Poll: Is Barack Obama a good president?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Poll: Is Barack Obama a good president?
1052 answers:
2014-12-16 06:30:48 UTC
Barack Obama is not a President he is merely filling the space until one can be elected.
2014-12-16 12:54:02 UTC
No way -- It is sad that Obama won as I, a person who is white and who voted for McCain, was hoping the first black president we would have would be a good one. I believed that Obama not being a good president could make the connection that white people and black people have with one another weaker.
2014-12-16 17:25:10 UTC
Hell No ! He is WAY over his head. He has not prevailed in ONE piece of legislation which has benefited America. Obama Care is disastrous and way too expensive, especially in the long term. Can't wait for his term to be over !
Nanny State H8
2014-12-16 06:31:26 UTC
No. Proof of this is that even his biggest supporters are now running from him. Only deluded liberals (what some call "Obamabots") still think he's good.
2014-12-17 11:56:27 UTC
ObombO is A LIAR ,, has nothing to better the USA ,,, has not one idea how to improve health care ,,, and please do not remember him as good president cuz the facts stand that he is not good at much of anything besides undermining the people of the USA .... He is so weak that he cannot even control the City of Ferguson, MO..........
2014-12-16 19:15:33 UTC
Worst president ever. Barack Obama is a Muslim terrorist.
2014-12-17 17:45:28 UTC
I am 69 yrs old and have seen many presidents in my time. I never like Clinton but I would take 2 more terms of him in place of 10 more minutes of obama . Never have I seen more corruption and out right lying then from this administration. This last election has shown that the people are sick and tired of the dumbocRAT party and the president
Olivia Jessee
2014-12-17 08:22:11 UTC
totally Not
Smartest Guy in the Room
2014-12-17 12:36:18 UTC
I've been around since Kennedy and I've never seen anyone like obama before...he's the worst type of person you want as a President...
Henry C
2014-12-17 08:06:44 UTC
No, I don't think so.
Andy F
2014-12-16 17:02:31 UTC
As US presidents go, I think he's pretty good, yes. He certainly hasn't done many of the things that I hoped he would, when I voted for him and donated money to the Democratic cause. In some cases this is because Obama -- like all US presidents, I believe -- has to play ball with the biggest campaign donors, with the "1 percent," in order to get anything done. I think that's why his Treasury Dept. people made sure the big financial industry bailout of 2009 was mostly directed toward helping the banks, not the people who bought bad mortgages from them. But Bush's people did exactly the same thing before Obama's people got to it. It shows how powerful the Wall Street banks are, I think.

In other ways, Obama has often tried to do right but has been undercut at every turn by the GOP, I think.

Hard to tell how historians will think of him 50 years from now.
2014-12-17 12:14:05 UTC
It's hard to say, history requires us to look backwards, he gets a lot of flak, and I am not sure all of it warranted. The ridiculous constant accusations about his birth certificate, whether or not he has ties to Muslim terrorists, etc. seem to overshadow him. His health care plan was ambitious and it appears that he did something truly historic in that realm. All presidents are subject to intense criticism and to a lot of outright paranoid, political speculation, some of it erring on the side of insanity. People use the prez as an outlet for blame. The truth is if we each did something to make this country a better place we'd be healing this nation in no time. Easier just to blame him and everyone else I guess.
2014-12-17 14:59:14 UTC
He's doing fine, I guess. No worse than what we've had in the past to be sure. Still I think the President gets too much of the credit and the blame for a lot of issues. If you want tangible changes to your daily lives, you should pay more attention to your state and local governments, not the feds. Your mayor has more effect on your daily life than the President ever will.
2014-12-17 09:13:48 UTC
Yes. He's a good president. But my issue with him is, he talks about change but won't do it. There should be just one president. There should be at-least 3 of each majority. So six in total.
Justin S
2014-12-17 07:31:50 UTC
His position on issues is very similar to Jimmy Carters when he was in office. I wouldn't say he is terrible, probably mediocre, like he hasn't done anything huge besides Obamacare, but that is a controversial thing, so it will take time to know. You can't really begin to judge a presidency until they are out of office, so ask this again on Jan 20th, 2017.
2014-12-22 18:46:16 UTC
Barack Obama is not a President he is merely filling the space until one can be elected.
2014-12-22 19:16:57 UTC
He's the worst president in America's history. He's a Marxist and a Muslim and is presiding over the destruction of America. He's gutted our military, destroyed the economy, destroyed the best healthcare system in existence, opened the borders as wide as possible so ISIS and drug cartel members can come in, disappear and are never tracked, embraces terrorists while designating returning veterans who put their lives on the line for this country, pro-lifers, etc as potential terrorists, is coddling Iran as they feverishly rush to finish their nuclear capabilities (and showered 7 BILLION dollars on them in a goodwill gesture), has never been caught in a truthful statement. This is only the tip of the iceberg. Get the picture?
2014-12-22 05:46:15 UTC
As the current Presider of the USA he has been a respectful leader of the free world. He is polite and tries his best to do the right thing. He does not embarrass us like some of his predecessors have and that has much intrinsic value. In my opinion. I consider him to be a good heated man.
2014-12-26 19:53:15 UTC
I do not think so. But in truth to judge a President you need wait 20 years to see how things come out later.
2014-12-22 14:07:24 UTC
I didn't vote for him but I had hoped that he would make a difference. The only differences that he has made are a health care system that won't and has cause more of a racial divide than any other president.
2014-12-16 18:02:59 UTC
I do not think so. But in truth to judge a President you need wait 20 years to see how things come out later.
2014-12-22 04:59:25 UTC
We haven't had a relatively "good" president since Clinton. Clinton was able to balance the budget and start to pay off the enormous debt created by Reagan and Big Bush. Maybe our next president will finally put a stop to the "temporary" Little Bush tax cuts.
2014-12-25 00:49:02 UTC
I think he is a good President.
2014-12-24 02:09:18 UTC
I think he is a good President.
2014-12-24 00:52:46 UTC
I think he is a good President.
2014-12-16 21:05:25 UTC
This question is subjective, I personally think he has done a good job, alot better then that mistake of our last president. I'm still waiting for that mistake to scab over and heal.
2014-12-17 10:39:21 UTC
2014-12-26 06:04:57 UTC
2014-12-17 07:58:26 UTC
2014-12-27 22:04:55 UTC
yes he is a good president
2014-12-24 01:15:22 UTC
yes he is a good president
2014-12-23 21:01:53 UTC
yes he is a good president
Damian Z
2014-12-17 04:23:01 UTC
2014-12-17 01:43:43 UTC
Barak obama is a good president.
2014-12-17 07:46:27 UTC
I think he is a good President.
2014-12-22 20:42:49 UTC
I think he is a good President.
Adopted by Madonna
2014-12-22 09:54:59 UTC
Ne would be a good president if he was the president of Syria.
Darth Beaver
2014-12-16 06:37:56 UTC
History will decide...Good President?....or Great President?....or GREATEST PRESIDENT!
2014-12-16 06:33:51 UTC
No. No president that borrows like a Republican can possibly be considered better than average.
2014-12-17 07:42:23 UTC
yes he is a good president
2014-12-22 14:39:15 UTC
I do not think so.

My number one reason being- HOW is abortion okay? It's not.

Life begins at conception, NOT once they are actually born. I don't care what you say.

It is NOT EVER okay to kill anyone, wether they are out of the womb or not.
Chris H
2014-12-17 10:42:28 UTC
While I don't agree with everything he has done, he is a huge improvement over George W. Bush.
Adullah M
2014-12-16 20:39:54 UTC
Good in the sight of those who elected him as President .
2014-12-18 20:27:03 UTC
2014-12-18 17:29:34 UTC
There is a great article in Time magazine on this subject, I suggest looking into it. Yes, I do in fact think that he is.
wayne c
2014-12-16 19:37:21 UTC

2014-12-16 06:32:35 UTC
he ended 2 wars (although we are still there fighting)

the stock market is up (feds pumping 85 billion a month into the markets)

unemployment down (everyone is collecting welfare)

taxes are lower than ever (obamacare is largest tax increase in decades)
2014-12-21 15:43:16 UTC
I think a good president is one who can fix this mess we are in Obama cant do that with the time he has he's neither good nor bad. Just too damage done to this country for it to be sorted out anytime soon.
Annly Prjpt
2014-12-20 22:00:52 UTC
Yes Barack Obama is a good president because he is a good leader and he has great thought.
2014-12-20 03:04:02 UTC
I'm 65 , and he is the first president that I can say , I'm proud of.
2014-12-19 19:04:13 UTC
That's prety subjective but overall the answer I give is yes, Obama have been a pretty good president. Under his watch, we have killed Osama Bin Laden, prevented the financial system from collapse, reform health care so more people will be covered plus slowed the rise of soaring health care spending from the government, also bringing the price of gas way back down from over $4 a gallon to $2.50 a gallon. Racist tea party Obama haters can never claim the republicans did this nor can they refute these FACTS. I believe Obama could've done a better job if it wasnt for these republican/tea party obstructionist blocking him at every turn.
2014-12-19 09:49:23 UTC
Do you live in la la land?

Or have you been asleep for the last 6 years.
Valen Dreugh
2014-12-19 02:49:01 UTC
It's popular to hate the president, regardless of who he is, why do you think the media does it all the time? Notice all the serious, positive answers here get thumbs down like crazy, and the hateful ones get thumbs up like crazy. Good job, guys, you're part of our problem, the obsession with negativity.
2014-12-19 01:24:12 UTC
Yes, I strongly believe.
2014-12-21 17:52:00 UTC
2014-12-21 07:30:58 UTC
Christians do not speak against who God has placed in power. I think he has done all he can with what he's had to work with. His real legacy will be how wrong america has been about what he is suppose to be doing now. he is not trying to take away rights( gun control ). He is trying to have some control over some impending disaster. i actually think he is trying to save not destroy us.
2014-12-20 13:33:24 UTC
Yes-although he hasn't done many of the things he said he would do back in 2008 and 2012 he has ended two wars, got us out of a recession, lowered unemployment, & gotten gas under three dollars
2014-12-20 03:28:47 UTC
Scott A
2014-12-19 20:34:54 UTC
He is nothing more than a criminal, rivaling Clinton in acts of violating the U.S. Constitution. A man of the people, that pushed to expand the power of the illegal Federal Reserve, the 2ns largest criminal institution in the world, next the the Bank of England.
2014-12-19 19:02:00 UTC
No, record unemployment, country in unrest, no respect from other countries, spent more money than all the past Presidents combined.
2014-12-19 16:20:12 UTC
He really is not a President to me in the actual sense of the word. To me he is a Harvard hippie in the White House more concerned with an agenda that is opposed to traditional culture. Yeah, he is more of a cultural figure than a Presidential leader. He has impacted this country more than most because he has brought the ,most radical changes. I mean who'd a thunk it - we are more estranged from old allies like Israel and the Ukraine and 'helping' to strengthen Iran and Cuba?! Man
2014-12-19 14:11:38 UTC
2014-12-19 13:28:16 UTC
hell yes, everybody that disagree are racist.
Blue Panda
2014-12-19 11:55:47 UTC
Yes. He's fair and concerns about people.
2014-12-19 11:33:07 UTC
He is horrible, trying to ban guns which will make us vunerable to criminals, wasteing all of our money so our taxes go up, giving our tax money to people who are simply to lazy to work so our taxes go up even more, he has been our worst president by far, he doesn't even budget, he just spends
2014-12-19 11:19:13 UTC

From his first day in office, he has been subjected to all kinds of maltreatment from the U.S. Senate to the U.S. House of Representatives. Where is the respect given to other men, far less qualified, like George W. Bush; the GOP Senator in charge of the minority, who has told everyone, "I will do all that I can to make sure he is a one-term president." The things he has accomplished during his tenure have been through Executive Order! Years from now, his Presidency will reflect just how good he was!
2014-12-19 09:47:20 UTC
He is a good president, but he has been rendered nearly helpless by an unreasonably hostile Congress.
2014-12-19 08:53:15 UTC
Worst president ever. Barack Obama is a Muslim terrorist.
long lashes
2014-12-19 02:23:49 UTC
eh. i think hes working for the guys who own the fed reserve. not so much for america.
2014-12-19 01:08:02 UTC
yes i think he knows what he is talking about.
2014-12-18 21:32:40 UTC
I guess so.
2014-12-18 15:02:23 UTC
So i m just gonna go and say "yes"....just so i can see how many dislikes this will get.
2014-12-18 08:56:44 UTC
My own personal political stance should first be stated in the answering of this question as I consider my-self a largely neutral party. Now, that being said, it's honestly hard to say if Obama is truly a good president or not because he did not seem to get much time to actually BE president. With the republicans doing everything they could to block everything he tried to do it could hardly be called much of a presidency. I do believe he could have been a good president had he realized that the republicans would do whatever it takes to stop him. However, he cannot be faulted too much in this as propaganda and other forms of persuasion I have seen used by the Republican Party has very much swayed the people of America. So, in conclusion and having done research on this ahead of time, I would have to say this question has no solid answer and will hopefully lead to a debate on the much more fundamental problem that is set within our government. Namely, the two party system that has this nation tearing itself one way than the other without ever seeming to get much done.
2014-12-18 01:09:32 UTC
Yes, he is!
2014-12-22 01:59:23 UTC
2014-12-21 03:20:14 UTC
Name one American President who actually kept all Americans happy during the time He was in office? Every single one had His problems and issues while He was in power. Only in 20-40-100 years will We actually know just how good or bad Mr Obama actually was.
tijuana t
2014-12-20 08:27:59 UTC
he's an honest, human president, and you can actually understand him when he talks.
2014-12-20 04:49:50 UTC
Oh my God, NO...
2014-12-19 12:37:53 UTC
Hell no! He has bypassed congress many times. His immigration policy is awful. The only change his done is destroy this America. And obama care is not hipaa compliant. Were in massive debt. People's jobs are being reduced to part time so that the company doesn't have to pay their health care. The list goes on and on.
2014-12-19 07:50:16 UTC
2014-12-19 06:43:15 UTC
I think he’s a great president. The media has forgotten our prior president and the path he took us on. Mr. Obama has been trying to correct all of the mistakes Mr. Bush has made and is highly criticized for it. He has made his share of mistakes but so have other presidents. Mr. Obama is fighting Republicans and the racism in our government. Despite what people say he is trying to make the USA a better place to live. When he made Obamacare he gave the Republicans the opportunity to help develop it. The Republicans just want to dismantle it, instead of enhancing it to better the lives of Americans. I am half oriental and half Latin and I can’t help wonder if he was white would we be having this discussion.
2014-12-18 23:27:21 UTC
I would never consider him a good president. He seems like a great family guy, but he does not know how to run The Government. He also did walk in when things were already bad, but made things worse. Because of him we might be looking at a future war with Russia.
2014-12-18 19:56:18 UTC
I think he is good president, but most people comments on the president judges him too harshly on his decision and sometimes blame their mishap on the president.
2014-12-18 18:52:36 UTC
2014-12-18 15:11:17 UTC
2014-12-18 10:23:23 UTC
Well, I may not agree with all that he says or stands for, but then again, I do agree on some things he says. I am in the middle. For our crisis currently, I know he is doing all that he can to better our nation. NO president is perfect. So I just pray that the Presidents are wise in their choices and that our Nation prospers. Also, I'm glad we have a Black president. Had to say it, y'all.
Ron M
2014-12-18 08:53:21 UTC
HELL NO! talks the talk but never walks the walk.
2014-12-18 08:37:17 UTC
He is a dumb hippy and should be evicted as soon as possible.
2014-12-18 06:02:05 UTC
Yes I think so
2014-12-18 00:52:04 UTC
yes ,,,,...
2014-12-17 23:40:21 UTC
BARACK OBAMA is what America wanted for 2nd time for America$.If the people are not satisfied now then people should THINK 1st and then VOTE not like vote 1st and then think in future.
2014-12-17 22:10:57 UTC
2014-12-17 15:32:54 UTC
Yes, I think so. Obama can only do as much as congress lets him , or republicans. And we know they have the personalities of toddlers throwing a tantrum if they dont get their way. But he has completely changed this country since the clinton and bush days(both) for the better. People, may not see now what he has done since we are an "instant gratification" country , but years down the line we will see just what exactly he has done. To me he is the greatest president thus far. Why? becuase he has done thing for the American people. Some will say not its Lincoln or kennedy. Lincoln is known for freeing the slaves, but he freed them to have them join his army he needed more people to fight the south. And Kennedy was just trying to shut people up, he the civil rights movement he cared about the image America had in the world. Obama is the best thus far, and im hoping Ms. Hilary Clinton can follow in his footsteps as well!!
2014-12-17 13:14:00 UTC
No, but I like how he just announced he'll be trying to lift the embargo on Cuba!
Asrat Mengesha
2014-12-21 09:10:33 UTC
No, because he ignored my investment request. Actually, i don't even say hi to him in case i meet him.
2014-12-20 23:49:26 UTC
he had zero experience running even a candy how could he run the whole country...... he's extremely idealistic,,,,but hasnt a clue how to be presidential....and unify the senators and representatives.....which a president...must know how to do.
2014-12-20 02:56:43 UTC
Kaylee A
2014-12-19 22:02:33 UTC
He's alright
2014-12-19 17:14:50 UTC
2014-12-19 07:48:21 UTC
I like him :) I think he's a good president!
2014-12-19 07:02:58 UTC
2014-12-18 18:24:54 UTC
2014-12-18 13:53:13 UTC
IN some ways good, in some ways not so good.
2014-12-18 11:19:57 UTC
2014-12-18 10:27:15 UTC
Billy Butthead
2014-12-18 07:29:17 UTC
He could not be worse.
2014-12-17 17:49:18 UTC
hes better than john F kennedy
2014-12-17 17:28:18 UTC
It is hard to answer this question briefly, and with such a common adjective. But, since this question probably doesn't want an extremely long answer, I will say Obama is mediocre at best, and for the majority of the time, illogical, big - government (communist), a big - spender, and ruins our countries principles.

If you want a more detailed answer, here is more of my opinion, or most likely the correct answer..

Obama seems more focused lately, especially on relations with Cuba. If you are looking at positives, the main area is relations with other countries (especially third world countries like Iraq and Syria) and also ending and preventing wars. So there is the positive job of Obama.
Ming Shaw
2014-12-17 17:02:46 UTC
Straight from omen 3.
2014-12-17 16:29:57 UTC
I think he is the best one.After he was elected, he recover the whole USA economy as you see nowadays, unemployment is getting lower and economy started to be a normal. İf we consider his economic peformance, of course
2014-12-17 13:36:14 UTC
Of course not!! Seems to be a puppet waiting for his advisers(?) to tell him what to say. In the meantime he

enjoys flying (most every day) anywhere and everywhere on Air force 1!
2014-12-17 13:36:12 UTC
NO. Not even a little bit. Probably the worst president this nation has ever had, and I include ALL of them.
2014-12-17 12:33:35 UTC
2014-12-21 13:06:39 UTC
If someone thinks he is a good pres, then wait two more years. His ego will get bigger than what is really good for America regardless if Your Black, Spanish, White, etc.
2014-12-21 00:23:35 UTC
He SUCKS..... he is a racist whereas he has infiltrated his cabinet with African-Americans and the one like Holder is a TOTAL waste of taxpayers money. He sent arms to the cartel in Mexico where they used them to kill men, women and children and also one of our Border Patrol agents. He should have been tried for conspiracy to commit murder and sentenced accordingly... and his ties to the Muslims by providing them arms is another affront to the American people. He talks about gun control where a normal citizen cant protect themselves yet he has at least a dozen armed Secret Service members around him and his family at all times. A TRUE hypocrite.
2014-12-19 23:07:31 UTC
Yes I believe that he has many plans for

Flavoured Pants
2014-12-19 17:00:06 UTC
No. We could do SO much better tbh.
2014-12-19 10:01:04 UTC
2014-12-19 08:54:43 UTC
Anyone that uses "executive order" (as often as he has) to streamline legislation that may not/ will not get through Congress should be a dictator, NOT a President of the USA.
Random Guy
2014-12-19 08:41:57 UTC
Mediocre mostly.
2014-12-19 07:11:32 UTC
Bailey Loewe
2014-12-18 19:17:33 UTC
yes and no
2014-12-18 17:31:50 UTC
Considering shutting down of the government by the opposing party he a achieved alot. Good President? much better than Bush was.
Black and White
2014-12-18 12:47:00 UTC
2014-12-17 22:10:39 UTC
2014-12-17 18:14:05 UTC
yes, obviously his not perfect no one is but I would say his good
2014-12-17 17:04:51 UTC
Yes, he's a good president. The thing about him though is when he says he's going to change something, it doesn't exactly happen. Unless proven otherwise, I really don't think I have any reasons to hate him as the U.S. president.
2014-12-17 16:30:03 UTC
Relatively speaking, yes. I mean, he's overall better than Bush, but that's not saying much. Sure, Obama has helped several things, like the deficit, unemployment, healthcare, immigration, etc, but this does not make him progressive by any means, and in many areas, he's even farther to the right than Bush was. He's constantly trying to increase the amount of troops we have overseas (he NEVER ended any wars, that's just bogus) and he has increased the amount of drone strikes we do on other countries, even more than Bush did. Even many of the good things he did aren't very progressive. His healthcare reform made healthcare overall cheaper and had more people insured, sure, but that wasn't a progressive healthcare idea. It was a centrist healthcare policy originally devised by Richard Nixon, not Obama.

In summary: Obama is a center-right politician. He's hardly progressive at all. He's better than Bush, but that's not saying much.
Lamar Davis
2014-12-17 15:07:23 UTC
No. He is THE worst president this fine country has ever seen... Long live Reagan.
2014-12-17 14:52:26 UTC
HECK no.
2014-12-17 13:39:11 UTC
All things considered ,He is doing pretty well and seems to have finally got a grip on the problems of our world.
2014-12-17 11:40:06 UTC
He is a good President and no one else in his place could do better. Above all he is a true democrat. What else one wants ?
2014-12-17 10:20:56 UTC
obama all in all is not a good president
The Mad Lasher
2014-12-21 23:39:31 UTC
No he is not. Compare Watergate to the attack on the US Consulate in Libya. Watergate was a botched break in to find out Democratic Party tactics for running against Nixon. Nixon had no idea of it until after the break in and his mistake was covering it up to help his boys. No one got hurt, no elections were wiped out, nothing really of not other than he covered it up. The Benghazi attack cost 4 Americans their lives, including the Ambassador. Please don't forget they begged for help but no help was forth coming. The president lied in saying the attacks were in response to an anti-Muslim video. He is not a good president or a good person based on his behavior.
five toed sloth
2014-12-21 05:19:29 UTC
2014-12-20 01:07:32 UTC
Hell no! Not just no but Hell No! I just don't get how and why he is able to get away with all of the things he has done that are considered breaking the law in addition to doing unconstitutional acts that are impeachment acts and/or resulting in imprisonment. He should have the name Teflon Barack.
2014-12-19 22:51:34 UTC
Definitely not.

The US of A has never been this lowly regarded.

People didn't recognize Hitler when he was ruling his people. And Americans do not see this tyrant's ways either. He is ruling America in the same way. I feel as tho we're back in the 50's where racial issues seems to have gone backwards. Since when do illegals become rewarded? Just this week have seen 2 Latino families both families have grown in size. They've remained in the US for 20 and 30 yrs respectively. And yet they've not considered becoming citizens, and still honor their own language, rather than to assimilate. This is certainly not the path refugees have taken in the past. So why is it acceptable now?

I believe we have all come from other countries. The difference is our grand parents came with respect for this country, and became contributing citizens. This seems to no longer be the case.

Too many wish to be a part of the American Dream with no sacrifices whatsoever. Very VERY sad.

I NEVER hear other cultures refer to themselves as German: or Irish; or Italian; or Swedish; Or French, etc.........So what makes Latinos so special???
Mickey Mantle
2014-12-19 15:38:04 UTC
Look at where we are versus 2009 when he took office. No look at the fact that he has done it all with absolutely no help from the Republicans. Market has nearly doubled, we got Bin Laden, no wars, unemployment under 6%, what 50+ months of consecutive job growth, saved the auto industry and again, my main point.....NO HELP FROM THE RP!.....he is the greatest of all time!
2014-12-19 13:30:06 UTC
I don't live in the US, so I don't care.
love child
2014-12-19 08:38:42 UTC
I am really not a fan BUT I would have to say given his circumstance - he is phenomenal. Imagine going to work everyday and all of your coworkers are intentionally sabotaging your work and being open about their disdain for you.... How many of us could work like that while the ENTIRE world is watching and judging your EVERY move? #perspective
2014-12-19 05:37:56 UTC
your not obviously
2014-12-19 05:13:48 UTC
Very good for good..very bad for bad..
2014-12-18 17:50:06 UTC
No a man who lies is not a man of honor. A man who has no honor is not a good President
2014-12-18 16:31:29 UTC
Like Bill Clinton would say, "how do you define" good?
2014-12-18 12:45:44 UTC
He's a smart president, which is dangerous because in theory that makes him a great liar. He's a politician and whether Conservative or liberal, Republican or Democrat, politicians are professional liars. He's a good politician in that respect. I voted for him twice, and that is something I'm embarrassed about. I voted for W the first time, but I learned my lesson and didn't vote for him again. With Obama though, it was "Fool me once....shame, sh sh.. shame on... me, fool get fooled you don't get fooled again." I certainly was the fool and I voted for Obama the second time

In my opinion he didn't have any intention to commit to his campaign promises. That makes him a bad president. He kept tax cuts for the wealthy, he signed the NDAA violating the constitution, he brought troops home from Iraq but sent 30,000 to Afghanistan at the same time which seems sneaky. He didn't have anything to say about the Scott Walker situation with the unions in Wisconsin.

