Are the Yanks stopping any answers that put them or the Israelis in a bad light?
2007-04-14 10:02:08 UTC
I have answered several questions which have related to Iraq and the Middle East. In my opinion the basic problem is the State of Israel that was imposed on the Plaesitiians in 1947 (or there about) that is the problem and the yanks who arm them. Answers that put the blame for the situation in the Israeli and yankee court have been removed as a violation, seems to be censorship to me. Any one else agree?
68 answers:
Perplexed Bob
2007-04-14 10:09:10 UTC
Yahoo seems to censor a number of questions automatically if they contain certain word combinations. Questions with Saudi Arabia, Oil, Dollar, Israel and Iraq in them don't seem to make it to posting.
2007-04-15 01:00:32 UTC
Well I’m an American (not a Yank- lol) but I don’t support Israel or the Palestinians. It’s just a tiny strip of land and I say let the idiots blow each other up if they want to but keep the U.S. out of it.

It’s interesting because I’ve read about how General George C. Marshall (of the Marshall Plan) warned Truman not to allow the creation of Israel to begin with simply because they would never be able to defend themselves and they would be forced to rely on powerful nations like the U.S. for security. Of course that is exactly what has happened. Truman didn’t want to do it but there was a lot of lobbing so he just went along with it. Of course there was a huge guilt trip over the Holocaust and I can see why they would want their own country but we’ve now created a perpetual system where Israel will always have to cling to the West and the Middle East will always hate the West. It’s been over sixty years now with no end to this mess in sight.

Incidentally, you can’t type “wet-back” without the hyphen either because I tried to use it in a post about derogatory words for groups. I really hope people will get out there and test censorship though. It’s one thing to keep someone from being lewd, hateful, or employing spam- quite another to block a legitimate opinion about politics.
2007-04-15 14:33:08 UTC
I would hope not, however, there is a possibility.

I doubt it, have you seen all the comments that say something like "Bush is a moron"? I have seen some anti Israel type comments, and anti Jew type, but have no idea how long they last. You would not be able to construct software that could pick out what you are suggesting. It is always possible that you have been picked out for special treatment, if you have made a lot of adverse comments against America or Israel. Maybe linking the two in the same sentence is enough to make you worthy of a look over by certain secret institutions? I don't think that they have got the manpower to do that.

When there is a problem they just indiscriminately harvest more data. Everybody is getting there private info spied on. All this serves to do is to heap haystack after haystack on the elusive needle they are supposed to be looking for. Perhaps they don't really want to find it? The more terrorist activity out their, the safer there job. Did you know that the C.I.A. actually sponsored the Mafia just after the end of WW2 & that they were responsible for acts of terrorism in Rome?

There was a tv program about this, hard to believe that they would think this acceptable isn't it?
2007-04-15 07:50:34 UTC
We find it absurd that we can answer a question on this web site that is censored off and we appear to be angry, and even if this doesn't affect us, willing to kick up a fuss about the idea that we don't have freedom of speech.

Yet, around the world - even in GB and in the US - people are persecuted by relgious leaders and governments in an attempt to prevent freedom of speech.

The best example in the states is in Guantanamo Bay where captives are held without free speech. Does this not cause us to think that, in the same way as on this site, something is wrong.

In GB, we were recently presented with a report telling us how many thousands of £s MPs use flying up and down "green" Britain. Embarrased by what the report found, back benchers as well as some high profile MPs are calling for the Freedom of Information Act to be redesigned, giving MPs exclusive exemption.

We question Yahoo's policies now, but should we not be worrying more that on holiday/vacation this summer you could brake an Act preventing Freedom of Speech?
2007-04-15 14:24:45 UTC
I just answered a couple of questions regarding Iran and the whole question has been deleted, there was nothing wrong with the question.

I think that judging by the questions and answers it is clear that the US and the UK goverments are in trouble, they are barley legal and people know that. The media will not cover it so as to keep the status quo and places such as these are heavily censored to mantain the status quo. But still, even after the censoring Blair and Bush and Jews are probably the most hated characters in a lot of postings.

Just goes to show how under the thumb media is, if it weren't our goverments would be doing other things.
2007-04-15 21:21:26 UTC
Welcome to Politically Correct freedom of speech 101. The lesson is that your PC people at the site have set the computer in such a way that anything which could possibly offend anyone is banned. I tried a screenname of xxratxx [the x stands for a letter] but could not use it, because the word for a large mouse-like rodent, rat, was not allowed. Netscape will not allow the word for stingy, niggardly [n-i-g-g-a-r-d-l-y] to be used and there is nothing wrong with the word, which has nothing to do with black people.

