Turkish government offered Armenian government to establish an international committee in UN.
The Turkish government said that both governments should make all resources, historical documents available for this committee and this committee should be free to research in both countries and both countries should accept the decision and be liable to the final result.
Armenian government rejected it.
The European Parliament sent the Armenian president a letter, urging him to support the Turkish request. Probably they rejected again because I never heard about a EU, UN or any other international committee working on it yet.
Armenia continue to make propaganda against Tukey, say that there are lots of proofs, documents etc. but do not accept establishing an international committee which can finally come out with certain results. If you are so sure, why to hide then ?
The claimed genocide was in a time of a civil war that Armenians, Azeris, Turks and Kurds involved. Turkey accepts that thousands of Armenians was killed by Turkish gangs, militas but thousands of Azeris, Kurds and Turks were killed by Armenians also in the same period. So it is not so easy to name it as a genocide.
It is same every where, my friend. The actual history and national history that tought in schools,family etc. is different in every country. If you are an Armenian, may be it is time for you to check other side of the story. For instance, you may start with the Azeris killed by Armenians.
You are lucky that you have a government which have strong lobby activities in other countries, means to reach international media. Armenia is capable of making enough noise about genocide claims and trying to make the world feel pity about them. On the other hand, claims of Azeirs about mass killings and international human rights crimes that done by Armenia cannot find any audience in the world today.
The claimed armenian genocide was almost a century ago. The claimed first Azeri genocide was almost a century ago, and then again and then again. Today there are still thousands of refugees because of the conflict between Azerbaycan and Armenia. Why don't you focus on your existing problem first because of which thousands of families is still suffering ????