But my brother has medicaid now that he otherwise wouldn't have, so it's hard to say he's a bad president. So just in my opinion, Obama is a Great Politician, and he is the President. I'm not sure good or bad. Too diabolical to be good, but my brother is too "alive" for me to consider him bad.
2014-12-18 09:30:04 UTC
Yes much like those who went before him
2014-12-18 04:41:37 UTC
2014-12-18 04:16:46 UTC
No, not really. I wish the people of this country would do their homework on the candidates about their background and what they stand for in every election. He only had 138 days of experience in congress. Sadly the people were memorized by the word "Change."
2014-12-17 17:26:27 UTC

what has Obama done to help this country. he has seperated into two groups the havs and the hav not. its been 6 years since bush left office. We need to move forward . I am tired of him blaming everyone but himself for our problems he is not a leader.
2014-12-17 13:47:42 UTC
That depends on your definition of "good". Now I think he is a very poor president and leader, but that is only by my criteria.
2014-12-17 13:09:47 UTC
2014-12-17 08:51:24 UTC
I think anybody who thinks he's a good president needs their head examined. First of all, he doesn't even meet the requirements to become a US President. He has to be a natural born citizen which he is not. He has bailed everybody and their brother out of trouble, put our Social Security at a high risk of "running out" in the very near future. Don't mention that he has made sure this country is no longer a democracy - by officially requiring all citizens to carry health Insurance. That is capitalism any way you look at it. And last but not least, he allowed anybody from anywhere to become US citizen, even if here illegally. It's just not that big of a deal to get a green card people. I could care less who lives in this country but basically there are no laws concerning illegal aliens anymore. I do remember being proud of being an American - as we said Pledge of Allegiance to the flag daily - including "one nation under God". I think when the prayer was removed, everything started going downhill. It's really sad because I always looked forward to a black president - a lady president too, as long as it's not Hilary Clinton.

All I'm saying is "get informed" people.
Beavis Christ AM
2014-12-21 13:27:57 UTC
Below average. He tried to fix the problems he inherited from one of the worst President, but mostly failed.
2014-12-19 20:32:07 UTC
2014-12-19 12:12:26 UTC
Barack Obama is an OK president. he is not as bad as the Republicans lead us to believe. When it comes to foreign policy though, he is a failure. I do not like how he has handled things overseas. I can fill a page, but I will leave it at that.
Man Of Respekt
2014-12-18 20:51:53 UTC
He's better than Bush but all politicians in the bipartisan left-right constructs are BAD. So in the sense of contrast, he's ok. But has he changed anything?
2014-12-18 17:34:38 UTC
I think so.

History will be kind to him.

Judge not, or you will be judged.
2014-12-18 09:54:20 UTC
No. Far from it.
2014-12-18 09:48:34 UTC
There were only two U.S Presidents Abraham Lincoln and John F Kennedy, they were assassinated

because they were good, just trying to make this ugly:) world better for every one.

Lesson learned don't be good;) Jesus was crucified just for being good and to make this world

a better place so that we could call HOME not hell... lol
2014-12-18 09:42:01 UTC
he is fair
mad dog
2014-12-18 06:22:56 UTC
Change is very hard for some Americans, especially uneducated and bigots. Obama will be judged 25-50 years from now on how good is was. I hope the young people here, under 30 years old, realize that prejudice and hate are a cancer of the soul.
2014-12-18 05:31:46 UTC
All these yes answers just prove how effective the main stream media has been in brainwashing and covering up the illegal actions of this guy/ The problem is that too few Republicans have the balls and the integrity to stand up, speak out and stop this man. Watch what he does, not what he says and it's glaringly apparent that he is intentionally harming America. Watch the "YURI BEZMENOV" interview - full version on youtube to understand how the communists have brought us down
2014-12-18 02:01:38 UTC
As I think so he is good and can be better
2014-12-17 23:39:14 UTC
2/10 overregulating and communist idealogically
2014-12-17 15:24:47 UTC
First off this has happened for many presidents. The media is just saying what the president is doing and is mostly saying what he is doing and showing the bad stuff on him.
2014-12-17 14:17:40 UTC
I think so. When you work with a group that is competitive you have to be good at what you do or you will be eaten alive. His spirit is why he can function when most would crack ...
2014-12-17 12:54:45 UTC
no he his made worst than every been
2014-12-17 11:55:50 UTC

Do you really have to ask?
2014-12-17 11:18:39 UTC
Mr. O is not a good leader or role model for anything. Why?

1) No accountability. How many times has he deflected and blamed others? As a leader you must decide you take responsibility no matter what caused the actions. The buck STOPS with you. Google which wise person said that phrase.

2) Horrible fiscal policies. The majority of his plans STEAL from the future just so a very limited minority can enjoy now. WTF? Mr. O loves to give things away without considering how things will be properly funded. Would you do that with your own personal monies? The overwhelming majority of people would not, so why would a wise leader elect to do this for our entire Nation?!

3) Complete LIES and back peddling. He LIED about the costs for the Affordable Care Act. He LIED about the benefits and how it can help most people. The truth is most of us will pay more for this peace of horrific crap for generations to come all because Mr. O and his idiot minions believed "you need to pass it first before knowing what's inside". Would you buy a car without researching it first? Would you hire someone without interviewing them? Would you marry someone without first meeting them? Come on! And of course there are the LIES he kept and spread about how diplomatic he has been his entire time in office.

4) Lack of diplomacy. How many executive orders has he shoved down our throats? Real diplomatic. He claims others block him left and right. Well sir, what have you done to reach out (REALLY REACH OUT) and come to a compromise? All we hear is how you complain, whine and BLAME others. Well sir, that is not how a true leader behaves at all!

Mr. O is at least 20 years too young, inexperienced in all areas (education, finance, healthcare, military, LEADERSHIP, government and problem solving). He has a long long way to go before he will ever earn the respect of the people.

Lastly, his administration has already rewritten many history books crediting him for doing things he did not. Feel free to check the official websites and wikipedia and even textbooks. He might not be the worst leader in history but he is the WORST LEADER in my lifetime.
Sumo Bob
2014-12-17 10:32:56 UTC
Any one that tries to do away with Our Constitutional Rights is a commie lover as far as i'm concerned.
2014-12-17 10:29:58 UTC
I don't think he is a good president. My parents' opinions also affect my views, but from the way I see it. Obama likes to give people free stuff. But he doesn't realize that the younger generation- us-will have to pay for it.
2014-12-21 14:40:42 UTC
Hell no.
2014-12-20 05:29:18 UTC
He is sending money and weapons to terrorists in Syria!!! you call that good!!!???? so what will happen if Bush was there!!! Syria well be f***ed up...
2014-12-19 19:47:17 UTC
he is not bad
2014-12-19 19:24:35 UTC
Tony F
2014-12-19 16:56:25 UTC
i dont feel he is personally. not due to the usual tinfoil hat wearing insanity you would usually hear about just in the case of certain failures to act when he absolutely should have. namely in the case of benghazi. that was disgusting to learn about.
2014-12-19 16:02:28 UTC
Depends on the political party you support...
2014-12-19 12:12:39 UTC
how can you say this when we just came from the worse situation in history the bush administration that quite frankly was the worse situation that this country has ever been in and it was strictly all bush the man stole the world blind and he gets away with it because someone wants to divert attention from the real issue that bush was a criminal and should have been put in jail for not puttin this countries needs ahead of his own greed shame on the bushes and now they want us to forgive them and vote for his very crocket *** good luck
2014-12-19 06:00:44 UTC
No. In my opinion he's even worse than Bush.
Andy Britton
2014-12-18 17:37:18 UTC
yes he is =D
2014-12-18 14:00:17 UTC
2014-12-18 11:42:20 UTC
If what I hear about him is true, he is not a good president. I do NOT believe he is doing anything "for God" and do not believe he was as good as Bush (the father) You never know, he may be doing some good and definitely is better than a lot of other presidents. But DAMN he has amplified our debt.
2014-12-17 21:51:38 UTC
2014-12-17 17:23:10 UTC
Yes he did and is doing what others try to do or never even tried to do.

It is not easy to break the walls of communism and oppression in a country

that is infected with it. I think he has done what he said he would do when he

took office the bigger things are those that need the approach he is taking

to change things and maybe their citizens will stay in their home country

if things get better economically.
2014-12-17 17:16:55 UTC
He's a good president. If he had more support from congress he'd be great. But I think that's what they are all afraid of, So they oppose everything, threaten gov shutdowns, and look for ways to impeach him based on things every president in history has done. Which only effects us the people. Politics suck. However, history books won't remember any of it. He got Bin Laden, Ghadafi, ended the Iraq war, ended the Afghan war, started the overhaul on healthcare, and stopped up the bleeding economy that Bush left. That's really all history will remember.
2014-12-17 13:45:23 UTC
2014-12-17 13:27:09 UTC
Hell ******* NO!! Obama is the worst president in U.S. history!! Anybody with an IQ above 10 would know Obama is a bad president. Even the people who voted for him are wishing they didn't. Obama has violated the constitution on several occasions and he needs to be impeached and imprisoned for treason; Both Obama and Bush. Anybody who thinks Obama is a good president is either brain dead, or don't know what in the **** their talking about because he is the worst president ever. The United States have become the laughing stock for Europe and the rest of the world. Don't forget, The U.S. government is 18 trillion dollars in debt thanks to Bush and Obama.
2014-12-17 12:06:01 UTC
has good intentions but well eh
2014-12-17 11:43:59 UTC
Obama Is A Muslim Libtard Obstructionist, who wants the country to go into ruin So... NO
Kuuga Li
2014-12-17 09:51:19 UTC
2014-12-17 08:18:18 UTC
He's a puppet. That's all he really is.
2014-12-21 20:57:34 UTC
2014-12-20 02:28:03 UTC
He is afterall the first african-american president. And has a good sense of humor
2014-12-20 00:12:08 UTC
better than Gorge Bush.....
2014-12-19 21:40:33 UTC
Horrible!!! Healthcare is a mess...his own adviser called people STUPID for believing AFA would work-he's correct!! $18 Trillion in national debt. No spine in Foreign Policy. Overreach on Executive Action for Immigration "REFORM" that, in one swipe of the pen legalizes MILLIONS of people who CHOSE to break U.S. law willingly.

He would be considered a good President for Mexico tho... worst President in U.S. History sad to say...
2014-12-19 09:03:53 UTC
no he is spineless
2014-12-19 03:07:28 UTC
Of course
2014-12-19 00:42:52 UTC
2014-12-18 16:35:37 UTC
Although I respect President Obama and the leadership position he holds in our great nation, I cannot say I believe he is a good president. No.
2014-12-18 16:22:52 UTC
NO. He is ineffective, pushes for things that cannot happen without huge consequences, and does not have the courage of his convictions. He is a lame duck, and it is beyond me why he was put back into power a second time. Hillary would have made a much better POTUS, and as such in being in power so long he is ruining her chances at the next election because of her age. What a dope he is. Talks big, spits out empty!
2014-12-18 15:16:27 UTC
Definitely not!
2014-12-18 12:32:18 UTC
lets' see. 200,000 jobs a month,unemployment under6%,U.S. Nat'l product growth, the best of the OECD, The dollar is at it's strongest level in years, stock market nearing record highs, and coming back strong inspite of oil stocks, gas at the pump, the lowest in years,there is no inflation, interest rates lowest in 30 yrs., Increase in oil production in the U.S., oil imports, declining, deficit is rapidly declining, and the wealthy are still making astonishing amounts of money. Jobs should be going strong, but the House won't do anything (infrastructure). And he made a move on immigration, because the House won't. Cons will never mention any of it, especially FOX NEWS.
2014-12-18 08:48:18 UTC
Good Old Barrie came in power because the White Trash blew it, their hardcore criminal Bosch clan president sponsored Wall Street to telling more lies, cheat, steal, plunder, loot, ***** and suuck, decimate, devastate, kill, massacre, and genocide at will.

But then voters were so pissed off that they elect this Head Monkey to kick WT butts, slash and burn WT at will. It is payback time.

WT is weaker than O'Bomb Bra for sure. That is why O'Bomb Bra is still there being saluted We now have an insane country.....Insanity knows no bounds.
2014-12-18 04:41:32 UTC
Your life is in his hands. do the math.
2014-12-18 03:14:04 UTC
better than Bush family.............
2014-12-18 02:46:19 UTC
I would vote for him 20 times a day when faced against McCain and Romney.
2014-12-18 01:14:24 UTC
( Jewish Internet Defense Force )
2014-12-17 22:27:54 UTC
hell no
2014-12-17 11:01:55 UTC
2014-12-17 08:50:46 UTC
He's didn't say anything about racism when he was elected U.S. President, now that he's ruling similar to that of his (see C D Obama's America 2016) father; he & first lady brings up racism. How many blacks has the president hired in his cabinet?
2014-12-17 08:21:36 UTC
It took America 6 years to finally admit he sucks.
2014-12-22 01:18:24 UTC
H.Hill of Arlen
2014-12-21 09:01:37 UTC

2014-12-20 06:00:27 UTC
The good and bad things are what form us as people... change makes us grow.

2014-12-19 18:22:55 UTC
He should humbly refuse to walk the same halls as the likes of Jefferson and Adams and yes Bush and even Carter.
2014-12-19 10:39:23 UTC
yes he is
2014-12-19 05:32:13 UTC
The president before was the worst Republican.. and the president now is the worst Democrat.

I don't know which one is worse.
2014-12-19 04:22:23 UTC
hell **** shut the front door no He thinks that because he is black he is wonderful (not say all blacks are like him) if you dont do what i say i shout recaist i am a manority. bull **** and his wife looks like a slut
2014-12-18 22:34:01 UTC
i think he didn't get any hard challenge to face, so we cannot make him good yet
2014-12-18 19:19:00 UTC
2014-12-18 10:34:26 UTC
I guess
2014-12-18 09:33:06 UTC
Imo, sure.
Regit Nairebis
2014-12-18 09:12:41 UTC
Only time will tell whether that is the case or not. The consequences of his presidency, both good and bad, will be what ultimately determines his service as President.
2014-12-18 07:07:25 UTC
YESS!! btw for the comment up there that mentioned hes a muslim terrorist. lemme tell you something.. just because he may be a muslim does not mean hes a terrorist. you cant judge one muslim for something wrong and then calling the whole muslim community terrorists. IT DOESNT WORK THAT WAY. GROW UP
2014-12-18 06:17:06 UTC
idk and I don't even wanna know!
2014-12-17 22:17:13 UTC
If you are a communist and want to one day live in a Utopia of free loading, free sex, and highly educated and high skill white slaves then yes, he is leading you down that road. If you like the old America, the one that is not fixable because there is nothing broken, unelss you have an agenda to change that is. Hey he is a stand up guy though. I will give him that much. He is not a liar. He said he will fundamentally change America from the inside out during his time in office if elected. He did a pretty good job of evil basically. So I think He sucks but can understand the others that just say yes he was great.
2014-12-17 19:19:31 UTC
2014-12-17 15:39:43 UTC
2014-12-17 14:46:36 UTC
Yes, he has done the best to his ability, taking into question how the republicans have stood in his way at every possible point in order to block anything that he does from happening. They just want him out so that they can get into office and by making the democratic party seem worthless and unproductive they think they'll get the presidential seat next election.
2014-12-17 12:35:52 UTC
Obama is a good president in the same way Bush was a good president.
2014-12-17 10:23:58 UTC
Nope, he fails miserably. Not to mention he isn't a real American, we don't even know his age and he makes a whole bunch of promises and doesn't keep them.

He has also increased the national debt by trillions!

We ate now $328 billion dollars in debt! Way more than America has ever been in debt!

He has no backbone, and when he doesn't get his way he throws a temper tantrum like a 4 year old.
Scott Brewer
2014-12-21 13:46:36 UTC
I am 56 and he is the worst President in my lifetime! Wake up people!
2014-12-20 18:51:57 UTC
Hell no he made black people a desecrase iam black and thats what i say dont you watch tv look at what he did in our damn life
2014-12-19 22:51:16 UTC
Same politics, different faces.
2014-12-19 08:13:50 UTC
Presidents should not been considered as best or worst... there's too much we don't know about to be able to make such a judgement... All of them are willingly or unwillingly lying to us.
2014-12-19 07:34:51 UTC
has there ever been a good president? the only way to really win presidency is to be a really good liar and have lots of money. no president is good. its more like a dictator ship.
Old Spice
2014-12-18 20:11:17 UTC
No. He's mediocre.
2014-12-18 18:03:20 UTC
I think he's fine. It's gotta be really hard being a President and too many people blame him for things out of his control.
2014-12-18 17:47:38 UTC
No. Obamacare was a big fail.
2014-12-18 15:12:51 UTC
I really don't think so.
2014-12-18 10:14:22 UTC
A unicorn is more realistic then his speeches..
2014-12-18 08:37:46 UTC
As US presidents go, I think he's pretty good, yes. He certainly hasn't done many of the things that I hoped he would, when I voted for him and donated money to the Democratic cause. In some cases this is because Obama -- like all US presidents, I believe -- has to play ball with the biggest campaign donors, with the "1 percent," in order to get anything done. I think that's why his Treasury Dept. people made sure the big financial industry bailout of 2009 was mostly directed toward helping the banks, not the people who bought bad mortgages from them. But Bush's people did exactly the same thing before Obama's people got to it. It shows how powerful the Wall Street banks are, I think.

In other ways, Obama has often tried to do right but has been undercut at every turn by the GOP, I think.

Hard to tell how historians will think of him 50 years from now.
2014-12-17 22:48:06 UTC
NO, I thought no one could be as bad as Johnson and Carter...I was wrong.......Obama is the worse in History and what's scary he gets worse by the hour.....................
2014-12-17 22:14:03 UTC
No. He is Un-American in every sense of the word. I am not saying that because I'm questioning his birth certificate, I am referring to his Un-American policies and wanting to turn America into some Socialist European nation.
2014-12-17 20:10:53 UTC
NO and NO...... socialism will not work...... Executive Action will not work.... We the People will work...... Period
2014-12-17 20:02:57 UTC
Yes and NO
the real fo shizzle mah nizzle
2014-12-17 17:23:04 UTC
2014-12-17 14:36:16 UTC
Hes amazingggg

People need to stop hating, show him some loveee <3
2014-12-17 13:14:36 UTC
Yes he is and screw the racists!
2014-12-17 09:18:42 UTC
If you're a special interest group or a person who likes spending money with no hope of ever seeing a return on it - then yeah, he's great at spending our money.

Sadly, we'll all bear the burden of his debt for decades to come. The debt he's leaving us with will be a heavy burden into our future.
2014-12-17 05:23:01 UTC
I think he's doing the best he can with a numb congress. He saved our auto industry. pulled us from a total depression left behind by the Republicans. Our economy is up and our relations with the rest of the world seems much better than what Bush left behind. Got us out of Iraq. He's doing OK!
2014-12-21 12:54:37 UTC
He's obviously Chaotic Neutral.
Abdullah Al Mahmood
2014-12-21 01:47:27 UTC
Barack Obama being the president of USA is good for followers of some particular religions but not for all. When he was elected president I thought he would be of all, he would be president of the world. Unfortunately it did not happen and I do not hope to happen in the future. Obama care is one of the good deeds he tried his best to implement despite of hard criticism and another good job of Obama I can mention is to validate a lot of unlawful immigrants. Let's see another two years and hope the best.
2014-12-20 04:05:24 UTC
i think he's alright. people should not be so quick to judge. this guy had to fix this HUGE mess that bush left behind. if this mess did not happen i bet he would be a president america would be so proud of.

P.S. america should BRING BACK CLINTON!
Tommy Boy
2014-12-19 19:20:03 UTC
I have no complaints as of late he is decent better than bush.
2014-12-19 15:27:49 UTC
yes his the best one so far!!
2014-12-19 14:25:38 UTC
No! Obama is a bad President because he nullified the "Defense Of Marriage Act" which action promotes the Union of Homosexual persons and which is therefor detrimental to the population expansion of the USA. If Marriage was the union of two same sex persons then the human race wouldn't be here today. Christian heterosexual Marriage is the only institution that can produce Socially and psychologically well adjusted American Citizens! Every developing infant needs it's natural Mother in order to develop and communicate it's needs and want's, properly and to mold it's future character development. Christian Marriage is the corner stone upon which a civilized Heterosexual American society and Nation is built. A Homosexual society cannot, by it's very nature expand or develop or lead the American People into the bright new future which, without President Obama, awaits us.
I Know The Answer
2014-12-19 13:00:38 UTC
Saying "Is Obama good for the US" is like saying "Is air good for fish".

Both give you an incredulous look and a NO WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!"
2014-12-19 10:19:48 UTC
Barack Obama is one of my favourite presidents of all time and i live in the U.K!
2014-12-19 09:58:56 UTC
i think Obama is a great president.
nancy b
2014-12-19 07:15:52 UTC
Yes, he is a good man, person, and father. He knows what he is talking about and what to do to help our country. It's the republican senate that making our country worse.
Latf La
2014-12-19 05:42:14 UTC
going against the congress and having aerial attacks does nt qualify you as a good man.
2014-12-18 11:56:30 UTC
He is not a good president at all.
Robert M
2014-12-18 07:50:45 UTC
HE is trying to UNDO all the damages done during the BUSH admin! When GEORGE was in office, nearly ALL textiles and auto plants left the USA FOR GOOD! He could have STOPPED THIS but ENCOURAGED selling our country to the CHINESE< the BASTARD! He ENCOURAGED the rich republican AUTO MAKERS to DUMP our wok force and use CHEAP labor to make HIGHER profits leaving the majority of the AUTO WORK FORCE bare and HUNGRY! Then that nonsense about IRAQI FREEDOM came up, which is a LIE and a JOKE on the US people since the BUSH family has owned oil wells in IRAQ since the FIFTIES! It was about PROTECTING THEIR OIL INTERESTS< as they NOW are retired on a MULTI MILLION DOLLAR TEXAS RANCH< while the rest of us suffer with HIGH FOOD COSTS< INSURANCE BILLS and FUEL COSTS! If you remember once OBAMA was elected, the price of fuel dropped by more than 50% tu UNDER $2.00 but is NOW inflated again but DROPPING. The TWIN TOWERS thing was retaliation for what GEO, SR> started, and it ruined HUNDREDS Or maybe THOUSANDS of families HERE and OVERSEAS! WE WERE FIGHTING FOR BUSH OIL FIELDS and the WRONG info that IRAQ has atomic weapons, thank you IDIOT CHENEY! WHy are the people SO ignorant as to have voted hat awful DO NOTHING FAMILY Into office FOUR TIMES?? OBAMA has ONE HELL of a job UNDOING all this NEGATIVITY that has affected our overseas image now for a DECADE AND MORE! HE is NOT perfect either, but WHO would be a GOOD PRESIDENT! I HATED watching the domestic AUTO INDUSTRY get sent to CHINA, MEXICO< and KOREA< and then watching the ASIAN and JAPANESE move their plants BACK into AMERICA! This was SEVERELY BAD POLITICS and hurt EVERYONE! I VOTED FOR OBAMA the FIRST time to get the BIBLE TOTING REPUBLICANS OUT OF OFFICE< the ones from the DEEP SOUTH< and to get some INTELLIGENT person in the office! In MICHIGAN we are all about DEAD financially and in most other ways as well! NO GOOD JOBS and BENEFITS for mos people! I worked for GM a while, and they were CUT THROAT people with NO cares about keeping families together through ANYTHING! The AMERICAN IMAGE is surely DYING OUT! We do NOT have the same choices that we once enjoyed. and CRIME is RAMPANT! I myself have lost FIVE CARS to AUTO THEFT! OUR PHONES were tapped, thank you GEO< and there was NOTHING TO TAP IT FOR! Many CELL PHONES now are tapped daily, and I see IRAQIS owning gas stations and markets and auto repair centers EVERY DAY as we DOMESTICALLY AMERICAN MADE WHITE folks SUFFER and DIE from reverse discrimination! MCCAIN was a total JACK ***! I remember him saying, "Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb IRAQ!" and SARAH PALIN was a GREAT cue card reader! We are ALL duped by this crap DAILY! We would be better off with MICHAEL PALIN< a BRITISH comedy guy! WIsh the KENNEDIES were still around, and the LAST president to balance the federal budget was, of course, BILL CLINTON! OUR COUNTRY has suffered DISMALLY with a BAD REPUTATION begun with the BUSH family! ROMNEY was a GREAT accountant and made money for AMERICAN MOTORS! This company is NOW DEAD< along with most GM divisions, which is what I tto happen! Their STAPLE CAR< the BUICK line-up is STILL not a UNIVERSAL CAR< and suffers from all the things that were wrong with it, when it was FIRST given to the public! IT STILL has lousy steering and BAD intake gaskets and a TRANS that quits at about 100k miles! The JAPANESE and EUROPEAN would never allow that kind of engineering into THEIR countries, trust me! FOR DECADES< our cars were LAUGHED AT by the other car making countries! even HYUNDAI does better, and same for KIA! WE NEED BETTER LEADERS and BETTER POLICIES or we will continue o SLIDE AWAY into the depths. WE should have BULLET TRAINS< and the BEST domestic cars out there made RIGHT HERE by AMERICAN WORKERS not the mexicans!
Md Masud
2014-12-18 03:12:43 UTC
I think yes
2014-12-17 19:41:44 UTC
I'm not sure whether he is GOOD or not, but I think he doesn't have enough power to deal with problems like Pakistan.
2014-12-17 17:21:31 UTC
Texas alone is the size of entire countries in the Europe, Spain, France and Germany ect.

