What do you think about this new database the Government want to introduce?
Drop the donkey
2007-01-15 05:07:02 UTC
The Government want to make a huge database about everybody in this country and share information with others
It has some good points but alot of bad ones :
ie :This information might fall into the wrong persons hands.

Is this country becoming more like George Orwell's book 1984
What are peoples views on this?
Eighteen answers:
2007-01-15 05:11:37 UTC
Nothing new really - been a Big Brother state for years!

Just another Whitehall Dick Head trying to make a name for himself! Obviously couldn't think of anything better to do!
2007-01-15 05:18:50 UTC
Its all worng, yet another freedom taken away from us. Personally I have nothing to hide, but still object to being tagged and tied up to a database outside of my control, where I can not see what info is stored etc. Also I have no guarantee wa to who could access the information. Where is this all heading? What about my rights? I dont ever recall voting on any of this stuff? Just because a few mindless individuals break the law, the rest of us have to suffer? Well I am sorry I pay my taxes and stuff on time, I dont get in to trouble with law, but I most certainly do not want information stored in a database, especially not in the hands of this government who cant even tell us how many escaped prisoniers they have? or who has entered the country? really inspires confidence doesnt it!
2007-01-15 05:24:16 UTC
It already is way, way, WAY past Orwell's 1984. The information about you that is on various Databases would stagger you if you knew. You use a teller machine card or EFTPOS..... they know where you were at that time, you can be tracked just by having your mobile phone switched on and you don't have to be using's easier for them if you do but you don't need to make a call. The info the Govt want about you is already on a database somewhere.. believe me, and you would never know if it gets shared or not. I'm afraid it's a long time too late to worry about Govt databases... you are already on there many times over.

Just a little addition. You can see by the answers you already have that people say "nothing to hide.... nothing to worry about". Well they are wrong. You might have nothing to hide but they are slowly getting you under their total control and thats something to worry about. I am no conspiracy theorist but they are controlling you more and more without you realising it.
2007-01-15 05:49:30 UTC
I actually think they should get their house in order before installing anything like this. The agencies should be sharing information and possibly could have been if it wasn't for big egos and departmentalisation of the civil service for many years. However my biggest fear is that when you have firms like Crapita Ras and EPS repeatedly making huge errors with IT/Systems, (read Private Eye) that how can we trust any of these organisations?

I think we need the system - but with a professional organisation - and our government only seems to deal with the village idiot organisations who are rather good at making lots of money out of systems that never work or fail for what they were intended for.
Rob Roy
2007-01-15 13:20:21 UTC
If I believed that this government would keep it strictly confidential I might go along with this idea that 'I have nothing to hide so it's okay' but how many people realise who will have access. Your friendly local authority for one and who is to prevent them trawling for information that is none of their business. That doesn't even begin to count all the government departments that will also be tempted to trawl your database.

'1984' they were amateurs compared to Bliar and his gang.
2007-01-15 05:35:47 UTC
It is going too far - this government has proved it cannot be trusted not to misuse the information.

Also who can use it and in what way? Would you like petty local government bureaucrats to use it the same way as say a Police officer? You have no idea in what way this would be used.
A True Gentleman
2007-01-15 05:21:00 UTC
What easier for government than instead of going for the big problem...inefficiency and incompetence by public servants, go after a small problem like this. Now they can stand up in Parliament and say that something is being done to address failing pubic services (who cares if its the wrong thing or that it will cost billions, the majority of British citizens will be unquestioning and welcome this with open arms).
2007-01-15 05:17:00 UTC
People had better be on guard.

Because Pelosi and her gang want to turn this country into a Socialist Nation.

(Which, by the way, is what Orwell was warning world about in his book, "1984")

Both his books were about Socialist Russia.)

Be sure and read Orwell's book "Animal Farm".

It describes the goals of our Democrat Party exactly.

Please read it.
2007-01-15 05:38:23 UTC
There are already databases like that now and they are not even Government controlled. The big three credit agencies, your Bank information.

There is nothing wrong with that as long as reasonable precautions are taken.
2007-01-15 05:14:41 UTC
There are people out there in government that already know everything about you. And have done for a very long time.
John H
2007-01-15 05:15:15 UTC
Dont we fear the unknown?

Maybe the first scribes also had problems with getting people to accept that information needed to be recorded external to human storage.
2007-01-15 05:13:35 UTC
Brilliant idea! I don't know why no-one has implemented something like this sooner. I think it is of utmost importance that Britain has some sort of information-sharingf network; it is absolutely essential in this day and age - to combat terrorism, to combat crime, to help prevenr fraud, to ensure the safety of the whole population.

If someone has nothing to hide, then what's the problem?
2007-01-15 05:18:43 UTC
The information is already there. All that is happening is that it will be held centraly rather than on loads of seperate databases. With regards to it falling into the wrong hands there would only be one opertunity for a leak as opposed to countless as there is now.

if you have done nothing wrong then you have nothing to fear
2007-01-15 05:46:18 UTC
let me know when so I can give them the finger and get a violation notice from the yahoo special forces
2007-01-15 05:10:51 UTC
Nothing to hide, no probs with it........

May even make things work a little better

Do you honestly believe that people that want to know about you now can't get the information.........
2007-01-15 05:12:15 UTC
If you have nothing to hide, why not. Of course they must keep it confidential.
2007-01-15 18:58:07 UTC
The government wants to be able to decide who goes on which list!...
mad keith
2007-01-15 12:35:17 UTC

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