How will our Country benefit from an Obama Presidency?
2008-12-23 16:16:52 UTC
In your opinion, How will our country benefit? What will the country be like in 4 years? 8 years? Will we be on the right track?

1) How do you see the economy? Will we still be in a recession? depression?
2) Technology advancements? alternative fuel? energy?
3) Education? Literacy?
4) Immigration?
5) Unemployment?
6) Social Security?
7) The Deficit? Financial Sector? Stocks? Real Estate? auto industry?
8) Military/National Security?
9) Foreign Policy?
10) Social Security?
11) Iraq? Afghanistan
12) Health Care?
13) Iran? North Korea? Hezbollah?
14) Civil Liberties

Basically, where will we be, will we be back on top? will we be headed in the right direction?
Fifteen answers:
2008-12-23 18:26:15 UTC
If you can't see it now wait about four years.
2008-12-23 17:08:51 UTC
Boomer Wisdom, you rock!

I don't know if we true Americans will stand aside while things head in the direction of the largest decline of the greatest nation the world has ever seen but I do know that short of civil war nothing can stop that decline from occurring. As for answering the questions on the list, here goes.

1) economic and eco ruin reign supreme, extended recession, recovery, then further or continued recession. Call it what you will, depression is the closest to the proper name for it.

2) tech will continue to crawl along, with no individual free investment the result will be stagnation created by liberal programs to supposedly save us instead eating up the funding that could result in real world answers to our problems.

3) billions will pour into education, even if people go hungry or homeless to fund it and the only result will be cold, hungry, and even more poorly educated American children than ever before in U.S. history.

4) Open the door wider, we are after all an equal opportunity "employer" here in the good ol' U.S.A. No matter who is in office the wealthy on both sides of the political isle profit from this issue.

5) see question # 4 and try to use what little brains our public school system didn't ruin to make your mind up on this one

6) can't you see the smoke from the funeral fires?

7) deficit climbing unless it "magically disapears". financial sector reaping the windfalls as we type this. stocks...wellll...those and real estate are just two tools the extremely wealthy and powerful will continue to use to sqeeze yet another drop of blood from a helpless and misinformed public. auto industry.. who cares, we will continue to buy and drive and make cars here until the day we all either walk or fly everywhere!

8) Obama will destroy any semblance of national security and alienate all our military leaders of any true value to the nation.

9) Well, B.O. will sure have a lot of foreign policy material to his credit, seeing as how his main concern is all things foreign to the premises this nation were founded on.

10) ***see #8 ...stupid question when one thinks about it at all.

11) This one will have a direct and negative affect on #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8 by default, and looking ahead #s 13 and 14.


I think that while not comprehensive, that about covers your question.
2008-12-23 16:20:49 UTC
1) How do you see the economy? Will we still be in a recession? depression?

-- We'll see an economic spiked improvement over the next two years and then a gradual decline with large scale economic hardships within 11 years when the discount depreciation factor for socially funded programs to not generate a significant return.

2) Technology advancements? alternative fuel? energy?

-- This is one of the best areas we can invest in. I think Obama has the charisma to keep this fresh in American minds even now while gas prices are manageable again.

3) Education? Literacy?

-- The President already has too much control over education and literacy. The best thing he could do is to turn the power back to the states. I suspect Obama will do something terribly expensive with little return if he tries to address it at the national level.

4) Immigration?

Solving this problem would allow for more social programs. I've said this on Yahoo before and I'll say it again, "You can have Scandinavian-style successful socialism if you use armed force to repel your borders the way they do. If you want easy immigration that countries like Mexico offer, then you can't keep throwing money into social programs."

5) Unemployment?

-- It's gonna be an FDR type of fasaud. Will see improved unemployment claims while more government jobs are created. However, making those positions really deliver viable contributions and products instead of sticking our children with the costs and compounded interest of these folks salaries and benefits will be an astronomical challenge.

6) Social Security?

-- No change. He has alluded to providing a better audit process before, which is a good idea and I hope he does.

7) The Deficit? Financial Sector? Stocks? Real Estate? auto industry?

-- These are global economic trends. If we look at the way the way Europeans live, it will give some insight to what our future holds. Big SUV's were the first to go. I think big appliances, big houses, and big everything else that use a lot of natural resources will soon become economically unfeasible.

8) Military/National Security?

-- At least it's Obama instead of Biden. Biden reminds me of Jimmy Carter, who left hostages in Iran for a year. Incidentally, when Ronald Regan was inaugurated, the hostages released the Americans. He seems to still support anti-terror efforts, so I have to assume he will protect us.

9) Foreign Policy?

-- As long as we protect American people and assets globally, we'll be in good shape. I'd like to hear what everyone thinks about the Secretary of State appointment.

10) Social Security?

--Same as 6.

11) Iraq? Afghanistan

-- He'll pull out of Iraq in 18 months. Afghanistan is still up in the air.

12) Health Care?

-- Even the most powerful man in the world doesn't have the financial muscle to take on this industry. I would be shocked if we saw a significant change. The Europeans can have socialized medicine because our capitalist funded research and development allows for the creation of new medical technologies. If we socialize, all world medical programs will be forced to contribute more or deliver less.

13) Iran? North Korea? Hezbollah?

These are our biggest risk factors, and the ones that Obama, the one of the few U.S. Presidents without military experience, is least prepared to deal with. If he hadn't selected such a leftist Chief of Staff, I would have remained confident in his ability to control his resources and take the advice of members in government who understand all three of those threats very well.