In most situations like Israel vs Palestine there is more than enough wrong done by all sides. The Jews who survived the pogroms and Hitler were determined to have their own country, their ancestral country, and they were willing totake it. When the Arabs came to exterminate them in 1948 the Jews did not march meekly to the firing squads or ovens, they fought back. Unfortunately for the Arabs they won and have continued to win. Israel belongs to the Israelis by right of conquest. If you don't believe that, then there is no UK, Alsace and Lorraine should be returned to Germany along with Silesia and East Prussia, a chunk of Poland needs to come back from Russia and a piece of Finland too. Australia and New Zealand have to be returned to the natives and so on.

If you do not use intemperate language you should be able to post any opinion. Even Netscape, as PC as they are, doesn't censor opinion.
2016-12-04 05:46:54 UTC
a million) i imagine you're misreading a number of it. 2) some elements were extremely violent, yet keep in recommendations the way the global replaced into then. 3) it replaced into actually thousands of years in the past. like attempt to comprehend how lengthy it replaced into... imagine the time span between Jesus and now. ... the worst of the events, i'm quite positive occurred some thing alongside the strains of THAT span of time... previous to Jesus. 4) Jewish lifestyle has better lots because that then. 5) lookup some heritage on the church... theres violence there that compares to the historic stuff, at the same time as occuring a lot extra those days. 6) study into the heritage and a large number of the flaws suitable to the european colonization of north u . s . a .. some quite terrible stuff, ... decrease than 2 hundred years in the past. why ought to a present day, non violent better human beings, be embarrassed about having began out 4000+ years in the past being lead by technique of warlords? are you positive the technique of life YOU descended from isn't as undesirable or worse? or has performed equivalent or worse, a lot a lot extra those days? the Jews have not had such violence in over 2000 years. maximum different cultures that still exist, have. please do tell... what lifestyle/human beings/team that has been round for more effective than one thousand years that does noo have some atrocity less than their belt? about the in elementary words one i will imagine of precise off is the yankee Indians, and they are helped by technique of having been isolated in evaluation.. a minimum of the Jewish one's are thousands of years in the past. and before any of you anti-Jewish liars come out talkinga bout the present warfare with the palestinians, the Jews did not start up it. lookup some heritage.
2007-04-15 15:25:09 UTC
You will find that an ant can't sneeze in England unless we get permission from Israel and America. Even then they would rather it went to Germany and sneezed.

People on these sites assume that if you have anything bad to say about Israel you must be a Muslim or Arab, apart from stupid people everyone else in the world knows Palestine was stolen, it is not Israel, the only way a country could be stolen would be if the Americans have anything to do with it.

Imagine if the British people were told that another group of people would take over their beloved country and they would have to find another because the other group had more money- Oh sorry they have, its Yankland round here now.
2007-04-15 12:38:18 UTC
This site is heavily censored. My messages about Americans, Israelis, or even Muslims and Blacks have been censored not to mention giving views on g*ays and l*esbians!! But this is life and we have to accept that yahoo is American owned and if we don't like the censorship then we should find an alternative. They think we are all based in China, we are now facing draconian censorship in the west tanks to Americans!!

The penalty for censorship is 10 points + another 3 points!!!
2007-04-15 19:12:56 UTC
May be they censor it or not but they are the biggest culprits when it comes to vetoing UN resolutions which demand Israelis to behave or to respect the the previous UN resolutions. Therefore USA is embroiled in defeating humanity and creating atmosphere of fear&terror.

USA was attacked on 9/11USA government has been killing people all over the world ever since in the name of fighting terror. Which is only an excuse since they have been going against the very UN wishes they are now crowing to the world about. For example Iran ??????????????
Anchor Cranker
2007-04-14 20:43:20 UTC
Until the Palestine / Israel situation is resolved there will never be peace in the Middle East. Both America and Israel need to wake up to that reality.

Even then I suggest that because of the hatred that a small section of the Middle East has towards the West and our way of life there will never be a complete peace and there will always be some one with a grudge big enough to set off bombs, kidnap and kill innocent people.

It's a sad state of reflection when you think that both religions supposedly preach peace and understanding towards their fellow man.....
2007-04-15 08:42:35 UTC
Israel is a Nation of cowards that hide behind the skirt of America. They know they can persecute the Palestinians because the yanks will veto any UN criticism and the US will help with what they want. I don't condone the suicide bombers, or attacks on civilians by the Palestinians, but what else can they do when the rest of the World is submissive to America and lets them and Israel get away with what they want.
The angels have the phone box.
2007-04-16 06:08:15 UTC
Your narration of events is very one-sided. You've omitted several facts that are crucial to understanding this situation.

