Africa is the strongest continent in this world and has survived the longest through all it has been through.
This is the backbone to the problems. No other continent is as diverse as Africa is and always was. Otherwise name me a country in Africa whereby their language is the same as the country name (England- English, France- French). Human first evolved here meaning humans could evolve into more diversity in this continent obviously not much in skin colour because the climate is almost the same but in language looks way of life.
Diversity also stopped progression i.e industrial revolution. This need a large workforce of course speaking one language there are many alone in a small region in Africa.
Diversity also allowed conflicts to thrive allowing the slave trade to be use as a way off profiting from your many different enimies. Africa unlike Europe is so diverse had many kingdoms is small regions where as in Europe a kingdom was a large area speaking one language in basic unity and of course lesser conflicts.but bigger wars (world wars/ African ethnic conflicts) which ones are more dealier and which one is more frequent?
Also colonization would make things worse.
Yes every peoples have had slavery but has any had one on a scale as these two which are definately the two biggest by far in one continent lasting more than a mellenium.
Arab- 20,000,000 650ad- 1900
Atlantic more than 20,000,000 1400s-1900
40,000,000 People taken out of the continent.
The Atlantic involed West Central & Southern Africa while the Arab involed North West, North East, East Africa. Almost all of Africa at one point was involved in major slavery.
The triangle trade effect Africa the most. Yes people we know African sold their people but today can you or your friend make your country go to war? No. These times Africa had many Kingdoms and greedy Kings who didnt mind having wars with other kingdoms and selling there people. The vast majority of Africans were against and scared of the slave trade.
Europeans would trade their raw materials (guns materials alcahol) for African leaders producing either gold or people. Which were ship to the Americas for tropical food and other raw material which was shipped with the gold back to Europe for raw materials - Africa. Triangle trade profited Europeans mostly Americas with a free 100% prositable work force (slaves) and African leaders with personal wealth (African people with war fear abduction). Do you get it yet remeber diversity allowed this to happen.
Within 5 different centuries were people of West, Central & some Southern Africa living in fear of warfare concluding in abduction to an unknown place. Many villages moved to remote places in order to escape (Mountains, hills forests) places which were ideal for hiding but ideal for not living or progression. There were no communities by the coast or near any body of water. This would also cause the populations in these regions to scatter around causing a sparely populated places. There were thousands of ghost towns. At night people stayed indoors kept their children safe from groups of slave cathers who abducted vunrable children.
In all this history was not passed down jobs were not made progression was not happening. Fear was rising trust was collapsing populations were dropping generations were dissapearing. Young men became rare every family suffered from a lost one. Many chose to become slave cathers either to make money as it was the only way or just simply to be in a group in which they wont become a slave themselves. Many parts of Africa have had a scary evil pasr like this not only for a year but for centuries.
Africa is 3 times bigger than Europe yet Africas population reached the same as Europes in 1997. Today its only still rising with aids to slow it down.
Today there are 180,000,000 of African decent living outside Africa as descendants of slaves.
767,000,000 is Africa's black population half of which are under 25 (383,500,000).
White people began to think they are superior to blacks because their leaders were willing to sell their own people for raw materias white domination was begining black people bagan to think they were below them as well.
After slavery there were mostly elderly people and new borns few young people
Due to sparsely populated areas kings selling other kingdoms peoples low amount of strong men. Armys were unstable the people who were left didnt follow or trust their kings/cheifs. Areas were deserted communitites were still hiding no progression only wealthy Kings. Europeans could come in and pretend to be helpers. Some could easily otherthrow weakened kingdoms some Europeans simply created governments which gradually dimised the kingdoms. Some were jsut accepted by peoples who lived in fear of their leaders and wanted help and a change from these supposibly more advanced race (white people).
Scramble for Africa made Europeans make up countries against ethnic differences (todays civil wars) some more than two major groups were put under one country.
European controll made these countries dependant on them.
Europeans were now taking what they wanted for free (natural reasources) as they need not to trade with kingdoms which no longer existed. So Europeans were controlling while profiting and also trying to destroy African tradition and place theirs religion, civilization on made its confusing.
When independences came during the 20th century Europeans cut and ran didnt place down a democracy or give the peoples a chance to vote for their own native government and leaving of course only the brutal people to take over- Todays African dictators, corrupt governments.
Today Africa is like Europe's child which has to now grow up by itself and will one day
Corrupt governments
After independce almost instantly many of these government took out big loans from the world banks in order to buy weaponary to protect their leadership and controll others. This caused debt/ lowering of their currencies buisness intrests in these countries plumeted due to low currencys.
These governments simply hold the countries economy as their personal bank accounts spending only on weapons some pretend to help their people yet they really show much intrest.
Nigeria 28th richest in the World is richer than Portugal but would you think it is well thats because the govenment are probably one of the richest peoples in the world while there peoples live in compete poverty.
Unstable infrutructures mean living in bad conditions- allowing disease to survive and mutate. Aids is discovered in 1981 and many African states are not prepared for it no proper health cares or knowledge along with the high poverty simply allowed it to spread
Lowered life expectancys in many African countries
Created many orphans effecting the population.
Unfair Trade African exports are being priced by the buyers (Western Countries) shouldnt it be the other way round since when do you walk in the shop and say I am buying this for this price? Otherwise they wont trade with Africa as Western nations are rich and many African nations depend on this trade so they obbey to these rules. World bank and many western companies are prompting African leaders to privertise there buisnesses this is stopping things like people from clean water electricity toilets etc only so the western companies can gain profit and the currupnt governments from poverty.
To this day the effects of these
Diversity- For ever
Slavery- Not as large toady, but ongoing yet the effect are still
Colonization- Only ended last century yet to progress from it
Corrupt Governments- Unknown when it will end
Aids- Pandemic
Unfair trade- A long way to go
Are keeping Africa on its knees
So has anybody named another continent with these issues or which has been through all this?