Principled Values in self-reliance, perseverance, hardship, hard work, responsibilities & real discipline (boot camp) is what a great society need & fight against savior complex, self-glorification, self-promotion, & arrogance delusional or merited the way the japanese huge majority, shaolin & amish society live their lives with the amish being the truest pacifist. Whether atheist or religious the path to a great society is not to be self absorbed & very dependent on others.
Not all parents discipline their children, but their children are their parents burden & responsibilities first & foremost, not society, government or anybody else's. Taking away parents rights to discipline their children properly only encourages facilitating spoiled behavior not learning that there are consequences in negative behavior.
I suppose more stop & search laws are needed or having at least 5 armed guards/cops/national guard on patrol in every k-12 schools & malls or just move children out of schools into home schooling or tutoring the way it was a 2,000 to a 100 year ago. Video games, horror flicks, crime flicks, action flicks, sci-fi flicks, adventure flicks, war flicks, music that brags of murder or any gun crimes & hardcore xxx films influences teens with homicidal Ideals why not limit it all to E rating. Hollywood is the biggest promoter of fire-arms as a life saver necessary to fight evil: Django Sukiyaki/Unchained, dust till dawn, zero dark, saving private ryan, mission impossible, grind house, transformers etc. Perhaps hollywood should write out fire arms & replace them with spears, arrows, & tomahawk.
How about disarming military & law enforcement? What's going to keep their firearms from being stolen or sold in the black market by corrupt military, law enforcement, personnel, DA or DOJ's fast & furious program that lets suspects walk away in a sting without any intention to track & apprehend suspects letting loose fire arms waiting for them be used in criminal activity or homicides by non citizens & criminals they intended to arm.
You have laws against rape, murder, robberies, & many other crimes, why can't these laws stop criminals from committing these crimes. There are laws in driving safety yet many still don't follow. Costas reacted verbally against gun ownership when a FB player used it to commit suicide, but did not reacted verbally against car ownership when a FB player rolled out of control from speeding killing a team mate. Whether it's robbery, rape, murder, suicide, negligent reckless accidents, or abortion those who made the choice are responsible for their action no body else's, & there's nothing that can be done to ban or completely stop these from happening.
Law abiding gun owners out number murderous individuals, thugs, groups, & gangs by the millions yet they don't go out committing robberies, rape, or murder slinging or firing their guns in the air around intimidating people like thugs & gangs or the mid east & sub sahara.
Gun control dictates that only criminals should have guns. What's going to stop a home invader from raping a 12 year old locked in the bathroom closet? What's going to stop a family from being robbed by an armed burglar? What's going to stop a business owner or home owner from being looted during a disaster, a 1/2 or a 1/3rd of americans are not as principled & disciplined as the Japanese? The carr brothers would not have succeeded in sodomizing & killing 4 unarmed people if those 4 were armed with some self defense training, or better yet if those 4 were former seals, rangers, marines. Not everybody has bodyguards, henchmen, secret service to watch their their backs, families & homes 24/7.
People without or with violent tendencies who may not have committed capital crimes yet can someday commit capital crimes & there is no way anybody can predict when a crime is going to be committed unless every person in the country are monitored or spied upon by the government, plus law enforcers don't have a tele-porter device to transport them to where the criminal or criminals are within micro seconds. Even members of law enforcement & legislature commit crimes. A gun is not needed to commit capital crime, toxins, fire (esme kenny), poisons, strangulation (marsha trimble), sharp objects (nicole simpson), cars, blunt force from stones, & bats is just as effective as a gun.
James Holmes, Jarod Lee Laughner, Major Nadal Hasan should've been executed within a year. Sentencing is all that is needed when capital crimes are committed in public view with hundreds of witnesses caught in the act. Japanese generals were hanged & german insurgents faced firing squads within months after capture in WWII.