1) There has *always* been a Jewish presence in the land.

2) Jews lived throughout the Ottoman Empire. Many arrived back in 1492, when the sultan sent his navy to bring over any who would come after the expulsion from Spain.

3) As countries were formed from the remains of the Ottoman Empire, many forced Jews to leave, whether through civilian violence or governmental confiscation of Jewish property.

Thus there was a need, recognized by the UN, for a Jewish homeland in the mideast.

4) In 1923, over 72% of the land of the Palestinian mandate became Transjordan, an Arab nation.

5) In 1948, slightly less than half of the remainder was declared the State of Israel. The rest was to be an Arab state. The Arab League of Nations refused to accept this state on the grounds that it required them to recognize Israel. The League invaded Israel the next day.

Thus from the land of the Palestinian mandate, nearly 90% was to be Arab controlled. Why is it so horrendous to allow Israel the remainder?

Please keep in mind that there was never a Palestinian Arab identity until after Israel had been formed. The pre-Ottoman historical ties were with Syria, although the people living there weren't ethnically Syrian. (Syria doesn't give a fig about the people. It just wants the land -- and the power it represents -- back, including the Lebanon. Oh, and a Mediterranean coast would be nice too.)

6) When it invaded the nascent state of Israel, the Arab League instructed Arabs living there to vacate, assuring them that it would be very short-term. Those who obeyed wound up in Egyptian refugee camps in Gaza. Those who stayed are now full Israeli citizens.

7) The nations of the Arab League, except for Jordan, have consistently imposed travel restrictions on the refugees and refused to allow them to become citizens, lest their 'identity be diluted.' Israel has offered to take in up to 50% of the refugees if the Arab nations take the rest. This has been consistently refused as well. Why? The Palestinian Arabs are far too valuable a tool to use against Israel. Just look at the answers here if you doubt that.

Israel has been placed in an untenable situation. If they protect themselves, they are severely criticized. If they don't act however, that has always been seen as a sign of weakness and the attacks increase. If they give anything up, more demands are made; the Arab League has made it very clear that they will do whatever it takes, including sacrificing generations of Palestinian Arabs, to destroy Israel.

Israel's behaviour has been far from perfect. But let's call the Arab and Muslim nations on theirs as well. Until we do, we are their tools as well.
2007-04-15 05:19:03 UTC
I would doubt very much indeed if the American CIA or Israeli Mossad security services find the time to come on here to specifically see what anyone posting in here thinks of a very grave situation concerning the lives and security of their respective citizenery. One would though expect little left wing turds to be shunned for using offensive language in describing such citizens in a racially and anti semitic nature. So pussyfooting around the subject would not be deemed the case. probably the overall content of your question is at fault.
2007-04-15 01:49:33 UTC
What has Israel to do with the war in Iraq? Is Israel to blame for the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s as well? Explain yourself, instead of making empty stereotypical accusations.

Israel was not imposed on the Palestinians. The original UN plan was for an equally shared land, but the Palestinians rejected it, along with the rest of the Arab world, and declared war on Israel instead on the very day it was established.

And as for the 'occupied territories', in Gaza and the west Bank, that was a result of the invasion of Israel by Egypt, and Syria in 1967. Those areas were annexed as a security buffer after the end of the 6 day war. If Israel hadn't been invaded and attacked then those regions would not have been incorporated into Israel. I think it is quite clear what the moral of the story is there.
2007-04-15 10:12:56 UTC
Your right...!

The powers that be seem to censor anything that puts the Israelis or their relationship with America in a bad light.
Tim E
2007-04-15 13:39:20 UTC
No, I don't agree. It sounds like you're anti-semite. The arabs have been fighting each other for hundreds of years and have done so even before Israel was established (in the 40's).