Now think about governing 50 more countries

Its hard to keep everyone ecstatic, he's doing a good job and now is the future
2014-12-17 16:22:36 UTC
with out guns safest place whould be jail atleast your sarounded buy men with them so send me on if you can get my guns from me that is
2014-12-17 10:20:44 UTC
2014-12-17 08:18:03 UTC

when he refuses to honor our flag, doesn't know that there are NOT 57 states in the US, and the list goes on and on
2014-12-17 07:21:51 UTC
Could be
2014-12-19 23:03:20 UTC
2014-12-19 21:41:24 UTC
i don't exactly live in america or anything but from over in Australia it basically looks like he does nothing but makes sure he looks good and says the right things which are prompted by other people around him. for instance in Australia for his speech at university of Queensland he mentioned australis renowned xxxx beer which everybody "loved" and cheered him for, it was probably prompted by somebody else though.
2014-12-19 20:02:34 UTC
2014-12-19 19:51:47 UTC
no he is not a good president bcoz once I have heard from news that he asked our previous PM to close all industries in India as it is causing pollution . but he refused to stop industries of his countries. why? that industries r not causing pollution ?
2014-12-19 17:02:30 UTC
2014-12-19 14:56:23 UTC
I'm supportin' Obama 'cause he black xDD
2014-12-19 12:39:04 UTC
Are you kidding he is terrible. He spent more money in the first year of being in office then the rest of the US presidents in history combined.
2014-12-19 11:09:33 UTC
2014-12-19 06:40:21 UTC
Weak on foreign policy

Least transparent of modern presidents

Most corrupt of modern presidents

Most divisive of modern presidents

Least respect for the constitution and rule of law of modern presidents

Put more people on food stamps and welfare of any president

Resonbile for tepid economy and anemic job growth.

All in all--worst president since Jimmy CArter
2014-12-19 05:35:47 UTC
No , Barack Obama is a Muslim terrorist.
2014-12-19 01:25:49 UTC
No he is the weakest president that the USA have had in centuries.
2014-12-18 22:08:11 UTC
2014-12-18 18:51:01 UTC
2014-12-18 10:12:06 UTC
they say he is Muslim and gay..and they say he has been the worst president..but i say what he did with immigrants this month is great..bless him
2014-12-17 20:57:27 UTC
Not NO, but HELL NO!
2014-12-17 20:57:04 UTC
Yes. he is fine. And far far better than the extremist NeoCon candidates he ran against. Go Hilliary!!!
oath taker
2014-12-17 17:55:28 UTC
good for who ?
2014-12-17 08:44:08 UTC
Nope he is not the worst, but he is far from the best, and what I consider to be a good president i'm ready to get another republican in office.
Gus Fusco
2014-12-17 06:32:32 UTC
Worst Ever !
2014-12-17 05:27:42 UTC
No piece of garbage!
2014-12-22 02:02:00 UTC
Gary K
2014-12-20 06:01:12 UTC
He may go down as the worse president The US has ever had. He thinks that he is a King.
2014-12-19 20:08:40 UTC
2014-12-19 14:43:37 UTC
sure why not
2014-12-19 08:41:20 UTC
Yes, i think that he is the best, yeah he have got so much things that aren't okay, but if in Italy one day comes a president like him ill' be really happy... Now there are just two stupids man without a culture and a sense.

(Sorry for the english but I'm from Italy and I'm a student.. soooooo you can understand what i want say.)
2014-12-19 05:31:02 UTC
by my opinion, yes. by information gathered by the u.s state agency, no.
2014-12-19 02:10:09 UTC
Not bad,,,,,But we are expect more from him
2014-12-18 16:59:31 UTC
He's an egotist which makes it hard for him to accept good advice. Too bad.
2014-12-18 15:51:27 UTC
When we look back at history, he will be proven as one of the best. I do think Sen. Elizabeth Warren might turn out be an even better president if she runs in 2016. She's not afraid of the 1% like the past 43. Obama does their bidding too, but has still put up some fights against them.


Marriage equality on the federal level

Ending two wars of the longest wars in U.S. history

Climate change agreement with China

Lilly Ledbetter fair pay act

Two more women on the Supreme court

Most women and minorities ever put in judgeships on the federal level. more than any other president

This is just a few of the many more good things he's done
Mark Alexander
2014-12-18 12:32:59 UTC
Obama is a GREAT PRESIDENT, considering the obstructions he has faced from the disloyal opposition who desires to destroy the American middle class. However, to be critical,he works slowly, methodically trying to gain consensus. He is too conservative for me , i would like to see Elizabeth Warren as our next President.Because of conservatives, i see gridlock for at least 6 more years.
2014-12-18 05:57:19 UTC
Better than most we've had in the last 30 years.
2014-12-17 23:19:58 UTC
yes. Ex: he's better than Bush (both) and Hoover.....
2014-12-17 22:00:44 UTC
compared to the previous u.s. presidents, yes. he seems more gentle and less fake, too.
2014-12-17 18:05:15 UTC
He is an excellent president.
The Punisher
2014-12-17 16:02:56 UTC
best president ever
2014-12-17 12:47:33 UTC
Overall, Obama has been a joke, like most US presidents in the last 20 years or so. His failures have far outweighed his successes.
2014-12-17 12:23:42 UTC
AWWWWWW H#########LL NO.
2014-12-17 09:49:42 UTC
no theres been better presidents
2014-12-17 05:20:22 UTC
I think that he's a very bad president for the US. He supports terrorism, what's worse than this..
2014-12-17 03:46:36 UTC
there were few that were worse.
2014-12-21 19:38:41 UTC
2014-12-21 14:41:24 UTC
hell no , not worth a DAM
2014-12-19 20:46:40 UTC
No. He should be impeached
2014-12-19 17:39:04 UTC
My personal opinion is that he is not
Coby Russell
2014-12-19 09:13:12 UTC
I think he is a good person at heart and i also think he is a good sales man but he has failed in many ways as president
2014-12-19 07:49:02 UTC
Due to his policies, Obama has turned out to be one of the worst

presidents in history. According to the ways in which he governs, one

'would think that he was a dictator instead of a president as he can't seem

to govern within the scope of the Constitution. Our Supreme Court

needs to let him know in no uncertain terms that he is dead wrong in

his attempt to usurp the powers of the Congress.
2014-12-19 04:59:51 UTC
he is but then he isnt
2014-12-18 23:34:28 UTC
Is he can?
2014-12-18 21:52:06 UTC
No, I think he did a horrible job the first time through and was amazed he was voted to have a second term. Basically, those impeachment posters with him having a Hitler stash makes me smile. Typically I can care less about politics but I mean, he's done a lot of stupid ****. The Health care thing is one of them but thankfully I've got free insurance through the state so don't have to worry about them charging me fees for not having it because I've got no income at the moment.

Did I vote Obama the first time, no. I wasn't 18 until the month after elections... did I vote him the second time, no... I have a brain.
2014-12-18 18:45:27 UTC
No. He was raised by grandparents who supported an alien ideology in opposition of the principals that made America great. He is destroying all of the great traditions that made America the beacon of the planet.
2014-12-18 18:39:52 UTC
No president is going to satisfy everyones best interest, but remember this, the President who ever he will be is the Scapegoat for Americas troubles.
2014-12-18 13:43:01 UTC
He could be better at handling things instead of going on vacation to China.
2014-12-18 12:55:40 UTC
Barack Obama is one of the best presidents that the us has ever had since......... FOREVER. He is being blamed for alot of things that isn't his fault and I think that that is sooooooo unfair and in all fairness he should be rewarded with a medal of......INTELLEGENCE
2014-12-18 10:27:33 UTC
he is the worst ever.
2014-12-18 08:35:27 UTC
america sucks
2014-12-18 07:54:26 UTC
no he is socialist.
2014-12-18 05:08:51 UTC
As a US president, he is pretty good.
2014-12-17 17:31:07 UTC
if you would ask him in 2008 that he was going to national healthcare.allow illegeal drugs , promote sexual sin normalize relations with cuba would you have voted for him
Marissa Deakon
2014-12-17 10:59:18 UTC
Moniruzzaman Monir
2014-12-17 08:48:50 UTC
2014-12-21 16:54:16 UTC
he;s a puppet, like all the rest
2014-12-21 15:54:12 UTC
I think he is a decent president. I think he would be better if he would turn some of his words to actions,but I think that some people are basing his presidential abilities on his skin color without really giving him a chance. It's been that way since day one. And now it's gotten worse, with officers killing the African American race without penalty. I'm just saying, nobody said crap toward Bush even though he was the worst president ever....So why do they call Obama a monkey? Show some respect.
2014-12-21 05:55:25 UTC
I think he is better.
2014-12-20 01:59:15 UTC
2014-12-20 00:01:21 UTC
I think he has good intention but bad directions. Pretty much he seem to mean well and yet doesn't know too much about his own policy.

He is pretty much just a pop culture figure. He was an inexperience politician who rose to the presidency due being an internet sensation. Also due to his fresh young face and being a good looking minority he stole the hearts of ignorant youths and ignorant people who knows very little about politics.

It's almost the same as how Arnold Schwarzenegger became governor of California.

Also his Republican competitors were less desirable choice than him and we all rather choose him. Which means it could had been worst.

Too bad the ones who could had done better didn't make it to the final round due to being less popular.

Sometime I think a popularity game isn't the best chose in choosing a good competent leader, after all too many people still judge a book by it's cover.
2014-12-19 20:05:58 UTC
No,Barack Obama is not a President he is merely filling the space until one can be elected.
2014-12-19 16:25:43 UTC
Absolutely not!
2014-12-19 08:10:55 UTC
2014-12-18 17:40:41 UTC
I think so. My problem with Barry is this: he has the ability to energize people and bring them together. He could use this flair to do great things. He has made the division between dems and cons greater.
2014-12-18 15:16:44 UTC

He was certainly better than George Bush but still falls short as far as the "great" presidents.

I think the best thing about him is that he is very socially conscious. Love it or hate it, Obamacare does help people who otherwise can't afford healthcare, and the US debt has decreased under Obama and the economy is SLIGHTLY getting better.

The worst thing about him is his international politics. Second only to Bush, Obama is probably the worst diplomat we've ever had. The Arab Spring has been a disaster for the Middle East, with many minority groups like Christians and Shias who were otherwise well-taken care of under dictators now being targeted by new Islamic terrorist groups. ISIS is Obama's fault because he pulled out of Iraq prematurely (although admittedly we shouldn't have been there in the first place) and Assad is someone we should be supporting opposed to the rebels.
2014-12-18 12:31:56 UTC
Without a doubt this illegal alien muslim hussein 0bama is the worst piece of $hit that has ever been in the White House.
2014-12-18 03:58:10 UTC
Lets see.. a good job, More people who are so unemployed they don't count 'em. ISIS on the rise because of the middle east polices of this admin. Then there are the border issues. and of course Obama Care.. Now if you think all those are good. then Oh well
2014-12-18 01:02:14 UTC
yes very good
Adam Smith
2014-12-18 00:25:17 UTC
He's 47% better than the other guy was.
2014-12-17 18:23:29 UTC
Barack Obama is the second best president of this century. He had Congress when he was elected, yet did nothing with it, except the "Affordable: Care Act. That alone shows that he is a socialist-minded politician. The fact that his honesty is questionable speaks for itself. He is definitely a failure as the "most transparent president." Using presidential power to change law, as with Obamacare, or to write new law, as with his new recent immigration policy, shows that he knows how to go beyond the Constitution; doing what is beyond his power.

For those who think he is doing a good job: you either do not know what big government, i.e. socialism, means to traditional American values and do not want to actually know, or else you want to see this last, great hope for freedom fail. Whichever the case may be, may God have mercy on your soul.
2014-12-17 18:19:53 UTC
If I had a choice between a pile of dog **** that has ben left out in the sun to bake for a month I would pick that pile of **** over the one that is sitting in the white house right now
2014-12-17 14:22:18 UTC
One more move.
2014-12-17 09:49:49 UTC
NO, and it will always be NO!!!
2014-12-17 09:17:23 UTC
2014-12-17 05:45:53 UTC
In a way yes but in many ways no.

It took balls to order the killing of OBL, but in the meanwhile the POTUS has ignored the majority of Americans feel that illegals in this country should not be rewarded with a pathway to US citizenship but deported.

If a person comes here legally I have no problem with that.

Also sticking his nose in the white cops shooting of blacks or in the TM case, a white Hispanic shooting a black teen. In most cases the shootings are justified by a grand jury. Or in the TM case, the jury decided GZ was not guilty.

You can not generalized all white( cop or not) shootings on blacks are a hate crime when there is a very high rate of black on black shootings and no one protests them except the victims family.

His comments just fame the flames of a hate war more since his words reflect the office of the presidency.

And telling the American public there is not risk of Ebola in this country and refusing to stop granting of travel visas from those effected countries and the self-quarantine works, since it does not.
2014-12-21 08:55:01 UTC
He is performing in accordance with his handlers.
2014-12-20 14:25:05 UTC
He's the worst president we ever had. Michelle Obama wants to change the Cookie Monster to the veggie monster.
Alex Ruman4u
2014-12-19 21:53:58 UTC
Yes, because he's not "bought." Every time we get a president that is for the people, the republicans go on a witch hunt to destroy them! He doesn't need the movie industry ficking things up with their,"we have a right to fick things up" sheat!
2014-12-19 19:39:49 UTC
i think it's a hard question.
2014-12-19 16:44:22 UTC
worst one ever....
2014-12-19 14:29:18 UTC
I don't see any good things he have done for the country so far. So no
2014-12-19 02:22:58 UTC
Yes. He's a good president.
Art G
2014-12-18 19:26:06 UTC
The absolute worst ever...and that's why Jimmy Carter is smiling because BHO has replaced him on the list of 44 White House residents !
2014-12-18 18:29:07 UTC
No, he has 2 impeachable actions( the Benghazi terrorist attack and his executive order). Also, he has many failed and bad liberal policies.He also has given sharpton to much power and influence.He did not listen when the generals said do not withdraw troops from Iraq because of the great potential of terror groups forming.He withdrew and ISIS formed!then he would not even destroy them now the mission to destroy them is harder and more lives are lost.He is anti-police.He fails to remember Michael Brown Attacked officer Wilson, was high and of the 20 witness's who claimed Michael Brown had his hands up, 15 said they never witnessed the incident and the other 5 said they lied. Finally he was against CIA enhanced interrogation techniques when they unfoiled terror plots and I am not saying that terrorist should receive cruel or unusual punishment(not that they don't deserve it but it is bad for society and promotes tyranny).But they are being interrogated not punished and if they have information about plots to kill innocent people all measures should be taken to get this information it is not inhumane,9/11 was, the Boston bombing was and the countless other evil attacks against innocent people and freedom by these monsters
2014-12-18 15:45:31 UTC
I have yet to find the words to describe the overwhelming sense of satisfaction I felt on Nov. 4, 2008 when Obama won the popular vote by 53 percent. With tears in my eyes, and joy in my heart, I stood alongside people of color across the nation as we celebrated America's first inauguration of a black president. As a young man, I felt a true sense of patriotism as I witnessed our country rally together to show, finally, that we are more concerned about who is the most qualified man for the job, regardless of race or age. As Obama so simply, yet eloquently, stated during his celebration speech -change had come to America -a change we so desperately needed after eight painful years of George W. Bush's colossal failure as our nation's leader.

A lot has happened since then. I am loyal to the Democratic Party and to my president. I recognize that Obama has made more than one controversial decision and rocked the boat a time or two during his presidency. Sure, he has committed his share of blunders and tripped over his own words from time to time. But, there isn't a president in American history who didn't flub up big time at some point during his administration. While I acknowledge he has made a number of mistakes in recent years, I stand firm in my conviction that Barack Obama is one of the greatest presidents America has ever seen. I believe history will prove this, and with time, he will be remembered in the annals of history as a revered revolutionary.

Here are 12 reasons why Obama is one of the best presidents ever:

He is for The People. Say what you will about Barack Obama, but unlike the many presidents who preceded him, he cares about what is best for the greater good. He truly does represent The People. His actions have always been motivated by a sincere desire to do what is best for the majority, even if it meant losing ground with the wealthy, influential or powerful minority.

He is for civil rights. He has consistently spoken on behalf of the disenfranchised, the underdog and the most controversial members of society -despite the fact that it was politically unpopular to do so at the time. His outspoken support of gay marriage is an excellent example. Gay marriage is, and has always been, a legal and civil rights issue -not a moral one as conservatives would have you believe. Obama's open support of gay marriage speaks to his core values and his inherent belief that there truly should be justice for all.

He is for one race -the human race. In just a few short years, Obama's professional achievements and continued demonstration of equality and integrity have done wonders for race relations. America has never been more unified as a people than it has been under the direct leadership of Barack Obama. Finally, the racial lines that have divided blacks and whites for decades seem to be narrowing.

He is for a healthcare system that brings hope and healing to the hurting. Obama's healthcare plan has allowed uninsured Americans to reap the benefits of a universal healthcare system. A suffering child should never be turned away because his or her mother doesn't have health insurance. To deny medical assistance to people who desperately need it is barbaric. Obama's health care plan has placed America among the world's greatest superpowers who demonstrate care and compassion toward its constituents with healthcare that serves all.

He is for the middle class. Here are just a few of the comments made by President Barack Obama in recent months: "Rebuilding our economy starts with strengthening the middle class. Extending tax breaks on 98 percent of families now would give hardworking Americans the security and confidence they need." In July 2012, during a visit to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, he said, "The vision of a strong middle class is what we're fighting for. What we need is somebody who's going to fight every single day to grow the middle class because that's how our economy grows, from the middle out, from the bottom up, where everybody has got a shot. That's how the economy grows." Enough said.

He is for women's rights. Obama's very first executive action as President was to sign the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, a bill specifically designed to annihilate wage discrimination barriers for women. He also fully funded the Violence Against Women Act, which addresses the criminality of sexual assault and domestic violence and provides women with the services needed to overcome such atrocities. President Obama nominated two women to the Supreme Court, including the first Latina justice in American history. Furthermore, Obama has taken exceptional measures to secure grant money for women business owners and get them a fair shake from the Small Business Association.

He is for doing away with pomp and circumstance. Let's be real -Obama is one cool cat. As the 44th president of the United States, he has changed the face of the Oval Office forever. Many suggest Obama's casual demeanor and informal interaction with the American people is inappropriate, and even downright offensive. Millions of people, however -me included -perceive his relaxed deportment, humorous candor and outright honesty as a breath of fresh air. In spite of the fact that he is a politician, and the president, there is something about him that makes him real and relatable. Even though he is the most powerful man in the world, he is, at heart, just a man. In almost four years under perhaps the most intense public scrutiny ever placed upon an American president, he has never lost sight of the fact that he bleeds red, just like everyone else.

He is for the environment. President Barack Obama has taken a forward thinking approach to creating a red, white, blue and green America. His policies and initiatives for a clean energy economy have had an incredible impact on the future of the nation. For instance, the U.S. reduced oil imports by more than 10 percent from 2010 - 2011. That's more than 1 million barrels a day. The Administration continues to seek ways to reduce America's dependence on oil, promote efficient energy and invest in clean energy practices. Read more about Obama's environmental strategies here.

He is for veterans. Obama has consistently promoted the allocation of funds, increased benefits, job opportunities and extended resources for our nation's veterans. Although Obama never served in the U.S. Armed Forces, he has always been a responsible and thoughtful commander-in-chief. Unlike his predecessor -G.W. Bush -he has always been conscious of the fact that troops serving in combat zones are sons, daughters, mothers and fathers. He has never lost sight of the commitment, dedication and sacrifice made by the brave men and women who volunteer for military service and he has been adamant about rewarding them accordingly.

He is for peace. Let us never forget that Barack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 -one of the greatest accomplishments any man or woman could hope to achieve in a lifetime. The award reads, "The Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 is to be awarded to President Barack Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. The Committee has attached special importance to Obama's vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons." During his presidency, Obama successfully ended the war in Iraq and is close to finally putting an end to the conflict in Afghanistan and bring our troops home for good. Speaking of Afghanistan, remember public enemy number one, the King of Terror? It was under Obama's order that Osama Bin Laden was annihilated and put out of the warmongering business for good.

He is for education. Obama has always been an advocate for education, making it a top priority during his administration. Believing education is what brings about the strength of a nation, Obama has set a goal for the U.S. to have the highest proportion of college graduates in the world by 2020. He has increased federal funding and doubled the amount of grant money allocated to students seeking a higher education to cover rising tuition costs. During his presidency, Obama also passed the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African-Americans and the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics to ensure equal education for people of color.

He is for entertaining the masses. If we have to listen to a president yakitty-yak about this or that for another four years, we might as well pick one with charisma and charm. If you can't find anything else appealing about Obama, you can't deny the fact that the guy is an amazing speaker with wit, fantastic comedic timing and an incredible intellect. In fact, I will go so far as to say that when the man does finally retire from politics, he has a rewarding and lucrative job as a stand up comic awaiting him if he so chooses. When's the last time you heard a president joke about drinking beer, belt out Al Green with poise and precision at a moment's notice and admit to watching the Kardashians?

