People get murdered every day, if they can prove this was a racial or political murder then it should be tried as such, but I think it's premature to start painting evrything you disagree with as guilty just yet. Some people should be left alone, the answer is to leave those people alone. There are crazy people out there who should be in a half way or permanent home to see to it they get their meds daily and have some normalcy in their lives, they can be "tools" of either side. When you consider they want census workers checking under bridges, in what were once called hobo camps, etc. it is inevitable they will be getting into bad situation, and there are places in my own neighborhood I wouldn't go alone asking questions, my mother used to conduct the local school district census twenty years ago and she never went alone. No one who hates this country is a real "tea bagger", they are not the ones ignoring the Constitution or destroying the American culture or wealth generating mechanism that supports our country and much of our charitable acts in the rest of this world. Hatred destroys everything, including the people who let themselves be consumed by it, whether hatred by race, creed, nationality, poltical, ebnvironmental issue, etc. etc. Hate replaces debate, questioning, understanding, solving problems. Hate supports indoctrinization of thought, propaganda, stampeding the masses over a cliff. If a person gets that consumed with hate they need to turn off the tv, radio, throw out the paper, take a walk. There are plenty of people out there to act crazy in this world, one less won't make a difference.