We (yanks) are trying to protect a country from being annhilated much like we had to do with Europe during World War 2 (and WW1).
Hot Coco Puff
2007-04-14 18:59:39 UTC
I agree. And, what people fail to realize is that Israelis and Palestinians and Lebanese and Jordanians and Syrians and Iraqis and Saudis are ALL SEMITIC. If they're going to censor, they need to be fair, or take the time to read everything before jumping to conclusions. I speak my mind, and I get tons of hate mail. But, this is an open forum, and I don't attack anyone. If someone asks a question, they're going to get an answer. I never promote hate, but it is still in full effect. They should have their hands full with the porn people and stalkers.
2007-04-15 12:11:47 UTC
Yes, probably, and they do themselves no favours. I*srael's dependence upon the US does neither country any good, and has kept the conflict in the mid-east going on for far longer than if the I*sraelis had to finance their own wars. And US foreign policy is handicapped by always taking I*srael's side, regardless. Half my family is J*wish, and most of them agree with this, fed up with feeling they have to apologise for I*srael.
2007-04-16 03:23:24 UTC
The true ironicy comes out when people realise that whilst US pushes Iran to stop all nuclear growth, it has at least signed the non-nuclear proliferation agreement, unlike Israel who has never signed the agreement and whoms nuclear state is literally unknown to the extent that it ranges.
2007-04-15 02:42:30 UTC
Anyone who did their homework, would know that it was Wall Street bankers who were financing the rise of Hitler, while, at the same time, in the 1930's, were retracting the economy in America by huge amounts - CAUSING the great depression.

The whole of WW2 was financed and controlled by Jewish big bankers in Europe, UK and America, who were financing all sides in the war, to further their agenda towards global governance.

This isn't to say that all Jews were involved. Not at all. But the big bankers involved were Jews. And they hide behind the mask "anti semitic" whenever challenged.

Although there are many factors in war and one can not over simplify, some of the results of WW2 were as follows:

- The United Nations Organisation - the largest step towards global government was created.

- After the holocaust, Jerusalem was taken from the Arabs and given to the Jews/Zionists in preparation for the establishment of Global rule coming out of Zion/Jerusalem. This setting-up of the Jewish state in Israel is unScriptural on several grounds.

The setting-up of the Jewish state in Israel in 1948 and FORCING Jews from throughout Europe to go and live there was an important step towards the coming attempt by the Global Elite banksters to themselves fulfil Bible Prophecies about the second-coming of the Messiah, where it is said He will rule out of Zion with a rod of Iron. - They want to fulfil that Prophecy themselves and rule the world from there, in His stead.

The bankers own and therefore have complete control of all mainstream media, so anything said which is not congenial to their agenda is simply edited out. That's why you have so much trouble having a voice, and why this answer will probably be deleted.
2007-04-15 05:23:40 UTC
3.000.000 e-mails gone missing, oops sorry.

not to much for the agents such as fbi to do now is there, lets keep an eye out on q&a might find out something wow look a this they found out what we did with them british soldiers?????protect the money guys, and I wonder who ownes yahoo? ummm and why bring poor little grown up kittens into it, is it the pu$$y they worry about,
2007-04-15 14:05:28 UTC
I asked a question on the French Yahoo website asking, "What do you think about Americans?" Then I added,"Don't blame me, I didn't vote for Bush." After about 3 days maybe. It was deleted; yet they allow all these racist crap heads to roam free.
2007-04-14 21:08:49 UTC
The more you think about it the harder it is to have any sort of respect for Americans in general. Unfortunately they dont seem to care that they have begun to behave like the Nazis did in the 30's when it comes to foreign policy. As long as theres a redneck in the Whitehouse the situation will not change.
2007-04-15 20:17:00 UTC
I`m absolutely with hopelesses answer on this one .i was going to say if they can go against every other countries opinion and veto UN resolutions against Israels crimes not much is going to stop them on here

But even with Americas help in shielding them Israel has committed more violations and received more condemnation than any other country in the world

its us the UK ,America and Israel who are the axis of evil never mind any one else .

and if i get even more hate mail than usual for saying this believe me i couldn`t care less
budding author
2007-04-14 23:45:59 UTC
I'm pretty certain that the only censorship on this forum is from the users, so it is censored but by us! I have had s many for religious answers that I've lost count, but I know its the users, no matter where they are from!
Eric J
2007-04-15 08:42:41 UTC
I totally agree with you we shouldn't be giving the isralie's millions if not billions of dollars each year in aid. If anything that is what makes them despise us. We pretty much took their land from them and gave it to some people who had it 2000 years before in which they took from someone else.
2007-04-14 18:58:27 UTC
You must be relieved to see your post make it through the gauntlet then. It would be quite a trick to keep out anything that puts us Yanks in a bad light. The only way to accomplish that would be to gag us outright.
2014-08-12 20:16:09 UTC

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2007-04-15 11:54:33 UTC
America the modern day romans.
2007-04-14 15:51:29 UTC
I am not really going to answer your question, but I did agree with what you are saying, people are p-u-s-s-y footing around them - they are the same as anyone else!

