicted drug distributor.

14-Florence Martin - Accountant & sub-contractor for the CIA, was related to the Barry Seal Mena Airport drug smuggling case. He died of three gunshot wounds.

15- Suzanne Coleman - Reportedly had an affair with Clinton when he was

Arkansas Attorney General. Died of a gunshot wound to the back of the head,

ruled a suicide. Was pregnant at the time of her death.

16-Paula Grober - Clinton's speech interpreter for the deaf from 1978 until

her death December 9, 1992. She died in a one car accident.

17-Danny Casolaro - Investigative reporter. Investigating Mena Airport and

Arkansas Development Finance Authority. He slit his wrists, apparently in

the middle of his investigation.

18- Paul Wilcher - Attorney investigating corruption at Mena Airport with

Casolaro and the 1980 "October Surprise" was found dead on a toilet June 22, 1993 in his Washington DC apartment. Had delivered a report to

Janet Reno 3 weeks before his death.

19-Jon Parnell Walker - Whitewater investigator for Resolution Trust Corp.

Jumped to his death from his Arlington, Virginia apartment balcony August15,

1993. He was investigating the Morgan Guaranty scandal.

20-Barbara Wise - Commerce Department staffer. Worked closely with Ron Brown and John Huang. Cause of death unknown. Died November 29, 1996.

Her bruised, nude body was found locked in her office at the Department of


21-Charles Meissner -Assistant Secretary of Commerce who gave John Huang special security clearance, died shortly thereafter in a small plane crash.

22-Dr. Stanley Heard - Chairman of the National Chiropractic Health Care

Advisory Committee died with his attorney Steve Dickson in a small plane

crash. Dr. Heard, in addition to serving on Clinton's advisory council

personally treated Clinton's mother, stepfather and brother.

23-Barry Seal -Drug running pilot out of Mena Arkansas, death was no


24-Johnny Lawhorn Jr. - Mechanic, found a check made out to Bill Clinton in

the trunk of a car left at his repair shop. Lawhorn was found dead after his car had hit a utility pole.

25-Stanley Huggins - Investigated Madison Guaranty. His death was a

purported suicide and his report was never released.

26- Hershell Friday - Attorney and Clinton fund raiser died March 1,

1994 when his plane exploded.

27-Kevin Ives & Don Henry - Known as "The boys on the track" case.

Reports say the boys may have stumbled upon the Mena Arkansas airport drug operation. A controversial case, the initial report of death said, was due to boys falling asleep on railroad tracks. Later reports claim the 2 boys had been slain before being placed on the tracks. Many linked to that case died

before their testimony could come before a Grand Jury.


28-Keith Coney - Died when his motorcycle slammed into the back of a truck,


29-Keith McMaskle - Died, stabbed 113 times, Nov 1988

30-Gregory Collins - Died from a gunshot wound January 1989.

31-Jeff Rhodes - He was shot, mutilated and found burned in a trash dump in April 1989.

33-James Milan - Found decapitated. However, the Coroner ruled his death was due to "natural causes".

34-Jordan Kettleson - Was found shot to death in the front seat of his

pickup truck in June 1990.

35-Richard Winters - A suspect in the Ives / Henry deaths. He was killed in

a set-up robbery July 1989.


36 -Major William S. Barkley Jr.

37-Captain Scott J . Reynolds

38-Sgt. Brian Hanley

39-Sgt. Tim Sabel

40-Major General William Robertson

41-Col. William Densberger

42-Col. Robert Kelly

43-Spec. Gary Rhodes

44-Steve Willis

45-Robert Williams

46-Conway LeBleu

47-Todd McKeehan

Quite an impressive list! Pass this on. Let the public become aware of what

happens to "friends" of the Clintons!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.