Trump can easily impact the root causes for white flight.
Suburbs began shortly following the 1954 Brown v Board of Education holding which mandated integration of schools. Gee, look at the unequivocal correlation: The US used to lead the world in education – we went to the moon – and now we are 36th. Then LBJ began his “War on Poverty” with the explosion of welfares. The only welfare before this was social security, then BOOM! Born on Medicaid, raised on WIC and foodstamps in section 8 housing with rent and utility subsidies, free headstart babysitting, obamaphones, maybe some social security disability… This was an evil marriage of democrats seeking power and blacks with one man one vote. In densely populated cities Libtards could bribe thousands easily with social services distributed in the cities, then on election day the off-duty union guy would troll a bus around the projects offering free bologna sandwiches and generic grape soda and surprise, the libtard candidate wins. This is EXACTLY how DeBlasio got elected. See the county by county electoral college map last election? Feral people living close to social services voted overwhelmingly Hillary. Some precincts in Philadelphia were 100%!
There are still plenty of white cities: Salt Lake City UT, Rapid City SD. They are quite nice. Libtard cities? Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Newark, St Louis including Ferguson – all ghetto dumps of squalor, misery, and violence, all long governed by democrats.
End white flight? Security is condition prerequisite. Crush criminals. Do not permit the mayor to accept HUD section 8 money and close the projects. I’d like to see a requirement that welfare recipients be placed on birth control, like norplant, so they stop proliferating. Push the feral beast people out. Permit school vouchers so smart kids can learn with other smart kids, not get jammed into the pits of “diversity” where culture moves to the lowest common denominator. Don’t elect democrats. They are the enemy.