2017-01-03 21:12:00 UTC
83 answers:
2017-01-04 13:40:43 UTC
I lived in Cleveland in 1960. There was 'white flight' then. Jobs were leaving then and people follow jobs. There has been an equal number of Republican and Democrat Presidents in that period of time from 1960 to the present. There was a Republican in office before Kennedy became President in 1960 and there is another going into office now. Nothing has changed the status of the cities. Most of the worst problems are in the North East which traditionally had most of the manufacturing. People who live and aren't rich have to work and for that they have to find jobs. Ever since I can remember, as far back as the fifties, jobs were trickling off shore. It never stopped and got a lot worse in later years. I can remember Reagan saying our jobs would eventually be 'service industry jobs'. As far as I am concerned, Trump will not help that situation. He has stakes in over 500 companies offshore, in at least 25 countries. We need real work, not service jobs and that won't happen until someone starts up new companies to compete with what we buy from other places made by companies who call themselves American but aren't. Yes, equal number. Republican: Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush 1, Bush !!. Democrat: Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Clinton, Obama. Face it, it goes beyond politics.
2017-01-05 09:09:04 UTC
Donald trump is going too do whatever Donald trump wants he doesn't give two shits about anybody else but Donald trump.....and please don't defend him and say ya but he said this and he said that during the campaign WELL OF COURSE HE DID FUNNY (NOT REALLY) even thought trump has never spent one second in politics he knows what America needed he knew what they where fed up with and just like a politician he talked the talk and lots of people fell for the bullshit. I honesty hope I'm really so wrong about the man I do hope he can pull this off and do wonders for this country and the people and do the same with handling other countries but even thought I hope I just don't think its gonna happen too many of those politicians have been doing things a certain way for so long now they don't know how to do anything different trump might want to change that but theres to much opposition there....he treats people like he's the boss of them (I mean literally even though he's not) and expects results just because he opened his mouth. He's got one h'ell of a surprise coming and a battle and that's just inside the white house.
2017-01-04 20:09:38 UTC
Donald Trump may not want the white flight from the city to stop. What remains of industry in the cities will probably "take flight too".

I fear there are too many expectations from what any president can do to cure the ills of a very difficult and far too complex society like the America of today.
2017-01-05 22:34:29 UTC
America needed he knew what they where fed up with and just like a politician he talked the talk and lots of people fell for the bullshit. I honesty hope I'm really so wrong about the man I do hope he can pull this off and do wonders for this country and the people and do the same with handling other countries but even thought I hope I just don't think its gonna happen too many of those politicians have been doing things a certain way for so long now they don't know how to do anything different trump might want to change that but theres to much opposition there....he treats people like he's the boss of them (I mean literally even though he's not) and expects results just because he opened his mouth. He's got one h'ell of a surprise coming and a battle and that's just inside the white house.
Jon B
2017-01-04 03:51:23 UTC
I don't think so...white people have been moving out of cities and into the burbs for years...for example look at Detroit...White people started leaving Detroit in DROVES for the last 5 decades when all the jobs left & affirmative action took place...add city government corruption as well by MOSTLY DEMOCRATS..Detroit has not had a GOP Mayor since 1953...Detroit once had a population of 1 million+ it''s hovering around 300,000 if that...Detroit is just 1 big ghetto đźš˝ filled with black thugs and illegal aliens...& its not just Detroit either..Chicago, St. Louis, New Orleans, Shreveport, Jackson, Memphis, Miami, Atlanta, Richmond,Washington DC, Baltimore, Newark,Camden, Buffalo and Los Angeles..good way to stop it is kick out ALL illegal aliens END birthright citizenship MANDATORY drug tests, birth control & work programs for ALL welfare recipients END ALL section 8 and/or public housing NO federal funding for schools that perform poorly year after year END affirmative acton
2017-01-04 00:25:07 UTC
Trump can easily impact the root causes for white flight.

