Socialists are rejoicing, this is a preview of the Green New Deal. AOC work boycott & (D)s would rather have the middle class & working poor unemployed & out of business impowering (D) congress with leverage to exploit the situation as the lower classes needs relief while temp workers & illegal aliens replaces the millions of unemployed citizens. 70%-80% of the economy shutting down from COVID-19 pandemic is sending the economy in peril & plunging 1st world economies into a depression following the same method of handling the pandemic the world wasn't expecting. A nationwide economic shutdown from a pandemic or warfare is when socialism takes a foot hold & eventually take over. The Green New Deal is the New Communist Manifesto. What the economic shutdown feels like right now will be permanent under the Green New Deal. So far what's missing is absolute rule. Anyone who has lived in Venezuela or escaped Venezuela knows this feeling, once Big Techs, Big oils, Big Pharma, Big Farms, Private properties are nationalized. Senate & House (D)s Green New Deal will shape America's economy in line with Venezuela & Cuba were bureaucrats control the economy & the profits (ripe for corruptions). Everyone will either be working for the government assigned jobs deemed necessary, or unemployed on rationed assistance hand outs & rent free dilapidated apartment in disrepair.
Sanders & AOCs squads brand their socialism as Democratic Socialist to misdirect or mask their true intentions to achieving the end goal of Socialism for state bureaucratic control of the economy, industry, property & the public through draconian bureaucracy & regulations. Everything they propose such as universal single payer health care is straight up from the USSR, Cuba, & Venezuela's play book. (Venezuela was praised as Democratic Socialist that was actually Communist with its bureaucrats pillaging oil revenues to fund itself & its rationed socialist handouts). These socialist countries don't have state of the art Hospitals, Care, & Training because there isn't enough funds & man power regardless of how much of the private sector are taxed & nationalized. Ultimately all concept or branding of socialism leads to Government owned property of industry, housing, farms, people, long working hours, no free speech for dissenters, no entrepreneurship, no economic competition in the country, no varieties of products or materials to chose from, & no individuality.
In a Socialist country it is be very hard to be a Millionaire, if not impossible when socialists like Bernie & AOC will take 70%-90% of an entrepreneurs wealth, income, & property. Sanders always point to Sweden, a homogenous tiny & less densely populated country, as a socialist success where Millionaires & Billionaires thrives. The middle class & the working poor are the ones funding most government assistance in Sweden. Bernie & AOC wants complete Cadillac assistance: housing, healthcare, allowance... (can't & will never happen as many socialist concept had tried). Bernie always lauds Cuban & USSR health care (rationed single payer health care) & education of indoctrination & mediocrity, where US entire public schools system are headed. Sanders & his socialist squads & army will use every means of pressure & influence to advance the Green New Deal's socialist agenda that will plunge the US economy & society to mirror that of Cuba, if not Venezuela, further & permanently for decades, if not a century to come as it is here to stay as predicted by Bernie Bros on hidden camera. Unlike Sweden, it'll be funded by those they hatefully envy the top 21% (millionaires & billionaires) & reverse that with the top 0.0001% in solidarity with Cuba, Venezuela & N. Korea that will eliminate the middle class to exist flattening the income for all class among the rich, middle & the poor.
Lesson for America: Sweden is not Socialist.
At some point the US & the world would need to cope & live with COVID-19 along other diseases that are more lethal such as HIV, EBOLA (99% mortality), & Syphilis that have no vaccine yet, COVID-19 is not a Doomsday bug. With an incubation period of 2 weeks, 6 weeks quarantine/shut down is more than enough. 85% infected with COVID-19 (less than 1% Mortality) don't get ill or need hospitalization. Shutting down the Economy for more than a few of months will put 280 million people, if not more than a year will put 320 million people in the US into poverty where the government will have to nationalize the industries, private property, & public individualism. More deaths will occur from poverty in starvation, suicide, domestic violence, & capital crimes.
Senate, House & (D)s governors are trying to prolong the shut down & drive small business out of business stuffing what ever pork they can in the relief bills, unless their quid pro quo (pork) demands are met as POTUS prepares & urges each states to open up the economy in 3 phases. With the power of the purse it is (D) representative body's chance to exploit this pandemic for their special interest. Brace for massive high inflation & taxes when this pandemic is over. (D) congress wants to spend & print money up to a quarter Quadrillion, if not a Quadrillion, copying the Zimbabwean, if not Venezuelan model of printing endless money that inflation renders useless where $1 is as high as Trillion in Zimbabwe & Venezuela currency. Since the pandemic is affecting the world nations' economy globally, the U.S. has the chance to rebound on top economically with 1st world countries have a lot more to lose than 3rd world countries. The economies may have reset, but 1st world countries have the means with their infrastructures in logistic, manufacturing, service, retail, resources: chemical, fuel, ores, academics, engineering & science for their economies to bounce back. 3rd world economies' chances of surpassing 1st world economies are non existent due to crimes, corruption, & brain drain of specialized skills.