(in a way)

I had my quetion banned once, I asked about the best sexual position and someone complained - it could be that with you, someone complained so they too it off?

I did star your question through, as many others have done!
2007-04-15 02:03:09 UTC
Yahoo is a yankee org, probably headed by ****. Ah yes, that is the problem, we all know but it must be hidden. Is it censorship? Oh yes...sad isn't it?

I am glad I am not American because that country has been highjacked, however in Britain things are going down that route. Tony sold his ***** to them and children get poorer, NHS is going to be dismantled etc..Keep us ignorant while they destroy the world...and our soldiers die supporting Appartheid. Oh but the economy is doing well...but for who is it doing well?
David P
2007-04-15 00:16:28 UTC
As for the first part of your question - no.

As to the rest, read the terms and conditions. There are certain words, which are taken to be unacceptable and questions and anwsers containing these words will automatically be deleted, you may also get a 'voilation' warning.

The filtering of certain words is for our benefit, there are a great many young people on this group and it prevents abuse by the few.
2014-08-01 06:52:31 UTC
Hey there,

This is a good link for downloading mIRC for free

Very useful program!
Vincent A
2007-04-14 16:50:25 UTC
Here's a question to test the water:

It is sixty years since American Jews took out Adverts in American Newspapers saying:

"There should be a Holiday in Jewish Hearts at the deaths of British Soldiers"

This was when they hanged two British Soldiers that they had captured ,and then booby-trapped the corpses!

Is it still possible to get a copy of this Advert?

I believe Hollywood Jews paid for it.
2007-04-14 15:53:59 UTC
Maybe there's certain guidelines against questions in poor taste, or vulgar? Maybe you fall into that category. Maybe they left this question up so that they can trace your location? Who knows?

Maybe your questions were a bit out of line on either side of the fence.
leonard bruce
2007-04-14 14:01:33 UTC
It is the Neocons censoring the site by sending in the violations, so don't be confused about this. They have a MIRC IP account base that allows then to hack into accounts they don't agree with. Don't be fooled by their double talk.
2007-04-14 15:11:25 UTC
I get the direction you are heading but would suggest that "Britain was the instigator of the state of Israel" and should take their share of the blame, but have never confessed to the mess, the same with N. Ireland, and could list many more, and I am British! NO, SNODDERS you are only partly correct in your research, The british only came out because the MANDATE FOR THEM TO BE THERE EXPIRED,TO Vincent My brother was a Palestine Police Sergeant for 3.1/2 years, and wittness the removal of the RAF sergeants from the hanging, they were then buried, the next night the isreali's dug them up and re-hung them in the ollive grove. Did you find "That" in your re-search"!
2007-04-15 08:47:06 UTC
I'm amazed by what you say. I seem to come across nothing but criticism of Israel and the USA. This is in spite of the fact that Israel was created by a vote of the UN. The Palestinians were offered a state and turned it down. Note how to spell 'Palestinian'.

So you need to return to school for both a spelling lesson and history lesson... and try and broaden your reading.
Simon D
2007-04-14 15:04:10 UTC
At least your questions were tagged as violations. Another respondent and I discussed a similar topic, and our answers were "lost" without so much as a threat. I feel left out. Somebody report abuse on this answer, if you'd be so kind.
2007-04-15 01:30:07 UTC
yahoo has to censor, or else the whole site would be flooded not with freedom of speech, but bigotry instead.
Beau Brummell
2007-04-14 16:01:37 UTC
I really wouldn't know due to the fact that there is a great deal of anti American/Israeli/Jewish sentiment on this website. I an neither American, Jewish nor Isreali and I don' like it.
2007-04-15 23:10:32 UTC
That's funny cos I thought you were not allowed to criticise,the camel stinkin muzzies
scottish football ....nuff said
2007-04-15 11:24:03 UTC
...should your opinions be cut out as offensive...lets just say its a touchy subject and you either tread carefully or face chop.....maybe try a more subtle approach
2007-04-14 12:53:53 UTC
It would appear so. I posted a question on my previous ID as I was banned that if I'm anti Israel does that make me anti-Jewish.... thankfully lots of Jewish people answered saying that it didn't make me anti Jewish (which I'm not by the way) and that many Jewish are opposed to the state of Israel.
2007-04-14 14:59:15 UTC
It happened to me this week for answering a question.

I mentioned Iran & Kim Jong Ill and my answer was taken off.