Suburbs began shortly following the 1954 Brown v Board of Education holding which mandated integration of schools. Gee, look at the unequivocal correlation: The US used to lead the world in education – we went to the moon – and now we are 36th. Then LBJ began his “War on Poverty” with the explosion of welfares. The only welfare before this was social security, then BOOM! Born on Medicaid, raised on WIC and foodstamps in section 8 housing with rent and utility subsidies, free headstart babysitting, obamaphones, maybe some social security disability… This was an evil marriage of democrats seeking power and blacks with one man one vote. In densely populated cities Libtards could bribe thousands easily with social services distributed in the cities, then on election day the off-duty union guy would troll a bus around the projects offering free bologna sandwiches and generic grape soda and surprise, the libtard candidate wins. This is EXACTLY how DeBlasio got elected. See the county by county electoral college map last election? Feral people living close to social services voted overwhelmingly Hillary. Some precincts in Philadelphia were 100%!

There are still plenty of white cities: Salt Lake City UT, Rapid City SD. They are quite nice. Libtard cities? Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Newark, St Louis including Ferguson – all ghetto dumps of squalor, misery, and violence, all long governed by democrats.

End white flight? Security is condition prerequisite. Crush criminals. Do not permit the mayor to accept HUD section 8 money and close the projects. I’d like to see a requirement that welfare recipients be placed on birth control, like norplant, so they stop proliferating. Push the feral beast people out. Permit school vouchers so smart kids can learn with other smart kids, not get jammed into the pits of “diversity” where culture moves to the lowest common denominator. Don’t elect democrats. They are the enemy.
2017-01-05 06:09:41 UTC
The question is presented as white flight, which implies the reason is racially motivated. I don't think race is the reason, at least not at first. There are overlapping demographics of rich and white, and (sadly) poor and minority.

Cities are typically built from the center and expand outward. The first houses built in an area are typically located to whatever major industry has brought these people to the town. The first areas of a city to be populated become the inner city as new areas of town are built around the center of town. The inner city is the now the oldest area, and begins to show its age first. People now look the suburbs for more land and larger homes. The people begin moving to the newly built suburbs and as they do, they sell their old home. I was told by a realtor that new housing is always more expensive than existing homes. Many minorities who are able to buy their first home, look for lower priced homes, which happens to be closer to te town center.
2017-01-04 19:11:12 UTC
Here in London people have been moving out to the suburbs for decades, certainly since the arrival of the railways back in the 1840s and 1850s.

I think it's a big mistake to call it 'white flight' - it just happens that 'white folk' probably have the means to buy something better than that which they already own.
2017-01-04 19:09:25 UTC
Well let nasty minority have the city. But they will never take the country side or hillbilly mountain. Plus it was rural white people that elected Donald trump not city cultural maxerism that like welfare and cultural destruction of their country. The femnazis will never get a grip on the country side.
2017-01-04 11:10:05 UTC
Jobs will be outside the city. So near jobs is were people will live. Once in the older cities were industry use to be. The buildings are out of date to use. Many set on supper fund clean up sites do to old polution before laws changed. So nothing will move there even if tore down to rebuild. So new areas will be developed away from them.
2017-01-04 19:37:21 UTC
Stop and reverse. President Donald J. Trump will make America great again in every way. Some young Whites will move to the city to fill the vacuum left by the tens of millions of deported Mexicans and Muslims.
spirit pizza
2017-01-04 18:34:50 UTC
The plan is to eliminate white people altogether. All white woman will be raped by Somali sub humans while the white men get sent off to die in Hillary's wars. At least that was the plan. Now, if I was a mud race I would start thinking of an exit strategy.
2017-01-04 12:13:04 UTC
He won't even try, so why do you ask?

It suits his businesses for things to keep going the way they are. You don't think he cares do you? If the USA didn't want the Democrats and Hillary Clinton, they really should have come up with a better option than Trump.
2017-01-04 02:27:02 UTC
I hope so. As a pioneering gentrifier in Minneapolis I would definitely like to see more White people start reclaiming our cities. Running from black people is exhausting and expensive. We need to reinstitute sundown towns and put all the section 8 and welfare services there. If blacks can no longer live in our cities rent free they will have no choice but to leave.
2017-01-05 05:09:04 UTC
1. Whites have a right to flee. It's called freedom.

