Why is there so much hatred for "Zionism" Israel? Is it just another form of antisemitism?
2010-12-22 22:36:47 UTC
I have met many prejudiced Muslims in university who think Judaism is an abomination and that Israel shouldn't exist, most of them think this and I found them to be repugnant jerks who are denying God's will. And most leftists I have met hate anything that involves Patriotism or God. Do you think that many leftists hate jews secretly and just pretend that they just hate Israel as a cover or do you think their hatred of the state is purely ideological.
Eight answers:
2010-12-22 22:53:32 UTC
No its not antisemitism, I don't like countries that commit genocide and numerous human rights violations and interfere alot with American affairs and cause them, and then call everyone who speaks out a Nazi or antisemitic because they want people ignorant of what they are doing.
2010-12-23 14:58:27 UTC
The idea of a Jewish homeland, consisting of a place where Jews could live in peace isn't a bad thing for them in a world where they have been systematically tossed out and blamed whenever anything went wrong in Europe. Leftists do not hate Israel in fact for a long time, early in the last century, many Jews were leftists, they did not hate the thought of the existence of a Jewish state.

While there are some who are atheist or agnostic, for the most part only the most fringe of the left hates any religious group. They can be quite patriotic, its just that you don't see patriotism as they do.

I've noticed those on the left want an almost idealistic America, and everything else is something they criticize and want to make 'better'. More open, less intrusive, more accepting of differences.

Muslims of course want the land for themselves, and its to their advantage to keep the hate of Jews alive.

And they do it well. But I'd regard it less as an expression of God's will as the fact that they have fought and won four wars to make the state of Israel theirs.

They also have one of the most modern mid east countries and one of the best standards of living.

That trotted out reference to the Chosen People means that the Messiah, Jesus, was to come from them.

Which is what happened.
2010-12-25 17:14:52 UTC
Unfortunately anti-jewish hatred is contained within some of the Koran and is preached from the pulpits of many radical Mosques. Jews have been ethnically cleansed from much of the Muslim world and this anti-jewish hatred coincides with the rise of Arab Nationalism. There is an unholy alliance between elements of the far left & Jihadist extremists which is why you see them championing Hezbollah (party of God) and Hamas (Muslim Brotherhood ) . It's more than ideological since much of its extremism is pathological and you see (even on Yahoo answers) and amounts to what they think to be a "politically correct" form of antisemitism.

Since the holocaust - Europe has been cured of its traditional antisemitism but this hatred is now endemic within most of the Muslim world-even as far as Malaysia.
2010-12-26 08:48:19 UTC
Down with Israel
2010-12-23 11:11:37 UTC
You obviously are ignorant of the fact that all the arab and jewish people are semitic, and you also appear to be an apologist for the apartheid state of Israel. I hate the state of Israel not because they are jewish but because they are murdering, racist, land thieves. If these pariah's were to go back to the original 1948 boundaries and treated their arab citizens as human beings this hatred would vanish. I also get the impression that you are a repugnant jerk, as well as being ignorant of the true situation in Israel.
The angels have the phone box.
2010-12-23 12:43:36 UTC
For centuries, hatred against Jews was 'justified' through religion.

During the 'Enlightenment' period after the French Revolution, Europe began to slowly get the hang of civil rights and it was no longer as acceptable to hate someone because of his or her religious beliefs. So the bigots invented a racial or genetic 'basis' for their hate. (They also coined the term 'antisemitism' and in their usage it did refer solely to Jews.)

Now a days, it's no longer so acceptable to hate someone because of his or her race or ethnicity. So the bigots tell outright lies about Israel, Jews and 'Zionists' and non-bigots believe them without looking at the actual facts.

That last bit is the frightening part. Historically, the violence comes when enough of the non-bigots believe the lies.
2010-12-23 10:22:34 UTC
Israel is chosen to attract human attention to God and to be His evidence on earth. Whether you love or hate them, you are brought closer to the question: what is your relationship with God?
2010-12-23 06:58:36 UTC
One thing underlies both syndromes. It is well known that the Jews call themselves "The chosen people." How a race famous for its skills in marketing could think that non-Jews could be anything but hostile to that assertion bewilders me. I will immediately admit that other religions behave as though THEY were the chosen people, but they don't come out and say it. The same is true of Zionism. Birds of a feather flock together. That is the human condition. Muslims do it in other regions of the Middle East.

In my opinion, the difference between the gentile opinion of Israel and its opinion of jehaddist Islam is that we view the Jews as more like us and disapprove of their being so "in our face." (We expect the worst and get it from the alien Muslims.) It is an irony, since Jewish, feminist academics in the U.S. were in the forefront of the creation of "politically correct" language. Israel is anything but politically correct.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.