The idea of a Jewish homeland, consisting of a place where Jews could live in peace isn't a bad thing for them in a world where they have been systematically tossed out and blamed whenever anything went wrong in Europe. Leftists do not hate Israel in fact for a long time, early in the last century, many Jews were leftists, they did not hate the thought of the existence of a Jewish state.
While there are some who are atheist or agnostic, for the most part only the most fringe of the left hates any religious group. They can be quite patriotic, its just that you don't see patriotism as they do.
I've noticed those on the left want an almost idealistic America, and everything else is something they criticize and want to make 'better'. More open, less intrusive, more accepting of differences.
Muslims of course want the land for themselves, and its to their advantage to keep the hate of Jews alive.
And they do it well. But I'd regard it less as an expression of God's will as the fact that they have fought and won four wars to make the state of Israel theirs.
They also have one of the most modern mid east countries and one of the best standards of living.
That trotted out reference to the Chosen People means that the Messiah, Jesus, was to come from them.
Which is what happened.