Why? I was just stating my oppinion. I didn't swear or was not racist in any way.
stephen g
2007-04-14 23:14:02 UTC
I think so, I have had several questions stopped.
2007-04-14 20:23:43 UTC
Who are the "yanks"? You make it sound like we're all part of a conspiracy.

It's just yahoo. They have guidelines. Read them.
boring old fart
2007-04-14 17:48:40 UTC
Yes Thats How They Are!
2007-04-14 20:09:53 UTC
agreed, thats pretty much the way it is around here
2007-04-14 12:02:54 UTC
nazis are everywhere, they control everything including this yahoo forum, the best way to get at them is to ask truthfull questions, that realy pisses them off as the truth hurts.If you don't believe me just try it, and if your question gets ereased just ask ot again and again.
k Marx ii
2007-04-14 13:06:39 UTC
They cant take it. Brainwashed. But its the agents among them that do it so the slow can never see the light.
2007-04-16 02:39:05 UTC
i agree "big brother" is watching
2007-04-14 10:42:52 UTC
If thats true ..its ridiculous... especially if you cannot comment on jews

..but I have not seen any racism on here towards jews ... maybe this explains it.. because i've seen racism directed at almost everybody else

Dr bad
2007-04-14 17:48:57 UTC
I can't believe they're banning p**** in this context; what on earth do they make of children saying p****-cats???? Stupid buggers.
2007-04-15 20:48:46 UTC
why would anyone ban p u s s y?
~ Twirl Girl ~
2007-04-14 15:04:54 UTC
isnt stopping someone making an opinion censorship? isnt that illegal?
2007-04-14 12:58:14 UTC
I noticed how you censored the British role in the establishment of the state of Israel in your post.

Nice work.

BTW, the antisemitism is strong in this thread.
2007-04-14 10:37:30 UTC
Yes I do agree.
Studbolt Slickrock Deux
2007-04-14 10:06:46 UTC
If you carefully read the guidelines, comments about jews are not allowed. I found out the hard way.
2007-04-14 17:56:05 UTC
That is a bad question and isnt really relevent to any of the worlds troubles. Are you trying to get the people stirred up and fighting. Why do call people yankees ? They are citizens of the USA and as such should be called Americans not Yankees. I am British but respect them like they respect us.
2007-04-14 10:09:58 UTC
i hope not - you should be able to criticize whomever you wish to
smellyfoot ™
2007-04-14 10:08:52 UTC
Comments about Jews are not allowed? WHAT? That is absurd. Just because the Jews were persecuted doesn't mean that any questioning about Zionism is anti-Semitic.

Sorry I didn't answer your question, but I gave you a star!
2007-04-14 17:09:14 UTC
Isreal is the holy land. The jews have this tiny strip of land and you cover a area the size of North America. Why would just want this tiny littler strip of land.
2007-04-14 15:15:28 UTC
Read your history , if you had been abused as a people like the jews have wouldn't you fight in any way you could because i would !
2007-04-15 04:31:56 UTC
Here’s a bit of info regarding both sides of this debate:

It is worth noting that the decision to create an independent Jewish homeland did not result from European guilt over the Nazi Holocaust as is sometimes claimed, but proceeded according to plans laid by Europe and the League of Nations after World War I for reorganizing the fragments of the shattered Ottoman Empire. These European plans also led to the creation of most of the other nation-states in the region.

On April 19, 1920, three years after the famous Balfour Declaration that established Britain's policy of favoring the establishment of Israel, representatives from Britain, France, Italy, Greece, Japan, and Belgium convened at San Remo in Italy to discuss a peace treaty with Turkey. It was decided under the authority of the League of Nations that Great Britain would be assigned the mandate over Palestine and shoulder the responsibility for implementing the pro-Zionist policy put forth in the the Balfour Declaration, in order to "[establish] in Palestine a national home for the Jewish people." Even before the conference had finished, however, Arab riots broke out in the territory, which prompted the Jews in turn to form the Haganah ("Defense"), a quasi-military organization.