If these 12 reasons aren't enough to convince that president Obama is one of the best presidents ever, then you are not thinking objectively!
2014-12-18 12:37:10 UTC
2014-12-18 08:45:33 UTC
NO! Worst president in History. Spends what we don't have. Don't even get me going on about Obama Care.
2014-12-18 05:35:34 UTC
Obama could have been a great President if he had meant what he said during his first campaign and worked for the betterment of the country. Instead, he has systematically sought to undo everything this country has been built on for the last 200+ years and is steering us toward Communism. He surrounds himself with Marxists and racial hatemongers who are determined to overthrow our democracy. There have been weak Presidents in the past, but none that have blatantly and arrogantly mocked and defied the Constitution in the manner Obama has. He panders to our enemies and he has driven our allies away. A recent video showed world leaders refusing to shake hands with him because they are contemptuous of him. If our country survives his regime, perhaps years down the road the truth will come out about who he really was and how he managed to get into the office of President. He is truly a Manchurian Candidate, as far as I'm concerned.
2014-12-18 00:59:58 UTC
2014-12-17 13:09:21 UTC
2014-12-17 12:35:51 UTC
He said it's time for a change and you better believe he meant it!
2014-12-17 09:57:23 UTC
He is a great president better than Bush for sure, its nice to see a Black President or any race thats not Caucasian (Im white)
2014-12-17 07:25:51 UTC
2014-12-17 03:27:06 UTC
No, because he implemented and expanded the same laws of the previous two presidents and neither of them were good either. The only laws that have been removed or modified were the ones that were clearly bonehead mistakes like don't ask don't tell. That set back gay rights for 15 years. Obama walked in and bailed out the banks just like Bush told him to. He expanded both IP law as both Clinton and Bush started and expanded. He also stripped civil liberties to the point that not even the 1st amendment has much meaning. I could go on but I don't see a difference between the policies of Bush, Clinton, Romney or Obama. Two sides of the same coin and only big corporations and corrupt government win. We the people lose. Case in point, Obama wants the internet to be a public utility. We had that with the phone company and Ma-Bell had to be busted up in the 1970's and privatized. The telephone companies were regulated just to force competition where none had been. It was so successful at creating small business and personal wealth that private corporations started busting themselves up into smaller more agile companies. The 80's and early 90's were boom time. Then George HW Bush Sr. bailed out the banks with the S&L crisis due to mismanagement from Neil Bush his son (who happened to be in charge of the regulatory agency running the S&L's). Then Bill Clinton signed into law the right for telcos, cable companies, internet providers to merge together thereby destroying the competition and prices rose and he also passed the first round of mixing of religion and government laws as well as expanding IP law, George W Jr. expanded every law Bill Clinton ever passed and added the un-patriot act on top (because we won't change because of a terrorist attack). Finally Obama has continued the erosion of civil liberties and proposes to return Ma-Bell to power by making the internet a public utility with no competition just government regulations and oversight just like the 70's. Just wait, a year from now the great gas price drop will become the great gas pipe drip and we'll be paying proportionally what we were paying in the 70's. Earnings per year then was a good salary of about $4,000 per year. A nice car cost about $3,000 and gas wen't from pennies to $1 in a heartbeat. That inflation had gas lines on gas ration days for hours if you were lucky to get gas before it ran out. Watch as Ma-Bell errr. AT&Comcast rations your internet and inflates the price beyond what you can afford as regulated by the Obama utility under the FCC. No MORE Bush's and NO MORE Clintons.
Coop 366
2014-12-16 23:39:52 UTC
No I would say he is a great President and he will be greater in the future.
2014-12-21 17:51:35 UTC
Hell no!!! He's a ******* moron.
2014-12-21 12:43:25 UTC
which art of HELL NO! do yo0u have trouble comprehending?
2014-12-20 02:31:55 UTC
no I don't think he is this Obama care is a joke and how we keep sending our resorses over seas when we need them right here pothetic
Barney Google
2014-12-19 08:54:11 UTC
Please. that's a yes
2014-12-19 05:49:25 UTC
On the whole, yes. However, he needs to take the socialism further and claw back the rights of the people from the oppressive and exploitative corporations
2014-12-19 02:41:42 UTC
He is doing a fairly good job I guess.
2014-12-19 01:25:58 UTC
Barack Obama is good president. He has done a good job but some time take wrong decision including war.
2014-12-18 12:31:48 UTC
Yep Their all bad
Countess Jodhaa Bai
2014-12-18 11:10:12 UTC
He is better than Reagan and Bush, however he can not compare to POTUS Kennedy or Roosevelt.
2014-12-17 22:14:54 UTC
2014-12-17 21:44:55 UTC
2014-12-17 19:25:55 UTC
Here's my answer: Barack Osama (Bin Laden)
Patricia Henderson
2014-12-17 18:35:24 UTC
2014-12-17 15:44:55 UTC
I honestly think he has kept but also broken a few promises he's made to the country so in my opinion he's a little good and a little bad overall i'd say average
2014-12-17 15:38:03 UTC
Hell no! He is an incompetent boob who is bent on bringing this country to it's knees. That's why the debt is so huge. The best way to bring a country to it's knees is to break it financially.
2014-12-17 12:19:47 UTC
I served in service, 1961-1964, I today would not serve because of him.
2014-12-17 11:03:09 UTC
He's by far the best president of America which there is at the moment
2014-12-17 09:31:39 UTC
2014-12-17 06:59:48 UTC
The most racially divisive, incompetent, lying, flip-flopping, insincere, double-talking, radical socialist, terrorist excusing, bleeding heart, narcissistic, scientific and economic moron that ever resided in the White House!
2014-12-17 03:10:42 UTC
I think so
2014-12-22 00:44:56 UTC
Yes he is
2014-12-21 13:55:47 UTC
He is the most lying , most racial,& creating the worst welfare state & bankrupting this country! He is the most worthless president ever.
amni w
2014-12-20 07:21:40 UTC
Compared to other American presidents, he is not the best. Also in foreign affairs, he did not push America to a better state.
2014-12-19 20:51:32 UTC
this is the worst president n my life I am 65 I have lived a lot he does not seem to like our United States a country from 1776 - 2014 lots happened n these years he wants just for himself not our U S people viki a voter
2014-12-19 17:54:44 UTC
i think yes!
2014-12-19 15:13:57 UTC
2014-12-19 14:03:47 UTC
2014-12-19 13:49:08 UTC
Hell no. He's a nightmare! Wish he would resign.
2014-12-19 07:31:31 UTC
2014-12-18 17:28:10 UTC
Half-Blood Princess
2014-12-18 15:18:28 UTC
No. He sucks and I'm not even a part of the US.
2014-12-18 07:00:00 UTC
2014-12-17 23:52:16 UTC
Of-course, Yes. He is a good president.
2014-12-17 22:34:56 UTC
Yes.But not for USA.
2014-12-17 21:25:39 UTC
Depends on whom you ask and what side of the political spectrum they're on.
2014-12-17 21:11:44 UTC
Simple answer....NO!
2014-12-17 14:45:43 UTC
Not a good president at all. He takes orders and has the decision not to. He has not shown signs of doing this so I take it he is not for us whatsoever or is scared because of what could happen to him. He can do what honest and truthful presidents have done and risk it as well.
2014-12-17 11:48:24 UTC
hell no way is he good at his joo\b
2014-12-17 10:59:15 UTC
2014-12-17 04:19:12 UTC
HELL NO!!! Especially with that new immigration order.....
2014-12-21 11:00:18 UTC
Christ'S Sheep
2014-12-21 06:58:49 UTC
He is the puppet of the antichrist
2014-12-20 00:11:31 UTC
I think the most telling thing about this poll is how the Obama haters express themselves by disliking answers that speak positively of him. However, most answers in the poll have a positive view of him. Suffice to say that his critics tend to express themselves with the lazy downvote while people who have a non-negative view prefer to explain themselves more thoroughly.
2014-12-19 19:49:06 UTC
Yes for 30% of Americans and most despots around the world.
2014-12-19 16:04:57 UTC
Better than bush
2014-12-19 15:49:01 UTC
he got elected being the anti-bush, and then became bush reincarnated.

2014-12-19 09:46:38 UTC
He is a puppet, presidents don't do anything.
2014-12-18 21:19:05 UTC
The president can not pass legislature on his own. There is a very delicate and inefficient process which involves going through the house of representatives and congress which both do not agree a lot. He also has to convince them to even start the vote over the bill, because he is the last person to see it, he can veto it or accept it depending on how he sees fit for the country.

In all sense he is a good president and tries hard to take care and fix problems in a country full of uneducated people who can't tell right from left.(not saying that there are not any good, smart people out there). Give him a little more credit and love, or maybe you can think long and hard about it and change your opinion for better or worse.

Obama care would be good if people would be more accepting. It wasn't planned to be a tax and between congress and the house of reps it got pretty fu**ed up.
2014-12-18 17:03:12 UTC
Blue Sky
2014-12-18 16:56:11 UTC
He's a US president, of course not.
2014-12-18 11:17:33 UTC
Lets see, he's turned around the horrible recession Bush economy. He's gotten the stock market going again. He captured Bin Laden, something tricky Bush and Chaney couldn't do. He's doing a great job, you conservatives can hope Jeb replaces him, then things will be back to normal and the country will be in the pot again.
2014-12-18 11:08:21 UTC
This question is rigged a ton of people will thumbs down any answer out there like there is no right or wrong because there are two different parties out there and not everyone thinks the same lol
William F. Buckwheat Jr.
2014-12-18 10:48:44 UTC
yes, why the hell not?
2014-12-18 07:13:35 UTC
If everyone would stop focusing on "Parties" and start focusing on their ACTUAL BELIEFS and paying attention to ACTUAL RELEVANT ISSUES, maybe we could get somewhere. Everyone stop voting straight Party ballots, we could maybe actually get somewhere with our country.
2014-12-17 20:33:33 UTC
GREAT PRESIDENT. Still one of the best.
2014-12-17 13:40:31 UTC
President Obama is a traitor to our country. He has run our country into debt with his uncontrolled spending; our government has no business being in the car industry or the loan industry if a business fails,it fails. The American Taxpayer shouldn't have to bail out Fanny Mae or General Motors or any other business how about MacDonalds Hum? He has forced Obamacare down our Throats unconstitutionally has put us in a war with Kadaffe' without the approval of congress The list could go on and on This man should be Impeached Not hailed as a good President There isn't even proof that he is an American Citizen as He is hiding all the documents that prove otherwise
Polar Bear
2014-12-17 10:35:58 UTC
Not to me! I think he doesn't care about the people but only looking out for his own interest.
2014-12-17 09:27:53 UTC

Voted for him the first time around and then voted for Mitt.

He hasnt fulfilled many of his promises and frankly the economy still stinks.
2014-12-17 02:55:45 UTC
Ohhh Hell yeahh.Just about the best President ever.Now if we only had a Congress who really worked and not be taking money under false pretence and had real balls.??????
Its Danny
2014-12-17 00:45:01 UTC
No such thing.
2014-12-20 02:19:55 UTC
yeah i love her
2014-12-19 22:09:41 UTC
He's the worst president in my lifetime. Jimmy Carter is better than him.
2014-12-19 05:54:39 UTC
The worse that American ever had!!!

2014-12-19 03:11:00 UTC
Ketan P
2014-12-19 00:29:32 UTC
Yes. Overall I think he did well.
Stanley M
2014-12-18 23:43:04 UTC
IN the future, I hope that the first act of the new GOP president will be to conduct a total investigation of Obama, to show and prove to the democrats how corrupt and dishonest he has been and how abusive and manipulating his wife, as 1st lady was; spending tax money for personal business flying of USA-1 aircraft and funding luxury trips for herself. Both should be put on trial for this, going to jail would just not be enough. Have the total amount of innappriate spending be charged to them both along with jail time.. Worst president of all time !
Stephen M
2014-12-18 21:38:19 UTC
He is a good president, but, until recently, he was wasting too much time trying to work with the morons in Congress. He's issued far too few Executive Orders & there have been far too few "Executive Actions". He inherited a mess and at least tried to cleaned it up.
2014-12-18 18:01:21 UTC
No, he is a terrible p-word. I am old enough to remember the days of jimmy 'peanut brain' carter and I always thought that he would go down in history as the worst prez ever in the modern times.

stinkbomba has fare surpassed peanut brain (and has two more years of misery to foist on our nation)
2014-12-18 16:20:10 UTC
2014-12-18 14:47:28 UTC
He is one of the best.
Da Melodist
2014-12-18 10:39:58 UTC
'Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.'

-Proverbs 14:34
2014-12-18 09:35:06 UTC
To judge the present administration you would have to wait 25-50 years and after analyzing its mistakes and achievements then you could offer a realistic opinion.

You must take into account the state of the US when he assumed office. You must take into account the level of bipartisanship in Congress or lack thereof.

You must take into account the globalization of the economy. Factors outisde the scope of the US administration affect our economy.

You must take into account the inherent racism still prevalent in modern american society.and how it affects the public image of President Obama.

To summarize, at this point in history we are unable to give a balanced opinion on the Obama administration.
2014-12-18 01:45:40 UTC
Yeah i like him
2014-12-17 22:57:05 UTC
He's a great president who has to deal with a do-nothing teapublican congress.
2014-12-17 19:44:34 UTC
In my opinion, no. As a president, all he has really done is exercise more power than he actually has (with the executive orders - which undermines the whole 'checks and balances' thing that is the basis of our government) and try to help the 'little guys' by increasing taxes while shoving the US into deeper, deeper debt.
2014-12-17 13:30:27 UTC
Active Customer
2014-12-17 13:09:57 UTC
No, Mr. Obama is not a good president.

Health Care: the Affordable Care Act was way over budget at the start. He lied about a lot of the provisions of the act. This has changed 1/6 of the U.S. economy for the benefit of 6 million out of 316,000,00 millions Americans.


Over 300,000 illegals and over 60,000 illegal minors have come into the United States in the 2013/2014 fiscal year at Mr. Obama invitation. Cost: Billions.


Major American companies have moved "offshore" to avoid increase tax bill. Companies will move jobs off shore in order to make a profit.

Average income to families have decrease by $2,000 to $2,500 per year under Mr. Obama administration.

Current: Allowing the United Nations to dictate the number and type of people coming to the United States from Syria. Following the dictates of the United Nations of personal gun ownership rather than the American "Way".

Race relations: Not allowing the local police, court system to handled the shooting in Ferguson, Missouri. Mr. Brown's family had a police record, Mr. Brown had a police record. The F.B.I. needed to investigate the situation first before statements by the President of the United States made things worst or better. We need to be a nation were the Rule of Law is the guide not the color of your skin.


Education, along with personal discipline, which leads to good paying jobs could have prevented the problem.The ability to find and maintain a good paying job tends to reduce crime.

Religion: Not acknowledging that he was instructed in the Muslim religion as a child. There has been a disconnect between his actions, and words with the American Christian culture.
Patriot !
2014-12-17 00:54:29 UTC
...No ! Obama is a narcissistic, egotistical neo Socialist; a tax and waste Nanny State "entitlement" PIMP ! America needs Obama about as much as Custer needed another Indian !
2014-12-16 21:39:22 UTC
Yes. Obama is a good president. Not the best but he's in the top 5.
2014-12-16 21:12:21 UTC
2014-12-20 23:27:50 UTC
A very good President. I wish People would give him the respect he is due. He is the President of the United States of America. Foreigners gives him more respect than the American public. He is not a coward in no way, the coward left office before President Obama became president
2014-12-19 20:35:19 UTC
He's a decent president but we've had way better presidents, I wouldn't EVER vote for him in theelection, He needs to be released from office!
2014-12-19 19:53:48 UTC
Yes. he is.
2014-12-19 18:40:01 UTC
Yes he is.
2014-12-19 01:40:15 UTC
NO NOT ALL.DOES not care about the people of the usa. like all politicians its all about the money.
2014-12-18 21:07:22 UTC
Chuck Norris is a better president.
2014-12-18 11:28:38 UTC
He's doin alright !
2014-12-18 08:44:31 UTC
Sure, if you like a corrupt President who hates America and has made us a food stamp nation. He won't be happy until we are a third world country.
2014-12-18 01:46:39 UTC
i think he is not a good president
satish k
2014-12-17 21:50:40 UTC
not bad
2014-12-17 21:07:03 UTC
2014-12-17 19:34:31 UTC
Obama is a magnificent speaker, and promised much to the unknowing public. Had the voters done any research into his past and his record as a legislator in Illinois. The majority of his votes in the Illinois Senate were "present." He didn't vote for or against resolutions, just that he was there. His books tell us he is a socialist and his major tutors were communist sympathizers. He sure as hell is not good for the United States. He was elected by color of his skin and has used race to drive a wedge in the American public.
Will Powers
2014-12-17 16:04:08 UTC
In spite of the claims by President Obama’s Council of Economic Advisors regarding his administration’s economic accomplishments, the U.S. economy has grown very slowly in the years since the Great Recession of 2008-09. After four years of slow growth, the latest data reveals that the U.S. economy shrank at a 2.9 percent annual rate during the first quarter of 2014.

That figure has been widely reported, but here are some figures that have not been reported, and they are quite eye-opening:

Over the first five years of Obama’s presidency, the U.S. economy grew more slowly than during any five-year period since just after the end of World War II, averaging less than 1.3 percent per year. If we leave out the sharp recession of 1945-46 following World War II, Obama looks even worse, ranking dead last among all presidents since 1932. No other president since the Great Depression has presided over such a steadily poor rate of economic growth during his first five years in office. This slow growth should not be a surprise in light of the policies this administration has pursued.

An economy usually grows rapidly in the years immediately following a recession. As Peter Ferrera points out in Forbes, the U.S. economy has not even reached its long run average rate of growth of 3.3 percent; the highest annual growth rate since Obama took office was 2.8 percent. Total growth in real GDP over the 19 quarters of economic recovery since the second quarter of 2009 has been 10.2 percent. Growth over the same length of time during previous post-World War II recoveries has ranged from 15.1 percent during George W. Bush’s presidency to 30 percent during the recovery that began when John F. Kennedy was elected.

Economic growth is usually faster than normal following a recession as entrepreneurs find more productive ways to employ the resources that were idle during the recession. How rapidly the economy grows and recovers depends partly on whether market forces are allowed to allocate resources, including labor, to their most productive uses. Unfortunately, the Obama administration has pursued several policies that make it harder for market forces to work. These include: bailouts, expansion of entitlement programs, regulation of the economy, tax increases, and huge government deficits.

Bailouts have resulted in capital being stuck in businesses that are either inefficiently run or have failed to produce goods and services that consumers’ value highly. In the absence of bailouts, some firms would have gone bankrupt and the capital reallocated to successful firms that are producing what consumers demand in a cost-effective way.

Expansion of government entitlement programs, such as food stamps and unemployment compensation, has reduced the incentive to be employed. The average benefit per recipient of food stamps jumped by approximately 25 percent between 2007 and 2010 due to rule changes. It also became easier to qualify for food stamps. As Richard Vedder points out in a Wall Street Journal editorial, the number of food stamp recipients rose by over 7 million between 2010 and 2012, a period of falling unemployment.

A number of changes associated with the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (the economic stimulus package passed after Obama was elected) resulted in greater after-tax benefits to being unemployed. These include exempting part of unemployment insurance benefits from federal income taxes and subsidizing health insurance costs for laid off workers. Unemployment benefits also were extended for up to 99 weeks. In addition, the federal government developed mortgage modification formulas for banks to use, which resulted in a bigger reduction in interest payments for those with lower incomes.

The combined effect of a more generous food stamp program, more generous benefits for unemployed workers and mortgage modification formulas is to offset a considerable percentage of the reduction in income from being unemployed. This results in less incentive to work. If fewer people work, less is produced and real GDP grows more slowly.
2014-12-17 15:07:26 UTC
(Obama has often tried to do right but has been undercut at every turn by the GOP, I think.

Hard to tell how historians will think of him 50 years from now.) AndyF, I would love to know how you came up with this assumption seen as how it has been a liberal controle Senate and House. To say the GOP did anything to stop Obama is nothing more than liberal lies and fabrication in an attempt to place blame on others as is usual in the left wing world. I wonder, can anyone name a single thing Obama has done on his own that benefited the American People as a whole? Let me help, No, you cannot because he has done absolute zero to help the Americans People. Lets us look at issues that are a direct result of Obama, this way none of you Obama flute followers can claim "other".... First you have Fast & Furious that was OK'd by the POTUS himself followed by the murder of innocent Americans in Benghazi that has been nothign but lies, lies and more lies but hey, as Hillary Clinton said "This is old news, can we get on with more pressing matters" Well, to the liberal, the death of any of our fallen veterens and those who serve, specially those who happen to have an (R) next to their name are viewed as "not worth their time" this has been proven year after year of liberal intervention in the destruction and demise of our military. Every time we have some fruit loop liberal in office, they spend their terms breaking the backs of the US Military, cutting back on budgets, scaling back in Force Readiness, reduction of Forces IMO, has got to be one of the worst and Obama ranks himself #1 in that spot. Within his first 6 month in Office, Obama outspent George W. Bush to the last cent in his entire 8 years in office yet liberals seem to be able to walk around this fact and still blame Bush for the economic disaster that Obama and friends sank us into. Right now, factual we have more unemployed Americans than any time in History, more people on Welfare than any other time, more black and Latins who are jobless and on public assistance. We have lost more US Companies during Obamas rule than under the fool who created the incentives to leave the US for crying out loud!!! I won't even get into the fact that this guy has broken his oath of office so many times, has violated and spit upon the US Constitution and those who defend and protect those rights and yet, the liberal left seems to walk around blind from this fact. Never in US History has the Federal judges ever been granted so much power and get this, the area of power they abused? Every single time the Americans People voted on a law and when that vote went against the liberal agenda such as the gay marriage, abortion, illegally forcing the American People to purchase Obama Care or else face stiff fines! What has happened? Simple, a Federal judge comes on in and says the vote of the American People means nothing and they overturn the vote to favor the left wing. During Obamas first 4 years of terror in this country he declared war on Christians, veterans and those with Bibles, the left wing stood silent and then cheered their new messiah on. This tool had the audacity to call himself "The First Black President" when the fact is, he is Mulatto, in essence, going public and telling the world he is ashamed of who he is and the racial makeup and to think, after helping add fuel to the fire of racial tensions in this country on 3 occasions and the left still denies this guy is a racist pig? Sorry, I live in reality folks and being that both of my boys are the exact same race as he is, once again, Mulatto, I have to sit hear and teach my sons to be ashamed of the man who dares call himself the POTUS. I have to teach them that he is a complete and utter disgrace of what unity is as ell as teaching them to always be proud of who they are and to NEVER choose one race of the next because neither are better than the other. Unfortunately we live in a world where the color of your skin grants you more rights and also allows you to be placed above others in many aspects of life but hey, again, I live in reality. We have dealt with 2 major issues where Obamas personal pit bull, AL Sharpton has been ordered to the front lines. Obama then ordered Eric Holder to pass on down the line to all Federal LEA's that when they encounter crimes that involve black men that they need to , push them to the side and put their focus on more pressing matters. Obama also ordered Holder to "FIND" and make a case of a "hate crime" yet during the 2 incidents that I am talking about, we had several cases where white children were murdered by black teens and yet a peep, not a sound from Obama, Holder of that pig Sharpton. After Obama made sure America knew had he had a son, he would look like Martin, a little 9 year old boy was doused in gasoline on the front porch of his home. When his mom heard the screams, she opened the door to find her little boy engulfed in flames while 3 black teens were chanting, "This is for Trayvon, you get what you deserve White Boy" and the only media channel to bring coverage was those evil Fox folks..... Again, not a peep from Bama, nothing from Holder, no Federal investigation for a known hate crime, not media attention except for Fox news who was being drowned out by the liberals helping the pigs pour fuel on the fire. Let us also not forget how Obama tried to act like getting OBL was due to his brilliance..................LMAO, you see, this just shows you the ignorance of those who follow this tool. Anyone who knows the basics of politics knows that G.W. Bush passed into law the total and full support of SOCOM, CIA, NSA to go after OBL and to be able to do so without needing the OK from the sitting president as the law basically gave a Presidential Stamp In other words, does anyone remember who the very first person was that Obama contacted after verifying OBL being dead? President Bush.... DO you know why? Because it was Bush and his policy that ensured the capture and death of that coward. Not Obama, not his planning, matter of fact, Obama didn't have anything to do with the SEAL Team nailing the man yet, Obama once again, as all liberls do so well, they assigns victor to their own legacy by steeling the glory from those who sacrificed and accomplished the mission. You may want to think about that next time you consider that liberals feel it's ok to give themselves a raise because hell, $200K per year isn't quit enough compared to the what? $30 our Military men and woman in uniform make who actually do the fighting and protecting? Anyhow, I could continue to post another hours worth of facts and paint the true picture of Bama. Was he a good President? Absolutely not! He is by far the worst mistake that America has ever made and will go down in history as perhaps, worse than Carter himself.
2014-12-17 14:11:04 UTC
2014-12-17 11:40:32 UTC
2014-12-17 05:56:12 UTC
Yes, he's a great president. He hasn't accomplished as much as he said he would but what he HAS accomplished is still amazing.
2014-12-16 21:59:41 UTC
i think he is a good president at his best.....
2014-12-16 21:34:41 UTC
What a hell !!!
2014-12-16 21:28:15 UTC
2014-12-21 11:00:07 UTC
I think he is a kind person that tries to help others .It is a tough job for anyone that is brave enough to take up the challenge of becoming President of the United States.

He also got us out of a bad economic situation.
2014-12-20 08:34:22 UTC
No, otherwise he would have done more for the country and the people in this two tenures. For one, the country is more racially divided, secondly, he never managed to get businesses to bring back their manufacturing, labor wise, in the USA. Lastly, he never did 'help' the black people who helped him get elected.
2014-12-20 04:39:49 UTC
No. He is an ambitious, self centered egotist, who thinks that he has supreme power, and can solve everything. Obama Care is a piece of garbage and will do more harm than good.