2. Donald Trump is a racist, so why would he give a sh*t?
2017-01-04 23:05:04 UTC
People leave the cities for many reasons: jobs, schools, taxes, traffic, and crime. Why do you say "white" flight? Are you implying that cities need whites to survive? Or that minorities cannot keep a city going without whites??
2017-01-04 20:28:18 UTC
A president isn't a dictator so he can't stop it but what Obama did was sneaky. He had HUD by homes in middle class white communities and pumped in blacks on welfare. People WORK to move into suburban middle class communities and these poor people had to pay the taxes to pump in inner-city, public housing trash.
2017-01-04 04:48:31 UTC
Whites have left cities for suburbia since World War 2.
2017-01-04 02:22:27 UTC
Trump's plan will never even work because he's never even heard of PLANES. Furthermore, he is a disgusting, arrogant, psycho maniac and frankly, his name reminds me of the word TRUMPET. Joke both intended and not intended. He's DISGUSTING!

If white people are embarrassed to have him as our future president, personally I believe they SHOULD take flight! End..of - story.
2017-01-04 12:36:29 UTC
Why do you think Mr. Trump would want to curtail white flight?
2017-01-06 10:39:25 UTC
No. Trump has no power to stop it, but the United Nations will try with Agenda 2030.
2017-01-04 02:26:40 UTC
What is white flight? If it is fake liberals are leaving our country, then good riddance. We real liberals are getting tired of their bs of protending to be us, but with their victim complexes known as being a special snowflake. I am getting tired of those people. They don't have any common sense thinking people who believe in freedom of speech and advocate that all lives matter are evil when clearly people who advocate all lives matter and freedoms of speech believe in all people, challenging people's insights for accepted differences in opinions to agree to disagree, and believe in the people through dedication, working and studying hard, that people can do anything they set their minds to. These fake liberals do not like them despite these people are for freedom and liberty that true liberals stand for. I call them fake liberals because they do not stand for liberty, but instead advocate for government rule in a form of communism oppression instead.
goron fing
2017-01-06 13:53:24 UTC
2017-01-04 12:50:12 UTC

Say What > sadly, the crap people spew & fools swallow, LOL !
2017-01-05 14:13:18 UTC
2017-01-03 21:50:31 UTC
White Flight? White people can fly now?
2017-01-06 08:27:58 UTC
people leave the cities for numerous reasons: jobs, schools, taxes, traffic, and crime... well, why do you say "white" flight? are you implying that cities need whites to survive? or that minorities cannot keep a city going without whites??
2017-01-14 16:25:59 UTC
1... whites have a right to flee... it's called freedom...

2... donald trump is a racist, so why would he give a sh*t?
2017-01-03 21:14:58 UTC
no, whites will flee for suburbs. its been going on for some time. all the big cities now have far fewer whites than they veer had in the pats. the minorities cant sustain the cities and since much of wealth disinvest, the big cities are decaying and falling apart
2017-01-05 09:01:00 UTC
people leave the cities for numerous reasons: jobs, schools, taxes, traffic, and crime... well, why do you say "white" flight? are you implying that cities need whites to survive? or that minorities cannot keep a city going without whites??
2017-01-03 21:15:54 UTC
nobody cares if whites ;leave the big cities in large scale. its been going on all around the country for some time and show no sign of reversing
2017-01-04 21:22:10 UTC
Do away with the automobile and force everyone to use mass transit and the situation will flip. Rich people will live in the cities and the poor will move back to the country where they belong
2017-01-14 10:37:37 UTC
jobs shall be outside the city... so near jobs is were people shall live... once in the older cities were industry use to be... the buildings are out of date to use... numerous set on supper fund clean up sites do to old polution before laws changed... so nothing shall move there even if tore down to rebuild... so new areas shall be developed away from them...
2017-01-04 23:00:14 UTC
I don't think it's an issue for the government, but, I live in a small town and hope those people stay away!!!
2017-01-03 21:18:30 UTC
Trump can't since this is a free nation.
2017-01-04 08:19:07 UTC
I thought gentrification is underway in most liberal big cities. Where do you live? Kansas?! You need stop humping cows and get out more.
Tad Dubious
2017-01-03 22:10:32 UTC
No, Barcelona, and he would not want to because white flight produces jobs.
2017-01-05 02:20:55 UTC
Theyre all learning Mandarin, and moving to the most powerful country on earth - China.