In 1921, Britain separated 91,000 square kilometers (77%) of the Mandate and created the protectorate of Trans-Jordan, which later became the Arab country of Jordan. Throughout 1921, rioting in the remaining territory, known as Palestine, resulted in the deaths of 43 Jews. After several years of relative peace, riots again broke out in Jerusalem in 1929, sparked by anti-Jewish agitation during Friday prayers at the El Aqsa mosque where the Western or "Wailing" Wall is located. During the unrest, known to Arabs as the Al-Buraq Revolution after the Arabic name for the creature that supposedly carried Muhammad to Jerusalem, 133 Jews were killed in a single week, and 67 died in a massacre in Hebron. A large number of Arabs also died. The uncertainty among Jews about how to respond caused the Hanagah to split into an anti-military faction and a military faction led by Avraham Tehomi, the district commander of Jerusalem. Tehomi founded the "Irgun Zvai Le'umi" (National Military Organization), or ETZL, often spelled Etzel, also known as "Irgun B" or Haganah Le'umit (National Defense). While Hanagah had policy of self-restraint ('havlaga'), the Irgun adopted a more militant posture.

After the establishment of the New Zionist Organization in 1931, the Revisionist party, which had been formed in 1925 by Ze'ev Jabotinsky, seceded from the Histadrut party and founded the National Workers Association (Histadrut Ha'ovdim Hale'umit).


Soon after the end of World War II, there were three basic para-military Zionist organizations in Palestine, working against the Arab people, with the specific purpose of driving it out of Palestine. These were the Haganah, the Irgun Zvai Leumi and the Stern Gang.

Before the British Mandate, the Jewish settlers had formed a group of mounted armed watchmen called "Hashomar" and with the advent of the British Mandate, it became the Haganah (Defense). With a membership of 60,000 Zionist Jews, the Haganah had a field army of 16,000 trained men and a unit called the Palmach, which was a full-time force, numbering about 6000.

The Irgun Zvai Leumi included between 3000 and 5000 armed terrorists, and grew out of the Haganah and its Palmach branch in 1933. The Irgun was not ready to obey the Jewish Agency which sought to dilute the terror of the Haganah in order not to lose its respectability.

In 1939, one of Irgun's commanding officers, Abraham Stern, left the parent organization and formed the Stern Gang, numbering some 200 to 300 dangerous fanatics.


August 20, 1937 - June 29, 1939. During this period, the Zionists carried out a series of attacks against Arab buses, resulting in the death of 24 persons and wounding 25 others.

November 25, 1940. S.S.Patria was blown up by Jewish terrorists in Haifa harbour, killing 268 illegal Jewish immigrants (see below).

November 6, 1944. Zionist terrorists of the Stern Gang assassinated the British Minister Resident in the Middle East, Lord Moyne, in Cairo.

July 22, 1946. Zionist terrorists blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, which housed the central offices of the civilian administration of the government of Palestine, killing or injuring more than 200 persons. The Irgun officially claimed responsibility for the incident, but subsequent evidence indicated that both the Haganah and the Jewish Agency were involved.

October 1, 1946. The British Embassy in Rome was badly damaged by bomb explosions, for which Irgun claimed responsibility.

June 1947. Letters sent to British Cabinet Ministers were found to contain bombs.

September 3, 1947. A postal bomb addressed to the British War Office exploded in the post office sorting room in London, injuring 2 persons. It was attributed to Irgun or Stern Gangs. (The Sunday Times, Sept. 24, 1972, p.8)

December ll, 1947. Six Arabs were killed and 30 wounded when bombs were thrown from Jewish trucks at Arab buses in Haifa; 12 Arabs were killed and others injured in an attack by armed Zionists on an Arab coastal village near Haifa.

December 13,1947. Zionist terrorists, believed to be members of Irgun Zvai Leumi, killed 18 Arabs and wounded nearly 60 in Jerusalem, Jaffa and Lydda areas. In Jerusalem, bombs were thrown in an Arab market-place near the Damascus Gate; in Jaffa, bombs were thrown into an Arab cafe; in the Arab village of Al Abbasya, near Lydda, 12 Arabs were killed in an attack with mortars and automatic weapons.

December 19, 1947. Haganah terrorists attacked an Arab village near Safad, blowing up two houses, in the ruins of which were found the bodies of 10 Arabs, including 5 children. Haganah admitted responsibility for the attack.

December 29, 1947. Two British constables and 11 Arabs were killed and 32 Arabs injured, at the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem when Irgun members threw a bomb from a taxi.

December 30,1947. A mixed force of the Zionist Palmach and the "Carmel Brigade" attacked the village of Balad al Sheikh, killing more than 60 Arabs.

1947 -- 1948. Over 700,000 Palestinian Arabs were uprooted from their homes and land, and forced to live in refugee camps on Israel's borders. They have been denied the right to return to their homes. They have been refused compensation for their homes, orchards, farms and other property stolen from them by the Israeli government. After their expulsion, the "Israeli Forces" totally obliterated (usually by bulldozing) 385 Arab villages and towns, out of a total of 475. Commonly, Israeli villages were built on the remaining rubble.