As bad as he is we are lucky that we didn't get the Clinton idiot.
2014-12-19 15:51:52 UTC
This man should be sent to hell and burned. He and congress has done more damage to our country rthan can ever be fixed in one's life time
2014-12-19 15:37:36 UTC
I think no
2014-12-19 14:47:22 UTC
no he has turn america up sidedown
2014-12-18 22:07:24 UTC
No, Democrats as well as Republicans are Idiots as they do not realize the centrist values and warnings from president George Washington. They are both Idiots just go on YouTube and search Dumb Democrats and Dumb Republicans. Barack Obama is a bad president because he not only fails at accomplishing his policies but is un-democratic as he pushes through without congresses approval. Even Bush was a better president
2014-12-18 17:13:18 UTC
The President can do much better job if the right wing would help out, they tend to reject

so many of his projects.
2014-12-18 16:47:19 UTC
2014-12-18 15:20:07 UTC
2014-12-18 12:09:35 UTC
Worst I have seen but I did not pay attention before Johnson . I hear Grant was awful History will tell I guess .
2014-12-18 09:04:47 UTC
worst president I've ever known... 100% muslim terrorist....people who support what he does can f*ck themselves...

yeh come at me haters.
2014-12-17 23:00:44 UTC
Why not?
Michelle R
2014-12-17 18:08:01 UTC
2014-12-17 11:57:05 UTC
Absolutely. Let's not forget when the Lead republican said a few years ago. His only job was to "make certain Obama was a one term president" should tell you what he was up against since getting elected. For being the country's first black president he has done a superb job. Only republicans think otherwise.
2014-12-17 11:41:46 UTC
2014-12-17 09:39:08 UTC
NO! I mean sure the stock market has reached record highs, education and healthcare are more available, the deficit has been cut in half, and we are free from the recession that George W started just like his predecessor Reagan.. but come one.. gay people are getting married and hes BLACK, wake up sheeple. PALIN 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@!@!@!@!@!!!!!!!!!!
2014-12-17 05:32:50 UTC
No! He's increased the National Debt more than any other president. He has basically legalized illegal immigration. He prolonged the war in Afghanistan, and his ACA or Obama Care is a total disaster.
2014-12-17 04:48:34 UTC
I say yes. I am self employed but don't make a lot of money yet. Therefore I just get by and also qualify for affordable healthcare. I bought me a $63/mo plan that will save my butt if God forbid I need it. At least I won't go bankrupt. If and when my income improves, I'll surely get less credit and pay more for healthcare. But I am fine with that, because at least this way I can still try to chase "the American Dream" of working for myself, and have some coverage. My out of pocket max is $5k. Yeah, it's steep but I'm healthy. Thanks to President Obama, I have coverage and a chance to try and be my own boss. That's the honest to God truth, and I DO NOT collect any unemployment or medicaid or any other benefits. Just getting some help w Obamacare. So I think he's a good president. If you disagree, then let's just agree that we have the freedom to decide again in the upcoming elections. Peace.
2014-12-17 01:37:01 UTC
I like him just fine. Much of the criticism of him seems to be mainly mostly republican hot air over nothing.

He's actually doing a pretty dang good job.....but republicans will never admit that.

What the hell do they need? For the DOW to break 20,000???????
2014-12-21 10:48:08 UTC
No American president has ever been good, mostly all have been corrupt in some way. Under Obama the police state has grown at a rate that exceeds any dictatorship, people say that Belarus is a Police state but compared to the US Belarus is heaven!!!! That is not to discount all of the wars of Bush, Imperialism throughout the years, and the lies that have been kept from people for years by all US leaders.
2014-12-21 05:49:52 UTC
hell no
2014-12-20 08:09:00 UTC
no and yes
2014-12-20 07:07:08 UTC
Yes, Obama is the worst President; however, he is a great communist leader. You see, despite all the junk to the contrary, Barack was trained in classical communism (first, by his parents and, then, they left him under the tutorage of a communist instructor. Later, Barack associated and learned from many known communists or terrorists individuals. Our forefathers would have already tried, convicted, and either banished him or imprisoned him. Sadly, I having lived under communists rule (actually, the country at the time was a dictatorship but leaned strongly toward communism)...but having lived a time under communism/socialism (only on paper are the two separate and socialism is by communists agenda to lead to communism), I can vouch that our current government is sadly corrupted by other political systems.
2014-12-19 23:14:57 UTC
Why are you even asking this??? All you needed to do is go look at his official approval ratings, it's pretty obvious he's NOT done a good job or is a "good" "president". You have the largest source of information at your fingertips (the internet) and you choose to come here and ask people who have probably been on this earth no more than 20 years if he's a good president?? I DO NOT UNDERSTAND YOUR LOGIC! Yes, I know this is an "opinion" question, but you sound like you want to know what others think, and you just want to jump on the bandwagon because of what everybody else thinks. My personal opinion, HE'S THE BIGGEST P.O.S. I have ever had to endure being our "president". You need to go do some research and make your OWN opinion of him! Do not follow the sheeple!
Jason Boyle
2014-12-19 22:20:39 UTC
So pretty much say hes a good president and you get disliked. Say hes a bad president you get liked. Well heres the FACTS for you "I hate obama" people when you don't know **** about anything he does except that he gets made fun of on facebook. Heres the deal. Barack Obama has lowered Unemployment below 8% like he said he would, quicker than mitt romney said he would. Romney said in i think 4 years. Obama did it in 2 years. Idk about you but i like when my country's president is creating jobs. 2nd he brought home our soldiers! All those vets you love, are being brought home. And if you didn't hear. He ended the war in iraq. 3rd, obama care. Believe it or not obama care was served recently without the name and EVERYBODY got it, millions of people now have health care because they were too ignorant to get obama care, the same thing. Because they listen to the media not the facts. He actually cares about you. He wants you to have health care. 4th, HE KILLED OSAMA BIN LADEN. He successfully killed osama bin laden. Bush didn't do that. 5th, believe it or not he strengthened the economy a bit and LOWERED GAS PRICES to around 2.50 average. Remember the 4$ range? So stop hating on him so much and focus on the good things hes done.
2014-12-19 18:53:10 UTC
2014-12-19 16:34:29 UTC
no way
2014-12-19 12:45:25 UTC
2014-12-19 04:07:33 UTC
Not an american, but agree with spacecadet; he is a puppet. Same as all presidents in the last 20 years.

Do you really think your country left all decisions up to 1 individual? Corruption and bullshit runs deep, as I'm sure it does here in Canada also.
2014-12-18 22:21:39 UTC
is an apple purple?
2014-12-18 17:48:51 UTC
2014-12-18 16:57:14 UTC
No. Zero explainations needed.
Atsa me Atsa you?
2014-12-18 09:42:39 UTC
Watch t.v., his OWN is turning against him
2014-12-18 08:30:58 UTC
No. He sucks. Simple as that.
Michael M
2014-12-18 05:36:00 UTC
No. Affordable Health Care Act. I really never go to a doctor and now I will have to pay the IRS a fee for not taking medical insurance, that I do not need. This was an awful idea. Also, my friends that have medical through work saw a significant jump in co pays and payroll deduction to keep plans active. What the heck is wrong with that story.
2014-12-18 00:12:43 UTC
2014-12-17 16:02:04 UTC
Tony Masaducci
2014-12-17 10:33:11 UTC
Well... no-ish. He hasn't really done much for your average Joe; healthcare reform didn't work, pulling everybody out of Iraq is biting him in the ***, immigration is gonna rip the country apart...

But he has no idea what he is doing; he is a poster boy for the Democratic party, who knew that if they put him up he would win. That is why he needs so many advisors, and frequently goes on vacation- he basically isn't running things. Not to mention that he's near started a race war
2014-12-17 04:13:11 UTC
2014-12-21 21:36:26 UTC
No he is not a good president question arises Israel and philistine longest war innocents are still dieing .

2bhk flat for sale in bangalore
2014-12-20 15:14:57 UTC
2014-12-19 15:30:45 UTC
NO I NON'T. I believe he was born in Africa, that's why they go there so much . I think he was only RAISED in Hawaii.
Chinese-Americans for a FREE TIBET
2014-12-19 06:14:23 UTC
Well, he's not the worst.
2014-12-18 21:13:21 UTC
President's are selected, not elected. That said, He is the worst selection ever,
tceffE rorriM
2014-12-18 15:27:08 UTC
Only history will decide.

Cannot say. This can only be answered looking back, like ask again in 20-30 years.
2014-12-18 14:45:47 UTC
Yes...He is. As he has taken some good decisions for the country!!
2014-12-18 06:43:43 UTC
I would consider him as a one of the worst presidents, particular on the foreign affairs, health and racial issues, He lie like no other president on the health care, just look at what you had before and compared special on the cost, look we are heading to be a socialist country
2014-12-18 05:09:26 UTC
2014-12-18 03:13:00 UTC
He has been somewhat better than the others in my opinion .......... (George Bush ... Yuk)

He has done his best knowing the restrictions that is placed on him by congress
Chandra kant
2014-12-18 02:49:11 UTC
i think he is good
2014-12-17 19:58:56 UTC
No, he is bad
2014-12-17 17:16:12 UTC
Everything you fools see on the media is complete trash talk about him and you believe it all for word. He was our best candidate for president and he achieved many of the goals he talked about(getting most of the U.S. soldiers out of Iraq, and Afghanistan, increasing the economy, affordable health care, and killing bin'laden). I believe he was a very good president. Now let me get this straight: unless your're a black person that isn't a republican, I'd be very surprised to see you dislike Obama. Most people who want him impeached are usually white racists, no matter how they defend how right they are.
2014-12-17 16:23:03 UTC
NO. In 2009 he stripped all freedom of speech of his intentions from all major networks and newspapers. Infact all Veterans had to form a communication line from D.C. to the rest of our Nation to let everyone know what obama was doing against The American People. Mike
2014-12-17 10:50:11 UTC
of course
2014-12-17 10:16:38 UTC
He's among the worst we've ever had !!!

2014-12-17 10:08:22 UTC
No he is not. He doesn't know how to negotiate well. He just pushes his ideas at people, saying he will do great stuff but then never actually does it. Like Obama Care, he just pushed it at people. Not a good president at all!
2014-12-17 07:38:02 UTC













2014-12-17 06:31:47 UTC
He is as good as what we deserve for being so uncaring about our form of government and our precious freedoms!
2014-12-17 06:09:56 UTC
yeah he sweet
2014-12-22 00:48:24 UTC
same ole lame duck president, the answer is NO!
2014-12-20 01:44:26 UTC
2014-12-19 22:03:50 UTC
Hey you guys voted for him just cause he's black so that's what you get in return.
2014-12-19 16:28:24 UTC
2014-12-19 10:40:13 UTC
Barak Obama is probably one of the greatest presidents we've ever had. Some of these die hard racists should go on line to view his accomplishments. The only fault he has is that he doesn't toot his own horn enough so that people who solely rely on Reiley and Limbaugh for their only source of information would know better and not talk out of ignorance.
the grey lord
2014-12-19 04:28:22 UTC
not at all, he's a communist
2014-12-19 02:26:29 UTC
Hell NO !!! I wont say anymore
2014-12-18 22:35:50 UTC
obummer is a commie, a muslim pig and a ******* ******..
2014-12-18 19:47:28 UTC
This question is subjective but i think he is a good president.
2014-12-18 14:53:08 UTC
Yes.Yes. Yes. Don't like the last few days though.......selling out the middle class re: banks and allowing pension theft that the Repubs demanded....a bit pathetic. Why do the Repubs want to rip the bellies out of the middle class??
2014-12-18 14:18:40 UTC
No, he is not. Ever since he started as President, things has gotten worst
2014-12-18 13:25:37 UTC
We could have worse and we have had worse..

A lot of people say he "isn't doing anything"..

But I'd honestly rather have a president that does nothing rather than one that ***** up everything he does, but that's just my opinion.
2014-12-18 12:14:20 UTC
As a Canadian I'd say he's a great president for some and horrible for others. Just like anyone else. I hear a lot of Canucks bashing this guy but we haven't became the 51st state yet.
2014-12-18 04:26:44 UTC
Hell yes. From the UK.
2014-12-18 00:14:18 UTC
2014-12-17 20:59:41 UTC
Let's see he accused along with his wife of being miss treated by white people.

Gave in to Cuba. and went to a church who's tenet is phrased

GOD DAM* America. He is almost as good as Jimmy Carter
2014-12-17 19:49:20 UTC
No. Proof of this is that even his biggest supporters are now running from him. Only deluded liberals (what some call "Obamabots") still think he's good.
2014-12-17 14:16:40 UTC
PLEASE keep in mind that Bush and the previous president before him, has left a lot of baggage onto this country... it is very hard to have one person to fix the problems this country has in the past 16 years or even more
2014-12-17 12:11:45 UTC
As a left-leaning independent, I say *definitely* not.

He inherited the worst economy in nearly a century, slapped a quick band-aid on it, then basically all of his energy for the next two years, and all his political capital, into a divisive trillion-dollar health care bill that hurts as many people as it helps, and has led to massive spending cuts in programs that *do* work. Because of this, we got a weak Wall Street regulation bill, more of which was just rolled back by the lame duck congress. Beacuase of this, we still have not fully recovered from a 7 year old recession and unemployment is far too high, but clearly getting ordinary people back to work was never a priority for him. Because of this there is no political capital left to seriously address climate change legislation before it is too late...Meanwhile overseas, we are targeting untried US citizens with predator drone strikes in the name of "freedom" and "justice"...and I thought Bush was bad! Somebody tell me why Al Gore won't get into the 2016 race? Because we desperately need a real leader!
2014-12-17 09:29:46 UTC
hell no i say that we trick him into thinking were good people and then out of nowhere we kill him.
2014-12-20 02:02:48 UTC
2014-12-20 00:56:19 UTC
Yes he is good president and history will remember him.
2014-12-19 18:35:44 UTC
2014-12-19 15:16:19 UTC
I strongly believe he is for Peace
2014-12-19 14:11:38 UTC
2014-12-19 14:01:06 UTC
Obama is not a good president.

1. He does not uphold the constitution of the United States of America

2. He puts down cristians in this country, It is this Christian heritage that made America Great.

3. He cowtows to the Muslim population and puts down the christian population,.

4. Obama care is the worst communist plan this country has ever seen: It is undemocratic policy run by the Governmanet.

5. Obama is a socialist and I don't believe in Socialism, I believe in independence.

6. Obama should be impeached for what he is making the USA to be a communist country

7. He is not living up to the oath he took when he became president, to uphold and protect the

United States of America. Nixon did not do as much bad as Obama and they make him leave office.

8. Obama should be thrown out of office.

9. But Obama is better than the left that is running this country and trying to destroy it.

10. he does some good, but I am not for arming the Muslims in Syria and paying for their war with outr tax dollars.

11. I am not for giving the palistians money for food, if they want to make war on Isael, than let them starve, we shoud not be helping a communist country anyway. If they don't talk peace let them starve.

12. The United states should bring all our money back home and keep our noses out of others business, it would be a better world; let the Muslims handle their own affairs they would be better off without the USA telling the world what to do, we messed up the world enough. Bring our money home and take care of this country the USA the greatest country that ever was and will ever be.
2014-12-19 11:44:30 UTC
Not just NO but HELL NO!
2014-12-19 09:53:30 UTC
Obama is probably the worst President we have ever had. Rather than uphold the law, he breaks it. He should be impeached, charged with treason and sent to prison!
2014-12-19 01:56:08 UTC
U cant tell
2014-12-18 23:00:58 UTC
Time will tell. Thanx for "Best Answer!"
2014-12-18 15:21:21 UTC
2014-12-18 04:18:37 UTC
I better say it... Yes
2014-12-17 17:56:23 UTC
F**k no. Because of him poor and rich people will benefit so much while us working class people have to go through all the taxes bullshit.
2014-12-17 13:16:47 UTC
No - a Community Organizer no's nothing about running anything
2014-12-17 11:59:53 UTC
from a British point of view he dose, but He needs to be more assertive,
2014-12-17 11:42:33 UTC
He will go down in history as the worst US President. Huge deficits, vastly increased dependency on the government, huge waste of tax money--Clunker for Cars, Fast and Furious, wind energy companies that took lots of money and failed, lying about everything even when he's on tape and contradicts himself, secretive about everything. In short he has no integrity or honor.
2014-12-17 11:40:04 UTC
He is a decent president. Not nearly as big a disaster as people want you to think. Those saying he is the worst president ever are nothing but idiots, sheep, and rednecks... as well as drama queens.
2014-12-17 09:05:06 UTC
2014-12-17 01:40:48 UTC
for the love of god NO. he was and is a con artist Marxist and liar. once you strip away the bush derangement syndrome and the liberal hypnosis about failed radical Marxism, you realize this truly is a community organizer playing president with no clue how to lead or what to do with the responsibility given him by a sadly misled electorate.
2014-12-16 20:05:18 UTC
He's the best President.
Deepak Kannadi
2014-12-19 22:51:52 UTC
S he is a good president
2014-12-19 19:35:37 UTC
2014-12-19 16:08:19 UTC
2014-12-19 09:37:13 UTC
Hell no
2014-12-19 07:25:04 UTC
nickson faction
2014-12-19 03:06:40 UTC
I hope so
2014-12-18 21:13:43 UTC
Barack Obama has accomplished what he could despite a republican congress, a john boehner and a mitch mcconnell. When evil forces are plotting against you, sometimes you just can't make any real headway. But, besides Obamacare, he has done quite a bit. Bin Laden no longer exists, the financial crisis of 2009 was averted, we got out of 2 wars and quite a few other things and he did it without any help from republicans.
2014-12-18 20:48:29 UTC
I like him . I really benefitted from the $250 gift to senior citizens his first term
Packers XLV
2014-12-18 20:15:09 UTC
are you kidding me? HE SUCKS! I bet most of you people on here are the ones getting free welfare checks, sitting your *** on the couch, all ****** day long!
2014-12-18 12:37:55 UTC
He has his moments...!
dale s
2014-12-18 11:18:00 UTC
2014-12-18 07:13:03 UTC
If you can tell me why he deserved The Noble Peace Prize then I might say, "Yes" but other than that, it's big NO for me.

(Many reasons that have already been stated on this thread).

2014-12-18 01:58:23 UTC
2014-12-17 22:42:42 UTC
Regardless of ANY opinions on predecessors....WORST leadership ever.

He has done a bang up job of taking us completely OUT of world leadership status.

I'm in when the anarchy thing gets going.
2014-12-17 13:58:04 UTC
He's about average.

I don't like him or many of his predecessors very much, but I'll give him brownie points for rejecting SOPA, gettin Osama, and expanding medicaid. c:
Six in Seven
2014-12-17 12:25:52 UTC
How can anyone in their right mind think that Obama has been a good President? He has failed at almost everything. Obamacare and the ADA is a huge problem waiting to blow up in all of our faces, his foreign policy has put America in more danger than Bush or Clinton. He has been caught in numerous lies and criminal acts and yet everyone is afraid of impeaching him? He is a racist and a criminal, he should be put out of office immediately. History will show him to be the worst President our nation has ever seen.
2014-12-17 10:07:12 UTC
2014-12-17 08:01:29 UTC
Hes pretty decent president not good president decent.
Ting Ting Tiding
2014-12-17 01:31:26 UTC
A person can not be good or bad. it's his/her decisions, words, characteristics which makes him/her a better one. As a president Obama did what needs to be done. but then again, theirs lots more than that which or what plays a big role. it's like light and dark playing their role in the same time.
doris w
2014-12-16 19:55:08 UTC
Best we have had since Clinton. Too bad the republicans were too narrow minded to help get things done as they needed to be done.
2014-12-21 18:56:28 UTC
no he is not a good president he knows nothing about the military and has done nothing the six years he has been president however his golf game has improved .we would be better off he was to quit his job and let mickey mouse run the white house
2014-12-21 14:40:42 UTC
he is an ok president...great disappointer also
Francis F
2014-12-20 07:22:21 UTC
I am black and I do not think he is a good president. First of all he is eroding the Judaeo-Christian ethic of America. He said that America is not a Christian nation and instituted gay pride day in June. This is an abomination (Leviticus 18:22).

Obama has advanced same- sex marriage in over 20 states of America. He has cancelled the Christian day of prayer. Another outrage is that he has promoted partial-birth abortion. This is a violation of the 6th commandment thou shalt not kill. These are not man-made laws. It was written by the hand of God on Mt Sinai.

When Obama came to power the nation was 10 trillion dollars debt now it is 17 trillion dollars in debt.

Obama is trying to get every American chipped with the FRID micro chip. When this happens no one will have any privacy. They will be able to monitor you when you go to the bathroom by GPS. This is also the buying and selling system used by the antichrist (Revelation 13: 18) .
2014-12-19 21:42:40 UTC
Yes I think he is a good president.
Online Administrator
2014-12-19 12:53:47 UTC
History decides this, we may not know for another 25 years in reality, but, if I had to give an answer right now I would say NO, definitely NOT!
2014-12-19 08:49:22 UTC
Yes. He said Boxing day is a fed holiday, so I have day off on 26th December..
2014-12-19 04:15:06 UTC
He is just the same as G W Bush, he is turning the US in to a real 1984 (George Orwel;s book) country.
2014-12-18 23:40:16 UTC
2014-12-18 22:08:37 UTC
There is no such decisions in black or white, whoever it may be, i think that obama is a good president to USA when comparing to previous presidents.........!
2014-12-18 20:54:33 UTC
is a fox a good protector of the hen house
2014-12-18 15:57:22 UTC
Seriously?? For the Dems., Socialists and Communists, probably (was that oxymoronic?) - but not for the
2014-12-18 15:01:21 UTC
think about it. he was the only president who won nolble peace prize who else you want to run your country stick to the basics because our country although the freedom is the best. it also the most corrupt yes he is a good president
2014-12-18 12:40:09 UTC
not in my opinion and he is not very "loyal" or "for America" I don't see him trying to put alot back into our county.
2014-12-18 10:00:49 UTC
NOOO!!! obama is the worst president in the history of America. He has done nothing he promised us bills have gone up, worst negotiator ever, he has not put troops in the ISIS war and he is letting illegal immigrants in the country.
2014-12-17 22:09:45 UTC
No. Obama Care is what wins my vote.
2014-12-17 19:46:34 UTC
nope f'd everything up dont vote for him again lets make a change!
Someone who cares
2014-12-17 17:01:38 UTC
No. Foreign policy disasters, national debt is now in $17 trillion range, disregard for the rule of law, failed immigration policies and enforcement, fast & furious murders, Benghazi murders, and a disregard for the Constitution are just a few of his continuing failures.
2014-12-17 10:14:07 UTC
Yes, I think that in all respect Mr. Barak Obama is a good president because he has been contemplating sincerely for the betterment of US economy as well as US political image globally.
2014-12-17 05:27:25 UTC
He is a **** president! Re electing Obama is like the Titanic backing up and hitting the iceberg again.
2014-12-16 21:57:07 UTC
hes a good president if not he wouldnt of beem elected i think hes great and hes doing whats best forus your free and you have your rghts right ? good so be thankful
2014-12-21 09:53:20 UTC
Nobody cares what I think; ask one of our most worshiped celebrities ; everyone cares what he/she thinks. Only in America
2014-12-21 08:56:59 UTC
Of course. Barack Obama is one of the best presidents that we have had in the United States Of America. He has done his best and kept his word on all of the promises that he has made to the nation. He admits that there is still more work to do and he actually takes the time to listen to the American people, then he makes a decision to move forward with a bill or an action that will benefit us. I feel that the American government has been beneficial with him in office because he has an open mind and a listening ear for the needs in our country. President Obama does not tolerate disrespect or dissension and does everything in his power to bring people together for the purpose of greater ideas. I have never seen an instance where he engages in petty bickering or attacks on others simply for "likes" or "votes". He has remained the same and wants to do good. Also, he wants to let the terrorists and criminals know that he will not tolerate their foolishness and there will be consequences and repercussions. He is fair and just. I am proud that he is the President of the United States.
2014-12-20 11:14:12 UTC
God no. Why would you think that?
2014-12-19 18:24:51 UTC
I'd like to believe so. (I don't follow politics or anything)
2014-12-19 16:03:01 UTC
I say NO!
2014-12-19 11:50:23 UTC
2014-12-18 21:22:05 UTC
2014-12-18 14:43:37 UTC
is "no" a good answer?
2014-12-17 18:39:27 UTC
Yes, he is a good president.
2014-12-17 18:35:01 UTC
Notice all the answers about Obama being good all have more thumbs down then the ones that say Obama is bad.
2014-12-17 17:39:21 UTC
he is incompetent
Doug P
2014-12-17 17:28:41 UTC
2014-12-17 16:12:38 UTC
For the short answer… no. There are too many things to comment on regarding what's gone on in his presidency that I just don't even want to write about because it makes me so mad.
2014-12-17 15:59:59 UTC
depends who you ask. the question is relative as whats good for the lion aint good for the lamb
2014-12-17 15:21:56 UTC
hell no
elaine k
2014-12-17 12:28:46 UTC
The fact that you ask this question shows you have not paid any attention to his destroying the once proud Country that I live in. He has done nothing of value and only weakened our status in the world today.
2014-12-17 07:50:05 UTC
lol Obama couldn't handle a fast food menu
2014-12-17 06:06:53 UTC
Renzi is worse
2014-12-16 23:21:53 UTC
yeah, he is great man.
common cents
2014-12-16 19:03:59 UTC
Not even close.
subhadra n
2014-12-21 23:29:56 UTC
Obama became the President of USA at the crucial time, viz. financial crisis staring the country dangerously. Obama definitely saved the country from collapse in economy. Now if people want the President to solve all problems created by others pl appreciate he cannot do same without help from all concerned. If somebody else is elected in comming election what is guarantee he will satisfy the greedy selfish people who want to ejoy life and have no definite will to indulge in had work . like the previous generations did in bringing USA on top of the world?
2014-12-21 15:08:41 UTC
2014-12-19 16:55:41 UTC
A rating from 1-10, 1 being severely unsatisfactory and 10 being incredible. The entirety of his Presidency I give him a 5 to 6, leaning towards 6. Like 5.9, Of course this is objective analysis, not Bill O'Reilly analysis.
2014-12-19 11:25:21 UTC
2014-12-19 10:29:50 UTC
2014-12-19 03:51:00 UTC
my *****
2014-12-18 19:43:35 UTC
*Grabs popcorn*
2014-12-18 15:27:27 UTC
2014-12-18 09:36:15 UTC
2014-12-18 06:48:24 UTC
Yes, but I think Barack Obama is a good president.
2014-12-17 23:39:32 UTC
He is excellent. One of the best and the brightest person that this country has ever had.
2014-12-17 20:27:45 UTC
A lot of the issues that people tend to bring up concerning how a Presidency functions they typically have no idea what they are talking about, if you look at the big picture he has done some pretty descent things to better our country, no he hasn't freed slaves, and no he hasn't helped to fight against the british for our independence but what he does is for the good of our country it is not based on how amazing and "superhero" like he is, he is a human being. Yes in my opinion I believe that abraham lincoln was the best president, but I'm not getting upset everytime we have a bad president. For a majority of the individuals on the media or internet 1 5th of the people revolved around it aren't even american and only get involved for the sake over their own ego. I have seen a lot of people hate on barack obama but it is never backed up with anything, the main idea we need to realize is that we are "human-beings" and have the primary ability to constantly look for bad news and focus on it whether we look for it or it is right there in front of us, but we need accept wont true certainty; and I'm going to very blunt when I say this is that we don't know anything about a presidency or how it functions, at least for most of us and we most certaintly don't know what he is doing at every minute, who do you have? FOX news? CNN? Ask yourself if that is your only source and if that's your answer than that is very sad, but is is very un-sad at the same time because than you can accept it for what it is and understanding that way of finding out these types of sources to be absolute FALSE. Whatever issue it is that you have with "Barack Obama" you need to not only look at the big picture but ask yourself why is it that you don't like him? You need to understand is that in america, politics these days are heavily influenced in young people so after asking yourself if fox and cnn or who ever it is you need to take your mind away from the television set and go out and research how these political systems work, go to the main sections of these channels where reporters ask the President these types questions themselves, at least of the important ones at THAT stage will be your one and only source of information, it is directly his word and what he intends to do, if these criteria aren't met than you can properly and formerly criticise him on that alone rather than expecting things from him, how it works is he receives input from the people, sitting behind the tv and taking input from fox isn't giving input...
2014-12-17 19:11:00 UTC
2014-12-17 18:18:26 UTC
Just ask your common sense and you'll get plenty of answers that are nos.
2014-12-17 13:01:47 UTC
i remain barack obama ia good president because he control all over the world very strongly.another USA

