Voting isn't the answer. First of all, we don't "have the right to nominate anybody we want"; a political party does that for us, with little input from the general public.
Politicians prefer low voter turn-outs. It increases their chances of getting re-elected so they con continue to suck off the taxpayers' teat, enriching themselves with lavish salaries, outlandish cost-of-living increases, all-expense-paid luxury vacations, and unimaginable health, medical and retirement benefits.
Besides, if you vote all the rotten Republicans out of office, you only replace them with rotten Democrats.
Actually you SHOULD be advocating violence, because that's the only thing that will make any difference.
The U.S. Constitution gives us the right to bear arms against a tyrranical, oppressive government. Thomas Jefferson once said: "The TREE OF LIBERTY must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
Check out the new blog book: BUSHWACKER!
Consider for a moment what the Bush administration has done since 2000, in collusion with the most evil, corrupt, incompetent Congress ever to occupy the Capitol Building:
1. Illegally and unconstitutionally invaded another sovereign nation that in no way threatened, provoked, or attacked the United States;
2. Massacred tens of thousands of Iraqi citizens, including women and children, for no justifiable reason;
3. Tortured 'detainees' in direct violation of the rules of the Geneva Convention, and condoned physical, psychological, verbal, emotional and sexual abuse;
4. Turned America into a police state wherein citizens are presumed guilty until proven innocent;
5. Initiated failed economic policies that will result in a severe depression right after Bush leaves office (so they can blame it on the Democrats);
6. Drowned American taxpayers in trillions of dollars of debt;
7. Tarnished our reputation as a world leader and global peacekeeper;
8. Terrified other nations into developing their own nuclear weapons as their defense against the world's newest 'evil empire' - the United States of America;
9. Neglected America's homeless, hungry, poor, disadvantaged, disabled, underprivileged, sick and unemployed while playing "Robin Hood in Reverse", stealing from the poor and giving it all to rich elitists, lobbyists, special interest groups and big corporations who - in turn - make generous (if not illegal) campaign contributions to ensure the GOP remains in power;
10. Killed more than 2, 500 U.S. soldiers (so far).
But there's a problem: we're preoccupied with trivial stuff such as our maxxed-out credit cards; $3.00-a-gallon fuel for our $60,000 SUVs; Britney Spears' love life; Jacko's pedophilia; professional landscaping for our $350,000 home; "low prices - everyday" at WalMart for junk we don't even need; and the latest rankings of our favorite baseball team.
Until we begin to take an active, involved interest in the political system, nothing will change.
Until we get off the couch, put down the remote, and begin to FIGHT to take our country back, nothing will change. The U.S. Constitution gives us the RIGHT to bear arms against a tyrannical, oppressive governemnt; that was one of the main reasons our founding fathers fought the first American Revolution.
Instead, we're like lobsters languishing in a pot of lukewarm water. Until the water reaches a boiling point, we'll remain 'comfortable' and uninclined to start screaming. By the time the water's boiling us beet-red, we'll be screaming in agony about our apathy. Then it will be too late...
America's biggest creditor is China. Within a generation, our grand-children or great-grand-children will see America turn into a two-tiered social class, similar to those in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. There will be a handful of the very, very rich - and (the rest of us) the very, very poor. And, once our fiscally-challenged society can no longer afford an army, China will simply "call in its chips" and take our assets, real estate, OIL, and all other natural resources.
We have totally ignored the environmental issues facing this country and the world. Apparently, our 'Christian nation' doesn't believe that God (or whatever you prefer to call such an intelligent designer) saw the need to protect and preserve the delicate balance between human beings, plants, and all other animals on Earth. So, when the rainforests are all gone because McDonalds needs more grazing land for its cattle to sell you more cheap BigMacs, there might also be a tiny little frog or spider whose genes carry the cure for cancer. But we'll never know, because we've destroyed that insignificant little animal.
And when global warming causes tidal waves and massive flooding in big cities along both coasts of both oceans, we'll all sit around and say, "Duh...what happened?"
And when the Earth runs out of OIL and coal our descendants will have to resort back to living in the dark once the sun goes down.
And if we keep asphalting over all the rich farmland in this country to make way for glitzy shopping malls or luxury condos, farmers won't be able to grow crops. So we won't be able to eat. So we will DIE.
And if the OIL companies are allowed to disrupt the patterns of ocean life, including coral reef (which is a marine animal, by the way) and disturb the caribou's migration areas, it will mean the end of many ocean-going animals (which means you might not enjoy shrimp cocktails ot tuna casseroles anymore) and small Eskimo civilizations will be eradicated from the planet.
Should America have a second revolution?
You bet! And it needs to happen NOW! -RKO- 07/05/06