Should we create a North American Union with Mexico, Canada, and even all of the Americas?
2007-10-13 19:11:35 UTC
Do you think that would solve our immigration problem? Maybe not all of the Americans, but what if we combined the US, Canada (grant it they would need to become independent from the crown first), and mostly importantly Mexico and create a North American Union? And maybe years later we can unite all of the Americas?
Fourteen answers:
2007-10-13 19:19:43 UTC
It's been done already. It's called the Organization of American States. See this website
2007-10-14 11:50:54 UTC
uh...noooooo!!!! The worst thing that could possibly happen to us is merging the US, Canada and Mexico into one big superstate. Nationalism is not a bad thing....... Stop believing the globalist propaganda you are being fed through the mainstream media!!! What you're basically saying is, "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em". Well, sorry but that is a cop out, and that's unacceptable to me - especially because the reason we have an "immigration problem" is due to the government's refusal to secure the borders. Yes, that's right - the open border policy is deliberate. They claim they can't secure our borders (even after 9/11!?), but this is really a trick. They want to get the masses to believe that it's just easier to go ahead and merge the three countries in order to solve the problem. You're falling into the trap by believing this... Wake up!!!

Do your homework on the New World Order and what will really be in store for us in the future under eventual one world government. Living under a totalitarian regime would be a complete nightmare. We would be deprived of all of our rights. Trust me, that is not the kind of world you'd want to live in. Do you want to be a sheep that's led by the nose or do you want to be free? The choice is yours.

Stonehouse provided some great links for you. Please get yourself educated about the NWO or the lives of your children and grandchildren will be sheer hell.
2007-10-13 22:14:45 UTC
YOU NEED TO READ ORWELL's 1984!!!!! A book that was written in 1949!!!! That would be the worst thing that could possibly happen. If reading isn't your thing watch the movie, here is a link. Very Important!!!

Totalitarian government like that would be a disaster worse than we could ever imagine! That is a ridiculous thought and you need to learn what national sovereignty means! You do enjoy your job and freedoms right!!! The constitution means something to you right.??The borders need to be closed and locked down. This is the most ridiculous thought I have ever had to answer. SLAVES TO THE NEW WORLD ORDER!! After the European union, the soon to be Asian union. That is an ultimate Orwellian Nightmare!!!!!!! Wake up!!

WOW I was just checking out youtube for this movie, and Pt's6, 8, 9 were erased by youtube, Its so poetic and ironic that George Orwell's 1984 is being censored. The remaining parts will give you an idea. The torture scenes and the aerosol spraying of everything is edited. SO VERY SAD! It is proof of the censorship in the corrupt world we live in. Knowledge is power and to deny us knowledge is criminal! This NAU has been a plan for the Illuminati to form their NWO! Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, this movie shows our future he just guessed it would happen sooner, in 1984 instead of 2007!
2007-10-13 20:08:47 UTC
This is good thinking. Especially on an economic open borders basis -- not likely to work as a single political unit.

Canada is already independent -- since July 1, 1867.

The factors to consider are the vast mineral & natural resource wealth of Canada and Mexico; the similarity in basic values, histories, traditions; the Mexican labor pool, as US and Canadian populations age.

There are other considerations -- Hispanic family structure is much healthier than that of most other N. A. culture, Canadians have a world view that does not presume they are better than everyone else, and the U.S. has the greatest mix of peoples of any country in history.

As to the whole hemisphere -- I don't see much advantage gained that we wouldn't achieve as merely a N. A. union. Certainly Mexico and Miami are key parts of Latin American economic infrastructure already.
2007-10-13 20:00:52 UTC
I agree with you. I too can see the benefits of the proposed NAU but I still have my reservations. The part I have trouble with is not the secrecy because in the planning stages I would think the governments would need to keep it quiet until they get the kinks ironed out before involving the public. I have trouble with just how their plan of dissolving the dollar into the Amero will help our economy. They're saying if they do this they will call off our debt with China, I wonder how mad China will get. Secondly what are they going to base the new currency on? Gold? Will they just keep printing money that has lesser value than the euro? I'm very skeptical about whats going on with global currencies. Another thing is, won't this require a military that is unequalled in the rest of the world? We're talking about a huge continent. If they want to do this by 2010 I don't see that happening as troop enlistment is very low and I'm afraid people aren't going to be lining up to join.
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2007-10-13 20:36:39 UTC
No, this would go against our Constitution and we would no longer be the United States of America as it was founded. Middle class would shrink, our rights will chance, police & military forces would merge and sooner or later we would have a police state. All it would take would be another 9/11 and then perhaps they could start using those FEMA camps.
2007-10-13 19:25:05 UTC
No. It would ruin our schools and services and drive down our wages even further. We don't WANT to have to pay to lift up their infrastructure. They are not a poor country. They can do it themselves.

Canada maybe. They don't have the same disparity issue. Mind you, they might not like it given the discrepancy in health care.
2016-10-22 12:03:05 UTC
bringing up Glenn Beck as a source for credibility is very almost as inane as bringing up invoice O'Reilly. in simple terms stick your aluminum cap back on so as that "huge Brother" reading your submit is in simple terms no longer waiting to p.c.. up on your thoughts waves. EDIT: christianman: The assertion of Independence is composed of that sentence through fact the few Christians contributors of the founding fathers asked to re-write it for that reason. additionally, the assertion of Independence does not carry any ability interior our government. examine a e book.
2007-10-13 19:38:54 UTC
What on earth makes you think that 'all of the Americas' want to join your unstable system? (Everything is broken or in debt)

Do you need Canadian dollars and Mexican pesos to pay your debts, fix Social Security/Healthcare, etc?

Crazy politicians who bicker all day long, and get nothing done?

Get your house in order first.
2007-10-13 19:21:49 UTC
Sounds good to me. Create stable government, create new jobs, better education, better health care, eliminate political infighting and screwing the little guy, Growing more and better crops. Yeah, sounds really fine. Too bad we won't see it happen during our lifetimes or even our children's lifetimes, unless Aliens from outer space decide to take over the planet and the entire planet has to unite as one unit to defeat them.
2007-10-13 19:25:48 UTC
No way Jose
2007-10-13 20:21:09 UTC
it would certainly make the US more competitive against the EU & Billions & Billions of Chinese/Indians.
2007-10-13 19:17:42 UTC
we got enough problems uniting oureslves, and gettin our lives together!!!
2007-10-13 19:16:29 UTC
NO, absolutley not.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.