before you read this know that for some very strange reason the word bias or prejudice will not appear where I wrote it in my answer on this answers page. In addition, I am sorry to say that the link provided for the extract provided is also invalid, but it is the only evidence I have for the source apart from the fact that it was a message convayed to a very good man called Joseph Teraila by an archangel; and I don't know if the message was transcribed into book form but it was transcribed onto the website that was under the address of the link. I also may have spelt his surname wrong as it is Ukraninian and that he wrote a book entitled 'Witness'.
If you doubt the source I suggest that you research the infomation contained in the extract and judge for yourself:
I think Julia really hit the nail on the head, and it clarifies a question, who is really running the show around here. Who gets picked and who dosent, says allot about the U.S government and its political manipulations. I don't mean Bush is a moran and that is why they' picked him as president, I don't care what puppit-on-a-sting-pulled-by-predjuice-the-evil-spirt compells, or has ever in the past compelled others or me to say the opposite of that - no one who is capable of organization to the extent of the burdens that Julia illustrated lay on his shoulder is really that stupid. People are foolishly cowards who conform to what is popular, not what is good yet persecuted for it. Most of us have made that kind of mistake at least at one point in our lives. And you think your behaving in a smart way in your comment more so than a question; I dare you to get into an argument with Julia and see how you match up to The Holy Spirit in her, who can not resort to arrogance and rudeness, while you are in your present state of mind. And, trying not to be rude as I write these words: I don't know you but I am wondering how do you think, you, would cope if you had to deal with the burdens of a U.S president like Bush...without some divine, or demonic, pride fuiled or Love driven, most definitly higher power? Or do you think man is capable of perfection? Did you ever consider that unlike Clinton Bush really believes in his Faith, dose not so intently try to mould it into his own image, or try to conform it to another doctrine or ideology. That he is brave. That he is visibly human and not afraid of reading a book upside down, as apposed to putting on a 'cool' act in the face of a real, insidious threat to his nation, a threat so insidious that people are falling at the feet of lucifer masquerading as truth, and a boastfull beauty that calls itself liberalism, that in truth considers itself to be smart and cool, superier, and if you even put your mind to a little bit of self-honesty, and consider your own weakness and contrast them to what is anti-Love: the opposite of Virtue, the opposite of stability, the opposite of real beauty. Could you look at yorself really hard in the mirror and honestly tell me you are really proud of persecuting something I hope in your heart, deep down wish for? So, who is really running the show? Playing the game?
Here is an intresting game, and fact:
"The tragedy that was planned by Satan took place on the 254th day of the year; set up the ciphers in order 2 + 5 + 4 and you have eleven and from the act of terror to the end of the year you have 111 days. This event took place on the 11th of September, that is 9 (month) + 1+1 = eleven. The first plane crashed into the tower, flying on flight number 11. There were 92 passengers on board: 9+2=eleven. The second plane was carrying 65 passengers: 6+5=eleven.
***Henry Hudson discovered the island of Manhattan on September 11.
***The word Afghanistan is eleven letters.
*** The number 11 in the occult expresses shock energy. It is the number of offering sacrifices. In Islam the number 11 in the Sufi tradition, symbolizes the sacrifice of the oneself or burning of oneself. It represents revenge according to the system of the godless."
There will come a day in the future when, the U.S anti God, anti-Truth, anti-Love: anti-life, anti-family, anti everything that your forefathers worked for will take over your country and it will fall to the ground, if only for a time, and people who behave as you do at the moment will mourn the betrail of their own hearts, of which they foolishly betrayed to the enemy of their inheritence.
Further, on behalf of Danielle S, who stongly gives the impression of a liberal (pro-Clinton) is the biggest hypocrite on this page, both to her own heart and conscience - if she has one at all (I don't know her personally in that regard). You know the saying, you cannot serve two masters at once, well thaqt more or less qualifys her to be a full blown liberal then. Let me give you a few BIG contradictions about the liberal left. Most of them are pro choice, a nice blinding little blasfamy of something inherintly good. Choice. It sounds good, dosent it? But, consider this, while Danielle S preaches on about the death of soldurs who died defending their country, in a war that was indeed a mistake made by President Bush, but who died for their own all the same; and again while they condone pro-choice it also follows that they are in faviour of stem cell research, which is the seed of anti-life being insidiously sown into your nations mind. It follows that if you are in faviour of stem-cell research you are also in faviour of eutanasia - another way of blindly betraying your own heart. Think about it. Your mother is in her 70's or eightys and suddenly she takes a stroke. She is paralised. She cannot communicate. A very professionall, kind-seeming nurse approaches you and asks you would you like to starve her to death, ah she will die in dignity, says the kind seeming nurse. BUT! Your mother can't speak. She can hear the conversation but she cannot tell you how it is breaking her heart and terrifieing her, she is not MENTALLY or EMOTIONALLY ready to die. She is very ill, but she dosent believe in suiside. And there is you sister having a deep conversation with the nurse while you either comprehend the horror that has just taken place or are about to clatter that neo-nazi-mentality doctor one accross the face, but you know if you do that she could take you to court because you 'assulted' her INSPITE OF HERSELF.
And what do you do? Stand back like many so called s.m.a.r.t, unemotional, COOL people do. Let the angel of death and your heartless hypotethical sister so deeply, intallectualy intend? Or take a stand for the cause of your tears whenever you cry? Or side with that evil representitive sister? Break your mother's heart all because, like a little infant, she cant SPEAK?
AND because some profaned part of your human nature is secretly seduced by the doctor's intallect, looks up to it like society is increasengly tending to do? Sees it as somting like a god? Or would you refuse to call the cult of the intallect a falce god because you have the wisdom to love yourself enough to discern that NOBODY is better than you, and the humility to accept that you are better than nobody?
"Wake up little children, come home, I love you" - Jesus
Your ears are in your heart. He is the King of my heart, and the Master of my mind. All wisdom and truth flow from the Holy Spirit, without His Spirit I am, and we are, nothing. Nothing but slaves and puppits being manipulated and brainwashed by saten and his evil spirits and his followers here on earth, in the elements, and in a living hell. A life of hell, and the reality of hell thereafter.
Godbless you in your choices. I will pray for you. Amen.