is very strong at this moment for his government activities.and he successes two times president in USA.
2014-12-17 12:03:19 UTC
Barack Obama is a clever president .he try to solve Iran's nuclear problem .he wants stay at his seat for next elections.i admire him.A TALL BLACK MAN
Fabulous Strike
2014-12-17 09:09:11 UTC
The only way I can stay optimistic is to say "Barack Obama is the best black U.S. president we've ever had.".
2014-12-17 08:52:25 UTC
2014-12-17 07:14:10 UTC
no he is not a good president, my dad has 2 blown disk for 2 years and is still trying to get oboma care
Jake No Chat
2014-12-17 04:54:42 UTC
I do not think he is good, perhaps fair at best. We all expected more from him, and he has not delivered on his Hope and Change platform, nor most of his pledges. History will be the real judge, but for right now, I say that he is mediocre.
2014-12-20 02:03:35 UTC
2014-12-19 21:15:44 UTC
2014-12-19 15:16:10 UTC
I am from uk so I wouldn't have an opinion
ralph c
2014-12-19 07:43:27 UTC
No. He is a poor excuse to be the US President. He is a LIAR, the biggest this country has ever had. Teddy Roosevelt would have slapped the crap out of him.Twenty years from now he will be the biggest mistake in our political system. A lot of voters do not investigate the available candidates and don't care as long as the democrat is elected, qualified or not they just don't care.
Ralph Parziale
2014-12-19 06:24:17 UTC
for somethings
Lokesh Goyal
2014-12-19 03:42:25 UTC
2014-12-18 23:34:34 UTC
He s a Black President....does that answer your question...ask Bill Cosby or Ray Rice.
My name?
2014-12-18 19:41:13 UTC
screw obama hes done nothing but screw americans and lie!
Mehriban Alizarova
2014-12-18 19:33:33 UTC
Lets just say Obama is the president , that is puppet being controlled by Congress,House,etc . The man is merely a face to blame I propose. You can't really judge Obama based on his despicable decisions he makes such as medicare and isis retaliation . He it really difficult for a mere human to fulfill all of the citizens needs . One must understand and know what it takes to step into that office and get out without breaking a sweat . He is a typical first African american president .
ron p
2014-12-18 19:24:03 UTC
He is a complete asshole.
2014-12-18 16:57:32 UTC
**** NO!
2014-12-18 12:32:03 UTC
yes honey
2014-12-18 09:54:52 UTC
he's okay.
2014-12-18 09:46:50 UTC
Yes he's a great president.He's the best president.
2014-12-17 14:20:36 UTC
I don't know.
Santosh Rajkumar
2014-12-17 14:10:49 UTC
Obama is clearly no Abraham Lincoln, however, I don't think we should blame him for all the coutnries problems. The slowly recovering economy, bad decisions, and the collapse of a country should nto be put on the blame of the president. The reason for America's issues are corrupt people on wall street, two political parties not getting along with each other in Congress, and a ton of American s making bad investments and decisions. It may be easy to target the President for these problems, but it is the ploethora of people out there that is makign it hard for him to make the right decisions. He has made controversial stuff, and he may be branded a "celebrity" president for taking a vacation every two weeks. But he is not the "worst" president.
2014-12-17 12:10:32 UTC
Yes, i think what people who say no need to realize is that, he has accomplished SO much like reducing the cost of oil as one egasmple. He's down to earth and i feel anyone saying no is either racist or flat out dumb
2014-12-17 07:54:28 UTC
2014-12-16 23:38:22 UTC
I need back surgery and have turned 65. I went to see a back specialist and he said the type of surgery I need used to be covered by Medicare and Private insurance but because of Obama Care this is one of many of the procedures that use to be available for the people that have worked all their lives paying into Medicare and Private insurance but have been eliminated to fund Obama Care and cover the people who haven't paid into these insurances. Obama made a deal with the devil as far as I am concerned. Do you know that when you turn 65 a person is no longer able to have the Private Insurance they have been paying for all the years they have been working as their primary insurance but must use Medicare as your Primary insurance. Since it is Government insurance, the federal government can eliminate any treatments, surgeries, procedures that they want to. This is what Obama Care has created. We worked 30 years of our lives to pay for immigrants and poor people who paid nothing into the system. You think Obama is a good President? Think again.
2014-12-16 21:03:02 UTC
Barack Obama is a good president.
2014-12-21 17:40:10 UTC
Of course not. Even the moron libs know that.
2014-12-20 04:37:44 UTC
kirby r
2014-12-20 01:33:31 UTC
Yes and if he had had bipartisan support in both houses he would have been great. He inherited a situation as serious as FDR and like him, saved the country from economic disaster. He inherited two wars and with great difficulty mostly extracted us from them and against huge pressure he has avoided other wars. The economy has rebounded especially in job creation despite total, blind obstruction from the Republicans and he has maintained his integrity at least compared to the very low bar set by U.S. presidents in general. He is not the skillful politician that Clinton was, but then again he hasn't sold out to the Republican right just to best them at their own game.
2014-12-19 18:54:24 UTC
well ill tell you one thing, economically he has helped the lower class, he took on a insane job I hated bush I cant say I hate him, he is a good leader, however we live in a terrible place, where racism is like a plague, I work with mostly african american people and my god having a black president has just made them more racist.... if I had one wish in this world it would be to end racism permanently it should be illegal
2014-12-19 11:39:15 UTC
No. He doesn't even seem to like this country, and consistently sides against US interests.
2014-12-19 11:15:52 UTC
i think so to but the goverment always hides stuff nomatter whos the pres
2014-12-19 02:30:22 UTC
2014-12-18 19:02:00 UTC
He's ok.
2014-12-18 13:55:07 UTC
Yes! :D
2014-12-18 08:17:05 UTC
No he Obeys Commerce and Power held by the wicked ones! none have been Righteous Honest and True throughout their tenure, ever since King David.
2014-12-17 22:23:29 UTC


2014-12-17 20:10:31 UTC
2014-12-17 18:48:48 UTC
Ono not at all
2014-12-17 18:35:29 UTC
why not? he the president.
2014-12-17 17:08:33 UTC
I believe hes intentions are good but hes orders are not of hes own control.....i believe all presidents are pointless speakers for the nations ruling ELITE that at the end are just a block or wall to shield the true ones in control or in power....all presidents have there good and bad...i say Good 10% and bad 90% even ten percent is a lot in my book cause most presidents have been pure evil and demonic..i know barrack Obama lied about hes name hes passport and birth certificate its all false and the government just used him cause supposedly he was black and truly is Indonesian so i can say hes 90% evil for lieng to thee people and taking so long to actually help anyone ...sad to say but its pointless to have a president .
2014-12-17 15:06:47 UTC
There is GOOD and NO good and this bobble head fits both
2014-12-17 09:20:55 UTC
How much has the national debt decreased since he took office? NOT AT ALL. Heck, it increased during his time in office.
Ahmed A Sohel
2014-12-17 06:22:29 UTC
Very very excellent president
2014-12-16 23:23:49 UTC
votes are rigged anyways.
2014-12-16 20:27:50 UTC
2014-12-20 17:01:12 UTC
He has gotten us through two wars, overhauled the Medical Insurance nightmare, reduced our debt and the price of oil has dropped. He has done all of this in spite of the tremendous opposition that conservatives have put in his path. All in all he has done a very good job and I expect that he will be considered a great president fifty years from now.
2014-12-19 20:47:10 UTC
md aslam
2014-12-19 14:35:46 UTC
2014-12-19 12:44:03 UTC
Quoting Article 'Obama's Staggering Record of Failure: "Choose your metrics. Better yet, choose Mr. Obama’s metrics: Job creation. Economic growth. Improving our health-care system. Reducing the debt. Reducing poverty. Reducing income inequality. Slowing the rise of the oceans. Healing the planet. Repairing the world. The Russian “reset.” Peace in the Middle East. Red lines in Syria. Renewed focus on Afghanistan. A new beginning with the Arab world. Better relations with our allies. Depolarizing our politics. Putting an end to the type of politics that “breeds division and conflict and cynicism.” Working with the other party. Transparency. No lobbyists working in his administration. His commitment to seek public financing in the general election. The list goes on and on."
2014-12-18 20:32:57 UTC
uhm...i think he's a good president of America.
2014-12-18 15:56:09 UTC
Hell no
2014-12-18 13:27:19 UTC
bill d
2014-12-18 11:28:03 UTC
Is this a trick question??? I frankly think that he is the worse thing to happen to the country since WW2....He abuses his powers, ignores federal laws, embarrasses the country....
2014-12-18 01:33:10 UTC
2014-12-17 22:00:02 UTC
2014-12-17 17:25:25 UTC
No. He is the worst president the US has ever had. Even worse than Jimmy Carter. He has divided America like no other president and set race relations back 100 years. He is an incompetent corrupt narcissistic demagogue.
2014-12-17 15:32:15 UTC

He helps a lot of people.
Ronak Babaria
2014-12-17 14:46:44 UTC
many things have happened during his presidency. he carried out the Osama attack and killed a terrorist. and many other things that weren't as big as this one. but on the other side lets talk about the the michael brown case or some of the other ones. he hasn't done anything to stop it except for we should protest non violently. he clearly does not care about the citizens. so overall i think he is a very bad president. he can't even get rid of isis.
2014-12-17 14:34:52 UTC
I think it is funny how people dislike Obama because of his health care plan. The thing is, Romney, the Clintons, Bush's, Palin planned on implementing the same plan. "Obama Care" was coming to America regardless of who was in office and who will be in office. The Age of the America is over anyways so you guys should just keep calm and live life :)
2014-12-17 14:15:31 UTC
2014-12-17 13:01:06 UTC
2014-12-17 12:53:47 UTC
Obama is a lying, stealing, cheating closet communist muslim! Does that answer your question? Now answer my question. Why would anyone need ask the question with all the polls overwhelmingly disapproving of his job performance and his character?
2014-12-17 10:31:25 UTC
Yes, he has done a good job.

He cut the record deficit left by Bush by half.

He quickly brought us out of the recession and would have done better had the Tea Party not obstructed.

He cut the payroll tax by 33% and the Tea Party refused to extend the tax cut.

He brought the stock market back and the value has almost tripled.

He gave us a better insurance plan.
2014-12-17 07:41:14 UTC
I am a fairly conservative Republican and well versed in law and politics, so my opinion is colored by that.

Overall, I give Obama an OK rating, he dealt with some large problems in ways that were adequate, did a reasonably good job in dealing with some crappy war situations, certainly has improved the US standing abroad, and while I disagree with the utility of the ACA/Obama Care, it is largely doing what it was intended to do.

In short, he has been nowhere near as good as hoped for, but far better than his worst critics.
Obama Bin Laden
2014-12-17 05:50:25 UTC
Obama is a terrorist and a bastard
2014-12-19 21:19:53 UTC
Worst president in the entire history of the United States. No one else even comes close.
2014-12-19 20:38:07 UTC
Yes, he does. in the most part is helpful to popular public
2014-12-19 19:25:32 UTC
Barack Obama is a tool of the left. Every neuron that synapses in his brain is about sticking it to the man (White power structure). Race baiting, class warfare, unwilling to negotiate with other party for the benefit of all Americans, these are BO's only skills.

He's really nothing more than a token of the left's acrid affection the this country.
2014-12-19 13:36:25 UTC
no Obama is a liar but name me one president that's not a liar. we keep complaining about everything but don't get off our *** to fix things
2014-12-18 23:46:12 UTC
Not only do I think Obama is a PATHETIC President, I also believe he is a PATHETIC American!
2014-12-18 14:16:52 UTC
Yup!!! America's economy is getting better as today the DOW rose 400 POINTS!!!
2014-12-18 13:50:04 UTC
No he isn't look what he doing to our country he's horribl
2014-12-18 11:44:18 UTC
2014-12-18 11:32:10 UTC
Excepting the fact that no president will completely satisfy you, yes Barack Obama has been a good president to me.
2014-12-18 04:55:16 UTC
yes.I hope that he is a good presedint
2014-12-18 03:38:10 UTC
Yes, Barak obama is a good president.
William P
2014-12-18 00:47:39 UTC
As good as Nero was an emperor to Rome.
2014-12-17 20:23:03 UTC
Obama is the worst black president of all time
2014-12-17 13:30:46 UTC
Obama will go down as the worst president in the history of the United States. His administration is destroying our nation.
2014-12-17 10:10:51 UTC
We've had a good president?
2014-12-17 09:04:24 UTC
Barack Obama is a failure. He is a common liar and not exceptional in any regard. Barack Obama running this country is akin to a 5th grader running the Senior Prom. "You can keep your can keep your doctor". "The ACA will save families $2500 per year". This man is an unrepentant liar
2014-12-17 08:40:38 UTC
I didn't vote for him the first time but after he was elected I was so hoping he would be successful. I knew he was a bit left of center but like past Presidents of either particular political party I figured he'd gravitate towards the center with his policy decisions. Well, I was wrong. That fact it became profoundly evident to me by the way he rammed the ACA through Congress, not to mention his foreign policy failures. Needless to say I didn't vote for him the second time either. From my perspective he's been a total failure as President and has done infinitely more harm to our nation than good. Just my two cents worth since you asked.
2014-12-17 08:15:30 UTC
2014-12-17 08:00:39 UTC
Not at all, im republican dont like em at all
2014-12-17 02:05:36 UTC
He's a good president. What morons even got guts to ask stupid question! Reagan is obviously overrated. Do you imply hating spanish illegals makes you a good presidents? Repubs are just paranoid. They breathe guns and their pillows are guns. They believe in making a gazillion of mistakes and apologizing later. They shoot first and explain later; paranoid!
2014-12-21 11:03:56 UTC
A president of a nation is like the principal of a school, does the principal really matter enough to be judged as productive or counterproductive when there are dozens of administrators and benefactors breathing down their necks and students who could protest and rebel at any second? The principal is a figurehead void of power and authority.
2014-12-21 01:29:06 UTC
He's done well, considering his obstructive opponents. Historians will remember him as a positive influence on our foreign policy, economic recovery, and as only one of three presidents to become Nobel Laureates while in office.
2014-12-20 10:51:48 UTC
Yer he seems like a lad
2014-12-20 01:48:14 UTC
2014-12-19 18:17:38 UTC
As good as a toddler can be
2014-12-19 12:19:03 UTC
No he is a stupid president
2014-12-18 23:31:35 UTC
Intentions are good, but opposition is formidable.
2014-12-18 19:53:19 UTC
He is certainly a descent human being like all past Presidents tried to be and like many past Presidents there were policies Americans felt could've gone this way or that way, but given the economic situation when he took office, there's really no President that could've turned things around so quickly. I think he tried really hard to turn things around quickly, but for some Americans, it wasn't good enough. Also, it's unfortunate, because of his ethnicity that he will always be an easy target of racist jokes, just like that idiot lady Amy Pascal made racial jokes about him from the leaked Sony hack (even IF she didn't intend to offend, but it obviously was not funny especially the position she holds).
Arizona Yankee
2014-12-18 11:15:42 UTC
I am going to give him a 7 out of ten

much better then either of the Bushes

not quite as good as Reagan or Clinton
2014-12-18 03:16:58 UTC
Yes, Barack Obama is a good president.
2014-12-17 19:34:10 UTC
I don't think he's a good president. I respect everyone's opinion, I only ask that you respect mine.
2014-12-17 18:21:47 UTC
Look. President Obama is just a CEO hired, not elected, hired for a company called the United States of America. In this case, unlike corporate companies, you can't blame the president for ideas and visions he or she has. Every decision is challenge and approve or disapproved. So, "We the People" shouldn't really blame the president for absolutely everything. The correct question is "Is our federal government a good government?" Obama is just this company's representative, representing our nation and taking the heat for 30 years of damage that started in Nixon's times. We became so independent, we had to keep borrowing money from other countries for countless of years, long before Obama. Almost nothing is made in America anymore. I thought it was funny when a Texas governor claims he is standing up and suiting Obama. Suiting Obama for what? He didn't pass the decisions that may had hurt Texas. Those decisions that had to have been approved so he should be suiting the house of reps-The Democratic and Republican parties for passing his bills. You want America to legalize weed? Obama can't do that. He can slap the idea on the table, but he can't push it through on his own will. It has to be passed through congress and if it dose pass, guess what? It was "We the People" who wanted it. Obama would be just only the messenger between us and congress, the real culprits for decades. Obama and the presidents before and after should not take the entire wrap for what is going on in the White House.
2014-12-17 17:32:14 UTC
I mean he is close to finishing his second term... so many comments of people not liking him but yet he wasn't voted out of office. Some people are all talk, won't even get up to vote but will be the first ones to talk badly about him on social media. Their priorities are all messed up.
2014-12-17 13:10:09 UTC
Well it's honestly up to you what you want to believe about him, because most people will be stuck to their own one-sided political reasons.

As an example: if you ask most democrats they will say, "Yes, of course he is." and if you ask most republicans they will say "No, he isn't."

(Notice how I said "most," not all, because some (mostly very few) people are actually willing to see reason even though it is against their own belief.)

So you are not going to get a firm "one or the other" from people, cause everyone believes whatever they want to, so if you want an actual (reasonable) opinion of him, then ask yourself. (Especially because people will say whatever they can to get you to join their side.)
2014-12-17 13:02:35 UTC
2014-12-17 11:17:12 UTC
I think Obama has done well while in office considering how low gas prices are, more jobs in circulation, insurance for eveyone, loan forgiveness, and much more. I believe America is harder on him because he is an African American and its hard for society to except that a black man holds the highest office in AMERICA!
2014-12-17 10:27:03 UTC
Uh-huh. Who was the last white man

get to first base with Cuba, National

Subsidized Health Care, Seal Team Six,

or past all the nasty saysayers who

keep telling us their alternate reality.
2014-12-17 05:34:38 UTC
To me, yes he is a good President
2014-12-17 05:08:04 UTC
Yes, I think he's a good President. So far Yes! But why the question? He has a great Government. I think there would be no other but him.
2014-12-17 01:28:40 UTC
he is the best since ever.
King Julian
2014-12-19 23:56:27 UTC
I king Julian that's my name, can be a better president! Vote for me!!!
2014-12-19 17:42:16 UTC
2014-12-19 15:56:59 UTC
He won the Nobel Peace Prize, that's gotta mean something.
2014-12-19 07:43:26 UTC
I know this is a hot topic. My issue is this, for as many reports and stats that you see telling us that everything is better and he has been a very good president there are just as many reports and status out there saying he is a horrible president. I remember when Reagan was in office and so many people hated him, now I hear many people saying he was a great President. I think the best way to answer this question is let time tell us how good or bad he was. Only time will tell us about the impact of the actions he took.
2014-12-19 02:29:45 UTC
2014-12-18 21:18:05 UTC
sure it's your opinion idc i guess maybe
2014-12-18 16:32:24 UTC
not realy in my opinion
2014-12-18 10:33:09 UTC
absolutely not Barack Obama is the worst president we have had recently and the polls clearly show it with his approval ratings being lower than even George W. Bush before he left office his administration has lied to the American people about Benghazi, the I.R.S scandal is clearly another example of the outright dishonesty he and his administration, the outright attack upon the constitution and the constitutional rights of Americans, along with his executive order of amnesty being granted to illegal, undocumented immigrants, his numerous incidents of outright clear and obvious visible examples of disrespect to military personal(the "saluting" of military personal using a coffee cup), the invitation as guests of the White house he extended to those responsible for the widespread looting and burning of businesses in Ferguson, MO but let's be realistic here folks even if he were to be impeached we would end up being right back at square one being stuck with his equally guiltier than true sin on a Sunday Morning" counterpart Vice President Joe Biden who is just as equally dishonest, untrustworthy as President Obama for four more years, is that what America needs I say ABSOLUTELY NOT!!
2014-12-18 07:18:42 UTC
I think so. He hasn't fulfilled every campaign promise, but neither has any other president. I would vote for him again.
2014-12-18 01:27:03 UTC
Yes, of course he is good.
Abbey Normal
2014-12-17 19:18:52 UTC
What a stupid question, again. Of course all the cons have are unproven charges and pure ignorance.

They are too dumb to realize what the Cons want to do with us.
2014-12-17 19:07:05 UTC
it depends.
2014-12-17 17:38:24 UTC
That will be a question only history will answer. Right now there is a herd mentality against him. Once weakness is perceived it becomes easy to attack. As the consensus mounts it becomes a trend. Would he have been a better president if he did not have such an adversarial relationship with the republican party? Who knows. It is obvious he has been blocked often by republicans even to the point where their dislike of his policies and politics transitioned into the personal dislike of him. Has the economy gotten better, has the unemployment dropped? Could he have been a stronger leader? Yes on all points. So let history be the judge.,
2014-12-17 16:12:51 UTC
Many questions are asked that never receive an answer but, your question merits an answer and yet when one tries to answer it fairly one finds oneself in a conundrum! Yet your question merits a true and honest answer, so I find myself having to say NO! And those through out history that answer yes are only deceiving themselves and their readers.
2014-12-17 15:30:59 UTC
2014-12-17 14:49:58 UTC
S i r i
2014-12-17 12:33:46 UTC
no way!
Amber Michelle
2014-12-17 11:35:26 UTC
No Muslim should be in the white house. Period.
2014-12-17 10:02:24 UTC
2014-12-17 07:56:19 UTC
HELL NO !!!!!
2014-12-19 18:46:01 UTC
2014-12-19 16:34:18 UTC
2014-12-19 12:44:07 UTC
Good or bad doesn't matter ,its peoples choices that they have chosen him. His job is to be a good president its up to the people if he is good enough or not.
2014-12-19 06:51:31 UTC
much better than Bush, he is a very good President. Would have been better with more support.
2014-12-18 14:53:04 UTC
2014-12-18 11:53:06 UTC
ha funny question. You should get negative points lol
2014-12-18 11:17:37 UTC
Its more than just the president that controls this country. He is just the head and tells us whats happening. There is congress and the senate that also making things happen and they avoid blame too much. Obama took presidency when the economy was in the shite so over all he has done a good job.

People have to work together and not pick teams of which politcal parties they are on! Wake up and stop picking sides people! COULD IT BE THERE ARE DUMBASSES ON BOTHE SIDES? Why yes its very possible and its 100% fact.

