Z H thank you for asking this question.
It is very evident that the very wealthy became very SUPER Wealthy under the Bush Administrations policies while the Republican party controlled the Congress. The middle class in America (which built this country into the Super Power it used to be) has diminished almost to non existence. The poor have become even poorer because the Cost of Living has grown all out of proportion to the wages that are being earned.
For instance. A loaf of bread in 2001, the year Bush took office was under $1.00 a loaf. Today it is difficult to find a good loaf of bread for less than $2.49. Yet, the people who depend on staples such as bread to help feed their family are earning approximately 48% less today than they did when Bush took office because of inflation and flat wages.
Also, in order to make a difference in what you are referring to as "hot button issues" there has to be a dialogue. Which means two or more people discussing a topic in an intelligent manner so as to reach a consensus.
The Right uses these issues to stir up and keep their voting base embroiled enough to vote for them and not their opponents. Yet, after they are in office they do absolutely nothing to solve the very issues they blamed their opponents for causing.
The best advice I can offer to you to never forget is what my High School History teacher told me 40 years ago: Fascism thrives and grows on conflict. Without Conflict, Fascism dies.
When you listen to two candidates. Look at what they said. The one who has nothing concrete to offer to solve a situation, but only has demonizing and hate filled rhetoric to speak about their opponent. That is the person for whom we should NOT vote. Regardless of their party affiliation.
After all. Don't we want to elect positive forward thinking people who have demonstrated the ability to solve the problems that we will confront in the future.
The Conservative Party could not win elections on their own. So, their device was to infiltrate the Republican party so they could look like a legitimate political party and gain a foothold on the political scene in the United States.
Look at what they stand for: Their party line is: The laws should only be interpreted the way the FOUNDING FATHERS meant them to be. Nothing should be added to ORIGINAL INTENT.
Well, the "founding fathers" intended that only, Wealthy, White Landowner Males could vote or run for office. Is this the kind of country YOU want to live in?
thank you again for asking this question.