January 1, 1948. Haganah terrorists attacked a village on the slopes of Mount Carmel; 17 Arabs were killed and 33 wounded.

January 4, 1948. Haganah terrorists wearing British Army uniforms penetrated into the center of Jaffa and blew up the Serai (the old Turkish Government House) which was used as a headquarters of the Arab National Committee, killing more than 40 persons and wounding 98 others.

January 5, 1948. The Arab-owned Semiramis Hotel in Jerusalem was blown up, killing 20 persons, among them Viscount de Tapia, the Spanish Consul. Haganah admitted responsibility for this crime.

January 7, 1948. Seventeen Arabs were killed by a bomb at the Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem, 3 of them while trying to escape. Further casualties, including the murder of a British officer near Hebron, were reported from different parts of the country.

January 16, 1948. Zionists blew up three Arab buildings. In the first, 8 children between the ages of 18 months and 12 years, died.

December 13, 1947 -- February 10, 1948. Seven incidents of bomb-tossing at innocent Arab civilians in cafes and markets, killing 138 and wounding 271 others, During this period, there were 9 attacks on Arab buses. Zionists mined passenger trains on at least 4 occasions, killing 93 persons and wounding 161 others.

February 15, 1948. Haganah terrorists attacked an Arab village near Safad, blew up several houses, killing 11 Arabs, including 4 children..

March 3, 1948. Heavy damage was done to the Arab-owned Salam building in Haifa (a 7 story block of apartments and shops) by Zionists who drove an army lorry ( truck) up to the building and escaped before the detonation of 400 Ib. of explosives; casualties numbered 11 Arabs and 3 Armenians killed and 23 injured. The Stern Gang claimed responsibility for the incident.

March 22, 1948. A housing block in Iraq Street in Haifa was blown up killing 17 and injuring 100 others. Four members of the Stern Gang drove two truck-loads of explosives into the street and abandoned the vehicles before the explosion.

March 31, 1948. The Cairo-Haifa Express was mined, for the second time in a month, by an electronically-detonated land mine near Benyamina, killing 40 persons and wounding 60 others.

April 9, 1948. A combined force of Irgun Zvai Leumi and the Stern Gang, supported by the Palmach forces, captured the Arab village of Deir Yassin and killed more than 200 unarmed civilians, including countless women and children. Older men and young women were captured and paraded in chains in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem; 20 of the hostages were then shot in the quarry of Gevaat Shaul.

April 16, 1948. Zionists attacked the former British army camp at Tel Litvinsky, killing 90 Arabs there.

April 19, 1948. Fourteen Arabs were killed in a house in Tiberias, which was blown up by Zionist terrorists.

May 3, 1948. A book bomb addressed to a British Army officer, who had been stationed in Palestine exploded, killing his brother, Rex Farran.

May11, 1948. A letter bomb addressed to Sir Evelyn Barker, former Commanding Officer in Palestine, was detected in the nick of time by his wife.

April 25, 1948 -- May 13, 1948. Wholesale looting of Jaffa was carried out following armed attacks by Irgun and Haganah terrorists. They stripped and carried away everything they could, destroying what they could not take with them.

It was the dithering diplomats and bureaucrats who are primarily blamed for British failure here. Not knowing themselves what they wanted to achieve, they could hardly be expected to tell the army what to do next. Wildly jumping from appeasement of Arabs to Jews and back again left the army in a tenuous and ambiguous position. They lost a lot of credibility with both communities and lost the British as a whole a great deal of legitimacy in the mandate.

The next major problem was also somewhat out of the army's hands even if it did effect them directly. The demobilisation of the army after the Second World War led to a constant state of flux and confusion in all of the regular British Army units stationed there. This obviously meant that experienced men were leaving the service at an alarmlingly fast rate, meaning that they could not pass on their valuable skills and techniques to the newer arrivals. Many of the most innovative and successful practices were lost the army because of the speed of repatriation.

Of course, failure cannot be laid completely at the door of the British, it could always be argued that it wasn't the fact that the British failed so much as the Jews succeeded in their endeavours. There is no doubt that they were an extremely dedicated, skillful practitioners of guerilla warfare. The fact that all of the competing terrorist and political groupings managed to come together also helped them to project their power beyond their physical size.
Dog Lover
2007-04-14 10:10:52 UTC

Why don't you get on a web site and bash your own country? Why must you come here and bad mouth America?
2007-04-14 10:09:51 UTC
of course don't mess with us

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.