Don't pick sides pick what you can believe in and tell me what could have been done better. People too often reject ideas and say its stupid with no say in what should be done differently.
2014-12-18 06:51:50 UTC
As US presidents go, I think he's pretty good, yes. He certainly hasn't done many of the things that I hoped he would, when I voted for him and donated money to the Democratic cause. In some cases this is because Obama -- like all US presidents, I believe -- has to play ball with the biggest campaign donors, with the "1 percent," in order to get anything done. I think that's why his Treasury Dept. people made sure the big financial industry bailout of 2009 was mostly directed toward helping the banks, not the people who bought bad mortgages from them. But Bush's people did exactly the same thing before Obama's people got to it. It shows how powerful the Wall Street banks are, I think.
2014-12-18 06:14:30 UTC
He is possibly the worst president in my lifetime. He is a poor leader and his policies and ideas are a disaster. It seems to be more about his own personal agendas then what is good for the country.
Mogollon Dude
2014-12-18 04:34:31 UTC
Obama has broken the law I believe and there fore is a bad president .
2014-12-17 21:25:18 UTC
not only does he do a TERRIBLE IMPERSONATION of a president, he has yet to PROVE in any court that he legally even IS the president. NOT ONE COURT has ever ruled ON THE MERITS about his qualifications---they all dismissed cases on "standing to bring the action".
jim k
2014-12-17 21:09:21 UTC
2014-12-17 20:04:44 UTC
yes, I think so
2014-12-17 13:39:00 UTC
NO ! NO ! NO!
2014-12-17 11:40:16 UTC
ruby m
2014-12-17 10:55:47 UTC
2014-12-17 07:29:10 UTC
ballislife obama
2014-12-17 04:05:22 UTC
Better than the previous ones
2014-12-16 19:31:46 UTC
No he's worse than Bush and most other Presidents that I know about.. Under his administration and Bush's administration which is pretty much the same administration just a different face to represent the corrupt people in the country my money and other stuff in my life kept on vanishing my apartment kept on getting broken into and the government kept on telling me one thing **** YOU...
s k a n k h u n t 42
2014-12-16 18:37:11 UTC
Yes, Barack Obama is a good president.
2014-12-20 07:54:19 UTC
md. jashim
2014-12-20 06:17:14 UTC
I think Bill Kinton is a good president?
Elyse Rose
2014-12-20 01:05:15 UTC
I get it , now ~`~`~ this is a trick question /././... right ?
2014-12-19 21:56:22 UTC
Our current President is the worst president in our history. Obama doesn't love the America for which tens of thousands of Americans have fought and died. Obama doesn't believe in free-enterprise, capitalism, the right of the people to choose their own destiny. All his policies have done nothing to promote growth in the economy. More unemployment, more welfare, more joblessness, His friend, Bill Ayers was a terrorist bomber in the 60's .......his friend, Reverend Wright asked that GOD condemn America. Obama wants to destroy the America. Millions upon millions of immigrants have come to America for a better life.............. Obama wants to take that away.
2014-12-19 12:47:11 UTC
The **** he's been pulling the last 2 years. **** no!
Fee Nix
2014-12-19 11:37:58 UTC

how about NO BOMA.....

ill go back to my cage
2014-12-19 11:12:43 UTC
I don't know a whole lot, and compared to Bush I'm sure anyone could be good, but he has broken a lot of promises and lied to us. And no matter how many good things he does, his lying and broken promises make him a bad president in my eyes.
Buck Shot 00
2014-12-19 07:05:54 UTC
simple answer is HELL NO
Jason Hein
2014-12-18 20:56:50 UTC
2014-12-18 14:10:58 UTC
he serve is real and the leader of nwo so how is he a good president for betraying his own country?
Jonathan A. Bennett
2014-12-18 05:57:50 UTC
Yes! why not?
2014-12-17 21:36:36 UTC
I don't like Obama as a president; as a man? sure. I dont let my feelings get in the way of making rash statements out of opinion. He did try to do a good thing with Obama care,indeed. It costs way too much and insurance plans change all the time when your on it. There's no consistency , whatsoever, when trying to stay with a reasonable insurance on Obamacare. He has also failed to use necessary military force to rescue our American citizens from harms way. I don't care if it you dont want to start a war over one man. Once you let them take one man, you start letting them take 10 men. Overall he has good intentions, however, not a great president in my eyes.
2014-12-17 17:38:46 UTC
Obama is a rather popular topic on this site, isn't he?
2014-12-17 16:59:15 UTC
He's not as effective as people would like but it's not his fault. It's because the house keeps voting against and trying to undo everything that he plans to do for the country since they are a wealthy elite and not representative of the general popular of Americans.
2014-12-17 14:46:01 UTC
i hate Obama ever sense he became are president there have been terrorist attacks, killings,kidnappings and he does nothing. He says there will be change but every thing gets worse. So he is a terrible president
2014-12-17 12:51:30 UTC
This is a very opinion based question. No one can say he is the worst president because that would come down to a president that almost got impeached (Nixon) and one who did absolutely nothing in a time where the people needed him to do something (a lot of them to be honest). I think personally he gets a lot of hate even though he is president in a time where it is hard to be president. Put one of the best presidents ever in that situation, lets say FDR, and I guarantee his approval rating would be WAY down. I don't think Obama is a great president, but I don't think he is bad either. He has brought a lot of change in his presidency. I feel like he is the scapegoat of all the country's problems when the public doesn't know

WHO to blame.
2014-12-17 10:26:41 UTC
2014-12-17 08:25:19 UTC
NO way he destroying are economy
2014-12-17 07:47:54 UTC
yes, he is good president. Good luck.
2014-12-17 04:55:18 UTC
Yes, I am republican, but I still say he did not. He only seemed to be in wealth, fame and power. His healthcare program, if people... especially the poor people, did not meet the deadline recently for a healthcare plan, he will take it out in their tax return. The only good thing he has done was give the order to shoot and kill Osama Bin Laden. Even then, it was our American troops that did the work, and yet he got the credit.
2014-12-21 21:52:48 UTC
Nope. He's gutless.
Mohd Taib
2014-12-20 00:27:50 UTC
good president
2014-12-19 22:15:00 UTC
Depends on what your perspective is
2014-12-19 18:32:20 UTC
NO! The U.S has been leaderless for the past 6 years, and will be for 2 more.
2014-12-19 12:52:55 UTC
It's hard to say, history requires us to look backwards, he gets a lot of flak, and I am not sure all of it warranted. The ridiculous constant accusations about his birth certificate, whether or not he has ties to Muslim terrorists, etc. seem to overshadow him. His health care plan was ambitious and it appears that he did something truly historic in that realm. All presidents are subject to intense criticism and to a lot of outright paranoid, political speculation, some of it erring on the side of insanity. People use the prez as an outlet for blame. The truth is if we each did something to make this country a better place we'd be healing this nation in no time. Easier just to blame him and everyone else I guess.
2014-12-19 08:31:04 UTC
Good for what? He should be the shoe shine boy at the bus station, and his wife should be cleaning the toilets.
2014-12-18 19:48:24 UTC
Not hardly
2014-12-18 17:41:19 UTC
In my opinion, yes. It's hard to make change when the republicans are against you. It's also hard to undo all the awful things Bush did :)
2014-12-18 12:32:48 UTC
absolutely not, he is the reason we are no longer the super power he is also the reason every other country is taking advantage of us, Obama didn't lift a finger when north Korea threatened to go all 9/11 on the movie theaters, we haven't communicated with Cuba in the past 50 years and when we do we return 3 of their spy's for one American, he is a disgrace to this country, not to mention that he takes money from people that work hard and make alot of money to give it to the people who sit on their asses all day, he might as well just get on his hands and knees and give the other leaders bjs all go damn day.
2014-12-18 11:47:34 UTC
2014-12-18 09:35:18 UTC
The only good thing I can say about Obama is that he did more good things than bad things
2014-12-18 09:13:20 UTC
I don't know.

First Black President.
2014-12-18 07:58:21 UTC
To some he is - to others he is not.
2014-12-17 18:27:00 UTC
no worst president in history along with bush
2014-12-17 16:33:02 UTC
I'm not fond of him but he gets a lot of **** that he doesn't deserve. He is a bad pres tho
2014-12-17 16:16:38 UTC
Says who.
2014-12-17 15:03:12 UTC
2014-12-17 13:07:31 UTC
Domestically, he has been progressive. Take it the way you want to because you got to wait a couple decades to see whether his progressiveness was a good thing or a bad thing. On foreign affairs, hes been rather weak. I'd like to see a government with less departments and not as concerned with its citizens personal lives and how they live it. Cut money out of Defense, Welfare, and Health Care and put it into something like Education, NASA, or alternate energy.
Kirk O
2014-12-17 12:23:02 UTC
2014-12-17 11:32:59 UTC
Do you want my opinion? As a matter of fact, he is a great President. Know why? Because he does what no other President ever did in this country. He put all elderly who is eligible, on medicare, he came and sought about the trageties that happened everytime somebody shoots in public places immediately (a meeting, a movie theater, etc), he sent the troops to kill Osama (which is still a conspiracy though because nobody knows ifama is still alive or dead or died during 9/11), and he has taken extreme measures in some problems that the government let him. God Bless Obama.
2014-12-20 15:43:37 UTC
2014-12-20 04:45:48 UTC
No way .... R u mad ???? He would become a good president in hell.... And I'll congratulate him on that day!!!
2014-12-20 02:04:44 UTC
he's ok
2014-12-19 19:34:29 UTC
2014-12-19 18:53:07 UTC
hell F**king no he a f**king loser he a loser and a user obama u fail us ur fired
2014-12-19 13:20:44 UTC
Barack Obama is probably by far one of the worst Presidents in our US History and by far the worst President of the last 20 years. He was never eligible and facts throughout our recent history has proven so and by the way I view it, it makes African American's look like weak leaders in terms of politics and I bet I will get comments saying "oh you're racist" and all of that b.s actually I'm not because when the Republican's were competing for the Nomination I actually had a deep interest in Herman Cain and he's more African than B.O!
Red ray 47
2014-12-19 01:37:29 UTC
I don't know, I don't care.
2014-12-19 01:26:07 UTC
2014-12-18 21:17:54 UTC
In my opinion no presidents ever done a good job except for those who are remembered as a good presidents... since people have different opinion and belief so this would be the best answer..... any ways other people might think differently but I believe that he isn't really doing a good job because lots of bad organization that are baleful to the community is increasing due to the weakening of the government.
2014-12-18 21:03:44 UTC
He's iight
2014-12-18 15:48:39 UTC
It doesn't matter how good or bad a President is when he is saddled with an inept Congress sporting a lower approval rating than getting an enema on live TV.
Casper McFadden
2014-12-18 11:10:41 UTC
Hey, he tries.
2014-12-18 08:41:32 UTC
2014-12-18 07:14:31 UTC
better than our pm
2014-12-18 05:43:24 UTC
I'm not a Us citizen so it's not my place to say. However, from what I've heard on the news and radio n that that he is a good man and when there's a problem, he fixes it and makes things well. So I think he's good in my opinion...maybe he'll be a president for a while then?
2014-12-17 22:57:16 UTC
Short answer: He is an average to below average president.

Long Answer:

In the beginning, Obama was a gung-ho left wing champion of the people. But it seemed like he used his entire presidency to get the ACA in place, and that's about it. He called his pandering to the right wing "compromise" but was in fact not even close to compromise. He supported more conservative legislation than people realize. He recently worked with republicans to pass a spending bill that allowed lobbyists to spend 10 times as much money on donations to political parties and gave big banks the green light to gamble with our tax dollars again. He has done everything to please republicans short of going to war, oh wait...... I'll be glad to get rid of him and hope the next democrat elected is a real progressive and not bought out by big corporations.
2014-12-17 17:16:45 UTC
2014-12-17 14:23:17 UTC
He's the greatest snake oil salesman this country has ever seen.
2014-12-17 07:37:53 UTC
tell me one person who is a good in high position,once they get there,they will care only about money

so f*** all politicians
2014-12-17 07:13:46 UTC
He is just another black пiggа
Eric Zara
2014-12-21 17:20:07 UTC
I'm not political, in fact still a teenager, so I dont know much about all of that government stuff but he seems like a great man with an amazing personality who has very good intentions, and we all make mistakes, no one is perfect, so if something bad is going on in our nation we cant fully blame him, he's a great man
2014-12-21 16:19:47 UTC
I like that he changed the rhetoric so the president doesn't talk down to people as much as the other presidents have in the past or... Romney.
2014-12-21 16:19:15 UTC
well, he does encourage the unrest and distain of the black community for white people.

in other areas he supports much better. the black-hate thing is his only weak point.
2014-12-21 15:09:12 UTC
Whoa O.O a lot of people are answering this question. I guess he's an alright president. He doesn't seem like he's doing much, but he has a lot of mistakes to fix. When he was elected in, previous president ( you know who I'm talking about) had f***ed up the system and our country. We're still recovering from that.
2014-12-19 19:59:00 UTC
2014-12-19 13:40:15 UTC
If you hate USA greed and admire the BEST of Monarchy, then YES, he is a good President. However, the border problems with Mexico could destroy USA. Amnesty for illegals is suicidal. The Queen Mary needs to ship NYC blacks back to Africa ASAP.
2014-12-19 04:23:00 UTC
2014-12-18 21:10:53 UTC
I think that with what he has done wo his ability, I do think that he is a pretty good president
2014-12-18 20:26:36 UTC
2014-12-18 04:56:15 UTC
Hey Eweyboty!
2014-12-17 19:25:24 UTC
2014-12-17 16:42:35 UTC
Chloe M. Gioia
2014-12-17 15:21:16 UTC
Best! And please stop being a terrorist!!
2014-12-17 15:10:02 UTC
Too fine a gentleman for the job. He means wee, but he's weak politically. I hate to see him go,
2014-12-17 15:08:35 UTC
DEAR AMERCA please quit voting in these oligarchical dynasties in America! 2016 NO MORE CLINTONS AND NO MORE BUSHES!!!!!!! VOTE IN A REAL LEADER, not these fake politicians who don't give a hoot about us. Dr. Ben Carson for president in 2016!
2014-12-17 10:42:16 UTC
Our current leader of the free world has done more damage to this country than the last 15 combined - and that includes President Bush who signed into law the Patriot Act that allows the government to destroy any American that they deem an extremist! Watch Dinesh D'Souza's films, do the research, and you can only conclude that the Socialist-in-Chief is the 2nd Worst President in our history. It is shame that I feel when I think that our country is so divided. And President Barry and his thugs keep us in chaos just to further their agenda. Am I better off than I was 6 years ago - a resounding NO. To be fair, the "change" that is happening is also the fault of the Democrats and some of the GOP in Congress. The Tea Party and other Conservatives are our only hope.
Jacquavius Rucker
2014-12-17 09:17:12 UTC
Yess , He Is .
The Predictor
2014-12-17 07:47:47 UTC
He's a better leader than president. But most people are too stupid too look at him this way. If we were going to war, I'd want him as our president.
2014-12-17 02:56:22 UTC
2014-12-16 20:54:46 UTC
Yes and no. But he's certainly better than Bush.
Walking Corpse
2014-12-21 21:47:51 UTC
Less than Average.
2014-12-21 18:11:18 UTC
yes he is
2014-12-19 14:22:47 UTC
only if your socialist
2014-12-19 13:56:43 UTC
Yahoo Aswers is more of a right Wing website if you want to get a real statistic go to reddit. but I assume that you are probably just asking that cause controversy and arguments in the answers section
2014-12-19 13:22:56 UTC
NoNe Of ur beezwax
2014-12-18 19:09:45 UTC
No one really knows whether Obama is a good or bad president. Why? Because sometimes we forget that Obama represents the decisions made from a large group of people. Let s take into account ObamaCare. Obama DID want healthcare for everyone, but not at all how it has turned out to be. When you take a good look at ObamaCare, it pretty much screws over everyone it is supposed to help. And everyone blames Obama.

Obama is the face of the government, similarly how a manager is the face of the store they work in. When something goes wrong, the manager is blamed for the issue that the employees cause. The same applies in government. When Congress decides on an issue, no one points a finger on Congress.
2014-12-18 15:30:10 UTC
I do like him much better then President Chaney, the one that had mushroom clouds flooding his empty head. How many lives and how many dollars did it cost this nation? Unfortunately the men and women that where not killed are the ones that are suffering the most. Thank you President Chaney, we will always remember you.
2014-12-18 15:25:26 UTC
Everyone has their fair share of problems. Obama has done some good and bad things. Overall, I think he's an okay president
2014-12-18 15:11:25 UTC
While he is disappointing compared to what we all thought he would achieve, he is definitely way better than his haters portray him as, and hopefully history won't be so dedicated to ignoring his accomplishments.
2014-12-18 14:07:03 UTC
I don't think so. He killed many innocents, but then again innocent people die in war. He brought back the Patriot act. He claims he is for the people, but didn't do anything about wall street
2014-12-18 12:33:58 UTC
He is not president. He is the leader of the United Socialist Authority. The destroyer of liberty and freedom. Only Communist minded people support him.
2014-12-18 07:42:42 UTC
Nope he black
2014-12-18 07:10:58 UTC
Hw is bad and not just for USA
2014-12-18 00:33:24 UTC
No. Hope that cleared things up for you.
Afroz Siddiqui
2014-12-17 21:18:09 UTC
Yes !
2014-12-17 17:55:22 UTC
if you say bad, you will suffer mentally, if you say good, you feel great taken care of by wonderful president
Alexandra Wallace
2014-12-17 13:31:14 UTC
well , he is not bad at all
2014-12-17 05:40:05 UTC
2014-12-16 22:22:49 UTC
Yes as much as he can, considering he has been fought against with everything he tries to do with the Republicans. They keep wanting to line the rich's pockets.
2014-12-16 21:34:50 UTC

ha i know many people who say he is just a puppet and he can not do anything by himself.

he really just needs to step down already
2014-12-20 22:00:29 UTC
Better then bush
2014-12-20 10:22:50 UTC
No comment
2014-12-19 22:44:55 UTC
2014-12-19 21:32:19 UTC
why not...? Maximum people was vote him...
2014-12-19 20:31:09 UTC
No, one of the worst. We have become a weak country through him and thanks to him.
Once Upon a Time
2014-12-19 01:49:32 UTC
HELL NO. He is just about the WORST prez EVER.

Highest debt EVER.

Turning a blind eye to weed being 'legalized'.

We are in more wars than ever. Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Afganastan, etc...

Highest jobless rate since the DEPRESSION!

I could go on but he is a dumbass. Did I mention he also SMOKES. A drug addict prez that is ok with weed what a shock....

OH WAIT! I am against 0bama that must mean I am racist! I am judging the content of his character not the color of his skin. *COUGH*Martin Luther King Jr*COUGH*
2014-12-18 23:34:26 UTC
i am not an american but i think obama is a good president
2014-12-18 20:34:54 UTC
I'm not American so I don't have an inside perspective on US politics. However, my understanding of Obama's initial manifesto was to take the USA out of Iraq and Afghanistan He didn't do so. Now in his final year there has been a withdrawal but how many lives have been lost? He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace on this account. Yet daily Obama sanctions the killing of innocent people in Pakistan and elsewhere by the cowardly use of drones from the safety of the US. Likewise, as a black American, he presides over a racist police force which brazenly murders black civilians almost on a daily basis. This is how I and many others see Obama's presidency from outside the US.
2014-12-18 19:24:20 UTC
Yes....2 wars ended...gas prices dropped to low $2s per gallon. Yea haters can keep hating but the truth is in the pudding.
2014-12-18 14:59:10 UTC
I think he's a great President...
Carlotta 8
2014-12-18 13:40:46 UTC
In answer to your question, I think it depends on whom you ask. We are politically (and hatefully ) divided

in how we view the President. He is reviled by the Republicans as the opposing party, much in the same

way George W. Bush was reviled by the Democrats. This country is extremely racially, politically,ethnically,

religiously -- and any other way you can think of -- divided against itself to the point that it's vicious and

vitriolic how we see anyone that different to "our group." A sad state of affairs. We are no longer

the UNITED States of America, we are the DIVIDED AGAINST OURSELVES States of America.

In Unity is strength. We seem to have lost our way and forgotten who we are and what we formerly

stood for. As for the answer to your question, IS THE PRESIDENT A GOOD PRESIDENT -- AGAIN,

it depends on whom you ask. Wish I could give a "yes" or "no" answer but I don't deal in fantasy;

I deal in reality.
2014-12-18 13:12:03 UTC
Ha ha, good question. I love it.

Next question?
2014-12-18 08:57:29 UTC
as someone already said "Obama will be judged by historians as one of our great Presidents."

Thank you, Martin Fluss
2014-12-18 07:58:09 UTC
maybe he is good but not at all.
2014-12-18 05:35:14 UTC
2014-12-18 00:33:20 UTC
to some degree,yes, but he seems could not change the American economy....
2014-12-17 18:16:29 UTC
you chose him so he's gotta be good
2014-12-17 08:25:54 UTC
YES ........ he`s VERY good .......... for NOTHING !!

What on earth can you expect from a Liberal Community Activist and first "affirmative action"president with NO previous experience other than sitting and chatting on the phone with his buddy al sharpton whilst picking his nose ???
2014-12-17 05:51:04 UTC
Polli Love KissMeboys
2014-12-17 04:40:58 UTC
Matter of opinion, all I am going to say! -.-
2014-12-21 10:03:34 UTC
Some people think he is really Barry Soetoro:
2014-12-20 07:02:50 UTC
"Good" is so vague a word as to be effectively meaningless. All over Medieval Western Europe, lazy monks seized on one word in their respective languages as a kneejerk reaction to translating "bonus" thereby inflicting on "goed", "gut", "bon", bom", "bueno", "buono". "dobry", "dobrý", etc. the same crazily extensive semantic range as Latin "bonus": so that, in the end, it connotes no more than a sort of general feel good factor. Is he holy or sweet tempered, or conveniently acquiescent, or having a moderate degree of financial worth, or what? Some devout Muslims would attribute their idea of "goodness" to Bin Laden or the Ayatollah or Jener (founder of Pakistan). The question as posed cannot be treated seriously. Please be more specific.
2014-12-19 19:27:12 UTC
I would rather have a sock for President then this guy. The effects of his Presidency will haunt this country to decades to come.
Rasheeda M
2014-12-19 17:51:45 UTC
hes okay...obama care is expensive but at least now someone can kinda sorta afford insurance
2014-12-19 14:55:02 UTC
what defines a "good President" to you? "good" and "bad" are matters of opinion, and many people with strong opinions will post on here, but it is important to remember that these are just opinions.

the FACTS being what they are, one could easily argue that we have not had a "good President" since JFK. some might argue further back than that, to Lincoln.

let me ask you this though: when was the last time that a law was passed that benefitted ALL people, and not just helping one group while hurting another? i'm not talking about taxes (those are necessary, and ALWAYS have to continue increasing to keep up with the cost of living), and i'm not talking about his personal beliefs (as long as they don't interfere with the Liberties of those who disagree with them).

think about it...
2014-12-19 14:17:35 UTC
Can wait until his term is over
Magic Jack
2014-12-19 04:32:09 UTC
NO! He cant be trusted!
2014-12-19 03:19:56 UTC
Yes. He is a good president. :D
2014-12-18 18:53:34 UTC
2014-12-18 14:38:40 UTC
good president
2014-12-18 10:26:20 UTC
I see nothing good that he did for the country for the last 6 years. May be he is doing some of his presidential duties well, but I believe he is the worst president USA ever had.
2014-12-17 20:11:44 UTC
Im sorry but l laughed at this.

I actually started looking for a shepherd because there are so many sheeple here.

There is a computer right in front of your face, why don't you do some research on some of the puppe...i mean presidents and find out for yourself.
2014-12-17 13:21:51 UTC
Obviously not. How can he be a good president if he is employed by financial institutions and corporations that control the government? By default, for a president to be remotely good and effective, the president has to be an advocate of true democracy and nationalism. The president of a nation has to be elected by the people of the respective nation that controls its own money supply. I'll say this bluntly, USA does not control its own money supply. Foreign interests control USA's money supply. By default, a good president should have political power. Obama has very little or none; he is just a puppet figure head.

An example of a good president would be JFK. Why? Because he died trying to make USA's government autonomous and free from financial institutions. He wanted to shift from federal reserve notes to US treasury notes. (for people who have the red stamp on paper money instead of the green one, cherish it)

- See Executive Order 11110

I recommend that people read up on USA history and explore the 3 implementations of federal reserve/central banks.

FDR, My Exploited Father in Law by Curtis Bean Dall

is a good read. This is coming from the man who married the daughter of a USA president.
2014-12-17 12:21:55 UTC
2014-12-17 12:06:04 UTC
2014-12-17 07:17:17 UTC
He is the worse president this nation has ever had.

and he knows it is that?.....he was diognosed with acid reflux, thats your cue and his that he is a nervous wreck on what he is doing to a whole country

he stepped in on a job he knew he was going to distroy this country....and finally he shows some conscience in whats he is doing...and is permenently scared from it

HOO RAY for acid !
2014-12-17 07:09:04 UTC
No, absolutely not. No President, Democrat, Republican or Independent, who treats the US Constitution with less respect than he does a roll of toilet paper can be considered "good." In that respect Obama has been somewhere south of abysmal.

