If in 2005 the BNP could foresee this, how come Gordon Brown couldn't?
True Patriot
2009-03-10 12:19:36 UTC
In their General Election Manifesto 2005, the BNP write: "Although Britain in 2005 enjoys a fragile prosperity redolent of the 'you never had it so good' years of the 1950s, thoughtful citizens realize that this is built upon a foundation of rising debt and record trade deficits and is therefore unsustainable. The present regime and its Establishment opponents have without exception abandoned the attempt to run the economy for the benefit of Britain, surrendering simultaneously to the strangling statism of Euro-regulations and to an international free market that has no loyalty to this country," p.33
BNP General Election Manifesto 2005:

The BNP could foresee this, so how come our great Gordon Brown, who was Chancellor before he replaced Blair as PM, could not?
Fifteen answers:
2009-03-10 13:47:07 UTC
The whole point is that everyone could see it, the question is, why was nothing done to prevent it happening?

Reason? It is exactly what they wanted to happen, the state now in charge of the banking system, the population up to it's eyes in debt, and future further leverage given to the state having more control over all of us.

Look to America and see how their "financial crisis" is leading the American people into accepting Socialism, ( do they know where it has led us?) what better than a kick in the pocket and the sea of "change" being offered by President Obama to make it look like the next Utopia?

Politics isn't science, it's cunning and far sighted.

The fact that the BNP were prepared to speak out about what was going on says more about the traitorous intent of the major parties than anything else. As they are given little media coverage no attention was drawn to their "whistle-blowing"

Mores the pity, whilst not a supporter, I believe anyone or any party who exposes the hypocrisy and treachery of government should be heard by the electorate.
2009-03-10 12:40:19 UTC
Although we are currently in a recession, I predict, in the not too distant future, an upturn in the economy. However, a few years after that there will be another downturn and recession in the economy.

There, that's my prediction. Remember it so that in 4 years time you can say that Wolfie was right.

You see, anyone can do that mate.

By the way, what PM or Chancellor is going to go around predicting a recession? Despite that, everyone knows that boom and bust are built into the system of capitalism and it doesn't take a genius to work it out. The apologists for capitalism call it the 'economic cycle'. Just because some nazi comes out with it doesn't make them fortune tellers!
2009-03-10 13:14:02 UTC
Many people saw it coming so the BNP cannot claim sole bragging rights.

They also said, and this is from the same manifesto....

"We must also stop further attempts to enforce multi-culturalism on an increasingly sceptical and unwilling populace."

So I thought I would have a further read. I suggest other people also peruse the link from the OP. It is an eye opener on how not to run a country. I'd give them a year tops to bankrupt us. Don't take my word for it, its in the open, have a look.
2009-03-10 12:59:57 UTC
I'm sorry, I think pointing out that the BNP realised it was going to happen means the square root of sod all.

You're fooling yourself if you think Gordon Brown did not know that uninterrupted growth could continue forever. He's a dubious PM, however he kept this country growing for a longer period than any other post war Chancellor, so I think he might just have had an inkling that the backside was going to fall out of the economy at some point.

No one, not me, not you, not Gordon Brown and not the BNP, realised how much the financial markets were going to implode and take the rest of the economy with them.

And I think you'll find that the BNP proposals for sorting this all out were written from the perspective of someone who will never have to put those theories into practice.

Oh, and in passing I did have to chuckle at the bit about encouraging UK languages... WTF is Gallic? If they can't even be @rsed to find out how to spell it properly, they've got absolutely no chance of proving it would be promoted under their rule. For your information, the Anglicised version is Gaelic (pronounced Gaalic) and the correct 'indigenous' spelling is Gaidhlig.

Not that I would expect and Anglocentric bunch like the BNP to know any of that.
2009-03-10 13:06:20 UTC
Not wanting to upset your cosy little CHAT, but Maybe people that intend throwing away their valuable vote on the B NAZI P should take a look at this video. Or, maybe your supporters back terror on the streets of England.

And a BNP candidate.... now there's a turnup for the books.

Yeah, I think we can ALL foresee what's coming from you lot.

Mutton Grab, that was the 1st vid, and it also shows that 20% of the funds go to the BNP so don't give me that one. Therefore, your party is at least funded by racist activities then - admit it!

AND - Robert Cottage, I suppose he wasn't plotting to blow anyone up either. NO - you get real. Look at the "evidence" your honour before you dismiss it.

You see Sheepo, when ever someone brings in FACTS, and I deal with facts my whole life, YOU fascists twist and turn like a sidewinder don't you. When you get 'nutjobs' in the BNP that 'get caught', then, you disown them.... It's that easy isn't it? Bury it, and cover your tracks, that's sweet of you, but it doesn't wash. The FACT is, you're all nut jobs, the whole ruddy lot of you. Take a good look at these vids, is that what you want for your kids? And those so-called NF are very closely linked to your organisation. Don't deny it.

YEAH, I've seen that one showing 'the normal yuuman beins from Brummieland'. That's the shop window that you want everyone to see. I tell you what, even Griffin looks normal to a martian.

