Not wanting to upset your cosy little CHAT, but Maybe people that intend throwing away their valuable vote on the B NAZI P should take a look at this video. Or, maybe your supporters back terror on the streets of England.
And a BNP candidate.... now there's a turnup for the books.
Yeah, I think we can ALL foresee what's coming from you lot.
Mutton Grab, that was the 1st vid, and it also shows that 20% of the funds go to the BNP so don't give me that one. Therefore, your party is at least funded by racist activities then - admit it!
AND - Robert Cottage, I suppose he wasn't plotting to blow anyone up either. NO - you get real. Look at the "evidence" your honour before you dismiss it.
You see Sheepo, when ever someone brings in FACTS, and I deal with facts my whole life, YOU fascists twist and turn like a sidewinder don't you. When you get 'nutjobs' in the BNP that 'get caught', then, you disown them.... It's that easy isn't it? Bury it, and cover your tracks, that's sweet of you, but it doesn't wash. The FACT is, you're all nut jobs, the whole ruddy lot of you. Take a good look at these vids, is that what you want for your kids? And those so-called NF are very closely linked to your organisation. Don't deny it.
YEAH, I've seen that one showing 'the normal yuuman beins from Brummieland'. That's the shop window that you want everyone to see. I tell you what, even Griffin looks normal to a martian.
Yeah, here's someone you may also remember Mutton. The friendly face of the BNP, this one would kill you. AND A BNP COUNCILLOR no less. What is the world coming to?
EDIT.... Silly me, forget to answer Heir Flicks original Q. "Predicting the boom and bust"? ............ I'D LIKE TO PREDICT THE BOOM AND BOOM after you lot have started throwing the firebombs around. BOOM BOOM.