They are doing their best to keep us scared and in our homes, suckling on the New World Order's tit of dis-info. Mexico has been on the verge of revolution for the last couple months, the elite don't want Mexico to show the world that revolution is possible. So the NWO has pulled Swine flu out of it's bag of dirty tricks.
Many people don't know this but Swine Flu is actually a hybrid of Swine, Avian and Human Influenza. Now, the chances of a combine mutation of just two species of a virus is already extremely rare, but having three combine, well that just sounds too coincidental to be true. Also this flu started in Mexico in the south west, in almost every case in the past a flu starts in the east and migrates to the west. Their is a very good chance that this Swine Flu was created in a Bio-Weapons Lab.
The most telling of all the information coming forward is the reaction by the corporate media. From their coverage you would think that the bubonic plague is here. The death toll paints a different picture though, last I checked there was around 150 Swine Flu deaths. Every flu season their are around 10,000 Influenza deaths a year! Why is the media hyping the death of 150 and the possible infection of 3,000 when the worlds population is 7,500,000,000 (7.5 Billion) . Why is the media paralyzing the already terrified world population, with an event that is only affecting 0.000000042 % of the population?
The answer is: The world is controlled by a small group of monstrously wealthy and powerful men, who want complete control over the entire planet! This is just another staged event that they have created in order to bring about their age old plan of a one world government. Research the Bilderberg Group, Look up the Georgia Guide Stones, look up the Bohemian Grove on Youtube! These men are eugenists ,they want you enslaved or dead!