report suspicious activity and you get sued by CAIR. Why is the counsel on American Islamic Relation involved? To cover for the fact that this is a muslim problem.The muslims are the only ones who can stop it. If they don't, it means they support it and we've seen all kinds of evidence that they do, whether they admit it openly or not. They glorify suicide murders! They have parades and memorials in honor of teens who blew themselves up to kill Israelis or Maronites or Americans or whoever the infidel do jour is. We know that imams encourage Islamist parents to say prayers that their children will martyr themselves rather than to grow up and lead productive, peaceful, long lives with children of their own. We know that much of this propaganda looks quite similar to the propaganda used by the Nazis during World War II. We know that Islamo Fascist propaganda refers to all non-Muslims, not just Jews, as apes, pigs, and slaves.
After 9/11 an extensive poll was taken throughout the muslim world (where allowed.) 15% openly supported OBL and said the US had it coming and they hope there's more. 69% said that, while regrettable, it's the US's own fault for supporting Israel, EVEN THOUGH at the time, Israel wasn't even mentioned by OBL, and most of these people have never met an Israeli in their lives. So 74% of the muslim world wants Israel gone and wouldn't be too sad if we were gone too. If the poll is representative, then out of 1.3 Billion muslims in the world, there are over 700 Million who want Israel gone and who wish us ill. Furthermore, A 2004 estimate by the intelligence unit of French police found that about 150 of the country's indexed 1,600 mosques and prayer halls were under the control of extremist elements.
A study of 1,160 recent French converts to Islam found that 23% identified themselves as Salafists — a sect sometimes associated with violent extremism.
In the Netherlands, the Dutch intelligence service says it believes as many as 20 different hard-line Islamic groups may be operating in the country.
In London, authorities say that as many as 3,000 veterans of al-Qaeda training camps over the years were born or based in Britain. Not all muslims are bad, but as far as I'm concerned, enough of them are, therefore I don't feel bad about generalizing or profiling in this case.
Subjugation may be working in Eurabia, but have a care here in America where the art of critical thinking, the study of history and conquest, and fearlessness in opposing those who would abridge our freedom and liberty is stronger than ever in spite of what you may think you witnessed in this last election. Democrats may appear "liberal" ideologically, but history tells us that their war leadership is as formidable as any Republican when they are fully motivated. We know who you are, but you have no idea who we really are, and that is why I know that we will ultimately prevail against you.
While I concede there are Muslims who are people of goodwill as well as good sense, they, too, are on the hit list of predominant Islamic leaders and their followers. Unlike we good-hearted and often pudding-headed Americans, these peaceful Muslims know this. Do you really think if push comes to shove, they will sacrifice their lives for Christians or even Americans who claim to have no faith at all? Get real! They know all too well what happens to those who oppose jihad. One has to look no further than the headless widows and butchered children in Afghanistan for proof.
Americans in general are always ready to admit new immigrants to our shores as the inscription on the Statue of Liberty proclaims. To our sorrow, the rules have been changed. We must become aware we are not loved, in fact we are hated, by the envious and evil. In time of war our government has interred and/or deported people on far less evidence of intented harm than exists now. We are in a war. It is not a war about geographical territory alone. It is a war for the very soul of the world.