"As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and complete narcissistic moron."

-- H.L. Mencken, the Baltimore Evening Sun, July 26, 1920

..... and indeed it has.

2014-12-17 05:38:15 UTC
dont careeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Jess Marcela
2014-12-17 04:29:12 UTC
To the blind and Liberals he is. Obama is as much of a criminal as Bush. I could plagiarize many articles with hundreds of reasons of why he's a horrible president. I won't though. That's why you can google such things.

Obama considers Edward Snowden as a criminal. That shows you how much he cares about the people living in the country he got elected to run. The people who supported and believed in him are running away from him.
2014-12-17 04:09:18 UTC
Here's a foreigener's perspective. The power of veto prevented him from doing a lot of the things he wanted to do despite his regime offering a bi-partisan system of governance. Which makes some look ungrateful because of their republican rather than democrat party politics. He had no intention of interfering further in Iraqi affairs except that they requested his help against isis. His regime ordered and got Bin Laden killed. He needs to work on the policing, race relations and civil rights issue. His insistance on not making his race an issue in his presidency makes that difficult for him. So he may not be the best president you've ever had but it certainly looks like he tried to do everything that was on the agenda. So good or bad? On the good side of the middle ground I'd say.
Audrey H
2014-12-21 18:10:46 UTC
2014-12-21 15:13:29 UTC
He is. he constantly faces road blocks and naysayers from the GOP and the common man. He has willing made assurance to some of the promises he could keep, more than many our previous presidents could not.
2014-12-21 11:41:35 UTC
no, the worst president in history
2014-12-21 09:38:18 UTC
No. He is a very intelligent individual, well educated and spoken, but not a good fit for our country to lead. He appears to want to keep "peace" and playing peace keeper is fine and dandy if you live in a world of rainbows and candy canes. Unfortunately, this is real life.

It is outlined that we - America - do not negotiate with terrorists. Obama was negotiated with terrorists. We let a handfull of terrorists go in order to free a complete idiot and an embarrassment of a man to this nation's armed forces/military.

We are not a socialist country, however it appears we are definitely headed that way.
2014-12-19 05:32:00 UTC
2014-12-18 19:45:31 UTC
no - he talks the talk but doesnt walk the walk. In his defence though is the fact that the system doesnt allow presidents to succeed - the whole thing is run so there is as many obstacles in a presidents path and he can only get the support he needs if senators and lobbyists get paid off.
2014-12-18 19:36:57 UTC
whats good? a liar can only go as far as the truth will let it, so what is the truth? aw, you won`t believe it if I told you,,,,Merry Christmas ,the REASON, for the season...
2014-12-18 18:13:37 UTC
2014-12-18 03:09:36 UTC
yes in spite of Boehner and McConnell.
2014-12-18 01:37:06 UTC
of course
2014-12-17 21:54:29 UTC
2014-12-17 12:53:12 UTC
2014-12-17 12:39:58 UTC
yeah he,s good ! good for nothing !
2014-12-22 12:47:28 UTC

You cant force things upon the people of this nation and you cant go changing the amendments

plenty more I hate about him but those top my list
Nurin Khalidah
2014-12-18 16:01:42 UTC
Sometimes I feel he a good president

but in the same times,,I hate him so much!! as he help Israel to destroy Palestin!!!!!
2014-12-18 19:34:44 UTC
Is this really a serious poll? Come on Obama a GOOD president. Please you can't be that oblivious.
2014-12-19 01:20:26 UTC
Excellent. And once that gate slams shut....we will really know just how great, a president he is/was.
d s
2014-12-17 21:50:35 UTC
not in my opinion but so what? most past presidents haven't been worthwhile other than Clinton.
Rev. Hal Luya
2014-12-16 06:34:00 UTC
I refer to Obama as God's other son.
2014-12-22 07:46:27 UTC
sure is, republicans from day 1 said won't work with him!! came into a mess from bush/cheney lies, got bin laden and ended the war. who could have done better,,,, palin?
Joyce C
2014-12-17 09:13:51 UTC
He is doing the best he can, and that is F-. He needs more training as a community organizer.
2014-12-19 16:12:41 UTC

its funny how people forgot about bush ******* up the country and then giving it to obama. then people expect obama to fix this shithole.

its way easier to break thing thing than fix them
Gerry G
2014-12-17 08:47:06 UTC
If not the worst, he is certainly one of the worst presidents this Republic has ever had.
2014-12-17 09:45:26 UTC
no, and I thing all these people that think he is, need a good education in true history of america
2014-12-21 18:04:17 UTC
This question is an excellent way to wrack up points.
2014-12-22 03:57:42 UTC
personally I like him . & he is the best president .
2014-12-16 06:48:20 UTC
Great joke. Now, I'll tell you one. Why did the Turkey cross the road? ( It was the Chicken's day off.)
2014-12-16 06:29:13 UTC
Better than the previous one, not as good as I originally hoped.
2014-12-17 12:20:56 UTC
No look at how bad our economy is, look at how he did nothing about ISIS, he called them a JV tam. HE has no concept of anything.
2014-12-17 04:23:38 UTC
No, but Republicans want to continue his real crimes, like the Kill List. They only complain that he's not a Republican, as if it mattered.
2014-12-16 17:35:13 UTC
He needs to undergo leadership training!
2014-12-18 10:10:35 UTC
Obama is not a Muslim nor a terrorist, people get the facts right, he was raised Babtist of some kind and is Christian, yes he is only that and not much religious anyways, so what, Religion just screws peoples heads up anyways. Church people just want people to believe a bunch of non-sense in order to hook people emotionally in order to get there cash, and period. Obama does care about the people of America, he does and get off his back, nay sayers and negative speaking people.
2014-12-17 11:12:58 UTC
Yes. Compared to the last mistake we had in office.
2014-12-21 06:19:35 UTC
A coin has two sides so it depends on which side you are looking
2014-12-18 05:47:13 UTC
He has done great things but he hasn't done some.
2014-12-17 09:20:35 UTC
No way. I can't stand him. He says that he'll change so many things, but won't actually do it.
2014-12-18 04:39:48 UTC
The mistake was ours, we picked Obama because we thought it was time for America to have a Black President.

America needs,as president, Good America's that share our vision for America . It was raciest to pick a man who was black but unfit for the job.

We need the best person we can get for the job, instead we tried to show we weren't raciest by picking by color, the one thing we shouldn't look at. What a sad moment in our history.
2014-12-18 12:36:30 UTC
2014-12-22 05:26:34 UTC
Este un președinte american că e bun sau rău eu văd că majoritate americanilor l-au ales și în al doilea mandat. Acest lucru spune multe, deci nu întrebi dacă e bun sau rău. se vede de când e el președinte și populația de culoare a mai avansat în sferele sociale. E adevărat că ruși o să spună că e foarte rău, a impus sancțiuni drastice împotriva lor. Așa e viața când ai cuțitul în mână tai cu el. Și Obama i-a tăiat pe rușuii ca nimeni altul. Totuși America e o țară mare și trăiește numai din războaie. Fără războaie america e o țară ratată. Totuși Obama a încercat să limiteze aceste războaie. În Vietnam americani au omorât 4 milioane de oameni(vietnamezi) și au pierdut numai 37000 de americani. La acest capitol Obama stă bine a încercat să limiteze numărul victimelor produse de armata americană. E adevărat că un președinte trebuie să facă o Karmă bună pentru poporul său. E adevărat că americani au mari probleme cu musulmani care afirmă că america e Satana pe pământ. În acest sens nu știu cât a făcut Obama în bine sau în rău. Poporul american apreciază un președinte dacă e bun sau rău, după felul *** cucerește un stat și îi aduce bogățiile în america. Acest lucru era valabil pe timpul Romanilor, dar și ei până la urmă sau împotmolit și sau rupt în multe bucății. În plan intern Obama a încercat să țină un echilibru între bogați și săraci. Deci Obama a încercat lucruri mari, dar care nu sunt specifice poporului american. Poporul american în manifestarea lui lumească se comportă ca un leu care trebuie să mănânce o căprioară astfel moare el. Deci dacă america nu bombardează o țară moare industria ei de armament. Așa ca sufletist Obama este foarte bun, l-a văzut în criza Ucrainiană.
2014-12-17 08:14:41 UTC
2014-12-16 15:02:49 UTC
Good for nothing
Caleb M
2014-12-16 06:29:28 UTC
Hail nah!
How Is This Possible?
2014-12-19 06:36:15 UTC
Good or Bad.. he is doing some right things for his citizens...
2014-12-17 01:09:21 UTC
he is a good black president!
2014-12-17 12:31:11 UTC
Yes cause he's a pure muslim
2014-12-16 19:39:05 UTC
He has not done anything bad for our country (it is an opinion as to whether Obamacare is bad or good)

He has not done anything good for our country (again, Obamacare = opinion)

He's better than those who cause harm, but worse than those who bring good. He is in the middle of the two.
2014-12-17 06:42:53 UTC
Yes,Barak obama is a good president.
2014-12-17 06:53:39 UTC
No, Worst in history.
2014-12-22 19:52:09 UTC
NO!!! He's the wost thing to happen to the US in two hundred years!!!
2014-12-22 22:42:15 UTC
I don't think so
2014-12-17 11:04:29 UTC
Why do you question such a fabulous leader?
2014-12-16 06:59:20 UTC
He killed Osama bin Laden, as a result of CIA torture under Bush.
2014-12-17 09:21:40 UTC
2014-12-16 13:40:21 UTC
This is a joke right?
2014-12-17 14:22:02 UTC
No! He is the worse we have ever had. He stepts all over our constitution
2014-12-18 12:07:11 UTC
2014-12-16 15:25:09 UTC
I would not say he is a good or bad president. Just another one. It does not really mater that much anyways. People seem to forget Congress and the House have a role in how good or bad the USA is. I think they are the bigger issue.
mike b
2014-12-17 07:12:46 UTC
Impeach would work
2014-12-22 07:23:45 UTC
he isn't the best, not as bad as bush but not much better
2014-12-18 13:16:01 UTC
He - like Clinton & the Bush men and Reagan - were essentially.. 'puppets'. We have NOT had a US President since Kennedy. Well, Nixon tried. But, he got run out on the proverbial 'rail'. Eisenhower & Kennedy were Presidential, trying to serve the people. Entirely different than now. A global, international syndicate runs this country. And the media. The media is a powerful tool and is used to it's fullest, believe it! We are a nation of sheeple. Plankton, adrift. Taken wherever the tide goes. JFK tried - really tried - to take us into the future we deserved. Modern, space-faring, science based. Exploring, discovering.. cures for all the diseases. Enlightening - educating all. He began taking back our money supply, away from the private syndicate that runs America today, the so-called 'federal reserve' bank. Maybe you can understand WHY they killed him.
2014-12-18 09:13:20 UTC
Obama is like a puppet president who is managed by a small and very rich group that wishes to destroy our way of life. One of the Sr. members must be George Soros the unenlightened Hungarian billionaire.
2014-12-20 06:35:59 UTC
You got to be kidding me.
The Lovely And Epic
2014-12-16 06:34:08 UTC
kind of yes but mostly
Neil Harrison
2014-12-16 15:47:43 UTC
Worst ever!
2014-12-16 19:29:11 UTC
Sadly he has disappointed all
2014-12-18 07:53:01 UTC
definitly not by any stretch of imaginagition
2014-12-18 07:31:34 UTC
2014-12-16 22:44:55 UTC
no, but at least hes trying
2014-12-16 06:45:56 UTC
The Actionist
2014-12-16 06:40:11 UTC
I give him a -C. and Bush a Z195
2014-12-16 17:54:44 UTC
his wife does a better job than he does
2014-12-22 16:13:33 UTC
hes a pawn and piece of **** ******
2014-12-16 14:33:57 UTC
I haven't seen anything of value Obama has contributed to the world, but highlighting how destructive LEFTISM is. Obama encourages many to sell themselves short to claim victimhood.

Edit: Obama will be remember for dismantling the 1st world. Obama is a community organizer. He loves to pit group against each other. When there is death in the street he puts on a facade of innocence.
Josh Gomez
2014-12-16 18:55:46 UTC
very good president, at least he has some humour which is also good! :)
2014-12-16 06:56:10 UTC
Absolutely not.
2014-12-17 03:47:42 UTC
Better than a republican
2014-12-17 13:33:43 UTC
2014-12-16 16:32:41 UTC
He did kill Bin Laden, but that was all the SEALS doing, so no.
2014-12-17 04:37:58 UTC
No not good, He is GREAT
2014-12-16 19:15:42 UTC
NO simple as that
2014-12-16 21:25:38 UTC
**** no barrack obama is a ******
2014-12-16 06:34:58 UTC
I'm from Australia. I would LOVE to have him lead my country.. especially compared to gross Tony Abbott we have now
2014-12-17 12:17:36 UTC
not by any stretch of the imagination
yousuf a
2014-12-22 12:17:31 UTC
i don't know
2014-12-16 07:26:11 UTC
There has never been a worse one.
2014-12-16 06:29:04 UTC
2014-12-16 19:45:42 UTC
He's okay.
2014-12-17 11:22:10 UTC
well ...all presidents are the same..all they do is take our money!!!!
Jamie H
2014-12-17 10:23:13 UTC
2014-12-17 14:11:50 UTC
no way
2014-12-22 10:32:24 UTC
well he is black and it trolls americans, so hell yeah!
2014-12-18 10:56:59 UTC
No he is not
Steel Rain
2014-12-22 07:19:22 UTC
Bad Speller
2014-12-22 16:45:15 UTC
he is not to bad
2014-12-19 16:02:31 UTC
Is this a trick question? I mean really, anyone who believes this radical Muslim: who has funded the Muslim Bro'hood, lied about Health care, lied about Benghazi, ignores all crime w/ exception to any that suits his racist mentality, has bankrupted America, claims most important issues of concern in America he's learned from the media, claims NO responsibility 4 ANYTHING, has shredded the Constitution, has been disbarred from practicing law, worked w/ ACORN, has jacked the electoral vote to win, has filled his administration with 'yes' people only, is a malignant narcissist..and that's just the completely out of their mind. Wake up, don't you see your America in tyranny? What more will it take until you all get it? A prison camp?.. which will happen with his NWO platform his Agenda 21 and his desire to destroy every precept this country was founded on. Most of the responses here are the reason why this is happening, outright complacency, or just an 'I don't care' attitude. Well you will care, when this country becomes Islam's child, and you with it.
Zaya Shaa
2014-12-16 23:02:39 UTC
yes !
2014-12-17 02:45:31 UTC
yes Because of him Usama bin laden was killed
2014-12-17 01:48:55 UTC
i think so
2014-12-16 18:44:36 UTC
he is a tyrant
2014-12-22 11:40:40 UTC
No his not.
2014-12-16 20:56:13 UTC
sexy man
2014-12-17 17:56:25 UTC
2014-12-16 19:32:13 UTC
no hes a stupid ******
glen b
2014-12-18 06:58:19 UTC
how could anyone say he is a good president he hates America and only wants to destroy it if you weight good things he has done against bad things you will see the bad outweights the good by a far amount he has more reasons to be impeach than any president in history but won't happen because he will yell racist so congress is afraid to impeach him if he was white would have been gone already he is a terrible president and I can say this because I did not vote for him either time
2014-12-17 11:41:29 UTC
2014-12-20 11:04:08 UTC
he is ok
2014-12-17 06:57:23 UTC
why not
2014-12-16 06:28:42 UTC
A good president will get the country out of debt
2014-12-16 06:29:15 UTC
Hell no
Gandy Dancer
2014-12-16 06:32:03 UTC
I cannot think of any policies of Barack Obama which have been helpful to America.
2014-12-17 22:45:58 UTC
Yes, he is the best in the world. Barack Obama proves so many times that why he is the best even he is leading his country greatly.
2014-12-17 10:11:01 UTC
No... just.. no....
2014-12-16 17:11:57 UTC
He is just an ordinary president, has done good things and bad things. We want to judge him so badly because he is the first African American president and was elected at the financial crisis.
2014-12-17 07:31:38 UTC
I think he still has a lot to learn. Wisdom comes with age and experience. I also think that a President should have served in the military as one of the qualifications for the job.
2014-12-16 08:33:07 UTC
A great president
2014-12-17 12:22:20 UTC
My brain is busted on this question. It's always George Bush vs. Barack Obama.
Linda R
2014-12-17 08:01:10 UTC
TERRIBLE - the worst EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2014-12-16 14:08:51 UTC
2014-12-16 06:34:31 UTC
1) Because of Obama’s policies since he became President, 11,472,000 Americans have left the work force.

2) “Fewer Americans are at work today than in April 2000, even though the population since then has grown by 31 million.” — Mortimer Zuckerman

3) The number of Americans on welfare has hit record highs.

4) A record 20% of Americans were on food stamps in 2013.

5) The almost 11 million Americans getting disability payments is now approaching the population of Cuba

6) Our nation lost its AAA credit rating because Obama is spending so much money.

7) Not only was Cash for Clunkers a wasteful government program that “cost $1.4 million for every job it created and did little to reduce carbon emissions,” destroying the “clunkers” helped dramatically jack up the cost of used cars for the rest of the country.

8) After BP had a huge oil spill in the Gulf, Obama not only bungled the clean-up process, he slowed oil production from other companies that had done nothing wrong which led to higher oil prices.

9) Obama has helped drive up the cost of gas by blocking the Keystone Pipeline.

10) When he was running for office in 2008, Obama claimed that, “Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes.” He lied.

11) Through 2013, the Obama Administration had imposed new regulations on businesses that cost 46 billion dollars a year.

12) Taxpayers lost 25 billion dollars on Obama’s bailout of General Motors and Chrysler. Chrysler isn’t even an American company any more. It’s now owned by an Italian company, Fiat.

13) When he was running for office, Obama called Bush “unpatriotic” for adding so much to the debt and promised to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term. Yet, the national debt is up 7 trillion dollars since Obama became President. That’s more debt than all U.S. Presidents from George Washington through Bill Clinton combined.

14) Obama’s administration gave guns to Mexican cartels that were used to murder hundreds of Mexicans and border agent Brian Terry. The Obama Administration has refused to cooperate with the investigation or hold anyone accountable for that illegal behavior.

15) The NSA has spied on Americans under Obama.

16) Under Obama, the CIA spied on the Senate.

17) Obama’s campaign contributors at Solyndra were handed 535 million dollars of taxpayer money that the Obama Administration knew they would never be able to pay back before they gave it to them.

18) The IRS targeted Obama’s political enemies including Christian groups, pro-Israel groups, and most prominently, Tea Party groups. The Obama Administration has refused to cooperate with the investigation or hold anyone accountable for the illegal behavior.

19) Numerous donors to Mitt Romney were audited by the IRS after giving him large contributions.

20) When the EPA and IRS were asked to provide emails requested by Congress as part of an investigation into their illegal activities, they’ve claimed over and over again to have lost the information because of “hard drive crashes.” Given that it’s quite easy to back up a hard drive and that they’re required by law to retain that information, it seems likely that they’re habitually destroying evidence to hide their illegal activities.

21) Veterans received poor health care and even died because of the incompetence and cover-ups of Obama’s VA.

22) Even Barney Frank admits Barack Obama shamelessly lied to the American people to get Obamacare passed – and lie, he did. He promised that Americans could keep their insurance plans, that they could keep their doctors, and that Obamacare would save the average family $2500 per year. Not only were all of those lies, Obama knew they were lies when he made those promises.

23) Barack Obama has broken the law repeatedly by making at least 23 unilateral changes to Obamacare.

24) Obama has been illegally trying to force Christians to pay for abortifacients via Obamacare.

25) Obamacare has been a disaster that cost millions their insurance and sent health care costs spiraling into the stratosphere.

26) Obama is taking 700 billion dollars out of Medicare to put into Obamacare.

27) The website portion of Obamacare,, was a non-functional disaster for months when it rolled out and Obama claimed he was completely unaware that there was anything wrong with it.

28) Instead of calming people down, Obama helped to turn Americans against each other racially be inserting himself into the Trayvon Martin case.

29) Obama created so much racial animosity by attacking the police when they had done nothing wrong in the Henry Louis Gates case that he had to have a ridiculous “beer summit” to try to undo the damage.

30) The Department of Justice failed to pursue a voter intimidation case against members of the New Black Panthers because they were black and liberal. Former DOJ official J. Christian Adams quit over the case and “accused his former employer of instructing attorneys in the civil rights division to ignore cases that involve black defendants and white victims.”

31) George W. Bush quit playing golf in 2003 because he didn’t want the mother of some fallen soldier to see the Commander-in-Chief out playing golf. He also said he thought playing golf during a war sent the wrong signal to the American people. Through June of 2014, Obama was up to 177 rounds and is on pace to play twice as much in his second term as his first term.

32) Obama chose tax cheat Tim Geithner to be his Secretary of the Treasury and then has had the audacity to spend his whole presidency pushing for higher taxes.

33) After promising to unite America when he was running for office in 2008, Obama has been the most hyper-partisan President in decades.

34) Despite the fact that Barack Obama claimed to believe that marriage should be between one man and one woman when he was running for President in 2008, his Department of Justice asked states attorney general to refuse to defend their states’ bans on gay marriage in court.

35) The Department of Justice has worked overtime to help increase voter fraud by fighting against voter ID. This is despite the fact that you need ID to buy alcohol, drive a car, fly on a plane or even to use Obamacare.

36) He’s the reason why countless Americans have been groped, molested and harassed by the TSA, even though agents never caught a terrorist sticking their hand down anyone’s pants.

37) He’s responsible for the dumbing down of our education system with Common Core.

38) We first landed on the moon in 1969, but because of Obama, we’re no longer even capable of going into space.

39) His servile bowing to other world leaders is embarrassing and un-American.

40) Barack Obama engaged in an illegal war in Libya without the permission of Congress that helped turn that country into an unstable basket case run by radical Islamists. How bad is it? America, Libyans and the rest of the world were better off with Muammar Gaddafi in charge. That’s how bad it is.

41) Radical Islamist Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan “described himself as mujahedeen” and yelled “Allahu Akbar” as he murdered 13 of his fellow soldiers at Fort Hood. The Obama Administration labeled that as "workplace violence" rather than admitting there was a terrorist attack on his watch.

42) He released 5 Taliban terrorists In exchange for deserter Bowe Bergdahl.

43) Americans died at Benghazi because Obama’s administration didn’t take their repeated requests for additional security seriously.

44) Russia annexed Crimea while Obama did nothing of consequence to discourage it from invading. That’s not a surprise for a President who is fond of throwing out “red lines” that don’t mean anything.

45) Obama’s premature pull-out in Iraq and foolish refusal to get a status of forces agreement in Iraq left the country vulnerable and led to the terrorists in ISIS taking over a large portion of that country.

46) Barack Obama unilaterally implemented the DREAM Act that Congress didn’t pass and illegally handed out work permits to illegal aliens.

47) Obama is threatening to bypass Congress and simply “legalize” millions more of illegal immigrants even though it’s illegal and unconstitutional and it hurts the American people and will further encourage even more illegal aliens to surge across the border.

48) The fence on our southern border was supposed to be completed by 2009. The Obama Administration has made it clear that it doesn’t intend to finish it during his presidency.

49) Barack Obama is deliberately creating a crisis on the southern border by refusing to deport illegal aliens crossing into our country.

50) For all practical purposes, Barack Obama has already unilaterally implemented amnesty in America because “at least 99.92% of illegal immigrants and visa overstays without known crimes on their records” aren’t being deported.

Seeing that... I would have to say NO!
Open Heart Searchery
2014-12-17 12:53:23 UTC
Well, he hasn't started any wars based on lies, so that in itself is a huge step in the right direction over the last guy who held the office. That in itself doesn't necessarily make him a "good" president, but certainly a "better" president than W was. Unfortunately the president doesn't govern in a vacuum. He's not a dictator, no matter how much the Republicans try to paint him as one. His hands are tied by the completely dysfunctional Congress. So there's only so much he can do. Could he do / have done more? Absolutely, I'm sure he could have been more effective in many ways. But overall I think he's the president we deserve.
2014-12-17 11:12:03 UTC
I'm not a kid and have seen a lot of Presidents come and go.

In my opinion, Obama will be judged by historians as one of our "great" Presidents. Most people have no idea what has been accomplished over his term. But even if you just take the standard indicators like the economy, crime, etc. his achievements have been remarkable ESPECIALLY when considering he's been forced to work with the worst performing Congress in our nation's history which has been driven by the GOP doing everything they can to make him fail.

In other words, if Obama discovered the cure for cancer he'd be called a job killer for putting oncologists out of work.

What he HASN'T done, because he doesn't have a magic wand, is to limit the disparity between the uber rich and the "regular" people. But when you consider the resistance over something as obvious as raising the minimum wage, which has always helped the economy and job growth, it stands to reason that he hasn't been able to make much traction there.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.