14) Civil Liberties

-- The one civil liberty I am very concerned about is the right to bear arms. There are too many guns in circulation that criminals will wind up with to think about disarming America now and any attempt to do so would just put good people in danger.

Basically, where will we be, will we be back on top? will we be headed in the right direction?

-- That's the million dollar question. Gradually things will get worse and better. America will not always be able to afford to be the largest importer and consumer of all goods, so other countries' manufacturing sales will falter, their countries' economies will fail, and America will gradually re-establish itself as the world economic leader. This could take 20 years and a war, but after much hardship, it will happen.
Boomer Wisdom
2008-12-23 16:31:54 UTC
We will be entirely controlled by a State Capitalist bureaucracy. The private sector and free-enterprise capitalism will be finally eliminated by the government. Individuals will have no incentive to risk their assets; any technological improvements, if there are any, will be subsidized because they will not be practical. Education and literacy will decline while expenditures for education skyrocket. It will be a replay of the Carter Administration in terms of economics and foreign policy.

Special interests will continue to raid the Treasury until the tax-payers are ruined.

Things will change again when Social Security implodes. It is the biggest Ponzi scheme ever, and it will probably destroy the nation. Then it will be a new ball game, like nothing ever seen in world history. And the collapse will be global.

Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
2008-12-23 16:39:36 UTC
1) Only getting worse. Obama likes to spend spend spend, unfortunately like all of congress. We are going to bankrupt ourselves if we dont stop this spending on 'bail outs' and 'stimulus packages' soon.

2)Technology is thankfully independent of government. Although I think the government will subsidize certain parts of scientific research, I think it will remain mostly independent and keep growing at an exponential rate; meaning that alternative fuels will probably be developed faster than expected.

3)This depends on your view of things right now. I think the Obama administration will try to control the educational regions more and more; something that should be left to the State governments (in my opinion)

4) Pretty much an open-door policy from the new in coming administration.

5)SKYROCKET. things may look better in the short run, but dont be fooled. If the government keeps spending and we do go bankrupt, unemployment will skyrocket. As will inflation.

6)Emptying. Probably will be a worthless program (regardless of what party or president is in power) in about 15 years.

7)Only getting bigger. Will not get smaller until congress stops spending.

8)If Obama is like any other Democratic president, he will cut military spending, so we will not have as many defenses. But I dont think that will be to much in the line of actually hurting us. Will it create little openings and things for terrorists and things to exploit? Probably. A full scale attack is likely, but I think, again, that that is regardless of what party is in power.

9)Obama will try to bend over for the other countries more than actually negotiating and being diplomatic. But that is only an opinion.

10) See Answer number 6

11)He has already his plan figured out.

12)Most likely nationalized/socialized. Just more for the government to control, spend on, and fail with. If you support it, well that's a choice. If you dont, its a different choice.

13)See answer number 9

14)Harder and harder for the typical person to get. He obviously favors minorities and minority actions; such as Affirmative Action. Their rights will increase, as everything the white person says is either racist or wrong, but the whiteys probably won't lose any, theirs will just get over-shadowed by the minority rights.
2008-12-23 16:31:13 UTC
So far, I'm the only person to seriously answer:

1. I think the economy will recover in 4 years, and in 8 this will be a distant memory. People are pressing the panic button

2. Obama is very good about technology policies; Look at his support of Net Neutrality

3. I think a lot of $ will be put into education. At least I'm hoping, because we desperately need it

4. I think we'll still have the confused mess we have now, sadly

8. I think we will see some good peacetime without the aggresive foreign policy

11. Similar to 8, a withdrawl and probably more stability

Yeah the country should be doing good, but I don't think the deficit will be anywhere near fixing and we'll still be using oil more than likely. There's just too many senators with an interest in oil
2008-12-23 16:23:35 UTC
I think that he will be very inept on the economic needs of a depressed economy, and as such, he will be a Godsend to the Republicans who will capitalize from it to regain power in both houses and the whitehouse.

Unfortunately, I believe we will be less wealthy as a nation, less safe, less secure, and much less free in four or eight years of an Obama presidency with a democrat congress.

In the event he wins re-election, he will likely get a rather hard core conservative congress by 2012, so his governing style wi9ll likey more resemble Clinton's.
2016-06-03 13:29:25 UTC
I started reading your post but it only took reading to the part of created a foreclosure prevention to stop reading it! Are you kidding me? Do you know how many people have lost their homes under Obama? How many businesses has went out of business? And if he was doing an excellent job as you state, then there would be no need to put this post up!
Free To Be Me
2008-12-23 16:20:33 UTC
There is a tsunami headed our way, not just an economic one. Obama's only claim to fame in the history books will be to be in the White House when the entire economy and government collapse under the strain of the "bailouts" that will destroy us within a year or two.
2008-12-23 17:08:52 UTC
Last month we had two choices and America made the right choice. It won't be easy at first but I think sometime mid term things will begin to get better for our nation. Obama is a smart man. He did things in this election no one has done before. I do think he has it in him to repair our nation.
2008-12-23 16:19:50 UTC
We'll get to watch Marxist policies slip into our society for four years. That's a benefit to Commies worldwide. Well done, Democrats.
2008-12-23 16:30:21 UTC
Our country won't benefit in the slightest.

F BO and his minions.
2008-12-23 16:24:46 UTC
no we will be like Cuba or Uganda I would suspect maybe worse at least they have food. we will have all the dirt we can eat.
Seccession Now!
2008-12-23 16:24:10 UTC
We will all benefit when we finally get to secede.

Oh, and you liberals can keep all of your beloved diversity.
2008-12-23 17:27:34 UTC
Idk, but Obama's having a great time

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.