I'm not saying my opinion here, I'm just saying Bush was both hated by some and loved by others and the same goes for Obama.
I think people really ought to keep there hate speech and angry opinions about people and put energy into things like their own jobs, families, or helping their local communities.
Yelling and screaming about things doesn't get you far, those aren't efficient actions yet I'm sure that most of the responses you will get will either be hate speech, people forcing their opinions on others, or just ranting about something that doesn't need be ranted about. (Besides, many people who will argue are uneducated about the issues at hand.)
Everyone has their opinions of both, why not take them up in places where you can make changes? You really aren't going to make much of a change through a post on Yahoo! Answers compared to going to Town Hall Meetings and other groups within your communities.
Make a difference, if you don't try, please don't whine and moan while you sit there and do nothing about it.