Because a system based on profit is so much better.
Insurers cut back cover for cancer as treatment costs soar
Private Medical insurers in Britain are cutting cancer cover, with many refusing to help those who need palliative care.
The changes come as increasing numbers of patients seek help paying for drugs that could prolong their lives.
As the costs of cancer treatments soar, insurers are looking at ways of containing costs. Only three - Bupa, PruHealth and Exeter Friendly Society - offer full cover for cancer, including palliative care, that is treatment designed to ease, not cure, symptoms.
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God Bless the Private Profit Making Insurance Industry and all who sail in her.
"People who undergo genetic tests to discover their risk of developing diseases such as breast cancer could be denied life insurance in the future, an influential panel of peers has warned.
It said that insurance companies could use the results to hike up premiums, even if the tests had been carried out years previously.
They offer customers an assessment of their likelihood of developing certain diseases, ranging from obesity to cancer, based on a sample of their DNA. "
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"The rise of genomics - the branch of genetics that studies organisms in terms of their full DNA sequences or genomes - will in the not too distant future kill off most private health insurance.
That's probably a good thing. First, because of asymmetric information, when there is risk and uncertainty about a person's future health, health insurance markets are badly affected by adverse selection and moral hazard.
Second, because the private health insurance industry is a monument to inefficiency everywhere and, especially in the US, a rent-seeking Leviathan whose ruthless lobbying efforts corrupt all it touches."
Above Quote courtesy of: Maverecon: Willem Buiter - Professor of European Political Economy, London School of Economics and Political Science; former chief economist of the EBRD, former external member of the MPC; adviser to international organisations, governments, central banks and private financial institutions.
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