2010-10-21 06:45:23 UTC
The Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz reports: “Former White House correspondent Helen Thomas has acknowledged she touched a nerve with remarks about Israel that led to her retirement. But she says the comments were ‘exactly what I thought,’ even though she realized soon afterward that it was the end of her job. ‘I hit the third rail. You cannot criticize Israel in this country and survive,’ Thomas told Ohio station WMRN-AM in a sometimes emotional 35-minute interview that aired Tuesday. It was recorded a week earlier by WMRN reporter Scott Spears at Thomas’ Washington, D.C., condominium.”
I thought we had Free Speech in America. Why then do so many people lose their jobs for telling the truth about the Jews or the minorities? You can’t fire someone because they are Black, but you can sure as heck fire someone for an offhand remark that their employer doesn’t approve of. Maybe free speech should be protected –that seems like a much more important “civil right” for a free people.
Ha’aretz goes on: “Thomas, 90, stepped down from her job as a columnist for Hearst News Service in June after a rabbi and independent filmmaker videotaped her outside the White House calling on Israelis to get out of Palestine. She gave up her front row seat in the White House press room, where she had aimed often pointed questions at 10 presidents, going back to Eisenhower. She has kept a low profile since then. ‘It was very hard for the first two weeks. After that, I came out of my coma,’ said Thomas, whose parents immigrated to the U.S. from Lebanon. Rabbi David Nesenoff, who runs the website, said he approached Thomas after he’d been at the White House for Jewish Heritage Day on May 27. He asked whether she had any comments on Israel. ‘Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine,’ she replied. ‘Remember, these people are occupied and it’s their land. It’s not Germany, it’s not Poland,’ she continued. Asked where they should go, she answered, ‘They should go home.’ ‘Where’s home?’ Nesenoff asked. ‘Poland, Germany and America and everywhere else,’ Thomas replied. ‘I told him exactly what I thought,’ she told Spears…”
A 60-year career went right down the tubes for speaking out loud two or three sentences containing a forbidden truth. Maybe Helen Thomas thought after all those years in the very seat of power that she was immune from the Unwritten Rules. She found out different. The Jews had to make an example of her, specifically to show that no one, no one, within the System may utter a single critical word about Israel and expect to “survive” in the professional sense. Ironically, it is incidents like these which prove the very point some of these celebrities are trying to make about the power of the Jews.
Americans don’t like being told what to do or what to say. Whether it’s a growing list of politically correct taboos or simple Jewish tyranny. There’s a growing rebellion here in America, and the Tea party is only the start of it. Just wait until we get to the Jewish problem.