Yeah, here's someone you may also remember Mutton. The friendly face of the BNP, this one would kill you. AND A BNP COUNCILLOR no less. What is the world coming to?

EDIT.... Silly me, forget to answer Heir Flicks original Q. "Predicting the boom and bust"? ............ I'D LIKE TO PREDICT THE BOOM AND BOOM after you lot have started throwing the firebombs around. BOOM BOOM.
Mr Sceptic
2009-03-10 13:00:35 UTC
While united in our loathing of the racist thugs of the BNP (who says so? Nick Griffin says so: ), Wolfie and I have differences when it comes to the economic policies of the nation.

But in this case, he is right. Capitalism is a doctrine of boom and bust economics, where Western governments use state investment and functions to moderate the cycle. In two years time the economy will be much recovered, but there will be a downturn in the following six to eight years.

So you may as well elect Wolfie and me to government - we'll be as incompetent as the BNP would, but without the underlying race hate and thuggery.
2009-03-10 12:28:15 UTC
If the Ministry of disinformation says so and even if the evidence says anything to the contrary!Well need i go on really!

There are rumours spreading that due to lack of midwives in the past partially sighted volunteers were used who apparently slapped many a baby on the wrong end hence causing Brain damage that nobody has been able to attribute to anything else.

Woflie would this be a Communist point of view or your new Socialist Democrat point of view?

That's National Front Fox the only people mentioning BNP was the Video maker!Oh and some fella going oh they were BNP or something like that.So where did the BNP and knife crime come into it as the title suggests?

I can see the UKIP are getting desperate now whats next!

What because some bloke making a home video leading the National Front astray and saying he would give 20% to the BNP get real!

Fox your going to believe whatever you wish but what the hell am i supposed to do about nut jobs that have in the past joined the BNP.If one ex member of the BNP is a nut job does that reflect on every party that stands in Parliament who meet in secret on foreign Yachts?

Heres some members of the BNP as well

Why do you not show these to reflect your so called facts.

Sorry did not think you would like that fox.
2009-03-10 14:26:59 UTC
Those who denigrate the BNP as being a third-rate bunch of football hooligans, ex-Nazis and generalized racists should take note of this post. It indicates thinking well above the level of Arnold Leese's wife (who taught her cat to give the Hitler (Roman) salute, and the various crackpots who adhered to the trouser legs of a dead Fuhrer and a palsied ideology.l

Frankly, I am a businessman with some Jewish ethnicity, so it might be surprising to find me speaking in favour of the BNP, but I saw foresaw this problem, and ended my low-interest mortgage six months ahead of its expiry date to achieve a fixed rate for five years (at a slightly higher rate than the previous deal).I moved my business into selling secondhand goods, and also concentrated upon niche markets favoured by the reasonably well-off. I was well ahead of the rest of the pack.

If the BNP had been in power they would have acted immediately to protect the British people from the ravages of the current recession, and, we might even have profited by it (Mr Griffin, do you need a Minister of Trade, my application will be in the post tomorrow!)

The BNP is not the conglomerate of old-school Nazis and racists that former nationalist parties were, and the sooner that people stop heeding the claptrap that the established parties and their satraps and paymasters- the media, keep drumming out, the sooner that democracy will have a chance of being genuinely representative of the majority of the UK people.
2009-03-10 12:24:45 UTC
1- Because the BNP didn't forsee it. Many people knew that globalisation, consumerism, private banking, deregulation, and capitalism in general was heading for disaster.

2- Because Gordon Clown had no experience relating to finance, economics or accounting before become chancellor. If a government appoints people who have no expertise, then failure is inevitable.

RE, the Asker: They didn't forsee it, because like I said, many others knew it was coming. Saying "the BNP forsaw it" makes it sound like they alone had some sort of expert foresight when it fact, it was common knowledge to everyone who wasn't A- Scottish one-eyed idiots and B- people running large corporations.

You'll also forgive me if I laugh at the irony of a BNP supporter accusing me of paranoia.

RE: Foghorn, the BNP are a fascist Nazi party. No amount of spin will convince reasonable people otherwise. Not everyone is as gullible as you
2009-03-10 12:30:59 UTC
It's important to note that whilst the BNP were right in this case, many people don't listen to them due to their radical 'policies' in other areas
2009-03-10 12:27:34 UTC
SIGUE HEIL! I love nazis and zionists and americans und natsi brits
2009-03-10 12:26:25 UTC
the man in the street could see it coming my friend but the chancellor and now (unelected) prime minister who was in charge of out finances was blinded by his owm mistakes.

how the hell gordon brown has the audacity to blame everyone else for this recession, is beyond me when then fool was the man in charge of our finances for 12 years before he became prime minister.

i think that gordon brown is personally to blame.
2009-03-10 12:30:04 UTC
a broken clock is right twice a day, doesn't mean it can be trusted all day long.
2009-03-10 12:23:12 UTC
England sucks
2009-03-10 13:28:05 UTC

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