They hold depts on everyone on the planet.

Currently theyre telling the US to pi55 off from the south China Sea and surrounding area.
2017-01-04 18:42:28 UTC
When Democrats run a city it turns into a shithole and the people who can leave
2017-01-05 17:03:12 UTC
Nobody goes to the city anymore. City's are dieing
2017-01-05 12:43:10 UTC
1... whites have a right to flee... it's called freedom...

2... donald trump is a racist, so why would he give a sh*t?
2017-01-04 12:05:58 UTC

He will stop "thugs of color" from believing they have a pass to do whatever crimes they want and get away with it like the BLM terrorists under THUG KING Obama !ma.
Linda R
2017-01-04 15:06:30 UTC
Yes. They will all come down on the 20th.
2017-01-04 13:36:20 UTC
Let them leave. People should live where they want to.
2017-01-04 14:06:09 UTC
I totally support "white flight".
2017-01-04 23:56:19 UTC
Trump now has the power influence most things in the us.
2017-01-04 01:02:37 UTC
Yes, but my answer would probably get cancelled because it would involve the extermination of a few of races from our country.
2017-01-04 10:57:35 UTC
You have more cities to be friends
2017-01-05 20:59:30 UTC
whites have left cities for suburbia since world war 2...
2017-01-03 21:13:19 UTC
You want him to prevent whites from having the freedom to come and go as they please?

Do you know what would happen if 'white flight' was prevented? You wouldn't like it.
2017-01-03 21:12:40 UTC
whites are leaving the big cities en mass. its very scary and seems to not be slowing down
2017-01-04 18:36:36 UTC
I am sure he has a full plate already. And I doubt he could do anything to change it
2017-01-06 04:00:17 UTC
2017-01-04 10:36:27 UTC
WHITE PEOPLE CAN FLY? Times have changed....
2017-01-06 11:53:03 UTC
Racism needs to ed.
2017-01-03 21:13:33 UTC
no. whites are fleeing the big cities to escape change, minorities, diversity, and big city issues.
2017-01-04 09:00:55 UTC
He can't
2017-01-06 02:55:39 UTC
He won t even be able o be president, much less fix social issues.
2017-01-05 20:35:43 UTC
Depends on the political scale
2017-01-04 18:39:50 UTC
No he can't and Won't
2017-01-05 00:12:49 UTC
No. No one has the right to tell people where to live.
2017-01-05 07:40:31 UTC
2017-01-03 21:20:02 UTC
only through gentrification....which, of course, will be then condemned by some as "racists kicking out the locals"...
2017-01-04 00:05:32 UTC
read the news?

200k black fols moved outa from chicago

thank you diversity & tolerance
2017-01-04 05:31:20 UTC
who cares
2017-01-06 01:18:52 UTC
No. Why should I want to live in a shi* hole slum?
2017-01-04 23:17:56 UTC
2017-01-04 00:57:40 UTC
any people come n go as they prez should try and stop it
2017-01-05 02:27:47 UTC
Probably not
2017-01-04 09:19:16 UTC
2017-01-04 18:28:56 UTC
wwhite people are terrible
2017-01-04 01:16:15 UTC
2017-01-03 23:01:21 UTC
Y would he want to ?
2017-01-05 04:16:59 UTC
Chicken shi
The Football God
2017-01-03 21:52:37 UTC
Probably. But why would he?
2017-01-03 21:12:50 UTC
No, but why would he? Not his role.
Jerry S
2017-01-04 20:35:45 UTC
in a word, no
2017-01-05 00:40:31 UTC
no the blacks dindu nuffin its just da racist whitey
2017-01-04 20:50:15 UTC
2017-01-03 23:01:32 UTC
2017-01-05 01:44:46 UTC
2017-01-03 22:39:59 UTC
maybe !!!
2017-01-05 00:38:19 UTC

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